Flutter plugin for scanning and generating QR codes using the ZXing library, supporting Android, iOS, and desktop platforms
49 lines
1011 B
49 lines
1011 B
**/dgph |
*.mode1v3 |
*.mode2v3 |
*.moved-aside |
*.pbxuser |
*.perspectivev3 |
**/*sync/ |
.sconsign.dblite |
.tags* |
**/.vagrant/ |
**/DerivedData/ |
Icon? |
**/Pods/ |
**/.symlinks/ |
profile |
xcuserdata |
**/.generated/ |
Flutter/App.framework |
Flutter/Flutter.framework |
Flutter/Flutter.podspec |
Flutter/Generated.xcconfig |
Flutter/ephemeral/ |
Flutter/app.flx |
Flutter/app.zip |
Flutter/flutter_assets/ |
Flutter/flutter_export_environment.sh |
ServiceDefinitions.json |
Runner/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.* |
# Exceptions to above rules. |
!default.mode1v3 |
!default.mode2v3 |
!default.pbxuser |
!default.perspectivev3 |
Podfile.lock |
# fastlane |
# |
# It is recommended to not store the screenshots in the git repo. Instead, use fastlane to re-generate the |
# screenshots whenever they are needed. |
# For more information about the recommended setup visit: |
# https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane/blob/master/fastlane/docs/Gitignore.md |
fastlane/report.xml |
fastlane/Preview.html |
fastlane/screenshots/**/*.png |
fastlane/screenshots/screenshots.html |
fastlane/test_output |