A framework for building convergent cross-platform Nextcloud clients using Flutter.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

303 lines
12 KiB

3 years ago
"@@locale": "en",
"appName": "Nextcloud Neon",
3 years ago
"loginAgain": "Login again",
"loginOpenAgain": "Open again",
"loginSwitchToBrowserWindow": "Please switch to the browser window that just opened and proceed there",
"loginWorksWith": "works with",
"errorAccountAlreadyExists": "The account you are trying to add already exists",
3 years ago
"errorCredentialsForAccountNoLongerMatch": "The credentials for this account no longer match",
"errorServerHadAProblemProcessingYourRequest": "The server had a problem while processing your request. You might want to try again",
"errorSomethingWentWrongTryAgainLater": "Something went wrong. Please try again later",
"errorUnableToReachServer": "Unable to reach the server",
"errorUnableToReachServerAt": "Unable to reach the server at {url}",
"@errorUnableToReachServerAt": {
"placeholders": {
"url": {
"type": "String"
"errorConnectionTimedOut": "Connection has timed out",
"errorNoCompatibleNextcloudAppsFound": "No compatible Nextcloud apps could be found.\nWe are working hard to implement more and more apps!",
"errorServerInMaintenanceMode": "The server is in maintenance mode. Please try again later or contact the server admin.",
"errorMissingPermission": "Permission for {name} is missing",
"@errorMissingPermission" : {
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"type": "String"
"errorUnsupportedVersion": "Sorry, this Nextcloud {name} version is not supported.",
"@errorUnsupportedVersion" : {
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"type": "String"
"errorEmptyField": "This field can not be empty",
"errorInvalidURL": "Invalid URL provided",
3 years ago
"delete": "Delete",
"remove": "Remove",
"rename": "Rename",
"move": "Move",
"copy": "Copy",
"yes": "Yes",
"no": "No",
"close": "Close",
"retry": "Retry",
"showSlashHide": "Show/Hide",
"exit": "Exit",
"disabled": "Disabled",
3 years ago
"settings": "Settings",
"settingsApps": "Apps",
"settingsExport": "Export settings",
"settingsImport": "Import settings",
"settingsImportWrongFileExtension": "Settings import has wrong file extension (has to be .json.base64)",
"settingsResetAllConfirmation": "Do you want to reset all settings?",
"settingsResetForConfirmation": "Do you want to reset all settings for {name}?",
"@settingsResetForConfirmation": {
3 years ago
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"type": "String"
"optionsCategoryGeneral": "General",
"optionsCategoryTheme": "Theme",
"optionsCategoryPushNotifications": "Push notifications",
3 years ago
"optionsCategoryOther": "Other",
"optionsCategoryAccounts": "Accounts",
"optionsCategoryStartup": "Startup",
"optionsCategorySystemTray": "System tray",
"optionsCategoryNavigation": "Navigation",
3 years ago
"optionsSortOrderAscending": "Ascending",
"optionsSortOrderDescending": "Descending",
"globalOptionsThemeMode": "Theme mode",
"globalOptionsThemeModeLight": "Light",
"globalOptionsThemeModeDark": "Dark",
"globalOptionsThemeModeAutomatic": "Automatic",
"globalOptionsThemeOLEDAsDark": "OLED theme as dark theme",
3 years ago
"globalOptionsPushNotificationsNotice": "External services are used for delivering push notifications. While the content is encrypted and can only be read by this app, extracting metadata like the time and count of notifications is still possible.",
"globalOptionsPushNotificationsEnabled": "Enabled",
"globalOptionsPushNotificationsEnabledDisabledNotice": "No UnifiedPush distributor could be found. Please go to https://unifiedpush.org/users/distributors and setup any of the listed distributors. Then re-open this app and you should be able to enable notifications",
"globalOptionsPushNotificationsDistributor": "UnifiedPush Distributor",
"globalOptionsPushNotificationsDistributorGotifyUP": "Gotify-UP",
"globalOptionsPushNotificationsDistributorFirebaseEmbedded": "Firebase (FOSS)",
"globalOptionsPushNotificationsDistributorNtfy": "ntfy",
"globalOptionsPushNotificationsDistributorFCMUP": "FCM-UP",
"globalOptionsPushNotificationsDistributorNextPush": "NextPush",
"globalOptionsPushNotificationsDistributorNoProvider2Push": "NoProvider2Push",
3 years ago
"globalOptionsStartupMinimized": "Start minimized",
"globalOptionsStartupMinimizeInsteadOfExit": "Minimize instead of exit",
"globalOptionsSystemTrayEnabled": "Enable system tray",
"globalOptionsSystemTrayHideToTrayWhenMinimized": "Hide to system tray when minimized",
"globalOptionsAccountsRememberLastUsedAccount": "Remember last used account",
"globalOptionsAccountsInitialAccount": "Initial account",
"globalOptionsAccountsAdd": "Add account",
"globalOptionsNavigationMode": "Navigation mode",
"globalOptionsNavigationModeDrawer": "Drawer",
"globalOptionsNavigationModeDrawerAlwaysVisible": "Drawer always visible",
"globalOptionsNavigationModeQuickBar": "Quick bar",
"accountOptionsRemoveConfirm": "Are you sure you want to remove the account {id}?",
"@accountOptionsRemoveConfirm": {
3 years ago
"placeholders": {
"id": {
3 years ago
"type": "String"
"accountOptionsCategoryStorageInfo": "Storage info",
"accountOptionsQuotaUsedOf": "{used} used of {total} ({relative}%)",
"@accountOptionsQuotaUsedOf": {
"placeholders": {
"used": {
"type": "String"
"total": {
"type": "String"
"relative": {
"type": "String"
3 years ago
"accountOptionsInitialApp": "App to show initially",
"accountOptionsAutomatic": "Automatic",
"licenses": "Licenses",
"coreName": "Server",
3 years ago
"filesName": "Files",
"filesUploadFiles": "Upload files",
"filesUploadImages": "Upload images",
"filesUploadCamera": "Upload from camera",
3 years ago
"filesCreateFolder": "Create folder",
"filesFolderName": "Folder name",
"filesRenameFolder": "Rename folder",
"filesRenameFile": "Rename file",
"filesDetails": "Details",
"filesDetailsFileName": "File name",
"filesDetailsFolderName": "Folder name",
"filesDetailsParentFolder": "Parent folder",
"filesDetailsFileSize": "File size",
"filesDetailsFolderSize": "Folder size",
"filesDetailsLastModified": "Last modified",
"filesDetailsIsFavorite": "Is favorite",
"filesSync": "Sync",
"filesDeleteFileConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete the file '{name}'?",
"@filesDeleteFileConfirm": {
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"type": "String"
"filesDeleteFolderConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete the folder '{name}'?",
"@filesDeleteFolderConfirm": {
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"type": "String"
"filesChooseFolder": "Choose folder",
"filesAddToFavorites": "Add to favorites",
"filesRemoveFromFavorites": "Remove from favorites",
"filesConfirmUploadSizeWarning": "Are you sure you want to upload a file that is bigger than {warningSize} ({actualSize})?",
"@filesConfirmUploadSizeWarning": {
"placeholders": {
"warningSize": {
"type": "String"
"actualSize": {
"type": "String"
"filesConfirmDownloadSizeWarning": "Are you sure you want to download a file that is bigger than {warningSize} ({actualSize})?",
"@filesConfirmDownloadSizeWarning": {
"placeholders": {
"warningSize": {
"type": "String"
"actualSize": {
"type": "String"
3 years ago
"filesOptionsShowPreviews": "Show previews for files",
"filesOptionsUploadQueueParallelism": "Upload queue parallelism",
"filesOptionsDownloadQueueParallelism": "Download queue parallelism",
"filesOptionsUploadSizeWarning": "Upload size warning",
"filesOptionsDownloadSizeWarning": "Download size warning",
3 years ago
"newsName": "News",
"newsAddFeed": "Add feed",
"newsFolder": "Folder",
"newsFolderRoot": "Root Folder",
"newsCreateFolder": "Create folder",
"newsCreateFolderName": "Folder name",
"newsDeleteFolderConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete the folder '{name}'?",
"@newsDeleteFolderConfirm": {
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"type": "String"
"newsRenameFolder": "Rename folder",
"newsRemoveFeedConfirm": "Are you sure you want to remove the feed '{name}'?",
"@newsRemoveFeedConfirm": {
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"type": "String"
"newsMoveFeed": "Move feed",
"newsRenameFeed": "Rename feed",
"newsArticles": "Articles",
"newsFolders": "Folders",
"newsFeeds": "Feeds",
"newsFilterAll": "All",
"newsFilterUnread": "Unread",
"newsFilterStarred": "Starred",
"newsUnreadArticles": "{count} unread",
"@newsUnreadArticles": {
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"type": "int"
"newsShowFeedURL": "Show URL",
"newsCopyFeedURL": "Copy URL",
"newsCopiedFeedURL": "URL copied to clipboard",
"newsCopyFeedErrorMessage": "Copy error message",
"newsCopiedFeedErrorMessage": "Error message copied to clipboard",
"newsOptionsDefaultCategory": "Category to show by default",
"newsOptionsArticleViewType": "How to open article",
"newsOptionsArticleViewTypeDirect": "Show text directly",
"newsOptionsArticleViewTypeInternalBrowser": "Open in internal browser",
"newsOptionsArticleViewTypeExternalBrowser": "Open in external browser",
"newsOptionsArticleDisableMarkAsReadTimeout": "Mark articles as read instantly",
3 years ago
"newsOptionsDefaultArticlesFilter": "Articles to show by default",
"newsOptionsArticlesSortProperty": "How to sort articles",
"newsOptionsArticlesSortPropertyPublishDate": "Publish date",
"newsOptionsArticlesSortPropertyAlphabetical": "Alphabetical",
"newsOptionsArticlesSortPropertyFeed": "Feed",
"newsOptionsArticlesSortOrder": "Sort order of articles",
"newsOptionsFeedsSortProperty": "How to sort feeds",
"newsOptionsFeedsSortPropertyAlphabetical": "Alphabetical",
"newsOptionsFeedsSortPropertyUnreadCount": "Unread count",
"newsOptionsFeedsSortOrder": "Sort order of feeds",
"newsOptionsFoldersSortProperty": "How to sort folders",
"newsOptionsFoldersSortPropertyAlphabetical": "Alphabetical",
"newsOptionsFoldersSortPropertyUnreadCount": "Unread count",
"newsOptionsFoldersSortOrder": "Sort order of folders",
"newsOptionsDefaultFolderViewType": "What should be shown first when opening a folder",
"notesName": "Notes",
"notesNote": "Note",
"notesNotes": "Notes",
"notesCategories": "Categories",
"notesCreateNote": "Create note",
"notesCategory": "Category",
"notesChangeCategory": "Change category",
"notesSetCategory": "Set category",
"notesNoteTitle": "Title",
"notesNoteChangedOnServer": "The note has been changed on the server. Please refresh and try again",
"notesNotesInCategory": "{count} notes",
"@notesNotesInCategory": {
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"type": "int"
"notesUncategorized": "Uncategorized",
"notesEdit": "Edit",
"notesPreview": "Preview",
"notesDeleteNoteConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete the note '{name}'?",
"@notesDeleteNoteConfirm": {
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"type": "String"
"notesOptionsDefaultCategory": "Category to show by default",
"notesOptionsDefaultNoteViewType": "How to show note",
"notesOptionsDefaultNoteViewTypePreview": "Preview",
"notesOptionsDefaultNoteViewTypeEdit": "Editor",
"notesOptionsNotesSortOrder": "Sort order of notes",
"notesOptionsNotesSortProperty": "How to sort notes",
"notesOptionsNotesSortPropertyLastModified": "Last modified",
"notesOptionsNotesSortPropertyAlphabetical": "Alphabetical",
"notesOptionsCategoriesSortOrder": "Sort order of categories",
"notesOptionsCategoriesSortProperty": "How to sort categories",
"notesOptionsCategoriesSortPropertyAlphabetical": "Alphabetical",
"notesOptionsCategoriesSortPropertyNotesCount": "Count of notes",
"notificationsName": "Notifications",
"notificationsNextcloudAppNotImplementedYet": "Sorry, this Nextcloud app has not been implemented yet"
3 years ago