import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:math'; import 'package:camera/camera.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:flutter_beep/flutter_beep.dart'; import 'flutter_zxing.dart'; import 'isolate_utils.dart'; class ReaderWidget extends StatefulWidget { const ReaderWidget({ Key? key, required this.onScan, this.onControllerCreated, this.codeFormat = Format.Any, this.beep = true, this.showCroppingRect = true, this.scannerOverlay, this.showFlashlight = true, this.allowPinchZoom = true, this.scanDelay = const Duration(milliseconds: 1000), // 1000ms delay this.cropPercent = 0.5, // 50% of the screen this.resolution = ResolutionPreset.high, }) : super(key: key); final Function(CodeResult) onScan; final Function(CameraController?)? onControllerCreated; final int codeFormat; final bool beep; final bool showCroppingRect; final ScannerOverlay? scannerOverlay; final bool showFlashlight; final bool allowPinchZoom; final Duration scanDelay; final double cropPercent; final ResolutionPreset resolution; @override State createState() => _ReaderWidgetState(); } class _ReaderWidgetState extends State with TickerProviderStateMixin { List? cameras; CameraController? controller; var _cameraOn = false; double _zoom = 1.0; double _scaleFactor = 1.0; double _maxZoomLevel = 1.0; double _minZoomLevel = 1.0; bool isAndroid() => Theme.of(context).platform ==; // true when code detecting is ongoing bool _isProcessing = false; /// Instance of [IsolateUtils] IsolateUtils? isolateUtils; @override void initState() { super.initState(); initStateAsync(); } void initStateAsync() async { // Spawn a new isolate await FlutterZxing.startCameraProcessing(); availableCameras().then((cameras) { setState(() { this.cameras = cameras; if (cameras.isNotEmpty) { onNewCameraSelected(cameras.first); } }); }); SystemChannels.lifecycle.setMessageHandler((message) async { debugPrint(message); final CameraController? cameraController = controller; if (cameraController == null || !cameraController.value.isInitialized) { return; } if (mounted) { if (message == AppLifecycleState.paused.toString()) { await cameraController.stopImageStream(); await cameraController.dispose(); _cameraOn = false; setState(() {}); } if (message == AppLifecycleState.resumed.toString()) { _cameraOn = true; onNewCameraSelected(cameraController.description); } } return null; }); } @override void dispose() { FlutterZxing.stopCameraProcessing(); controller?.dispose(); super.dispose(); } void onNewCameraSelected(CameraDescription cameraDescription) async { if (controller != null) { await controller!.dispose(); } controller = CameraController( cameraDescription, widget.resolution, enableAudio: false, imageFormatGroup: isAndroid() ? ImageFormatGroup.yuv420 : ImageFormatGroup.bgra8888, ); final CameraController? cameraController = controller; if (cameraController == null) { return; } try { await cameraController.initialize(); await cameraController.setFlashMode(; _maxZoomLevel = await cameraController.getMaxZoomLevel(); _minZoomLevel = await cameraController.getMinZoomLevel(); cameraController.startImageStream(processCameraImage); } on CameraException catch (e) { debugPrint('${e.code}: ${e.description}'); } cameraController.addListener(() { if (mounted) setState(() {}); }); if (mounted) { _cameraOn = true; setState(() {}); } widget.onControllerCreated?.call(cameraController); } processCameraImage(CameraImage image) async { if (!_isProcessing) { _isProcessing = true; try { CodeResult result = await FlutterZxing.processCameraImage( image, format: widget.codeFormat, cropPercent: widget.cropPercent, ); if (result.isValidBool) { if (widget.beep) { FlutterBeep.beep(); } widget.onScan(result); setState(() {}); await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1)); } } on FileSystemException catch (e) { debugPrint(e.message); } catch (e) { debugPrint(e.toString()); } await Future.delayed(widget.scanDelay); _isProcessing = false; } return null; } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final size = MediaQuery.of(context).size; final cropSize = min(size.width, size.height) * widget.cropPercent; return Stack( children: [ // Camera preview Center(child: _cameraPreviewWidget(cropSize)), ], ); } // Display the preview from the camera. Widget _cameraPreviewWidget(double cropSize) { final CameraController? cameraController = controller; if (cameras != null && cameras?.isEmpty == true) { return const Text('No cameras found'); } else if (cameraController == null || !cameraController.value.isInitialized || !_cameraOn) { return const CircularProgressIndicator(); } else { final size = MediaQuery.of(context).size; var cameraMaxSize = max(size.width, size.height); return Stack( children: [ SizedBox( width: cameraMaxSize, height: cameraMaxSize, child: ClipRRect( child: OverflowBox( alignment:, child: FittedBox( fit: BoxFit.cover, child: SizedBox( width: cameraMaxSize, child: CameraPreview( cameraController, ), ), ), ), ), ), if (widget.showCroppingRect) Container( decoration: ShapeDecoration( shape: widget.scannerOverlay ?? ScannerOverlay( borderColor: Theme.of(context).primaryColor, overlayColor: Colors.black45, borderRadius: 1, borderLength: 16, borderWidth: 8, cutOutSize: cropSize, ), ), ), if (widget.allowPinchZoom) GestureDetector( onScaleStart: (details) { _zoom = _scaleFactor; }, onScaleUpdate: (details) { _scaleFactor = (_zoom * details.scale).clamp(_minZoomLevel, _maxZoomLevel); cameraController.setZoomLevel(_scaleFactor); }, ), if (widget.showFlashlight) Positioned( bottom: 20, left: 20, child: FloatingActionButton( onPressed: () { FlashMode mode = cameraController.value.flashMode; switch (mode) { case FlashMode.torch: mode =; break; case mode = FlashMode.torch; break; default: } cameraController.setFlashMode(mode); setState(() {}); }, backgroundColor: Colors.black26, child: Icon(_flashIcon(cameraController)), ), ) ], ); } } IconData _flashIcon(CameraController cameraController) { final FlashMode mode = cameraController.value.flashMode; switch (mode) { case FlashMode.torch: return Icons.flash_on; case return Icons.flash_off; default: return Icons.flash_off; } } }