part of '../../nextcloud.dart';
/// WebDavFile class
class WebDavFile {
/// Creates a new WebDavFile object with the given path
required this.path,
required final List<xml.XmlElement> props,
required final Map<String, String> namespaces,
}) : _props = props,
_namespaces = namespaces;
/// The path of file
final String path;
final List<xml.XmlElement> _props;
final Map<String, String> _namespaces;
/// Gets a prop by it's qualified name. It already does namespace matching
xml.XmlElement? getProp(final String qualifiedName) {
final name = xml.XmlName.fromString(qualifiedName);
final namespaceUri = _namespaces.keys.singleWhere((final namespaceUri) => _namespaces[namespaceUri] == name.prefix);
final matches =
_props.where((final prop) => prop.name.local == name.local && prop.namespaceUri == namespaceUri).toList();
if (matches.isNotEmpty) {
return matches[0];
return null;
/// The fileid namespaced by the instance id, globally unique
String? get id => getProp(WebDavProps.ocId.name)?.text;
/// The unique id for the file within the instance
String? get fileId => getProp(WebDavProps.ocFileId.name)?.text;
/// Whether this is a collection resource type
bool? get isCollection {
final prop = getProp(WebDavProps.davResourceType.name);
if (prop != null) {
return prop.getElement('d:collection') != null;
return null;
/// Mime-type of the file
String? get mimeType => getProp(WebDavProps.davContentType.name)?.text;
/// ETag of the file
String? get etag => getProp(WebDavProps.davETag.name)?.text;
/// File content length or folder size
int? get size {
for (final prop in [
]) {
if (prop != null) {
return int.parse(prop.text);
return null;
/// The user id of the owner of a shared file
String? get ownerId => getProp(WebDavProps.ocOwnerId.name)?.text;
/// The display name of the owner of a shared file
String? get ownerDisplay => getProp(WebDavProps.ocOwnerDisplayName.name)?.text;
/// Share note
String? get note => getProp(WebDavProps.ncNote.name)?.text;
/// Last modified date of the file
DateTime? get lastModified {
final prop = getProp(WebDavProps.davLastModified.name);
if (prop != null) {
return DateFormat('E, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss', 'en_US').parseUtc(prop.text);
return null;
/// Upload date of the file
DateTime? get uploadedDate {
final prop = getProp(WebDavProps.ncUploadTime.name);
if (prop != null) {
return DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(int.parse(prop.text) * 1000);
return null;
/// Creation date of the file as provided by uploader
DateTime? get createdDate {
final prop = getProp(WebDavProps.ncCreationTime.name);
if (prop != null) {
return DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(int.parse(prop.text) * 1000);
return null;
/// List of types of shares of the file
List<int>? get shareTypes {
final prop = getProp(WebDavProps.ocShareTypes.name);
if (prop != null) {
return prop.findElements('oc:share-type').map((final element) => int.parse(element.text)).toList();
return null;
/// User IDs of sharees
List<String>? get sharees {
final prop = getProp(WebDavProps.ncShareees.name);
if (prop != null) {
return prop.findAllElements('nc:id').map((final e) => e.text).toList();
return null;
/// Whether this file is marked as favorite
bool? get favorite {
final prop = getProp(WebDavProps.ocFavorite.name);
if (prop != null) {
return prop.text == '1';
return null;
/// Whether this file has a preview image
bool? get hasPreview {
final prop = getProp(WebDavProps.ncHasPreview.name);
if (prop != null) {
return prop.text == 'true';
return null;
/// Returns the decoded name of the file / folder without the whole path
String get name {
// normalised path (remove trailing slash)
final end = path.endsWith('/') ? path.length - 1 : path.length;
final segments = Uri.parse(path, 0, end).pathSegments;
if (segments.isNotEmpty) {
return segments.last;
return '';
/// Returns if the file is a directory
bool get isDirectory => path.endsWith('/') || (isCollection ?? false);
// coverage:ignore-start
String toString() =>
// ignore: lines_longer_than_80_chars
'WebDavFile{name: $name, id: $id, isDirectory: $isDirectory, path: $path, mimeType: $mimeType, size: $size, modificationTime: $lastModified, shareTypes: $shareTypes}';
// coverage:ignore-end
/// Converts a single d:response to a [WebDavFile]
WebDavFile _fromWebDavXml(
final String basePath,
final Map<String, String> namespaces,
final xml.XmlElement response,
) {
final davItemName = response.findElements('d:href').single.text;
final filePath = Uri.decodeFull(davItemName.substring(Uri.encodeFull(basePath).length, davItemName.length));
final allProps = <xml.XmlElement>[];
final propStatElements = response.findElements('d:propstat');
for (final propStat in propStatElements) {
final status = propStat.getElement('d:status')!.text;
final props = propStat.getElement('d:prop');
if (!status.contains('200')) {
// Skip any props that are not returned correctly (e.g. not found)
for (final prop in props!.nodes.whereType<xml.XmlElement>()) {
if (prop.children.isNotEmpty && prop.text.isNotEmpty) {
return WebDavFile(
path: filePath,
props: allProps,
namespaces: namespaces,
/// Extract a file from the webdav xml
WebDavFile fileFromWebDavXml(
final String basePath,
final Map<String, String> namespaces,
final String xmlStr,
) {
final xmlDocument = xml.XmlDocument.parse(xmlStr);
return _fromWebDavXml(
/// Extract the file tree from the webdav xml
List<WebDavFile> treeFromWebDavXml(
final String basePath,
final Map<String, String> namespaces,
final String xmlStr,
) {
// Initialize a list to store the FileInfo Objects
final tree = [];
// parse the xml using the xml.XmlDocument.parse method
final xmlDocument = xml.XmlDocument.parse(xmlStr);
// Iterate over the response to find all folders / files and parse the information
for (final response in xmlDocument.findAllElements('d:response')) {
return tree.cast<WebDavFile>();
/// Returns false if some updates have failed.
bool checkUpdateFromWebDavXml(final String xmlStr) {
final xmlDocument = xml.XmlDocument.parse(xmlStr);
final response = xmlDocument.findAllElements('d:response').single;
final propStatElements = response.findElements('d:propstat');
for (final propStat in propStatElements) {
final status = propStat.getElement('d:status')!.text;
if (!status.contains('200')) {
return false;
return true;