226 lines
9.9 KiB
226 lines
9.9 KiB
{ |
"@_PROVIDER": {}, |
"providerTitle": "Provider", |
"providerSubtitle": "Simple example use provider package", |
"@_RXDART": {}, |
"rxdartTitle": "Rxdart", |
"rxdartSubtitle": "Simple example using Rx for Dart", |
"@_TRANSLATOR": {}, |
"translatorTitle": "Translate", |
"translatorSubtitle": "Translate en -> ru 'Hello!'", |
"translatorText": "Hello!", |
"@_EQUATABLE": {}, |
"equatableTitleDefault": "It's default class, 46 of lines", |
"equatableTitleFreezed": "It's equatable class, 26 of lines", |
"equatableSubtitle": "Methods: toString, operator ==, hashCode.", |
"@_FREEZED": {}, |
"freezedTitleDefault": "It's default class, 74 of lines", |
"freezedTitleFreezed": "It's freezed class, 21 of lines", |
"freezedSubtitle": "Methods: fromJson, copyWith, toJson, toString, operator ==, hashCode.", |
"@_DARTZ": {}, |
"dartzTitle": "Convert size", |
"dartzDesc": "Convert the size grid of Russia to the size grid of Europe.", |
"dartzErrorReq": "Required field", |
"dartzErrorInt": "Please enter RUS size (42 - 62)", |
"dartzErrorFound": "Size not found (42 - 62)", |
"dartzDefaultValue": "Specify the size and click 'Submit'", |
"dartzLabel": "Size in RUS", |
"dartzSubmit": "Submit", |
"@_SQFLITE": {}, |
"sqfliteTitleState": "Database state", |
"sqfliteTitleInsert": "Database insert", |
"sqfliteTitleUpdate": "Database update by ID", |
"sqfliteTitleDelete": "Database delete by ID", |
"sqfliteTitleError": "ID not found", |
"sqfliteTitleBtnClear": "Clear", |
"sqfliteTitleBtnSubmit": "Submit", |
"sqfliteTitleFieldID": "ID", |
"sqfliteTitleFieldName": "Name (TEXT)", |
"sqfliteTitleFieldValue": "Value (INTEGER)", |
"sqfliteTitleFieldNum": "Num (REAL)", |
"sqfliteTitleValidateRequired": "Required field", |
"sqfliteTitleValidateType": "Please enter {type} value", |
"@sqfliteTitleValidateType": { |
"placeholders": { |
"type": { |
"type": "String", |
"example": "int" |
} |
} |
}, |
"@_BATTERY_PLUS": {}, |
"batteryPlusTitleBatteryLevel": "Battery Level", |
"batteryPlusDescBatteryLevel": "Battery level in percent 0 - 100.", |
"batteryPlusTitleBatteryState": "Battery State", |
"batteryPlusDescBatteryState": "Battery state: full, charging, discharging, unknown.", |
"batteryPlusTitleBatterySaveMode": "Save Mode", |
"batteryPlusDescBatterySaveMode": "Check is enable 'Save Mode'.", |
"batteryPlusTitleBatteryStateLive": "Battery State 'Live'", |
"batteryPlusDescBatteryStateLive": "Battery change state stream.", |
"flutterKeyboardVisibilityTitle": "Keyboard", |
"flutterKeyboardVisibilityDesc": "Stream state keyboard open/close", |
"flutterKeyboardVisibilityTitleHeight": "Keyboard height", |
"flutterKeyboardVisibilityDescHeight": "Stream state keyboard height", |
"flutterKeyboardVisibilityField": "Click for focus", |
"flutterKeyboardVisibilityButton": "Clear focus", |
"deviceInfoPlusTitleID": "ID", |
"deviceInfoPlusDescID": "Device ID.", |
"deviceInfoPlusTitleName": "Name", |
"deviceInfoPlusDescName": "Device name.", |
"deviceInfoPlusTitleVersion": "Version OS", |
"deviceInfoPlusDescVersion": "Short OS version.", |
"deviceInfoPlusTitlePrettyName": "Full Name", |
"deviceInfoPlusDescPrettyName": "Pretty name OS.", |
"deviceInfoPlusTitleGNSS": "GNSS", |
"deviceInfoPlusDescGNSS": "Check is has GNSS.", |
"deviceInfoPlusTitleNFC": "NFC", |
"deviceInfoPlusDescNFC": "Check is has NFC.", |
"deviceInfoPlusTitleBluetooth": "Bluetooth", |
"deviceInfoPlusDescBluetooth": "Check is has bluetooth.", |
"deviceInfoPlusTitleWlan": "WLAN", |
"deviceInfoPlusDescWlan": "Check is has Wireless LAN.", |
"deviceInfoPlusTitleMaxCpuClockSpeed": "CPU speed", |
"deviceInfoPlusDescMaxCpuClockSpeed": "Max CPU clock speed.", |
"deviceInfoPlusTitleNumberCpuCores": "CPU cores", |
"deviceInfoPlusDescNumberCpuCores": "Number CPU cores.", |
"deviceInfoPlusTitleBatteryCharge": "Battery charge", |
"deviceInfoPlusDescBatteryCharge": "Battery level in percent 0-100.", |
"deviceInfoPlusTitleMainCameraResolution": "Main camera", |
"deviceInfoPlusDescMainCameraResolution": "Main camera resolution.", |
"deviceInfoPlusTitleFrontalCameraResolution": "Frontal camera", |
"deviceInfoPlusDescFrontalCameraResolution": "Frontal camera resolution.", |
"deviceInfoPlusTitleRamTotalSize": "RAM total", |
"deviceInfoPlusDescRamTotalSize": "RAM total size.", |
"deviceInfoPlusTitleRamFreeSize": "RAM free", |
"deviceInfoPlusDescRamFreeSize": "RAM free size.", |
"deviceInfoPlusTitleScreenResolution": "Screen", |
"deviceInfoPlusDescScreenResolution": "Screen resolution.", |
"deviceInfoPlusTitleOsVersion": "Version OS", |
"deviceInfoPlusDescOsVersion": "Full OS version.", |
"deviceInfoPlusTitleDeviceModel": "Device", |
"deviceInfoPlusDescDeviceModel": "Device name model.", |
"flutterLocalNotificationsHintTitle": "Notification title", |
"flutterLocalNotificationsHintBody": "Notification body", |
"flutterLocalNotificationsBtn": "Send", |
"flutterSecureStorageSuccess": "Data saved successfully", |
"flutterSecureStorageTitleSave": "Save value", |
"flutterSecureStorageTitleGet": "Get value", |
"flutterSecureStorageFieldPass": "Password", |
"flutterSecureStorageFieldKey": "Key", |
"flutterSecureStorageFieldValue": "Value", |
"flutterSecureStorageBtnSave": "Save value", |
"flutterSecureStorageBtnGet": "Get value", |
"packageInfoPlusTitlePackageName": "Package", |
"packageInfoPlusDescPackageName": "Package name.", |
"packageInfoPlusTitleApplicationName": "Name", |
"packageInfoPlusDescApplicationName": "Application name.", |
"@_PATH_PROVIDER": {}, |
"pathProviderTitleApplicationSupport": "Application Support", |
"pathProviderDescApplicationSupport": "Directory where the application may place application support files.", |
"pathProviderTitleTemporary": "Temporary", |
"pathProviderDescTemporary": "Directory location where user-specific non-essential (cached) data should be written.", |
"pathProviderTitleApplicationDocuments": "Documents", |
"pathProviderDescApplicationDocuments": "Directory containing user document files.", |
"pathProviderTitleDownloads": "Download", |
"pathProviderDescDownloads": "Directory for user's downloaded files.", |
"pathProviderTitlePictures": "Pictures", |
"pathProviderDescPictures": "There is no concept of External in Aurora OS, but this interface allows you to get the StorageDirectory.pictures directory.", |
"pathProviderTitleMusic": "Music", |
"pathProviderDescMusic": "There is no concept of External in Aurora OS, but this interface allows you to get the StorageDirectory.music directory.", |
"pathProviderTitleMovies": "Movies", |
"pathProviderDescMovies": "There is no concept of External in Aurora OS, but this interface allows you to get the StorageDirectory.movies directory.", |
"sharedPreferencesTitleState": "State", |
"sharedPreferencesTitleUpdate": "Update", |
"sharedPreferencesFieldInt": "Int", |
"sharedPreferencesFieldBool": "Bool", |
"sharedPreferencesFieldDouble": "Double", |
"sharedPreferencesFieldString": "String", |
"sharedPreferencesFieldList": "List", |
"sharedPreferencesFieldBtnClean": "Clean", |
"sharedPreferencesFieldBtn": "Save", |
"sharedPreferencesFieldError": "Please enter {value} value", |
"@sharedPreferencesFieldError": { |
"placeholders": { |
"value": { |
"type": "String", |
"example": "int" |
} |
} |
}, |
"@_WAKELOCK": {}, |
"wakelockTitle": "Wakelock", |
"wakelockDesc": "The plugin allows you to enable and toggle the screen wakelock, which prevents the screen from turning off automatically.", |
"xdgaDirectoriesTitleCacheLocation": "App Data Location", |
"xdgaDirectoriesDescCacheLocation": "Directory location where persistent application data can be stored.", |
"xdgaDirectoriesTitleAppDataLocation": "Cache Location", |
"xdgaDirectoriesDescAppDataLocation": "Directory location where user-specific non-essential (cached) data should be written.", |
"xdgaDirectoriesTitleDocumentsLocation": "Documents Location", |
"xdgaDirectoriesDescDocumentsLocation": "Directory containing user document files.", |
"xdgaDirectoriesTitleDownloadLocation": "Download Location", |
"xdgaDirectoriesDescDownloadLocation": "Directory for user's downloaded files.", |
"xdgaDirectoriesTitleMusicLocation": "Music Location", |
"xdgaDirectoriesDescMusicLocation": "Directory containing the user's music or other audio files.", |
"xdgaDirectoriesTitlePicturesLocation": "Pictures Location", |
"xdgaDirectoriesDescPicturesLocation": "Directory containing the user's pictures or photos.", |
"xdgaDirectoriesTitleGenericDataLocation": "Generic Data Location", |
"xdgaDirectoriesDescGenericDataLocation": "Directory location where persistent data shared across applications can be stored.", |
"xdgaDirectoriesTitleMoviesLocation": "Movies Location", |
"xdgaDirectoriesDescMoviesLocation": "Directory containing the user's movies and videos.", |
"@_COMMON": {}, |
"commonClose": "Close", |
"commonEmptyValue": "Empty", |
"commonLoading": "Loading...", |
"@_HOME_SCREEN": {}, |
"homePageTitle": "Flutter Aurora OS", |
"homeWelcomeTitle": "Welcome!", |
"homeWelcomeText": "In this application you can find {count} Flutter plugins supporting Aurora OS. If it happens that something is missing for you, you can write to us or add it yourself.", |
"@homeWelcomeText": { |
"placeholders": { |
"count": { |
"type": "int", |
"example": "0" |
} |
} |
}, |
"homeListStateDependent": "platform dependent", |
"homeListStateIndependent": "platform independent", |
"homeListVersion": "Version: {version}", |
"@homeListVersion": { |
"placeholders": { |
"version": { |
"type": "String", |
"example": "1.0.0" |
} |
} |
}, |
"homeSearchTitle": "Search...", |
"homeSearch": "Search packages", |
"homeFilter": "Filter", |
"homeNotFoundTitle": "Not found", |
"homeNotFoundSubtitle": "What you were looking for is not in the list of verified plugins, but this does not mean that it will not work, check it out and you may want to add it to this list of verified plugins." |