A framework for building convergent cross-platform Nextcloud clients using Flutter.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

272 lines
9.7 KiB

3 years ago
"@@locale": "en",
"appName": "Nextcloud Harbour",
"loginAccountAlreadyExists": "The account you are trying to add already exists",
"loginAgain": "Login again",
"loginOpenAgain": "Open again",
"loginSwitchToBrowserWindow": "Please switch to the browser window that just opened and proceed there",
"loginWorksWith": "works with",
"errorCredentialsForAccountNoLongerMatch": "The credentials for this account no longer match",
"errorServerHadAProblemProcessingYourRequest": "The server had a problem while processing your request. You might want to try again",
"errorSomethingWentWrongTryAgainLater": "Something went wrong. Please try again later",
"errorUnableToReachServer": "Unable to reach the server",
"errorUnableToReachServerAt": "Unable to reach the server at {url}",
"@errorUnableToReachServerAt": {
"placeholders": {
"url": {
"type": "String"
"errorConnectionTimedOut": "Connection has timed out",
"errorNoCompatibleNextcloudAppsFound": "No compatible Nextcloud apps could be found.\nWe are working hard to implement more and more apps!",
"errorServerInMaintenanceMode": "The server is in maintenance mode. Please try again later or contact the server admin.",
"errorMissingPermission": "Permission for {name} is missing",
"@errorMissingPermission" : {
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"type": "String"
"validatorEmptyField": "This field can not be empty",
"validatorInvalidURL": "Invalid URL provided",
"delete": "Delete",
"remove": "Remove",
"rename": "Rename",
"move": "Move",
"copy": "Copy",
"yes": "Yes",
"no": "No",
"close": "Close",
"retry": "Retry",
"showSlashHide": "Show/Hide",
"exit": "Exit",
"disabled": "Disabled",
3 years ago
"settings": "Settings",
"settingsForApp": "Settings - {name}",
"@settingsForApp": {
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"type": "String"
"settingsForAccount": "Settings - {username}@{host}",
"@settingsForAccount": {
"placeholders": {
"username": {
"type": "String"
"host": {
"type": "String"
"settingsApps": "Apps",
"settingsExport": "Export settings",
"settingsImport": "Import settings",
"settingsImportWrongFileExtension": "Settings import has wrong file extension (has to be .json.base64)",
"optionsCategoryGeneral": "General",
"optionsCategoryTheme": "Theme",
"optionsCategoryOther": "Other",
"optionsCategoryAccounts": "Accounts",
"optionsCategoryStartup": "Startup",
"optionsCategorySystemTray": "System tray",
"optionsSortOrderAscending": "Ascending",
"optionsSortOrderDescending": "Descending",
"globalOptionsThemeMode": "Theme mode",
"globalOptionsThemeModeLight": "Light",
"globalOptionsThemeModeDark": "Dark",
"globalOptionsThemeModeAutomatic": "Automatic",
"globalOptionsThemeOLEDAsDark": "OLED theme as dark theme",
"globalOptionsStartupMinimized": "Start minimized",
"globalOptionsStartupMinimizeInsteadOfExit": "Minimize instead of exit",
"globalOptionsSystemTrayEnabled": "Enable system tray",
"globalOptionsSystemTrayHideToTrayWhenMinimized": "Hide to system tray when minimized",
"globalOptionsAccountsRememberLastUsedAccount": "Remember last used account",
"globalOptionsAccountsRemoveConfirm": "Are you sure you want to remove the account {name} from {url}?",
"@globalOptionsAccountsRemoveConfirm": {
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"type": "String"
"url": {
"type": "String"
"globalOptionsAccountsAdd": "Add account",
"accountOptionsInitialApp": "App to show initially",
"accountOptionsAutomatic": "Automatic",
"licenses": "Licenses",
"filesName": "Files",
"filesUploadFiles": "Upload files",
"filesUploadImages": "Upload images",
"filesUploadCamera": "Upload from camera",
3 years ago
"filesCreateFolder": "Create folder",
"filesFolderName": "Folder name",
"filesRenameFolder": "Rename folder",
"filesRenameFile": "Rename file",
"filesDetails": "Details",
"filesDetailsFileName": "File name",
"filesDetailsFolderName": "Folder name",
"filesDetailsParentFolder": "Parent folder",
"filesDetailsFileSize": "File size",
"filesDetailsFolderSize": "Folder size",
"filesDetailsLastModified": "Last modified",
"filesDetailsIsFavorite": "Is favorite",
"filesSync": "Sync",
"filesDeleteFileConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete the file '{name}'?",
"@filesDeleteFileConfirm": {
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"type": "String"
"filesDeleteFolderConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete the folder '{name}'?",
"@filesDeleteFolderConfirm": {
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"type": "String"
"filesChooseFolder": "Choose folder",
"filesAddToFavorites": "Add to favorites",
"filesRemoveFromFavorites": "Remove from favorites",
"filesConfirmUploadSizeWarning": "Are you sure you want to upload a file that is bigger than {warningSize} ({actualSize})?",
"@filesConfirmUploadSizeWarning": {
"placeholders": {
"warningSize": {
"type": "String"
"actualSize": {
"type": "String"
"filesConfirmDownloadSizeWarning": "Are you sure you want to download a file that is bigger than {warningSize} ({actualSize})?",
"@filesConfirmDownloadSizeWarning": {
"placeholders": {
"warningSize": {
"type": "String"
"actualSize": {
"type": "String"
3 years ago
"filesOptionsShowPreviews": "Show previews for files",
"filesOptionsUploadQueueParallelism": "Upload queue parallelism",
"filesOptionsDownloadQueueParallelism": "Download queue parallelism",
"filesOptionsUploadSizeWarning": "Upload size warning",
"filesOptionsDownloadSizeWarning": "Download size warning",
3 years ago
"newsName": "News",
"newsAddFeed": "Add feed",
"newsFolder": "Folder",
"newsFolderRoot": "Root Folder",
"newsCreateFolder": "Create folder",
"newsCreateFolderName": "Folder name",
"newsDeleteFolderConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete the folder '{name}'?",
"@newsDeleteFolderConfirm": {
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"type": "String"
"newsRenameFolder": "Rename folder",
"newsRemoveFeedConfirm": "Are you sure you want to remove the feed '{name}'?",
"@newsRemoveFeedConfirm": {
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"type": "String"
"newsMoveFeed": "Move feed",
"newsRenameFeed": "Rename feed",
"newsArticles": "Articles",
"newsFolders": "Folders",
"newsFeeds": "Feeds",
"newsFilterAll": "All",
"newsFilterUnread": "Unread",
"newsFilterStarred": "Starred",
"newsUnreadArticles": "{count} unread",
"@newsUnreadArticles": {
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"type": "int"
"newsShowFeedURL": "Show URL",
"newsCopyFeedURL": "Copy URL",
"newsCopiedFeedURL": "URL copied to clipboard",
"newsCopyFeedErrorMessage": "Copy error message",
"newsCopiedFeedErrorMessage": "Error message copied to clipboard",
"newsOptionsDefaultCategory": "Category to show by default",
"newsOptionsArticleViewType": "How to open article",
"newsOptionsArticleViewTypeDirect": "Show text directly",
"newsOptionsArticleViewTypeInternalBrowser": "Open in internal browser",
"newsOptionsArticleViewTypeExternalBrowser": "Open in external browser",
"newsOptionsDefaultArticlesFilter": "Articles to show by default",
"newsOptionsArticlesSortProperty": "How to sort articles",
"newsOptionsArticlesSortPropertyPublishDate": "Publish date",
"newsOptionsArticlesSortPropertyAlphabetical": "Alphabetical",
"newsOptionsArticlesSortPropertyFeed": "Feed",
"newsOptionsArticlesSortOrder": "Sort order of articles",
"newsOptionsFeedsSortProperty": "How to sort feeds",
"newsOptionsFeedsSortPropertyAlphabetical": "Alphabetical",
"newsOptionsFeedsSortPropertyUnreadCount": "Unread count",
"newsOptionsFeedsSortOrder": "Sort order of feeds",
"newsOptionsFoldersSortProperty": "How to sort folders",
"newsOptionsFoldersSortPropertyAlphabetical": "Alphabetical",
"newsOptionsFoldersSortPropertyUnreadCount": "Unread count",
"newsOptionsFoldersSortOrder": "Sort order of folders",
"newsOptionsDefaultFolderViewType": "What should be shown first when opening a folder",
"notesName": "Notes",
"notesNote": "Note",
"notesNotes": "Notes",
"notesCategories": "Categories",
"notesCreateNote": "Create note",
"notesCategory": "Category",
"notesChangeCategory": "Change category",
"notesSetCategory": "Set category",
"notesNoteTitle": "Title",
"notesNoteChangedOnServer": "The note has been changed on the server. Please refresh and try again",
"notesNotesInCategory": "{count} notes",
"@notesNotesInCategory": {
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"type": "int"
"notesUncategorized": "Uncategorized",
"notesEdit": "Edit",
"notesPreview": "Preview",
"notesDeleteNoteConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete the note '{name}'?",
"@notesDeleteNoteConfirm": {
"placeholders": {
"name": {
"type": "String"
"notesOptionsDefaultCategory": "Category to show by default",
"notesOptionsDefaultNoteViewType": "How to show note",
"notesOptionsDefaultNoteViewTypePreview": "Preview",
"notesOptionsDefaultNoteViewTypeEdit": "Editor",
"notesOptionsNotesSortOrder": "Sort order of notes",
"notesOptionsNotesSortProperty": "How to sort notes",
"notesOptionsNotesSortPropertyLastModified": "Last modified",
"notesOptionsNotesSortPropertyAlphabetical": "Alphabetical",
"notesOptionsCategoriesSortOrder": "Sort order of categories",
"notesOptionsCategoriesSortProperty": "How to sort categories",
"notesOptionsCategoriesSortPropertyAlphabetical": "Alphabetical",
"notesOptionsCategoriesSortPropertyNotesCount": "Count of notes"