// ignore_for_file: camel_case_types
// ignore_for_file: discarded_futures
// ignore_for_file: public_member_api_docs
// ignore_for_file: unreachable_switch_case
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:built_collection/built_collection.dart';
import 'package:built_value/built_value.dart';
import 'package:built_value/json_object.dart';
import 'package:built_value/serializer.dart';
import 'package:built_value/standard_json_plugin.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:dynamite_runtime/content_string.dart';
import 'package:dynamite_runtime/http_client.dart';
import 'package:dynamite_runtime/utils.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:universal_io/io.dart';
export 'package:dynamite_runtime/http_client.dart';
part 'theming.openapi.g.dart';
class ThemingClient extends DynamiteClient {
super.baseURL, {
ThemingClient.fromClient(final DynamiteClient client)
: super(
baseHeaders: client.baseHeaders,
httpClient: client.httpClient,
cookieJar: client.cookieJar,
authentications: client.authentications,
ThemingIconClient get icon => ThemingIconClient(this);
ThemingThemingClient get theming => ThemingThemingClient(this);
ThemingUserThemeClient get userTheme => ThemingUserThemeClient(this);
class ThemingIconClient {
final ThemingClient _rootClient;
/// Return a 32x32 favicon as png.
/// Returns a [Future] containing a [DynamiteResponse] with the status code, deserialized body and headers.
/// Throws a [DynamiteApiException] if the API call does not return an expected status code.
/// Parameters:
/// * [app] ID of the app
/// Status codes:
/// * 200: Favicon returned
/// * 404: Favicon not found
/// * 500
/// See:
/// * [getFaviconRaw] for an experimental operation that returns a [DynamiteRawResponse] that can be serialized.
Future<DynamiteResponse<Uint8List, void>> getFavicon({final String app = 'core'}) async {
final rawResponse = getFaviconRaw(
app: app,
return rawResponse.future;
/// Return a 32x32 favicon as png.
/// This method and the response it returns is experimental. The API might change without a major version bump.
/// Returns a [Future] containing a [DynamiteRawResponse] with the raw [HttpClientResponse] and serialization helpers.
/// Throws a [DynamiteApiException] if the API call does not return an expected status code.
/// Parameters:
/// * [app] ID of the app
/// Status codes:
/// * 200: Favicon returned
/// * 404: Favicon not found
/// * 500
/// See:
/// * [getFavicon] for an operation that returns a [DynamiteResponse] with a stable API.
DynamiteRawResponse<Uint8List, void> getFaviconRaw({final String app = 'core'}) {
var path = '/index.php/apps/theming/favicon/{app}';
final queryParameters = <String, dynamic>{};
final headers = <String, String>{
'Accept': 'image/x-icon',
Uint8List? body;
// coverage:ignore-start
final authentication = _rootClient.authentications.firstWhereOrNull(
(final auth) => switch (auth) {
DynamiteHttpBearerAuthentication() || DynamiteHttpBasicAuthentication() => true,
_ => false,
if (authentication != null) {
// coverage:ignore-end
path = path.replaceAll('{app}', Uri.encodeQueryComponent(app));
final uri = Uri(path: path, queryParameters: queryParameters.isNotEmpty ? queryParameters : null);
return DynamiteRawResponse<Uint8List, void>(
response: _rootClient.doRequest(
const {200},
bodyType: const FullType(Uint8List),
headersType: null,
serializers: _jsonSerializers,
/// Return a 512x512 icon for touch devices.
/// Returns a [Future] containing a [DynamiteResponse] with the status code, deserialized body and headers.
/// Throws a [DynamiteApiException] if the API call does not return an expected status code.
/// Parameters:
/// * [app] ID of the app
/// Status codes:
/// * 200: Touch icon returned
/// * 404: Touch icon not found
/// * 500
/// See:
/// * [getTouchIconRaw] for an experimental operation that returns a [DynamiteRawResponse] that can be serialized.
Future<DynamiteResponse<Uint8List, void>> getTouchIcon({final String app = 'core'}) async {
final rawResponse = getTouchIconRaw(
app: app,
return rawResponse.future;
/// Return a 512x512 icon for touch devices.
/// This method and the response it returns is experimental. The API might change without a major version bump.
/// Returns a [Future] containing a [DynamiteRawResponse] with the raw [HttpClientResponse] and serialization helpers.
/// Throws a [DynamiteApiException] if the API call does not return an expected status code.
/// Parameters:
/// * [app] ID of the app
/// Status codes:
/// * 200: Touch icon returned
/// * 404: Touch icon not found
/// * 500
/// See:
/// * [getTouchIcon] for an operation that returns a [DynamiteResponse] with a stable API.
DynamiteRawResponse<Uint8List, void> getTouchIconRaw({final String app = 'core'}) {
var path = '/index.php/apps/theming/icon/{app}';
final queryParameters = <String, dynamic>{};
final headers = <String, String>{
'Accept': 'image/png',
Uint8List? body;
// coverage:ignore-start
final authentication = _rootClient.authentications.firstWhereOrNull(
(final auth) => switch (auth) {
DynamiteHttpBearerAuthentication() || DynamiteHttpBasicAuthentication() => true,
_ => false,
if (authentication != null) {
// coverage:ignore-end
path = path.replaceAll('{app}', Uri.encodeQueryComponent(app));
final uri = Uri(path: path, queryParameters: queryParameters.isNotEmpty ? queryParameters : null);
return DynamiteRawResponse<Uint8List, void>(
response: _rootClient.doRequest(
const {200},
bodyType: const FullType(Uint8List),
headersType: null,
serializers: _jsonSerializers,
/// Get a themed icon.
/// Returns a [Future] containing a [DynamiteResponse] with the status code, deserialized body and headers.
/// Throws a [DynamiteApiException] if the API call does not return an expected status code.
/// Parameters:
/// * [app] ID of the app
/// * [image] image file name (svg required)
/// Status codes:
/// * 200: Themed icon returned
/// * 404: Themed icon not found
/// * 500
/// See:
/// * [getThemedIconRaw] for an experimental operation that returns a [DynamiteRawResponse] that can be serialized.
Future<DynamiteResponse<Uint8List, void>> getThemedIcon({
required final String app,
required final String image,
}) async {
final rawResponse = getThemedIconRaw(
app: app,
image: image,
return rawResponse.future;
/// Get a themed icon.
/// This method and the response it returns is experimental. The API might change without a major version bump.
/// Returns a [Future] containing a [DynamiteRawResponse] with the raw [HttpClientResponse] and serialization helpers.
/// Throws a [DynamiteApiException] if the API call does not return an expected status code.
/// Parameters:
/// * [app] ID of the app
/// * [image] image file name (svg required)
/// Status codes:
/// * 200: Themed icon returned
/// * 404: Themed icon not found
/// * 500
/// See:
/// * [getThemedIcon] for an operation that returns a [DynamiteResponse] with a stable API.
DynamiteRawResponse<Uint8List, void> getThemedIconRaw({
required final String app,
required final String image,
}) {
var path = '/index.php/apps/theming/img/{app}/{image}';
final queryParameters = <String, dynamic>{};
final headers = <String, String>{
'Accept': 'image/svg+xml',
Uint8List? body;
// coverage:ignore-start
final authentication = _rootClient.authentications.firstWhereOrNull(
(final auth) => switch (auth) {
DynamiteHttpBearerAuthentication() || DynamiteHttpBasicAuthentication() => true,
_ => false,
if (authentication != null) {
// coverage:ignore-end
path = path.replaceAll('{app}', Uri.encodeQueryComponent(app));
checkPattern(image, RegExp(r'^.+$'), 'image'); // coverage:ignore-line
path = path.replaceAll('{image}', Uri.encodeQueryComponent(image));
final uri = Uri(path: path, queryParameters: queryParameters.isNotEmpty ? queryParameters : null);
return DynamiteRawResponse<Uint8List, void>(
response: _rootClient.doRequest(
const {200},
bodyType: const FullType(Uint8List),
headersType: null,
serializers: _jsonSerializers,
/// Class ThemingController.
/// handle ajax requests to update the theme.
class ThemingThemingClient {
final ThemingClient _rootClient;
/// Get the CSS stylesheet for a theme.
/// Returns a [Future] containing a [DynamiteResponse] with the status code, deserialized body and headers.
/// Throws a [DynamiteApiException] if the API call does not return an expected status code.
/// Parameters:
/// * [plain] Let the browser decide the CSS priority
/// * [withCustomCss] Include custom CSS
/// * [themeId] ID of the theme
/// Status codes:
/// * 200: Stylesheet returned
/// * 404: Theme not found
/// See:
/// * [getThemeStylesheetRaw] for an experimental operation that returns a [DynamiteRawResponse] that can be serialized.
Future<DynamiteResponse<String, void>> getThemeStylesheet({
required final String themeId,
final int plain = 0,
final int withCustomCss = 0,
}) async {
final rawResponse = getThemeStylesheetRaw(
themeId: themeId,
plain: plain,
withCustomCss: withCustomCss,
return rawResponse.future;
/// Get the CSS stylesheet for a theme.
/// This method and the response it returns is experimental. The API might change without a major version bump.
/// Returns a [Future] containing a [DynamiteRawResponse] with the raw [HttpClientResponse] and serialization helpers.
/// Throws a [DynamiteApiException] if the API call does not return an expected status code.
/// Parameters:
/// * [plain] Let the browser decide the CSS priority
/// * [withCustomCss] Include custom CSS
/// * [themeId] ID of the theme
/// Status codes:
/// * 200: Stylesheet returned
/// * 404: Theme not found
/// See:
/// * [getThemeStylesheet] for an operation that returns a [DynamiteResponse] with a stable API.
DynamiteRawResponse<String, void> getThemeStylesheetRaw({
required final String themeId,
final int plain = 0,
final int withCustomCss = 0,
}) {
var path = '/index.php/apps/theming/theme/{themeId}.css';
final queryParameters = <String, dynamic>{};
final headers = <String, String>{
'Accept': 'text/css',
Uint8List? body;
// coverage:ignore-start
final authentication = _rootClient.authentications.firstWhereOrNull(
(final auth) => switch (auth) {
DynamiteHttpBearerAuthentication() || DynamiteHttpBasicAuthentication() => true,
_ => false,
if (authentication != null) {
// coverage:ignore-end
path = path.replaceAll('{themeId}', Uri.encodeQueryComponent(themeId));
if (plain != 0) {
queryParameters['plain'] = plain.toString();
if (withCustomCss != 0) {
queryParameters['withCustomCss'] = withCustomCss.toString();
final uri = Uri(path: path, queryParameters: queryParameters.isNotEmpty ? queryParameters : null);
return DynamiteRawResponse<String, void>(
response: _rootClient.doRequest(
const {200},
bodyType: const FullType(String),
headersType: null,
serializers: _jsonSerializers,
/// Get an image.
/// Returns a [Future] containing a [DynamiteResponse] with the status code, deserialized body and headers.
/// Throws a [DynamiteApiException] if the API call does not return an expected status code.
/// Parameters:
/// * [useSvg] Return image as SVG
/// * [key] Key of the image
/// Status codes:
/// * 200: Image returned
/// * 404: Image not found
/// * 500
/// See:
/// * [getImageRaw] for an experimental operation that returns a [DynamiteRawResponse] that can be serialized.
Future<DynamiteResponse<Uint8List, void>> getImage({
required final String key,
final int useSvg = 1,
}) async {
final rawResponse = getImageRaw(
key: key,
useSvg: useSvg,
return rawResponse.future;
/// Get an image.
/// This method and the response it returns is experimental. The API might change without a major version bump.
/// Returns a [Future] containing a [DynamiteRawResponse] with the raw [HttpClientResponse] and serialization helpers.
/// Throws a [DynamiteApiException] if the API call does not return an expected status code.
/// Parameters:
/// * [useSvg] Return image as SVG
/// * [key] Key of the image
/// Status codes:
/// * 200: Image returned
/// * 404: Image not found
/// * 500
/// See:
/// * [getImage] for an operation that returns a [DynamiteResponse] with a stable API.
DynamiteRawResponse<Uint8List, void> getImageRaw({
required final String key,
final int useSvg = 1,
}) {
var path = '/index.php/apps/theming/image/{key}';
final queryParameters = <String, dynamic>{};
final headers = <String, String>{
'Accept': '*/*',
Uint8List? body;
// coverage:ignore-start
final authentication = _rootClient.authentications.firstWhereOrNull(
(final auth) => switch (auth) {
DynamiteHttpBearerAuthentication() || DynamiteHttpBasicAuthentication() => true,
_ => false,
if (authentication != null) {
// coverage:ignore-end
path = path.replaceAll('{key}', Uri.encodeQueryComponent(key));
if (useSvg != 1) {
queryParameters['useSvg'] = useSvg.toString();
final uri = Uri(path: path, queryParameters: queryParameters.isNotEmpty ? queryParameters : null);
return DynamiteRawResponse<Uint8List, void>(
response: _rootClient.doRequest(
const {200},
bodyType: const FullType(Uint8List),
headersType: null,
serializers: _jsonSerializers,
/// Get the manifest for an app.
/// Returns a [Future] containing a [DynamiteResponse] with the status code, deserialized body and headers.
/// Throws a [DynamiteApiException] if the API call does not return an expected status code.
/// Parameters:
/// * [app] ID of the app
/// Status codes:
/// * 200: Manifest returned
/// See:
/// * [getManifestRaw] for an experimental operation that returns a [DynamiteRawResponse] that can be serialized.
Future<DynamiteResponse<ThemingThemingGetManifestResponseApplicationJson, void>> getManifest({
required final String app,
}) async {
final rawResponse = getManifestRaw(
app: app,
return rawResponse.future;
/// Get the manifest for an app.
/// This method and the response it returns is experimental. The API might change without a major version bump.
/// Returns a [Future] containing a [DynamiteRawResponse] with the raw [HttpClientResponse] and serialization helpers.
/// Throws a [DynamiteApiException] if the API call does not return an expected status code.
/// Parameters:
/// * [app] ID of the app
/// Status codes:
/// * 200: Manifest returned
/// See:
/// * [getManifest] for an operation that returns a [DynamiteResponse] with a stable API.
DynamiteRawResponse<ThemingThemingGetManifestResponseApplicationJson, void> getManifestRaw({
required final String app,
}) {
var path = '/index.php/apps/theming/manifest/{app}';
final queryParameters = <String, dynamic>{};
final headers = <String, String>{
'Accept': 'application/json',
Uint8List? body;
// coverage:ignore-start
final authentication = _rootClient.authentications.firstWhereOrNull(
(final auth) => switch (auth) {
DynamiteHttpBearerAuthentication() || DynamiteHttpBasicAuthentication() => true,
_ => false,
if (authentication != null) {
// coverage:ignore-end
path = path.replaceAll('{app}', Uri.encodeQueryComponent(app));
final uri = Uri(path: path, queryParameters: queryParameters.isNotEmpty ? queryParameters : null);
return DynamiteRawResponse<ThemingThemingGetManifestResponseApplicationJson, void>(
response: _rootClient.doRequest(
const {200},
bodyType: const FullType(ThemingThemingGetManifestResponseApplicationJson),
headersType: null,
serializers: _jsonSerializers,
class ThemingUserThemeClient {
final ThemingClient _rootClient;
/// Get the background image.
/// Returns a [Future] containing a [DynamiteResponse] with the status code, deserialized body and headers.
/// Throws a [DynamiteApiException] if the API call does not return an expected status code.
/// Parameters:
/// * [oCSAPIRequest] Required to be true for the API request to pass
/// Status codes:
/// * 200: Background image returned
/// * 404: Background image not found
/// See:
/// * [getBackgroundRaw] for an experimental operation that returns a [DynamiteRawResponse] that can be serialized.
Future<DynamiteResponse<Uint8List, void>> getBackground({final bool oCSAPIRequest = true}) async {
final rawResponse = getBackgroundRaw(
oCSAPIRequest: oCSAPIRequest,
return rawResponse.future;
/// Get the background image.
/// This method and the response it returns is experimental. The API might change without a major version bump.
/// Returns a [Future] containing a [DynamiteRawResponse] with the raw [HttpClientResponse] and serialization helpers.
/// Throws a [DynamiteApiException] if the API call does not return an expected status code.
/// Parameters:
/// * [oCSAPIRequest] Required to be true for the API request to pass
/// Status codes:
/// * 200: Background image returned
/// * 404: Background image not found
/// See:
/// * [getBackground] for an operation that returns a [DynamiteResponse] with a stable API.
DynamiteRawResponse<Uint8List, void> getBackgroundRaw({final bool oCSAPIRequest = true}) {
const path = '/index.php/apps/theming/background';
final queryParameters = <String, dynamic>{};
final headers = <String, String>{
'Accept': '*/*',
Uint8List? body;
// coverage:ignore-start
final authentication = _rootClient.authentications.firstWhereOrNull(
(final auth) => switch (auth) {
DynamiteHttpBearerAuthentication() || DynamiteHttpBasicAuthentication() => true,
_ => false,
if (authentication != null) {
} else {
throw Exception('Missing authentication for bearer_auth or basic_auth');
// coverage:ignore-end
headers['OCS-APIRequest'] = oCSAPIRequest.toString();
final uri = Uri(path: path, queryParameters: queryParameters.isNotEmpty ? queryParameters : null);
return DynamiteRawResponse<Uint8List, void>(
response: _rootClient.doRequest(
const {200},
bodyType: const FullType(Uint8List),
headersType: null,
serializers: _jsonSerializers,
/// Set the background.
/// Returns a [Future] containing a [DynamiteResponse] with the status code, deserialized body and headers.
/// Throws a [DynamiteApiException] if the API call does not return an expected status code.
/// Parameters:
/// * [value] Path of the background image
/// * [color] Color for the background
/// * [type] Type of background
/// * [oCSAPIRequest] Required to be true for the API request to pass
/// Status codes:
/// * 200: Background set successfully
/// * 400: Setting background is not possible
/// * 500
/// See:
/// * [setBackgroundRaw] for an experimental operation that returns a [DynamiteRawResponse] that can be serialized.
Future<DynamiteResponse<ThemingBackground, void>> setBackground({
required final String type,
final String value = '',
final String? color,
final bool oCSAPIRequest = true,
}) async {
final rawResponse = setBackgroundRaw(
type: type,
value: value,
color: color,
oCSAPIRequest: oCSAPIRequest,
return rawResponse.future;
/// Set the background.
/// This method and the response it returns is experimental. The API might change without a major version bump.
/// Returns a [Future] containing a [DynamiteRawResponse] with the raw [HttpClientResponse] and serialization helpers.
/// Throws a [DynamiteApiException] if the API call does not return an expected status code.
/// Parameters:
/// * [value] Path of the background image
/// * [color] Color for the background
/// * [type] Type of background
/// * [oCSAPIRequest] Required to be true for the API request to pass
/// Status codes:
/// * 200: Background set successfully
/// * 400: Setting background is not possible
/// * 500
/// See:
/// * [setBackground] for an operation that returns a [DynamiteResponse] with a stable API.
DynamiteRawResponse<ThemingBackground, void> setBackgroundRaw({
required final String type,
final String value = '',
final String? color,
final bool oCSAPIRequest = true,
}) {
var path = '/index.php/apps/theming/background/{type}';
final queryParameters = <String, dynamic>{};
final headers = <String, String>{
'Accept': 'application/json',
Uint8List? body;
// coverage:ignore-start
final authentication = _rootClient.authentications.firstWhereOrNull(
(final auth) => switch (auth) {
DynamiteHttpBearerAuthentication() || DynamiteHttpBasicAuthentication() => true,
_ => false,
if (authentication != null) {
} else {
throw Exception('Missing authentication for bearer_auth or basic_auth');
// coverage:ignore-end
path = path.replaceAll('{type}', Uri.encodeQueryComponent(type));
if (value != '') {
queryParameters['value'] = value;
if (color != null) {
queryParameters['color'] = color;
headers['OCS-APIRequest'] = oCSAPIRequest.toString();
final uri = Uri(path: path, queryParameters: queryParameters.isNotEmpty ? queryParameters : null);
return DynamiteRawResponse<ThemingBackground, void>(
response: _rootClient.doRequest(
const {200},
bodyType: const FullType(ThemingBackground),
headersType: null,
serializers: _jsonSerializers,
/// Delete the background.
/// Returns a [Future] containing a [DynamiteResponse] with the status code, deserialized body and headers.
/// Throws a [DynamiteApiException] if the API call does not return an expected status code.
/// Parameters:
/// * [oCSAPIRequest] Required to be true for the API request to pass
/// Status codes:
/// * 200: Background deleted successfully
/// See:
/// * [deleteBackgroundRaw] for an experimental operation that returns a [DynamiteRawResponse] that can be serialized.
Future<DynamiteResponse<ThemingBackground, void>> deleteBackground({final bool oCSAPIRequest = true}) async {
final rawResponse = deleteBackgroundRaw(
oCSAPIRequest: oCSAPIRequest,
return rawResponse.future;
/// Delete the background.
/// This method and the response it returns is experimental. The API might change without a major version bump.
/// Returns a [Future] containing a [DynamiteRawResponse] with the raw [HttpClientResponse] and serialization helpers.
/// Throws a [DynamiteApiException] if the API call does not return an expected status code.
/// Parameters:
/// * [oCSAPIRequest] Required to be true for the API request to pass
/// Status codes:
/// * 200: Background deleted successfully
/// See:
/// * [deleteBackground] for an operation that returns a [DynamiteResponse] with a stable API.
DynamiteRawResponse<ThemingBackground, void> deleteBackgroundRaw({final bool oCSAPIRequest = true}) {
const path = '/index.php/apps/theming/background/custom';
final queryParameters = <String, dynamic>{};
final headers = <String, String>{
'Accept': 'application/json',
Uint8List? body;
// coverage:ignore-start
final authentication = _rootClient.authentications.firstWhereOrNull(
(final auth) => switch (auth) {
DynamiteHttpBearerAuthentication() || DynamiteHttpBasicAuthentication() => true,
_ => false,
if (authentication != null) {
} else {
throw Exception('Missing authentication for bearer_auth or basic_auth');
// coverage:ignore-end
headers['OCS-APIRequest'] = oCSAPIRequest.toString();
final uri = Uri(path: path, queryParameters: queryParameters.isNotEmpty ? queryParameters : null);
return DynamiteRawResponse<ThemingBackground, void>(
response: _rootClient.doRequest(
const {200},
bodyType: const FullType(ThemingBackground),
headersType: null,
serializers: _jsonSerializers,
/// Enable theme.
/// Returns a [Future] containing a [DynamiteResponse] with the status code, deserialized body and headers.
/// Throws a [DynamiteApiException] if the API call does not return an expected status code.
/// Parameters:
/// * [themeId] the theme ID
/// * [oCSAPIRequest] Required to be true for the API request to pass
/// Status codes:
/// * 200: Theme enabled successfully
/// * 400: Enabling theme is not possible
/// * 500
/// See:
/// * [enableThemeRaw] for an experimental operation that returns a [DynamiteRawResponse] that can be serialized.
Future<DynamiteResponse<ThemingUserThemeEnableThemeResponseApplicationJson, void>> enableTheme({
required final String themeId,
final bool oCSAPIRequest = true,
}) async {
final rawResponse = enableThemeRaw(
themeId: themeId,
oCSAPIRequest: oCSAPIRequest,
return rawResponse.future;
/// Enable theme.
/// This method and the response it returns is experimental. The API might change without a major version bump.
/// Returns a [Future] containing a [DynamiteRawResponse] with the raw [HttpClientResponse] and serialization helpers.
/// Throws a [DynamiteApiException] if the API call does not return an expected status code.
/// Parameters:
/// * [themeId] the theme ID
/// * [oCSAPIRequest] Required to be true for the API request to pass
/// Status codes:
/// * 200: Theme enabled successfully
/// * 400: Enabling theme is not possible
/// * 500
/// See:
/// * [enableTheme] for an operation that returns a [DynamiteResponse] with a stable API.
DynamiteRawResponse<ThemingUserThemeEnableThemeResponseApplicationJson, void> enableThemeRaw({
required final String themeId,
final bool oCSAPIRequest = true,
}) {
var path = '/ocs/v2.php/apps/theming/api/v1/theme/{themeId}/enable';
final queryParameters = <String, dynamic>{};
final headers = <String, String>{
'Accept': 'application/json',
Uint8List? body;
// coverage:ignore-start
final authentication = _rootClient.authentications.firstWhereOrNull(
(final auth) => switch (auth) {
DynamiteHttpBearerAuthentication() || DynamiteHttpBasicAuthentication() => true,
_ => false,
if (authentication != null) {
} else {
throw Exception('Missing authentication for bearer_auth or basic_auth');
// coverage:ignore-end
path = path.replaceAll('{themeId}', Uri.encodeQueryComponent(themeId));
headers['OCS-APIRequest'] = oCSAPIRequest.toString();
final uri = Uri(path: path, queryParameters: queryParameters.isNotEmpty ? queryParameters : null);
return DynamiteRawResponse<ThemingUserThemeEnableThemeResponseApplicationJson, void>(
response: _rootClient.doRequest(
const {200},
bodyType: const FullType(ThemingUserThemeEnableThemeResponseApplicationJson),
headersType: null,
serializers: _jsonSerializers,
/// Disable theme.
/// Returns a [Future] containing a [DynamiteResponse] with the status code, deserialized body and headers.
/// Throws a [DynamiteApiException] if the API call does not return an expected status code.
/// Parameters:
/// * [themeId] the theme ID
/// * [oCSAPIRequest] Required to be true for the API request to pass
/// Status codes:
/// * 200: Theme disabled successfully
/// * 400: Disabling theme is not possible
/// * 500
/// See:
/// * [disableThemeRaw] for an experimental operation that returns a [DynamiteRawResponse] that can be serialized.
Future<DynamiteResponse<ThemingUserThemeDisableThemeResponseApplicationJson, void>> disableTheme({
required final String themeId,
final bool oCSAPIRequest = true,
}) async {
final rawResponse = disableThemeRaw(
themeId: themeId,
oCSAPIRequest: oCSAPIRequest,
return rawResponse.future;
/// Disable theme.
/// This method and the response it returns is experimental. The API might change without a major version bump.
/// Returns a [Future] containing a [DynamiteRawResponse] with the raw [HttpClientResponse] and serialization helpers.
/// Throws a [DynamiteApiException] if the API call does not return an expected status code.
/// Parameters:
/// * [themeId] the theme ID
/// * [oCSAPIRequest] Required to be true for the API request to pass
/// Status codes:
/// * 200: Theme disabled successfully
/// * 400: Disabling theme is not possible
/// * 500
/// See:
/// * [disableTheme] for an operation that returns a [DynamiteResponse] with a stable API.
DynamiteRawResponse<ThemingUserThemeDisableThemeResponseApplicationJson, void> disableThemeRaw({
required final String themeId,
final bool oCSAPIRequest = true,
}) {
var path = '/ocs/v2.php/apps/theming/api/v1/theme/{themeId}';
final queryParameters = <String, dynamic>{};
final headers = <String, String>{
'Accept': 'application/json',
Uint8List? body;
// coverage:ignore-start
final authentication = _rootClient.authentications.firstWhereOrNull(
(final auth) => switch (auth) {
DynamiteHttpBearerAuthentication() || DynamiteHttpBasicAuthentication() => true,
_ => false,
if (authentication != null) {
} else {
throw Exception('Missing authentication for bearer_auth or basic_auth');
// coverage:ignore-end
path = path.replaceAll('{themeId}', Uri.encodeQueryComponent(themeId));
headers['OCS-APIRequest'] = oCSAPIRequest.toString();
final uri = Uri(path: path, queryParameters: queryParameters.isNotEmpty ? queryParameters : null);
return DynamiteRawResponse<ThemingUserThemeDisableThemeResponseApplicationJson, void>(
response: _rootClient.doRequest(
const {200},
bodyType: const FullType(ThemingUserThemeDisableThemeResponseApplicationJson),
headersType: null,
serializers: _jsonSerializers,
@BuiltValue(instantiable: false)
abstract interface class ThemingThemingGetManifestResponseApplicationJson_IconsInterface {
String get src;
String get type;
String get sizes;
ThemingThemingGetManifestResponseApplicationJson_IconsInterface rebuild(
final void Function(ThemingThemingGetManifestResponseApplicationJson_IconsInterfaceBuilder) updates,
ThemingThemingGetManifestResponseApplicationJson_IconsInterfaceBuilder toBuilder();
abstract class ThemingThemingGetManifestResponseApplicationJson_Icons
ThemingThemingGetManifestResponseApplicationJson_IconsBuilder> {
factory ThemingThemingGetManifestResponseApplicationJson_Icons([
final void Function(ThemingThemingGetManifestResponseApplicationJson_IconsBuilder)? b,
]) = _$ThemingThemingGetManifestResponseApplicationJson_Icons;
// coverage:ignore-start
const ThemingThemingGetManifestResponseApplicationJson_Icons._();
// coverage:ignore-end
// coverage:ignore-start
factory ThemingThemingGetManifestResponseApplicationJson_Icons.fromJson(final Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
_jsonSerializers.deserializeWith(serializer, json)!;
// coverage:ignore-end
// coverage:ignore-start
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _jsonSerializers.serializeWith(serializer, this)! as Map<String, dynamic>;
// coverage:ignore-end
static Serializer<ThemingThemingGetManifestResponseApplicationJson_Icons> get serializer =>
@BuiltValue(instantiable: false)
abstract interface class ThemingThemingGetManifestResponseApplicationJsonInterface {
String get name;
@BuiltValueField(wireName: 'short_name')
String get shortName;
@BuiltValueField(wireName: 'start_url')
String get startUrl;
@BuiltValueField(wireName: 'theme_color')
String get themeColor;
@BuiltValueField(wireName: 'background_color')
String get backgroundColor;
String get description;
BuiltList<ThemingThemingGetManifestResponseApplicationJson_Icons> get icons;
String get display;
ThemingThemingGetManifestResponseApplicationJsonInterface rebuild(
final void Function(ThemingThemingGetManifestResponseApplicationJsonInterfaceBuilder) updates,
ThemingThemingGetManifestResponseApplicationJsonInterfaceBuilder toBuilder();
abstract class ThemingThemingGetManifestResponseApplicationJson
ThemingThemingGetManifestResponseApplicationJsonBuilder> {
factory ThemingThemingGetManifestResponseApplicationJson([
final void Function(ThemingThemingGetManifestResponseApplicationJsonBuilder)? b,
]) = _$ThemingThemingGetManifestResponseApplicationJson;
// coverage:ignore-start
const ThemingThemingGetManifestResponseApplicationJson._();
// coverage:ignore-end
// coverage:ignore-start
factory ThemingThemingGetManifestResponseApplicationJson.fromJson(final Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
_jsonSerializers.deserializeWith(serializer, json)!;
// coverage:ignore-end
// coverage:ignore-start
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _jsonSerializers.serializeWith(serializer, this)! as Map<String, dynamic>;
// coverage:ignore-end
static Serializer<ThemingThemingGetManifestResponseApplicationJson> get serializer =>
@BuiltValue(instantiable: false)
abstract interface class ThemingBackgroundInterface {
String? get backgroundImage;
String get backgroundColor;
int get version;
ThemingBackgroundInterface rebuild(final void Function(ThemingBackgroundInterfaceBuilder) updates);
ThemingBackgroundInterfaceBuilder toBuilder();
abstract class ThemingBackground
implements ThemingBackgroundInterface, Built<ThemingBackground, ThemingBackgroundBuilder> {
factory ThemingBackground([final void Function(ThemingBackgroundBuilder)? b]) = _$ThemingBackground;
// coverage:ignore-start
const ThemingBackground._();
// coverage:ignore-end
// coverage:ignore-start
factory ThemingBackground.fromJson(final Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
_jsonSerializers.deserializeWith(serializer, json)!;
// coverage:ignore-end
// coverage:ignore-start
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _jsonSerializers.serializeWith(serializer, this)! as Map<String, dynamic>;
// coverage:ignore-end
static Serializer<ThemingBackground> get serializer => _$themingBackgroundSerializer;
@BuiltValue(instantiable: false)
abstract interface class ThemingOCSMetaInterface {
String get status;
int get statuscode;
String? get message;
String? get totalitems;
String? get itemsperpage;
ThemingOCSMetaInterface rebuild(final void Function(ThemingOCSMetaInterfaceBuilder) updates);
ThemingOCSMetaInterfaceBuilder toBuilder();
abstract class ThemingOCSMeta implements ThemingOCSMetaInterface, Built<ThemingOCSMeta, ThemingOCSMetaBuilder> {
factory ThemingOCSMeta([final void Function(ThemingOCSMetaBuilder)? b]) = _$ThemingOCSMeta;
// coverage:ignore-start
const ThemingOCSMeta._();
// coverage:ignore-end
// coverage:ignore-start
factory ThemingOCSMeta.fromJson(final Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
_jsonSerializers.deserializeWith(serializer, json)!;
// coverage:ignore-end
// coverage:ignore-start
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _jsonSerializers.serializeWith(serializer, this)! as Map<String, dynamic>;
// coverage:ignore-end
static Serializer<ThemingOCSMeta> get serializer => _$themingOCSMetaSerializer;
@BuiltValue(instantiable: false)
abstract interface class ThemingUserThemeEnableThemeResponseApplicationJson_OcsInterface {
ThemingOCSMeta get meta;
JsonObject get data;
ThemingUserThemeEnableThemeResponseApplicationJson_OcsInterface rebuild(
final void Function(ThemingUserThemeEnableThemeResponseApplicationJson_OcsInterfaceBuilder) updates,
ThemingUserThemeEnableThemeResponseApplicationJson_OcsInterfaceBuilder toBuilder();
abstract class ThemingUserThemeEnableThemeResponseApplicationJson_Ocs
ThemingUserThemeEnableThemeResponseApplicationJson_OcsBuilder> {
factory ThemingUserThemeEnableThemeResponseApplicationJson_Ocs([
final void Function(ThemingUserThemeEnableThemeResponseApplicationJson_OcsBuilder)? b,
]) = _$ThemingUserThemeEnableThemeResponseApplicationJson_Ocs;
// coverage:ignore-start
const ThemingUserThemeEnableThemeResponseApplicationJson_Ocs._();
// coverage:ignore-end
// coverage:ignore-start
factory ThemingUserThemeEnableThemeResponseApplicationJson_Ocs.fromJson(final Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
_jsonSerializers.deserializeWith(serializer, json)!;
// coverage:ignore-end
// coverage:ignore-start
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _jsonSerializers.serializeWith(serializer, this)! as Map<String, dynamic>;
// coverage:ignore-end
static Serializer<ThemingUserThemeEnableThemeResponseApplicationJson_Ocs> get serializer =>
@BuiltValue(instantiable: false)
abstract interface class ThemingUserThemeEnableThemeResponseApplicationJsonInterface {
ThemingUserThemeEnableThemeResponseApplicationJson_Ocs get ocs;
ThemingUserThemeEnableThemeResponseApplicationJsonInterface rebuild(
final void Function(ThemingUserThemeEnableThemeResponseApplicationJsonInterfaceBuilder) updates,
ThemingUserThemeEnableThemeResponseApplicationJsonInterfaceBuilder toBuilder();
abstract class ThemingUserThemeEnableThemeResponseApplicationJson
ThemingUserThemeEnableThemeResponseApplicationJsonBuilder> {
factory ThemingUserThemeEnableThemeResponseApplicationJson([
final void Function(ThemingUserThemeEnableThemeResponseApplicationJsonBuilder)? b,
]) = _$ThemingUserThemeEnableThemeResponseApplicationJson;
// coverage:ignore-start
const ThemingUserThemeEnableThemeResponseApplicationJson._();
// coverage:ignore-end
// coverage:ignore-start
factory ThemingUserThemeEnableThemeResponseApplicationJson.fromJson(final Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
_jsonSerializers.deserializeWith(serializer, json)!;
// coverage:ignore-end
// coverage:ignore-start
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _jsonSerializers.serializeWith(serializer, this)! as Map<String, dynamic>;
// coverage:ignore-end
static Serializer<ThemingUserThemeEnableThemeResponseApplicationJson> get serializer =>
@BuiltValue(instantiable: false)
abstract interface class ThemingUserThemeDisableThemeResponseApplicationJson_OcsInterface {
ThemingOCSMeta get meta;
JsonObject get data;
ThemingUserThemeDisableThemeResponseApplicationJson_OcsInterface rebuild(
final void Function(ThemingUserThemeDisableThemeResponseApplicationJson_OcsInterfaceBuilder) updates,
ThemingUserThemeDisableThemeResponseApplicationJson_OcsInterfaceBuilder toBuilder();
abstract class ThemingUserThemeDisableThemeResponseApplicationJson_Ocs
ThemingUserThemeDisableThemeResponseApplicationJson_OcsBuilder> {
factory ThemingUserThemeDisableThemeResponseApplicationJson_Ocs([
final void Function(ThemingUserThemeDisableThemeResponseApplicationJson_OcsBuilder)? b,
]) = _$ThemingUserThemeDisableThemeResponseApplicationJson_Ocs;
// coverage:ignore-start
const ThemingUserThemeDisableThemeResponseApplicationJson_Ocs._();
// coverage:ignore-end
// coverage:ignore-start
factory ThemingUserThemeDisableThemeResponseApplicationJson_Ocs.fromJson(final Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
_jsonSerializers.deserializeWith(serializer, json)!;
// coverage:ignore-end
// coverage:ignore-start
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _jsonSerializers.serializeWith(serializer, this)! as Map<String, dynamic>;
// coverage:ignore-end
static Serializer<ThemingUserThemeDisableThemeResponseApplicationJson_Ocs> get serializer =>
@BuiltValue(instantiable: false)
abstract interface class ThemingUserThemeDisableThemeResponseApplicationJsonInterface {
ThemingUserThemeDisableThemeResponseApplicationJson_Ocs get ocs;
ThemingUserThemeDisableThemeResponseApplicationJsonInterface rebuild(
final void Function(ThemingUserThemeDisableThemeResponseApplicationJsonInterfaceBuilder) updates,
ThemingUserThemeDisableThemeResponseApplicationJsonInterfaceBuilder toBuilder();
abstract class ThemingUserThemeDisableThemeResponseApplicationJson
ThemingUserThemeDisableThemeResponseApplicationJsonBuilder> {
factory ThemingUserThemeDisableThemeResponseApplicationJson([
final void Function(ThemingUserThemeDisableThemeResponseApplicationJsonBuilder)? b,
]) = _$ThemingUserThemeDisableThemeResponseApplicationJson;
// coverage:ignore-start
const ThemingUserThemeDisableThemeResponseApplicationJson._();
// coverage:ignore-end
// coverage:ignore-start
factory ThemingUserThemeDisableThemeResponseApplicationJson.fromJson(final Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
_jsonSerializers.deserializeWith(serializer, json)!;
// coverage:ignore-end
// coverage:ignore-start
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _jsonSerializers.serializeWith(serializer, this)! as Map<String, dynamic>;
// coverage:ignore-end
static Serializer<ThemingUserThemeDisableThemeResponseApplicationJson> get serializer =>
@BuiltValue(instantiable: false)
abstract interface class ThemingPublicCapabilities_ThemingInterface {
String get name;
String get url;
String get slogan;
String get color;
@BuiltValueField(wireName: 'color-text')
String get colorText;
@BuiltValueField(wireName: 'color-element')
String get colorElement;
@BuiltValueField(wireName: 'color-element-bright')
String get colorElementBright;
@BuiltValueField(wireName: 'color-element-dark')
String get colorElementDark;
String get logo;
String get background;
@BuiltValueField(wireName: 'background-plain')
bool get backgroundPlain;
@BuiltValueField(wireName: 'background-default')
bool get backgroundDefault;
String get logoheader;
String get favicon;
ThemingPublicCapabilities_ThemingInterface rebuild(
final void Function(ThemingPublicCapabilities_ThemingInterfaceBuilder) updates,
ThemingPublicCapabilities_ThemingInterfaceBuilder toBuilder();
abstract class ThemingPublicCapabilities_Theming
Built<ThemingPublicCapabilities_Theming, ThemingPublicCapabilities_ThemingBuilder> {
factory ThemingPublicCapabilities_Theming([final void Function(ThemingPublicCapabilities_ThemingBuilder)? b]) =
// coverage:ignore-start
const ThemingPublicCapabilities_Theming._();
// coverage:ignore-end
// coverage:ignore-start
factory ThemingPublicCapabilities_Theming.fromJson(final Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
_jsonSerializers.deserializeWith(serializer, json)!;
// coverage:ignore-end
// coverage:ignore-start
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _jsonSerializers.serializeWith(serializer, this)! as Map<String, dynamic>;
// coverage:ignore-end
static Serializer<ThemingPublicCapabilities_Theming> get serializer => _$themingPublicCapabilitiesThemingSerializer;
@BuiltValue(instantiable: false)
abstract interface class ThemingPublicCapabilitiesInterface {
ThemingPublicCapabilities_Theming get theming;
ThemingPublicCapabilitiesInterface rebuild(final void Function(ThemingPublicCapabilitiesInterfaceBuilder) updates);
ThemingPublicCapabilitiesInterfaceBuilder toBuilder();
abstract class ThemingPublicCapabilities
implements ThemingPublicCapabilitiesInterface, Built<ThemingPublicCapabilities, ThemingPublicCapabilitiesBuilder> {
factory ThemingPublicCapabilities([final void Function(ThemingPublicCapabilitiesBuilder)? b]) =
// coverage:ignore-start
const ThemingPublicCapabilities._();
// coverage:ignore-end
// coverage:ignore-start
factory ThemingPublicCapabilities.fromJson(final Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
_jsonSerializers.deserializeWith(serializer, json)!;
// coverage:ignore-end
// coverage:ignore-start
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _jsonSerializers.serializeWith(serializer, this)! as Map<String, dynamic>;
// coverage:ignore-end
static Serializer<ThemingPublicCapabilities> get serializer => _$themingPublicCapabilitiesSerializer;
// coverage:ignore-start
final Serializers _serializers = (Serializers().toBuilder()
const FullType(ThemingThemingGetManifestResponseApplicationJson),
const FullType(ThemingThemingGetManifestResponseApplicationJson_Icons),
const FullType(BuiltList, [FullType(ThemingThemingGetManifestResponseApplicationJson_Icons)]),
..addBuilderFactory(const FullType(ThemingBackground), ThemingBackground.new)
const FullType(ThemingUserThemeEnableThemeResponseApplicationJson),
const FullType(ThemingUserThemeEnableThemeResponseApplicationJson_Ocs),
..addBuilderFactory(const FullType(ThemingOCSMeta), ThemingOCSMeta.new)
const FullType(ThemingUserThemeDisableThemeResponseApplicationJson),
const FullType(ThemingUserThemeDisableThemeResponseApplicationJson_Ocs),
..addBuilderFactory(const FullType(ThemingPublicCapabilities), ThemingPublicCapabilities.new)
..addBuilderFactory(const FullType(ThemingPublicCapabilities_Theming), ThemingPublicCapabilities_Theming.new)
final Serializers _jsonSerializers = (_serializers.toBuilder()
..addPlugin(const ContentStringPlugin()))
// coverage:ignore-end