import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:collection/collection.dart' show IterableExtension; import 'package:kdbx/src/crypto/protected_value.dart'; import 'package:kdbx/src/internal/extension_utils.dart'; import 'package:kdbx/src/kdbx_binary.dart'; import 'package:kdbx/src/kdbx_consts.dart'; import 'package:kdbx/src/kdbx_file.dart'; import 'package:kdbx/src/kdbx_format.dart'; import 'package:kdbx/src/kdbx_group.dart'; import 'package:kdbx/src/kdbx_header.dart'; import 'package:kdbx/src/kdbx_object.dart'; import 'package:kdbx/src/kdbx_xml.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:path/path.dart' as path; import 'package:quiver/check.dart'; import 'package:xml/xml.dart'; final _logger = Logger('kdbx.kdbx_entry'); class KdbxKeyCommon { static const KEY_TITLE = 'Title'; static const KEY_URL = 'URL'; static const KEY_USER_NAME = 'UserName'; static const KEY_PASSWORD = 'Password'; static const KEY_OTP = 'OTPAuth'; static const KdbxKey TITLE = KdbxKey._(KEY_TITLE, 'title'); static const KdbxKey URL = KdbxKey._(KEY_URL, 'url'); static const KdbxKey USER_NAME = KdbxKey._(KEY_USER_NAME, 'username'); static const KdbxKey PASSWORD = KdbxKey._(KEY_PASSWORD, 'password'); static const KdbxKey OTP = KdbxKey._(KEY_OTP, 'otpauth'); static const List all = [ TITLE, URL, USER_NAME, PASSWORD, OTP, ]; } // this is called during initialization of [KdbxFormat] to make sure there are // no typos in the constant declared above. bool kdbxKeyCommonAssertConsistency() { assert((() { for (final key in KdbxKeyCommon.all) { assert(key.key.toLowerCase() == key._canonicalKey); } return true; })()); return true; } /// Represents a case insensitive (but case preserving) key. class KdbxKey { KdbxKey(this.key) : _canonicalKey = key.toLowerCase(); const KdbxKey._(this.key, this._canonicalKey); final String key; final String _canonicalKey; @override bool operator ==(Object other) => other is KdbxKey && _canonicalKey == other._canonicalKey; @override int get hashCode => _canonicalKey.hashCode; @override String toString() { return 'KdbxKey{key: $key}'; } } extension KdbxEntryInternal on KdbxEntry { KdbxEntry cloneInto(KdbxGroup otherGroup, {bool toHistoryEntry = false}) => KdbxEntry.create( otherGroup.file!, otherGroup, isHistoryEntry: toHistoryEntry, ) ..forceSetUuid(uuid) ..let(toHistoryEntry ? (x) => null : otherGroup.addEntry) .._overwriteFrom( OverwriteContext.noop, this, includeHistory: !toHistoryEntry, ); List get _overwriteNodes => [ ...objectNodes, foregroundColor, backgroundColor, overrideURL, tags, ]; void _overwriteFrom( OverwriteContext overwriteContext, KdbxEntry other, { bool includeHistory = false, }) { // we only support overwriting history, if it is empty. checkArgument(!includeHistory || history.isEmpty, message: 'We can only overwrite with history, if local history is empty.'); assertSameUuid(other, 'overwrite'); overwriteSubNodesFrom( overwriteContext, _overwriteNodes, other._overwriteNodes, ); // overwrite all strings final stringsDiff = _diffMap(_strings, other._strings); if (stringsDiff.isNotEmpty) { overwriteContext.trackChange(this, node: 'strings', debug: 'changed: ${stringsDiff.join(',')}'); } _strings.clear(); _strings.addAll(other._strings); // overwrite all binaries final newBinaries =, value) => MapEntry( key, ctx.findBinaryByValue(value) ?? (value..let((that) => ctx.addBinary(that))), )); _binaries.clear(); _binaries.addAll(newBinaries); times.overwriteFrom(other.times); if (includeHistory) { for (final historyEntry in other.history) { history.add(historyEntry.cloneInto(parent!, toHistoryEntry: false)); } } } List _diffMap(Map a, Map b) { final keys = {...a.keys, ...b.keys}; final ret = []; for (final key in keys) { if (a[key] != b[key]) { ret.add(key.toString()); } } return ret; } } class KdbxEntry extends KdbxObject { /// Creates a new entry in the given parent group. /// callers are still responsible for calling [parent.addEntry(..)]! /// /// FIXME: this makes no sense, we should automatically attach this to the parent. KdbxEntry.create( KdbxFile file, KdbxGroup parent, { this.isHistoryEntry = false, }) : history = [], super.create(file.ctx, file, 'Entry', parent) { icon.set(KdbxIcon.Key); } ctx, KdbxGroup? parent, XmlElement node, {this.isHistoryEntry = false}) : history = [],, parent, node) { _strings.addEntries(node.findElements(KdbxXml.NODE_STRING).map((el) { final key = KdbxKey(el.findElements(KdbxXml.NODE_KEY).single.text); final valueNode = el.findElements(KdbxXml.NODE_VALUE).single; if (valueNode.getAttribute(KdbxXml.ATTR_PROTECTED)?.toLowerCase() == 'true') { return MapEntry(key, KdbxFile.protectedValueForNode(valueNode)); } else { return MapEntry(key, PlainValue(valueNode.text)); } })); _binaries.addEntries(node.findElements(KdbxXml.NODE_BINARY).map((el) { final key = KdbxKey(el.findElements(KdbxXml.NODE_KEY).single.text); final valueNode = el.findElements(KdbxXml.NODE_VALUE).single; final ref = valueNode.getAttribute(KdbxXml.ATTR_REF); if (ref != null) { final refId = int.parse(ref); final binary = ctx.binaryById(refId); if (binary == null) { throw KdbxCorruptedFileException( 'Unable to find binary with id $refId'); } return MapEntry(key, binary); } return MapEntry(key, KdbxBinary.readBinaryXml(valueNode, isInline: true)); })); history.addAll(node .findElements(KdbxXml.NODE_HISTORY) .singleOrNull ?.findElements('Entry') .map((entry) =>, parent, entry, isHistoryEntry: true)) .toList() ?? []); } final bool isHistoryEntry; final List history; ColorNode get foregroundColor => ColorNode(this, 'ForegroundColor'); ColorNode get backgroundColor => ColorNode(this, 'BackgroundColor'); StringNode get overrideURL => StringNode(this, 'OverrideURL'); StringNode get tags => StringNode(this, 'Tags'); @override set file(KdbxFile? file) { super.file = file; // TODO this looks like some weird workaround, get rid of the // `file` reference. for (final historyEntry in history) { historyEntry.file = file; } } @override void onBeforeModify() { super.onBeforeModify(); history.add( ctx, parent, toXml(), isHistoryEntry: true, )..file = file); } @override XmlElement toXml() { final el = super.toXml(); XmlUtils.removeChildrenByName(el, KdbxXml.NODE_STRING); XmlUtils.removeChildrenByName(el, KdbxXml.NODE_HISTORY); XmlUtils.removeChildrenByName(el, KdbxXml.NODE_BINARY); el.children.addAll( { final value = XmlElement(XmlName(KdbxXml.NODE_VALUE)); if (stringEntry.value is ProtectedValue) { value.attributes.add( XmlAttribute(XmlName(KdbxXml.ATTR_PROTECTED), KdbxXml.VALUE_TRUE)); KdbxFile.setProtectedValueForNode( value, stringEntry.value as ProtectedValue?); } else if (stringEntry.value is StringValue) { value.children.add(XmlText(stringEntry.value!.getText()!)); } return XmlElement(XmlName(KdbxXml.NODE_STRING)) ..children.addAll([ XmlElement(XmlName(KdbxXml.NODE_KEY)) ..children.add(XmlText(stringEntry.key.key)), value, ]); })); el.children.addAll( { final key = binaryEntry.key; final binary = binaryEntry.value; final value = XmlElement(XmlName(KdbxXml.NODE_VALUE)); if (binary.isInline!) { binary.saveToXml(value); } else { final binaryIndex = ctx.findBinaryId(binary); value.addAttribute(KdbxXml.ATTR_REF, binaryIndex.toString()); } return XmlElement(XmlName(KdbxXml.NODE_BINARY)) ..children.addAll([ XmlElement(XmlName(KdbxXml.NODE_KEY))..children.add(XmlText(key.key)), value, ]); })); if (!isHistoryEntry) { el.children.add( XmlElement(XmlName(KdbxXml.NODE_HISTORY)) ..children.addAll( => e.toXml())), ); } return el; } final Map _strings = {}; final Map _binaries = {}; Iterable> get binaryEntries => _binaries.entries; KdbxBinary? getBinary(KdbxKey key) => _binaries[key]; // Map get strings => UnmodifiableMapView(_strings); Iterable> get stringEntries => _strings.entries; StringValue? getString(KdbxKey key) => _strings[key]; void setString(KdbxKey key, StringValue? value) { if (_strings[key] == value) { _logger.finest('Value did not change for $key'); return; } modify(() { if (value == null) { _strings.remove(key); } else { _strings[key] = value; } }); } void renameKey(KdbxKey oldKey, KdbxKey newKey) { final value = _strings[oldKey]; removeString(oldKey); _strings[newKey] = value; } void removeString(KdbxKey key) => setString(key, null); String? _plainValue(KdbxKey key) { final value = _strings[key]; if (value is PlainValue) { return value.getText(); } return value?.toString(); } String? get label => _plainValue(KdbxKeyCommon.TITLE)?.takeUnlessBlank() ?? _plainValue(KdbxKeyCommon.URL)?.takeUnlessBlank(); set label(String? label) => setString(KdbxKeyCommon.TITLE, PlainValue(label)); /// Creates a new binary and adds it to this entry. KdbxBinary createBinary({ required bool isProtected, required String name, required Uint8List bytes, }) { // make sure we don't have a path, just the file name. final key = _uniqueBinaryName(path.basename(name)); final binary = KdbxBinary( isInline: false, isProtected: isProtected, value: bytes, ); modify(() { file!.ctx.addBinary(binary); _binaries[key] = binary; }); return binary; } void removeBinary(KdbxKey binaryKey) { modify(() { final binary = _binaries.remove(binaryKey); if (binary == null) { throw StateError( 'Trying to remove binary key $binaryKey does not exist.'); } // binary will not be removed (yet) from file, because it will // be referenced in history. }); } KdbxKey _uniqueBinaryName(String fileName) { final lastIndex = fileName.lastIndexOf('.'); final baseName = lastIndex > -1 ? fileName.substring(0, lastIndex) : fileName; final ext = lastIndex > -1 ? fileName.substring(lastIndex + 1) : 'ext'; for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { final k = i == 0 ? KdbxKey(fileName) : KdbxKey('$baseName$i.$ext'); if (!_binaries.containsKey(k)) { return k; } } throw StateError('Unable to find unique name for $fileName'); } static KdbxEntry? _findHistoryEntry( List history, DateTime? lastModificationTime) => history.firstWhereOrNull((history) => history.times.lastModificationTime.get() == lastModificationTime); @override void merge(MergeContext mergeContext, KdbxEntry other) { assertSameUuid(other, 'merge'); if (other.wasModifiedAfter(this)) { _logger.finest('$this has incoming changes.'); // other object is newer, create new history entry and copy fields. modify(() => _overwriteFrom(mergeContext, other)); } else if (wasModifiedAfter(other)) { _logger.finest('$this has outgoing changes.'); // we are newer. check if the old revision lives on in our history. final ourLastModificationTime = times.lastModificationTime.get(); final historyEntry = _findHistoryEntry(history, ourLastModificationTime); if (historyEntry == null) { // it seems like we don't know about that state, so we have to add // it to history. history.add(other.cloneInto(parent!, toHistoryEntry: true)); } } else { _logger.finest('$this has no changes.'); } // copy missing history entries. for (final otherHistoryEntry in other.history) { final meHistoryEntry = _findHistoryEntry( history, otherHistoryEntry.times.lastModificationTime.get()); if (meHistoryEntry == null) { mergeContext.trackChange( this, debug: 'merge in history ' '${otherHistoryEntry.times.lastModificationTime.get()}', ); history.add(otherHistoryEntry.cloneInto(parent!, toHistoryEntry: true)); } } mergeContext.markAsMerged(this); } String? debugLabel() => label ?? _plainValue(KdbxKeyCommon.USER_NAME); @override String toString() { return 'KdbxEntry{uuid=$uuid,' 'name=${debugLabel()}}'; } }