/* * Copyright (c) 2023. Open Mobile Platform LLC. * License: Proprietary. */ import 'package:flutter_example_packages/base/package/package_page.dart'; import 'package:flutter_example_packages/packages/battery_plus/page.dart'; import 'package:get_it/get_it.dart'; import 'model.dart'; /// Package values final packageBatteryPlus = PackagePage( key: 'battery_plus', descEN: ''' A Flutter plugin to access various information about the battery of the device the app is running on. ''', descRU: ''' Плагин Flutter для доступа к различной информации о аккумулятор устройства, на котором запущено приложение. ''', version: '4.0.1', isPlatformDependent: true, page: () => BatteryPlusPage(), init: () { GetIt.instance.registerFactory(() => BatteryPlusModel()); }, );