/* * Copyright (C) 2023 Open Mobile Platform LLC. */ import 'package:device_info_plus/device_info_plus.dart'; import 'package:device_info_plus_aurora/aurora_device_info.dart'; import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart'; import 'package:scoped_model/scoped_model.dart'; /// Model for [DeviceInfoPlusPage] class DeviceInfoPlusModel extends Model { /// Get [ScopedModel] static DeviceInfoPlusModel of(BuildContext context) => ScopedModel.of(context); final _deviceInfoPlugin = DeviceInfoPlugin(); /// Get Aurora info Future get _deviceInfo async => await _deviceInfoPlugin.linuxInfo as AuroraDeviceInfo; /// Error String? _error; /// Public error String? get error => _error; /// Public is error bool get isError => _error != null; /// Get ID name device Future getID() async { try { return (await _deviceInfo).id; } catch (e) { _error = e.toString(); } notifyListeners(); return null; } /// Device name Future getName() async { try { return (await _deviceInfo).name; } catch (e) { _error = e.toString(); } notifyListeners(); return null; } /// Version Future getVersion() async { try { return (await _deviceInfo).version; } catch (e) { _error = e.toString(); } notifyListeners(); return null; } /// Device full name Future getPrettyName() async { try { return (await _deviceInfo).prettyName; } catch (e) { _error = e.toString(); } notifyListeners(); return null; } /// Check has GNSS Future hasGNSS() async { try { return (await _deviceInfo).hasGNSS; } catch (e) { _error = e.toString(); } notifyListeners(); return null; } /// Check has NFC Future hasNFC() async { try { return (await _deviceInfo).hasNFC; } catch (e) { _error = e.toString(); } notifyListeners(); return null; } /// Check has Bluetooth Future hasBluetooth() async { try { return (await _deviceInfo).hasBluetooth; } catch (e) { _error = e.toString(); } notifyListeners(); return null; } /// Check has Wlan Future hasWlan() async { try { return (await _deviceInfo).hasWlan; } catch (e) { _error = e.toString(); } notifyListeners(); return null; } /// Max CPU clock speed Future getMaxCpuClockSpeed() async { try { return (await _deviceInfo).maxCpuClockSpeed; } catch (e) { _error = e.toString(); } notifyListeners(); return null; } /// Number CPU cores Future getNumberCpuCores() async { try { return (await _deviceInfo).numberCpuCores; } catch (e) { _error = e.toString(); } notifyListeners(); return null; } /// Get battery level in percent 0-100 Future getBatteryChargePercentage() async { try { return (await _deviceInfo).batteryChargePercentage; } catch (e) { _error = e.toString(); } notifyListeners(); return null; } /// Camera resolution Future getMainCameraResolution() async { try { return (await _deviceInfo).mainCameraResolution; } catch (e) { _error = e.toString(); } notifyListeners(); return null; } /// Frontal camera resolution Future getFrontalCameraResolution() async { try { return (await _deviceInfo).frontalCameraResolution; } catch (e) { _error = e.toString(); } notifyListeners(); return null; } /// RAM total size Future getRamTotalSize() async { try { return (await _deviceInfo).ramTotalSize; } catch (e) { _error = e.toString(); } notifyListeners(); return null; } /// RAM free size Future getRamFreeSize() async { try { return (await _deviceInfo).ramFreeSize; } catch (e) { _error = e.toString(); } notifyListeners(); return null; } /// Screen resolution Future getScreenResolution() async { try { return (await _deviceInfo).screenResolution; } catch (e) { _error = e.toString(); } notifyListeners(); return null; } /// Version @todo Future getOsVersion() async { try { return (await _deviceInfo).osVersion; } catch (e) { _error = e.toString(); } notifyListeners(); return null; } /// Device model Future getDeviceModel() async { try { return (await _deviceInfo).deviceModel; } catch (e) { _error = e.toString(); } notifyListeners(); return null; } /// Get map with info about external storage Future?> getExternalStorage() async { try { return (await _deviceInfo).externalStorage; } catch (e) { _error = e.toString(); } notifyListeners(); return null; } /// Get map with info about internal storage Future?> getInternalStorage() async { try { return (await _deviceInfo).internalStorage; } catch (e) { _error = e.toString(); } notifyListeners(); return null; } /// Get map with info about SIM cards Future>?> getSimCards() async { try { return (await _deviceInfo).simCards; } catch (e) { _error = e.toString(); } notifyListeners(); return null; } }