import 'dart:ui';

import 'package:neon/theme.dart';
import 'package:vector_graphics/vector_graphics.dart';

/// The custom theme used in the Neon app.
const neonTheme = NeonTheme(
  branding: branding,
  colorScheme: colorScheme,

/// The custom branding used in the Neon app.
const branding = Branding(
  name: 'Nextcloud Neon',
  logo: VectorGraphic(
    width: 100,
    height: 100,
    loader: AssetBytesLoader(
  sourceCodeURL: '',
  issueTrackerURL: '',
  legalese: 'Copyright © 2023, provokateurin\nUnder GPLv3 license',

/// The custom color scheme used in the Neon app.
const colorScheme = NeonColorScheme(
  primary: Color(0xFFF37736),