import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:ffi'; import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:isolate'; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:camera/camera.dart'; import 'package:ffi/ffi.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:image/image.dart' as imglib; import 'generated_bindings.dart'; import 'isolate_utils.dart'; export 'generated_bindings.dart'; export 'reader_widget.dart'; export 'writer_widget.dart'; export 'image_converter.dart'; export 'scanner_overlay.dart'; /// The main class for reading barcodes from images or camera. class FlutterZxing { static const MethodChannel _channel = MethodChannel('flutter_zxing'); static Future get platformVersion async { final String? version = await _channel.invokeMethod('getPlatformVersion'); return version; } static final bindings = GeneratedBindings(dylib); static IsolateUtils? isolateUtils; /// Enables or disables the logging of the library static void setLogEnabled(bool enabled) => bindings.setLogEnabled(enabled ? 1 : 0); /// Returns a version of the zxing library static String version() => bindings.version().cast().toDartString(); /// Starts reading barcode from the camera static Future startCameraProcessing() async { // Spawn a new isolate isolateUtils = IsolateUtils(); await isolateUtils?.startReadingBarcode(); } /// Stops reading barcode from the camera static void stopCameraProcessing() => isolateUtils?.stopReadingBarcode(); /// Reads barcode from String image path static Future readImagePathString( String path, { int format = Format.Any, int cropWidth = 0, int cropHeight = 0, }) => readImagePath(XFile(path), format: format, cropWidth: cropWidth, cropHeight: cropHeight); /// Reads barcode from XFile image path static Future readImagePath( XFile path, { int format = Format.Any, int cropWidth = 0, int cropHeight = 0, }) async { final Uint8List imageBytes = await path.readAsBytes(); imglib.Image? image = imglib.decodeImage(imageBytes); if (image == null) { return null; } return readBarcode( image.getBytes(format: imglib.Format.luminance), format, image.width, image.height, cropWidth, cropHeight, ); } /// Reads barcode from image url static Future readImageUrl( String url, { int format = Format.Any, int cropWidth = 0, int cropHeight = 0, }) async { final Uint8List imageBytes = (await NetworkAssetBundle(Uri.parse(url)).load(url)) .buffer .asUint8List(); imglib.Image? image = imglib.decodeImage(imageBytes); if (image == null) { return null; } return readBarcode( image.getBytes(format: imglib.Format.luminance), format, image.width, image.height, cropWidth, cropHeight, ); } static CodeResult readBarcode(Uint8List bytes, int format, int width, int height, int cropWidth, int cropHeight) { return bindings.readBarcode( bytes.allocatePointer(), format, width, height, cropWidth, cropHeight); } static List readBarcodes(Uint8List bytes, int format, int width, int height, int cropWidth, int cropHeight) { final result = bindings.readBarcodes( bytes.allocatePointer(), format, width, height, cropWidth, cropHeight); List results = []; for (int i = 0; i < result.count; i++) { results.add(result.results.elementAt(i).ref); } return results; } static EncodeResult encodeBarcode(String contents, int width, int height, int format, int margin, int eccLevel) { var result = bindings.encodeBarcode(contents.toNativeUtf8().cast(), width, height, format, margin, eccLevel); return result; } static Future processCameraImage(CameraImage image, {int format = Format.Any, double cropPercent = 0.5}) async { var isolateData = IsolateData(image, format, cropPercent); CodeResult result = await _inference(isolateData); return result; } /// Runs inference in another isolate static Future _inference(IsolateData isolateData) async { ReceivePort responsePort = ReceivePort(); isolateUtils?.sendPort ?.send(isolateData..responsePort = responsePort.sendPort); var results = await responsePort.first; return results; } static String formatName(int format) => _formatNames[format] ?? 'Unknown'; } // Getting a library that holds needed symbols DynamicLibrary _openDynamicLibrary() { if (Platform.isAndroid) { return''); } else if (Platform.isWindows) { return"flutter_zxing_windows_plugin.dll"); } return DynamicLibrary.process(); } DynamicLibrary dylib = _openDynamicLibrary(); extension Uint8ListBlobConversion on Uint8List { /// Allocates a pointer filled with the Uint8List data. Pointer allocatePointer() { final blob = calloc(length); final blobBytes = blob.asTypedList(length); blobBytes.setAll(0, this); return blob.cast(); } } extension CodeExt on CodeResult { bool get isValidBool => isValid == 1; String? get textString => text == nullptr ? null : text.cast().toDartString(); String get formatString => FlutterZxing.formatName(format); } extension EncodeExt on EncodeResult { bool get isValidBool => isValid == 1; String? get textString => text == nullptr ? null : text.cast().toDartString(); String get formatString => FlutterZxing.formatName(format); Uint32List get bytes => data.cast().asTypedList(length); String get errorMessage => error.cast().toDartString(); } extension CodeFormat on Format { String get name => _formatNames[this] ?? 'Unknown'; static final writerFormats = [ Format.QRCode, Format.DataMatrix, Format.Aztec, Format.PDF417, Format.Codabar, Format.Code39, Format.Code93, Format.Code128, Format.EAN8, Format.EAN13, Format.ITF, Format.UPCA, Format.UPCE, // Format.DataBar, // Format.DataBarExpanded, // Format.MaxiCode, ]; } final _formatNames = { Format.None: 'None', Format.Aztec: 'Aztec', Format.Codabar: 'CodaBar', Format.Code39: 'Code39', Format.Code93: 'Code93', Format.Code128: 'Code128', Format.DataBar: 'DataBar', Format.DataBarExpanded: 'DataBarExpanded', Format.DataMatrix: 'DataMatrix', Format.EAN8: 'EAN8', Format.EAN13: 'EAN13', Format.ITF: 'ITF', Format.MaxiCode: 'MaxiCode', Format.PDF417: 'PDF417', Format.QRCode: 'QR Code', Format.UPCA: 'UPCA', Format.UPCE: 'UPCE', Format.OneDCodes: 'OneD', Format.TwoDCodes: 'TwoD', Format.Any: 'Any', };