import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:kdbx/src/internal/extension_utils.dart'; import 'package:kdbx/src/kdbx_file.dart'; import 'package:kdbx/src/kdbx_format.dart'; import 'package:kdbx/src/kdbx_group.dart'; import 'package:kdbx/src/kdbx_meta.dart'; import 'package:kdbx/src/kdbx_times.dart'; import 'package:kdbx/src/kdbx_xml.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:meta/meta.dart'; import 'package:quiver/iterables.dart'; import 'package:uuid/uuid.dart'; import 'package:uuid/uuid_util.dart'; import 'package:xml/xml.dart'; // ignore: unused_element final _logger = Logger('kdbx.kdbx_object'); class ChangeEvent { ChangeEvent({this.object, this.isDirty}); final T object; final bool isDirty; @override String toString() { return 'ChangeEvent{object: $object, isDirty: $isDirty}'; } } mixin Changeable { final _controller = StreamController>.broadcast(); Stream> get changes =>; bool _isDirty = false; /// allow recursive calls to [modify] bool _isInModify = false; /// Called before the *first* modification (ie. before `isDirty` changes /// from false to true) @protected @mustCallSuper void onBeforeModify() {} /// Called after the *first* modification (ie. after `isDirty` changed /// from false to true) @protected @mustCallSuper void onAfterModify() {} RET modify(RET Function() modify) { if (_isDirty || _isInModify) { return modify(); } _isInModify = true; onBeforeModify(); try { return modify(); } finally { _isDirty = true; _isInModify = false; onAfterModify(); _controller.add(ChangeEvent(object: this as T, isDirty: _isDirty)); } } void clean() { if (!_isDirty) { return; } _isDirty = false; _controller.add(ChangeEvent(object: this as T, isDirty: _isDirty)); } bool get isDirty => _isDirty; } abstract class KdbxNodeContext implements KdbxNode { KdbxReadWriteContext get ctx; } abstract class KdbxNode with Changeable { KdbxNode.create(String nodeName) : node = XmlElement(XmlName(nodeName)) { _isDirty = true; }; /// XML Node used while reading this KdbxNode. /// Must NOT be modified. Only copies which are obtained through [toXml]. /// this node should always represent the original loaded state. final XmlElement node; // @protected // String text(String nodeName) => _opt(nodeName)?.text; /// must only be called to save this object. /// will mark this object as not dirty. @mustCallSuper XmlElement toXml() { clean(); return node.copy(); } } extension IterableKdbxObject on Iterable { T findByUuid(KdbxUuid uuid) => firstWhere((element) => element.uuid == uuid, orElse: () => null); } extension KdbxObjectInternal on KdbxObject { List get objectNodes => [ icon, customIconUuid, ]; /// should only be used in internal code, used to clone /// from one kdbx file into another. (like merging). void forceSetUuid(KdbxUuid uuid) { _uuid.set(uuid, force: true); } void assertSameUuid(KdbxObject other, String debugAction) { if (uuid != other.uuid) { throw StateError( 'Uuid of other object does not match current object for $debugAction'); } } void overwriteSubNodesFrom(OverwriteContext overwriteContext, List myNodes, List otherNodes) { for (final node in zip([myNodes, otherNodes])) { final me = node[0]; final other = node[1]; if (me.set(other.get())) { overwriteContext.trackChange(this, node:; } } } } abstract class KdbxObject extends KdbxNode { KdbxObject.create( this.ctx, this.file, String nodeName, KdbxGroup parent, ) : assert(ctx != null), times = KdbxTimes.create(ctx), _parent = parent, super.create(nodeName) { _uuid.set(KdbxUuid.random()); }, KdbxGroup parent, XmlElement node) : assert(ctx != null), times ='Times').single, ctx), _parent = parent,; /// the file this object is part of. will be set AFTER loading, etc. /// TODO: We should probably get rid of this `file` reference. KdbxFile file; final KdbxReadWriteContext ctx; final KdbxTimes times; KdbxUuid get uuid => _uuid.get(); UuidNode get _uuid => UuidNode(this, KdbxXml.NODE_UUID); IconNode get icon => IconNode(this, 'IconID'); UuidNode get customIconUuid => UuidNode(this, 'CustomIconUUID'); KdbxGroup get parent => _parent; KdbxGroup _parent; KdbxCustomIcon get customIcon => customIconUuid.get()?.let((uuid) => file.body.meta.customIcons[uuid]); set customIcon(KdbxCustomIcon icon) { if (icon != null) { file.body.meta.addCustomIcon(icon); customIconUuid.set(icon.uuid); } else { customIconUuid.set(null); } } @override void onAfterModify() { super.onAfterModify(); times.modifiedNow(); // during initial `create` the file will be null. file?.dirtyObject(this); } bool wasModifiedAfter(KdbxObject other) => times.lastModificationTime .get() .isAfter(other.times.lastModificationTime.get()); bool wasMovedAfter(KdbxObject other) => times.locationChanged.get().isAfter(other.times.locationChanged.get()); @override XmlElement toXml() { final el = super.toXml(); XmlUtils.removeChildrenByName(el, 'Times'); el.children.add(times.toXml()); return el; } void internalChangeParent(KdbxGroup parent) { modify(() => _parent = parent); } void merge(MergeContext mergeContext, covariant KdbxObject other); } class KdbxUuid { const KdbxUuid(this.uuid); KdbxUuid.random() : this(base64.encode(Uuid.parse(uuidGenerator.v4()))); KdbxUuid.fromBytes(Uint8List bytes) : this(base64.encode(bytes)); /// /// > The nil UUID is special form of UUID that is specified to have all /// 128 bits set to zero. static const NIL = KdbxUuid('AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=='); static const Uuid uuidGenerator = Uuid(options: {'grng': UuidUtil.cryptoRNG}); /// base64 representation of uuid. final String uuid; Uint8List toBytes() => base64.decode(uuid); @override String toString() => uuid; @override bool operator ==(Object other) => identical(this, other) || other is KdbxUuid && uuid == other.uuid; @override int get hashCode => uuid.hashCode; /// Whether this is the [NIL] uuid. bool get isNil => this == NIL; }