@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
@Retry(3) |
library webdav_test; |
import 'dart:convert'; |
import 'dart:io'; |
import 'dart:math'; |
@ -26,508 +23,514 @@ void main() {
expect(() => WebDavClient.constructUri(baseURL), throwsA(isA<AssertionError>())); |
}); |
group('webdav', () { |
late DockerImage image; |
setUpAll(() async => image = await getDockerImage()); |
late DockerContainer container; |
late TestNextcloudClient client; |
setUp(() async { |
container = await getDockerContainer(image); |
client = await getTestClient(container); |
}); |
tearDown(() => container.destroy()); |
test('List directory', () async { |
final responses = (await client.webdav.propfind( |
Uri(path: '/'), |
prop: WebDavPropWithoutValues.fromBools( |
nchaspreview: true, |
davgetcontenttype: true, |
davgetlastmodified: true, |
ocsize: true, |
), |
)) |
.responses; |
expect(responses, hasLength(10)); |
final props = |
responses.singleWhere((final response) => response.href!.endsWith('/Nextcloud.png')).propstats.first.prop; |
expect(props.nchaspreview, isTrue); |
expect(props.davgetcontenttype, 'image/png'); |
expect(webdavDateFormat.parseUtc(props.davgetlastmodified!).isBefore(DateTime.now()), isTrue); |
expect(props.ocsize, 50598); |
}); |
test('List directory recursively', () async { |
final responses = (await client.webdav.propfind( |
Uri(path: '/'), |
depth: WebDavDepth.infinity, |
)) |
.responses; |
expect(responses, hasLength(48)); |
}); |
test('Get file props', () async { |
final response = (await client.webdav.propfind( |
Uri(path: 'Nextcloud.png'), |
prop: WebDavPropWithoutValues.fromBools( |
davgetlastmodified: true, |
davgetetag: true, |
davgetcontenttype: true, |
davgetcontentlength: true, |
davresourcetype: true, |
ocid: true, |
ocfileid: true, |
ocfavorite: true, |
occommentshref: true, |
occommentscount: true, |
occommentsunread: true, |
ocdownloadurl: true, |
ocownerid: true, |
ocownerdisplayname: true, |
ocsize: true, |
ocpermissions: true, |
ncnote: true, |
ncdatafingerprint: true, |
nchaspreview: true, |
ncmounttype: true, |
ncisencrypted: true, |
ncmetadataetag: true, |
ncuploadtime: true, |
nccreationtime: true, |
ncrichworkspace: true, |
ocssharepermissions: true, |
ocmsharepermissions: true, |
), |
)) |
.toWebDavFiles() |
.single; |
expect(response.path, '/Nextcloud.png'); |
expect(response.id, isNotEmpty); |
expect(response.fileId, isNotEmpty); |
expect(response.isCollection, isFalse); |
expect(response.mimeType, 'image/png'); |
expect(response.etag, isNotEmpty); |
expect(response.size, 50598); |
expect(response.ownerId, 'user1'); |
expect(response.ownerDisplay, 'User One'); |
expect(response.lastModified!.isBefore(DateTime.now()), isTrue); |
expect(response.isDirectory, isFalse); |
expect(response.uploadedDate, DateTime.utc(1970)); |
expect(response.createdDate, DateTime.utc(1970)); |
expect(response.favorite, isFalse); |
expect(response.hasPreview, isTrue); |
expect(response.name, 'Nextcloud.png'); |
expect(response.isDirectory, isFalse); |
expect(webdavDateFormat.parseUtc(response.props.davgetlastmodified!).isBefore(DateTime.now()), isTrue); |
expect(response.props.davgetetag, isNotEmpty); |
expect(response.props.davgetcontenttype, 'image/png'); |
expect(response.props.davgetcontentlength, 50598); |
expect(response.props.davresourcetype!.collection, isNull); |
expect(response.props.ocid, isNotEmpty); |
expect(response.props.ocfileid, isNotEmpty); |
expect(response.props.ocfavorite, 0); |
expect(response.props.occommentshref, isNotEmpty); |
expect(response.props.occommentscount, 0); |
expect(response.props.occommentsunread, 0); |
expect(response.props.ocdownloadurl, isNull); |
expect(response.props.ocownerid, 'user1'); |
expect(response.props.ocownerdisplayname, 'User One'); |
expect(response.props.ocsize, 50598); |
expect(response.props.ocpermissions, 'RGDNVW'); |
expect(response.props.ncnote, isNull); |
expect(response.props.ncdatafingerprint, isNull); |
expect(response.props.nchaspreview, isTrue); |
expect(response.props.ncmounttype, isNull); |
expect(response.props.ncisencrypted, isNull); |
expect(response.props.ncmetadataetag, isNull); |
expect(response.props.ncuploadtime, 0); |
expect(response.props.nccreationtime, 0); |
expect(response.props.ncrichworkspace, isNull); |
expect(response.props.ocssharepermissions, 19); |
expect(json.decode(response.props.ocmsharepermissions!), ['share', 'read', 'write']); |
}); |
test('Get directory props', () async { |
final data = utf8.encode('test') as Uint8List; |
await client.webdav.mkcol(Uri(path: 'test')); |
await client.webdav.put(data, Uri(path: 'test/test.txt')); |
final response = (await client.webdav.propfind( |
Uri(path: 'test'), |
prop: WebDavPropWithoutValues.fromBools( |
davgetcontenttype: true, |
davgetlastmodified: true, |
davresourcetype: true, |
ocsize: true, |
), |
depth: WebDavDepth.zero, |
)) |
.toWebDavFiles() |
.single; |
expect(response.path, '/test/'); |
expect(response.isCollection, isTrue); |
expect(response.mimeType, isNull); |
expect(response.size, data.lengthInBytes); |
expectDateInReasonableTimeRange(response.lastModified!, DateTime.now()); |
expect(response.name, 'test'); |
expect(response.isDirectory, isTrue); |
expect(response.props.davgetcontenttype, isNull); |
expectDateInReasonableTimeRange(webdavDateFormat.parseUtc(response.props.davgetlastmodified!), DateTime.now()); |
expect(response.props.davresourcetype!.collection, isNotNull); |
expect(response.props.ocsize, data.lengthInBytes); |
}); |
test('Filter files', () async { |
final response = await client.webdav.put(utf8.encode('test') as Uint8List, Uri(path: 'test.txt')); |
final id = response.headers['oc-fileid']!.first; |
await client.webdav.proppatch( |
Uri(path: 'test.txt'), |
set: WebDavProp( |
ocfavorite: 1, |
), |
); |
final responses = (await client.webdav.report( |
Uri(path: '/'), |
WebDavOcFilterRules( |
ocfavorite: 1, |
), |
prop: WebDavPropWithoutValues.fromBools( |
ocid: true, |
ocfavorite: true, |
), |
)) |
.responses; |
expect(responses, hasLength(1)); |
final props = |
responses.singleWhere((final response) => response.href!.endsWith('/test.txt')).propstats.first.prop; |
expect(props.ocid, id); |
expect(props.ocfavorite, 1); |
}); |
test('Set properties', () async { |
final lastModifiedDate = DateTime.utc(1972, 3); |
final createdDate = DateTime.utc(1971, 2); |
final uploadTime = DateTime.now(); |
await client.webdav.put( |
utf8.encode('test') as Uint8List, |
Uri(path: 'test.txt'), |
lastModified: lastModifiedDate, |
created: createdDate, |
); |
final updated = await client.webdav.proppatch( |
Uri(path: 'test.txt'), |
set: WebDavProp( |
ocfavorite: 1, |
), |
); |
expect(updated, isTrue); |
final props = (await client.webdav.propfind( |
Uri(path: 'test.txt'), |
prop: WebDavPropWithoutValues.fromBools( |
ocfavorite: true, |
davgetlastmodified: true, |
nccreationtime: true, |
ncuploadtime: true, |
), |
)) |
.responses |
.single |
.propstats |
.first |
.prop; |
expect(props.ocfavorite, 1); |
expect(webdavDateFormat.parseUtc(props.davgetlastmodified!), lastModifiedDate); |
expect(DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(props.nccreationtime! * 1000).isAtSameMomentAs(createdDate), isTrue); |
expectDateInReasonableTimeRange(DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(props.ncuploadtime! * 1000), uploadTime); |
}); |
test('Remove properties', () async { |
await client.webdav.put(utf8.encode('test') as Uint8List, Uri(path: 'test.txt')); |
var updated = await client.webdav.proppatch( |
Uri(path: 'test.txt'), |
set: WebDavProp( |
ocfavorite: 1, |
), |
); |
expect(updated, isTrue); |
var props = (await client.webdav.propfind( |
Uri(path: 'test.txt'), |
prop: WebDavPropWithoutValues.fromBools( |
ocfavorite: true, |
nccreationtime: true, |
ncuploadtime: true, |
), |
)) |
.responses |
.single |
.propstats |
.first |
.prop; |
expect(props.ocfavorite, 1); |
updated = await client.webdav.proppatch( |
Uri(path: 'test.txt'), |
remove: WebDavPropWithoutValues.fromBools( |
ocfavorite: true, |
), |
); |
expect(updated, isFalse); |
props = (await client.webdav.propfind( |
Uri(path: 'test.txt'), |
prop: WebDavPropWithoutValues.fromBools( |
ocfavorite: true, |
), |
)) |
.responses |
.single |
.propstats |
.first |
.prop; |
expect(props.ocfavorite, 0); |
}); |
test('Upload and download file', () async { |
final destinationDir = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync(); |
final destination = File('${destinationDir.path}/test.png'); |
final source = File('test/files/test.png'); |
final progressValues = <double>[]; |
await client.webdav.putFile( |
source, |
source.statSync(), |
Uri(path: 'test.png'), |
onProgress: progressValues.add, |
); |
await client.webdav.getFile( |
Uri(path: 'test.png'), |
destination, |
onProgress: progressValues.add, |
); |
expect(progressValues, containsAll([1.0, 1.0])); |
expect(destination.readAsBytesSync(), source.readAsBytesSync()); |
destinationDir.deleteSync(recursive: true); |
}); |
group('litmus', () { |
group('basic', () { |
test('options', () async { |
final options = await client.webdav.options(); |
expect(options.capabilities, contains('1')); |
expect(options.capabilities, contains('3')); |
// Nextcloud only contains a fake plugin for Class 2 support: https://github.com/nextcloud/server/blob/master/apps/dav/lib/Connector/Sabre/FakeLockerPlugin.php |
// It does not actually support locking and is only there for compatibility reasons. |
expect(options.capabilities, isNot(contains('2'))); |
}); |
group( |
'webdav', |
() { |
late DockerImage image; |
setUpAll(() async => image = await getDockerImage()); |
for (final (name, path) in [ |
('put_get', 'res'), |
('put_get_utf8_segment', 'res-%e2%82%ac'), |
]) { |
test(name, () async { |
final content = utf8.encode('This is a test file') as Uint8List; |
late DockerContainer container; |
late TestNextcloudClient client; |
final response = await client.webdav.put(content, Uri(path: path)); |
expect(response.statusCode, 201); |
setUp(() async { |
container = await getDockerContainer(image); |
client = await getTestClient(container); |
}); |
tearDown(() => container.destroy()); |
test('List directory', () async { |
final responses = (await client.webdav.propfind( |
Uri(path: '/'), |
prop: WebDavPropWithoutValues.fromBools( |
nchaspreview: true, |
davgetcontenttype: true, |
davgetlastmodified: true, |
ocsize: true, |
), |
)) |
.responses; |
expect(responses, hasLength(10)); |
final props = |
responses.singleWhere((final response) => response.href!.endsWith('/Nextcloud.png')).propstats.first.prop; |
expect(props.nchaspreview, isTrue); |
expect(props.davgetcontenttype, 'image/png'); |
expect(webdavDateFormat.parseUtc(props.davgetlastmodified!).isBefore(DateTime.now()), isTrue); |
expect(props.ocsize, 50598); |
}); |
final downloadedContent = await client.webdav.get(Uri(path: path)); |
expect(downloadedContent, equals(content)); |
}); |
} |
test('put_no_parent', () async { |
expect( |
() => client.webdav.put(Uint8List(0), Uri(path: '409me/noparent.txt')), |
// https://github.com/nextcloud/server/issues/39625 |
throwsA(predicate<DynamiteApiException>((final e) => e.statusCode == 409)), |
); |
}); |
test('List directory recursively', () async { |
final responses = (await client.webdav.propfind( |
Uri(path: '/'), |
depth: WebDavDepth.infinity, |
)) |
.responses; |
expect(responses, hasLength(48)); |
}); |
test('delete', () async { |
await client.webdav.put(Uint8List(0), Uri(path: 'test.txt')); |
test('Get file props', () async { |
final response = (await client.webdav.propfind( |
Uri(path: 'Nextcloud.png'), |
prop: WebDavPropWithoutValues.fromBools( |
davgetlastmodified: true, |
davgetetag: true, |
davgetcontenttype: true, |
davgetcontentlength: true, |
davresourcetype: true, |
ocid: true, |
ocfileid: true, |
ocfavorite: true, |
occommentshref: true, |
occommentscount: true, |
occommentsunread: true, |
ocdownloadurl: true, |
ocownerid: true, |
ocownerdisplayname: true, |
ocsize: true, |
ocpermissions: true, |
ncnote: true, |
ncdatafingerprint: true, |
nchaspreview: true, |
ncmounttype: true, |
ncisencrypted: true, |
ncmetadataetag: true, |
ncuploadtime: true, |
nccreationtime: true, |
ncrichworkspace: true, |
ocssharepermissions: true, |
ocmsharepermissions: true, |
), |
)) |
.toWebDavFiles() |
.single; |
expect(response.path, '/Nextcloud.png'); |
expect(response.id, isNotEmpty); |
expect(response.fileId, isNotEmpty); |
expect(response.isCollection, isFalse); |
expect(response.mimeType, 'image/png'); |
expect(response.etag, isNotEmpty); |
expect(response.size, 50598); |
expect(response.ownerId, 'user1'); |
expect(response.ownerDisplay, 'User One'); |
expect(response.lastModified!.isBefore(DateTime.now()), isTrue); |
expect(response.isDirectory, isFalse); |
expect(response.uploadedDate, DateTime.utc(1970)); |
expect(response.createdDate, DateTime.utc(1970)); |
expect(response.favorite, isFalse); |
expect(response.hasPreview, isTrue); |
expect(response.name, 'Nextcloud.png'); |
expect(response.isDirectory, isFalse); |
expect(webdavDateFormat.parseUtc(response.props.davgetlastmodified!).isBefore(DateTime.now()), isTrue); |
expect(response.props.davgetetag, isNotEmpty); |
expect(response.props.davgetcontenttype, 'image/png'); |
expect(response.props.davgetcontentlength, 50598); |
expect(response.props.davresourcetype!.collection, isNull); |
expect(response.props.ocid, isNotEmpty); |
expect(response.props.ocfileid, isNotEmpty); |
expect(response.props.ocfavorite, 0); |
expect(response.props.occommentshref, isNotEmpty); |
expect(response.props.occommentscount, 0); |
expect(response.props.occommentsunread, 0); |
expect(response.props.ocdownloadurl, isNull); |
expect(response.props.ocownerid, 'user1'); |
expect(response.props.ocownerdisplayname, 'User One'); |
expect(response.props.ocsize, 50598); |
expect(response.props.ocpermissions, 'RGDNVW'); |
expect(response.props.ncnote, isNull); |
expect(response.props.ncdatafingerprint, isNull); |
expect(response.props.nchaspreview, isTrue); |
expect(response.props.ncmounttype, isNull); |
expect(response.props.ncisencrypted, isNull); |
expect(response.props.ncmetadataetag, isNull); |
expect(response.props.ncuploadtime, 0); |
expect(response.props.nccreationtime, 0); |
expect(response.props.ncrichworkspace, isNull); |
expect(response.props.ocssharepermissions, 19); |
expect(json.decode(response.props.ocmsharepermissions!), ['share', 'read', 'write']); |
}); |
final response = await client.webdav.delete(Uri(path: 'test.txt')); |
expect(response.statusCode, 204); |
}); |
test('Get directory props', () async { |
final data = utf8.encode('test') as Uint8List; |
await client.webdav.mkcol(Uri(path: 'test')); |
await client.webdav.put(data, Uri(path: 'test/test.txt')); |
final response = (await client.webdav.propfind( |
Uri(path: 'test'), |
prop: WebDavPropWithoutValues.fromBools( |
davgetcontenttype: true, |
davgetlastmodified: true, |
davresourcetype: true, |
ocsize: true, |
), |
depth: WebDavDepth.zero, |
)) |
.toWebDavFiles() |
.single; |
expect(response.path, '/test/'); |
expect(response.isCollection, isTrue); |
expect(response.mimeType, isNull); |
expect(response.size, data.lengthInBytes); |
expectDateInReasonableTimeRange(response.lastModified!, DateTime.now()); |
expect(response.name, 'test'); |
expect(response.isDirectory, isTrue); |
expect(response.props.davgetcontenttype, isNull); |
expectDateInReasonableTimeRange(webdavDateFormat.parseUtc(response.props.davgetlastmodified!), DateTime.now()); |
expect(response.props.davresourcetype!.collection, isNotNull); |
expect(response.props.ocsize, data.lengthInBytes); |
}); |
test('delete_null', () async { |
expect( |
() => client.webdav.delete(Uri(path: 'test.txt')), |
throwsA(predicate<DynamiteApiException>((final e) => e.statusCode == 404)), |
); |
}); |
test('Filter files', () async { |
final response = await client.webdav.put(utf8.encode('test') as Uint8List, Uri(path: 'test.txt')); |
final id = response.headers['oc-fileid']!.first; |
await client.webdav.proppatch( |
Uri(path: 'test.txt'), |
set: WebDavProp( |
ocfavorite: 1, |
), |
); |
final responses = (await client.webdav.report( |
Uri(path: '/'), |
WebDavOcFilterRules( |
ocfavorite: 1, |
), |
prop: WebDavPropWithoutValues.fromBools( |
ocid: true, |
ocfavorite: true, |
), |
)) |
.responses; |
expect(responses, hasLength(1)); |
final props = |
responses.singleWhere((final response) => response.href!.endsWith('/test.txt')).propstats.first.prop; |
expect(props.ocid, id); |
expect(props.ocfavorite, 1); |
}); |
// delete_fragment: This test is not applicable because the fragment is already removed on the client side |
test('Set properties', () async { |
final lastModifiedDate = DateTime.utc(1972, 3); |
final createdDate = DateTime.utc(1971, 2); |
final uploadTime = DateTime.now(); |
await client.webdav.put( |
utf8.encode('test') as Uint8List, |
Uri(path: 'test.txt'), |
lastModified: lastModifiedDate, |
created: createdDate, |
); |
final updated = await client.webdav.proppatch( |
Uri(path: 'test.txt'), |
set: WebDavProp( |
ocfavorite: 1, |
), |
); |
expect(updated, isTrue); |
final props = (await client.webdav.propfind( |
Uri(path: 'test.txt'), |
prop: WebDavPropWithoutValues.fromBools( |
ocfavorite: true, |
davgetlastmodified: true, |
nccreationtime: true, |
ncuploadtime: true, |
), |
)) |
.responses |
.single |
.propstats |
.first |
.prop; |
expect(props.ocfavorite, 1); |
expect(webdavDateFormat.parseUtc(props.davgetlastmodified!), lastModifiedDate); |
expect(DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(props.nccreationtime! * 1000).isAtSameMomentAs(createdDate), isTrue); |
expectDateInReasonableTimeRange(DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(props.ncuploadtime! * 1000), uploadTime); |
}); |
test('mkcol', () async { |
final response = await client.webdav.mkcol(Uri(path: 'test')); |
expect(response.statusCode, 201); |
}); |
test('Remove properties', () async { |
await client.webdav.put(utf8.encode('test') as Uint8List, Uri(path: 'test.txt')); |
var updated = await client.webdav.proppatch( |
Uri(path: 'test.txt'), |
set: WebDavProp( |
ocfavorite: 1, |
), |
); |
expect(updated, isTrue); |
var props = (await client.webdav.propfind( |
Uri(path: 'test.txt'), |
prop: WebDavPropWithoutValues.fromBools( |
ocfavorite: true, |
nccreationtime: true, |
ncuploadtime: true, |
), |
)) |
.responses |
.single |
.propstats |
.first |
.prop; |
expect(props.ocfavorite, 1); |
updated = await client.webdav.proppatch( |
Uri(path: 'test.txt'), |
remove: WebDavPropWithoutValues.fromBools( |
ocfavorite: true, |
), |
); |
expect(updated, isFalse); |
props = (await client.webdav.propfind( |
Uri(path: 'test.txt'), |
prop: WebDavPropWithoutValues.fromBools( |
ocfavorite: true, |
), |
)) |
.responses |
.single |
.propstats |
.first |
.prop; |
expect(props.ocfavorite, 0); |
}); |
test('mkcol_again', () async { |
await client.webdav.mkcol(Uri(path: 'test')); |
test('Upload and download file', () async { |
final destinationDir = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync(); |
final destination = File('${destinationDir.path}/test.png'); |
final source = File('test/files/test.png'); |
final progressValues = <double>[]; |
await client.webdav.putFile( |
source, |
source.statSync(), |
Uri(path: 'test.png'), |
onProgress: progressValues.add, |
); |
await client.webdav.getFile( |
Uri(path: 'test.png'), |
destination, |
onProgress: progressValues.add, |
); |
expect(progressValues, containsAll([1.0, 1.0])); |
expect(destination.readAsBytesSync(), source.readAsBytesSync()); |
destinationDir.deleteSync(recursive: true); |
}); |
expect( |
() => client.webdav.mkcol(Uri(path: 'test')), |
throwsA(predicate<DynamiteApiException>((final e) => e.statusCode == 405)), |
); |
}); |
group('litmus', () { |
group('basic', () { |
test('options', () async { |
final options = await client.webdav.options(); |
expect(options.capabilities, contains('1')); |
expect(options.capabilities, contains('3')); |
// Nextcloud only contains a fake plugin for Class 2 support: https://github.com/nextcloud/server/blob/master/apps/dav/lib/Connector/Sabre/FakeLockerPlugin.php |
// It does not actually support locking and is only there for compatibility reasons. |
expect(options.capabilities, isNot(contains('2'))); |
}); |
test('delete_coll', () async { |
var response = await client.webdav.mkcol(Uri(path: 'test')); |
for (final (name, path) in [ |
('put_get', 'res'), |
('put_get_utf8_segment', 'res-%e2%82%ac'), |
]) { |
test(name, () async { |
final content = utf8.encode('This is a test file') as Uint8List; |
response = await client.webdav.delete(Uri(path: 'test')); |
expect(response.statusCode, 204); |
}); |
final response = await client.webdav.put(content, Uri(path: path)); |
expect(response.statusCode, 201); |
test('mkcol_no_parent', () async { |
expect( |
() => client.webdav.mkcol(Uri(path: '409me/noparent')), |
throwsA(predicate<DynamiteApiException>((final e) => e.statusCode == 409)), |
); |
}); |
final downloadedContent = await client.webdav.get(Uri(path: path)); |
expect(downloadedContent, equals(content)); |
}); |
} |
// mkcol_with_body: This test is not applicable because we only write valid request bodies |
}); |
test('put_no_parent', () async { |
expect( |
() => client.webdav.put(Uint8List(0), Uri(path: '409me/noparent.txt')), |
// https://github.com/nextcloud/server/issues/39625 |
throwsA(predicate<DynamiteApiException>((final e) => e.statusCode == 409)), |
); |
}); |
group('copymove', () { |
test('copy_simple', () async { |
await client.webdav.mkcol(Uri(path: 'src')); |
test('delete', () async { |
await client.webdav.put(Uint8List(0), Uri(path: 'test.txt')); |
final response = await client.webdav.copy(Uri(path: 'src'), Uri(path: 'dst')); |
expect(response.statusCode, 201); |
}); |
final response = await client.webdav.delete(Uri(path: 'test.txt')); |
expect(response.statusCode, 204); |
}); |
test('delete_null', () async { |
expect( |
() => client.webdav.delete(Uri(path: 'test.txt')), |
throwsA(predicate<DynamiteApiException>((final e) => e.statusCode == 404)), |
); |
}); |
test('copy_overwrite', () async { |
await client.webdav.mkcol(Uri(path: 'src')); |
await client.webdav.mkcol(Uri(path: 'dst')); |
// delete_fragment: This test is not applicable because the fragment is already removed on the client side |
expect( |
() => client.webdav.copy(Uri(path: 'src'), Uri(path: 'dst')), |
throwsA(predicate<DynamiteApiException>((final e) => e.statusCode == 412)), |
); |
test('mkcol', () async { |
final response = await client.webdav.mkcol(Uri(path: 'test')); |
expect(response.statusCode, 201); |
}); |
final response = await client.webdav.copy(Uri(path: 'src'), Uri(path: 'dst'), overwrite: true); |
expect(response.statusCode, 204); |
}); |
test('mkcol_again', () async { |
await client.webdav.mkcol(Uri(path: 'test')); |
test('copy_nodestcoll', () async { |
await client.webdav.mkcol(Uri(path: 'src')); |
expect( |
() => client.webdav.mkcol(Uri(path: 'test')), |
throwsA(predicate<DynamiteApiException>((final e) => e.statusCode == 405)), |
); |
}); |
test('delete_coll', () async { |
var response = await client.webdav.mkcol(Uri(path: 'test')); |
response = await client.webdav.delete(Uri(path: 'test')); |
expect(response.statusCode, 204); |
}); |
test('mkcol_no_parent', () async { |
expect( |
() => client.webdav.mkcol(Uri(path: '409me/noparent')), |
throwsA(predicate<DynamiteApiException>((final e) => e.statusCode == 409)), |
); |
}); |
expect( |
() => client.webdav.copy(Uri(path: 'src'), Uri(path: 'nonesuch/dst')), |
throwsA(predicate<DynamiteApiException>((final e) => e.statusCode == 409)), |
); |
// mkcol_with_body: This test is not applicable because we only write valid request bodies |
}); |
test('copy_coll', () async { |
await client.webdav.mkcol(Uri(path: 'src')); |
await client.webdav.mkcol(Uri(path: 'src/sub')); |
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { |
await client.webdav.put(Uint8List(0), Uri(path: 'src/$i.txt')); |
} |
await client.webdav.copy(Uri(path: 'src'), Uri(path: 'dst1')); |
await client.webdav.copy(Uri(path: 'src'), Uri(path: 'dst2')); |
group('copymove', () { |
test('copy_simple', () async { |
await client.webdav.mkcol(Uri(path: 'src')); |
expect( |
() => client.webdav.copy(Uri(path: 'src'), Uri(path: 'dst1')), |
throwsA(predicate<DynamiteApiException>((final e) => e.statusCode == 412)), |
); |
final response = await client.webdav.copy(Uri(path: 'src'), Uri(path: 'dst')); |
expect(response.statusCode, 201); |
}); |
var response = await client.webdav.copy(Uri(path: 'src'), Uri(path: 'dst2'), overwrite: true); |
expect(response.statusCode, 204); |
test('copy_overwrite', () async { |
await client.webdav.mkcol(Uri(path: 'src')); |
await client.webdav.mkcol(Uri(path: 'dst')); |
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { |
response = await client.webdav.delete(Uri(path: 'dst1/$i.txt')); |
expect( |
() => client.webdav.copy(Uri(path: 'src'), Uri(path: 'dst')), |
throwsA(predicate<DynamiteApiException>((final e) => e.statusCode == 412)), |
); |
final response = await client.webdav.copy(Uri(path: 'src'), Uri(path: 'dst'), overwrite: true); |
expect(response.statusCode, 204); |
} |
}); |
response = await client.webdav.delete(Uri(path: 'dst1/sub')); |
expect(response.statusCode, 204); |
test('copy_nodestcoll', () async { |
await client.webdav.mkcol(Uri(path: 'src')); |
response = await client.webdav.delete(Uri(path: 'dst2')); |
expect(response.statusCode, 204); |
}); |
expect( |
() => client.webdav.copy(Uri(path: 'src'), Uri(path: 'nonesuch/dst')), |
throwsA(predicate<DynamiteApiException>((final e) => e.statusCode == 409)), |
); |
}); |
// copy_shallow: Does not work on litmus, let's wait for https://github.com/nextcloud/server/issues/39627 |
test('copy_coll', () async { |
await client.webdav.mkcol(Uri(path: 'src')); |
await client.webdav.mkcol(Uri(path: 'src/sub')); |
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { |
await client.webdav.put(Uint8List(0), Uri(path: 'src/$i.txt')); |
} |
await client.webdav.copy(Uri(path: 'src'), Uri(path: 'dst1')); |
await client.webdav.copy(Uri(path: 'src'), Uri(path: 'dst2')); |
expect( |
() => client.webdav.copy(Uri(path: 'src'), Uri(path: 'dst1')), |
throwsA(predicate<DynamiteApiException>((final e) => e.statusCode == 412)), |
); |
var response = await client.webdav.copy(Uri(path: 'src'), Uri(path: 'dst2'), overwrite: true); |
expect(response.statusCode, 204); |
test('move', () async { |
await client.webdav.put(Uint8List(0), Uri(path: 'src1.txt')); |
await client.webdav.put(Uint8List(0), Uri(path: 'src2.txt')); |
await client.webdav.mkcol(Uri(path: 'coll')); |
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { |
response = await client.webdav.delete(Uri(path: 'dst1/$i.txt')); |
expect(response.statusCode, 204); |
} |
var response = await client.webdav.move(Uri(path: 'src1.txt'), Uri(path: 'dst.txt')); |
expect(response.statusCode, 201); |
response = await client.webdav.delete(Uri(path: 'dst1/sub')); |
expect(response.statusCode, 204); |
expect( |
() => client.webdav.move(Uri(path: 'src2.txt'), Uri(path: 'dst.txt')), |
throwsA(predicate<DynamiteApiException>((final e) => e.statusCode == 412)), |
); |
response = await client.webdav.delete(Uri(path: 'dst2')); |
expect(response.statusCode, 204); |
}); |
response = await client.webdav.move(Uri(path: 'src2.txt'), Uri(path: 'dst.txt'), overwrite: true); |
expect(response.statusCode, 204); |
}); |
// copy_shallow: Does not work on litmus, let's wait for https://github.com/nextcloud/server/issues/39627 |
test('move_coll', () async { |
await client.webdav.mkcol(Uri(path: 'src')); |
await client.webdav.mkcol(Uri(path: 'src/sub')); |
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { |
await client.webdav.put(Uint8List(0), Uri(path: 'src/$i.txt')); |
} |
await client.webdav.put(Uint8List(0), Uri(path: 'noncoll')); |
await client.webdav.copy(Uri(path: 'src'), Uri(path: 'dst2')); |
await client.webdav.move(Uri(path: 'src'), Uri(path: 'dst1')); |
test('move', () async { |
await client.webdav.put(Uint8List(0), Uri(path: 'src1.txt')); |
await client.webdav.put(Uint8List(0), Uri(path: 'src2.txt')); |
await client.webdav.mkcol(Uri(path: 'coll')); |
expect( |
() => client.webdav.move(Uri(path: 'dst1'), Uri(path: 'dst2')), |
throwsA(predicate<DynamiteApiException>((final e) => e.statusCode == 412)), |
); |
var response = await client.webdav.move(Uri(path: 'src1.txt'), Uri(path: 'dst.txt')); |
expect(response.statusCode, 201); |
await client.webdav.move(Uri(path: 'dst2'), Uri(path: 'dst1'), overwrite: true); |
await client.webdav.copy(Uri(path: 'dst1'), Uri(path: 'dst2')); |
expect( |
() => client.webdav.move(Uri(path: 'src2.txt'), Uri(path: 'dst.txt')), |
throwsA(predicate<DynamiteApiException>((final e) => e.statusCode == 412)), |
); |
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { |
final response = await client.webdav.delete(Uri(path: 'dst1/$i.txt')); |
response = await client.webdav.move(Uri(path: 'src2.txt'), Uri(path: 'dst.txt'), overwrite: true); |
expect(response.statusCode, 204); |
} |
}); |
final response = await client.webdav.delete(Uri(path: 'dst1/sub')); |
expect(response.statusCode, 204); |
test('move_coll', () async { |
await client.webdav.mkcol(Uri(path: 'src')); |
await client.webdav.mkcol(Uri(path: 'src/sub')); |
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { |
await client.webdav.put(Uint8List(0), Uri(path: 'src/$i.txt')); |
} |
await client.webdav.put(Uint8List(0), Uri(path: 'noncoll')); |
await client.webdav.copy(Uri(path: 'src'), Uri(path: 'dst2')); |
await client.webdav.move(Uri(path: 'src'), Uri(path: 'dst1')); |
expect( |
() => client.webdav.move(Uri(path: 'dst1'), Uri(path: 'dst2')), |
throwsA(predicate<DynamiteApiException>((final e) => e.statusCode == 412)), |
); |
await client.webdav.move(Uri(path: 'dst2'), Uri(path: 'dst1'), overwrite: true); |
await client.webdav.copy(Uri(path: 'dst1'), Uri(path: 'dst2')); |
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { |
final response = await client.webdav.delete(Uri(path: 'dst1/$i.txt')); |
expect(response.statusCode, 204); |
} |
final response = await client.webdav.delete(Uri(path: 'dst1/sub')); |
expect(response.statusCode, 204); |
expect( |
() => client.webdav.move(Uri(path: 'dst2'), Uri(path: 'noncoll')), |
throwsA(predicate<DynamiteApiException>((final e) => e.statusCode == 412)), |
); |
expect( |
() => client.webdav.move(Uri(path: 'dst2'), Uri(path: 'noncoll')), |
throwsA(predicate<DynamiteApiException>((final e) => e.statusCode == 412)), |
); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
group('largefile', () { |
final largefileSize = pow(10, 9).toInt(); // 1GB |
group('largefile', () { |
final largefileSize = pow(10, 9).toInt(); // 1GB |
// large_put: Already covered by large_get |
// large_put: Already covered by large_get |
test('large_get', () async { |
final response = await client.webdav.put(Uint8List(largefileSize), Uri(path: 'test.txt')); |
expect(response.statusCode, 201); |
test('large_get', () async { |
final response = await client.webdav.put(Uint8List(largefileSize), Uri(path: 'test.txt')); |
expect(response.statusCode, 201); |
final downloadedContent = await client.webdav.get(Uri(path: 'test.txt')); |
expect(downloadedContent, hasLength(largefileSize)); |
final downloadedContent = await client.webdav.get(Uri(path: 'test.txt')); |
expect(downloadedContent, hasLength(largefileSize)); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
// props: Most of them are either not applicable or hard/impossible to implement because we don't allow just writing any props |
}); |
}); |
// props: Most of them are either not applicable or hard/impossible to implement because we don't allow just writing any props |
}); |
}, |
retry: retryCount, |
timeout: timeout, |
); |
} |