import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:kdbx/src/kdbx_format.dart'; import 'package:kdbx/src/kdbx_times.dart'; import 'package:kdbx/src/kdbx_xml.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:meta/meta.dart'; import 'package:uuid/uuid.dart'; import 'package:uuid/uuid_util.dart'; import 'package:xml/xml.dart'; final _logger = Logger('kdbx.kdbx_object'); class ChangeEvent { ChangeEvent({this.object, this.isDirty}); final T object; final bool isDirty; } mixin Changeable { final _controller = StreamController>.broadcast(); Stream> get changes =>; bool _isDirty = false; set isDirty(bool dirty) { _logger.finest('changing dirty (old:$_isDirty) $dirty'); _isDirty = dirty; _controller.add(ChangeEvent(object: this as T, isDirty: dirty)); } bool get isDirty => _isDirty; } abstract class KdbxNode with Changeable { KdbxNode.create(String nodeName) : node = XmlElement(XmlName(nodeName)) { _isDirty = true; }; final XmlElement node; // @protected // String text(String nodeName) => _opt(nodeName)?.text; /// must only be called to save this object. /// will mark this object as not dirty. @mustCallSuper XmlElement toXml() { _isDirty = false; final el = node.copy() as XmlElement; return el; } } abstract class KdbxObject extends KdbxNode { KdbxObject.create(this.file, String nodeName) : times = KdbxTimes.create(), super.create(nodeName) { _uuid.set(KdbxUuid.random()); } node) : times ='Times').single),; /// the file this object is part of. will be set AFTER loading, etc. KdbxFile file; final KdbxTimes times; KdbxUuid get uuid => _uuid.get(); UuidNode get _uuid => UuidNode(this, 'UUID'); IconNode get icon => IconNode(this, 'IconID'); @override set isDirty(bool dirty) { if (dirty) { times.modifiedNow(); if (!isDirty && dirty) { file.dirtyObject(this); } } super.isDirty = dirty; } @override XmlElement toXml() { final el = super.toXml(); XmlUtils.removeChildrenByName(el, 'Times'); el.children.add(times.toXml()); return el; } } class KdbxUuid { const KdbxUuid(this.uuid); KdbxUuid.random() : this(base64.encode(uuidGenerator.parse(uuidGenerator.v4()))); static final Uuid uuidGenerator = Uuid(options: {'grng': UuidUtil.cryptoRNG}); /// base64 representation of uuid. final String uuid; ByteBuffer toBytes() => base64.decode(uuid).buffer; @override String toString() => uuid; }