<imgalt="Download on the App Store"title="App Store"src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11523360/178162313-182568ae-c9a2-48bd-9a51-883562788d9e.png"height="50">
<imgalt="Download on the Google Play"title="Google Play"src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11523360/178162318-533a29de-750f-4d4b-b117-f3d01c2c9340.png"height="50">
ZXScanner is a free QR code and barcode scanner app for Android and iOS. It is built using Flutter and the [flutter_zxing](https://github.com/khoren93/flutter_zxing) plugin.
Flutter ZXing is a Flutter plugin for scanning and generating QR codes using the ZXing (Zebra Crossing) barcode scanning library. The plugin is implemented using the Dart FFI (Foreign Function Interface) and the [zxing-cpp](https://github.com/zxing-cpp/zxing-cpp) library, and allows you to easily integrate barcode scanning and generation functionality into your Flutter apps.
Note that flutter_zxing relies on the Dart FFI (Foreign Function Interface) feature, which is currently only available for the mobile and desktop platforms. As a result, the plugin is not currently supported on the web platform.
In addition, flutter_zxing uses the camera plugin to access the device's camera for scanning barcodes. This plugin is only supported on mobile platforms, and is not available for desktop platforms. Therefore, some features of flutter_zxing, such as scanning barcodes using the camera, are not available on desktop platforms.
Use Melos to install the dependencies of the flutter_zxing project. Melos is a tool that helps you manage multiple Dart packages in a single repository. To install Melos, use the following command:
pub global activate melos
To install the dependencies of the flutter_zxing project, use the following command:
melos bootstrap
To allow the building on iOS and MacOS, you need to run the following command:
cd scripts
sh update_ios_macos_src.sh
Now you can run the flutter_zxing example app on your device or emulator.