part of '../nextcloud.dart'; // ignore: public_member_api_docs class NextcloudClient extends openapi.NextcloudClient { // ignore: public_member_api_docs NextcloudClient( super.baseURL, { this.loginName, this.username, final String? password, final String? language, final AppType appType = AppType.unknown, final String? userAgentOverride, super.cookieJar, }) : assert(loginName != null || username == null, 'Provide loginName instead of username or both'), super( baseHeaders: ({ 'OCS-APIRequest': 'true', 'Accept-Language': language, }..removeWhere((final _, final value) => value == null)) .cast(), userAgent: userAgentOverride ?? appType.userAgent, authentication: loginName != null && password != null ? openapi.NextcloudHttpBasicAuthentication( username: loginName, password: password, ) : null, ); /// Identifier used for authentication. This can be the username or email or something else. final String? loginName; /// Username of the user on the server, it needs to be set for using WebDAV. /// It can be obtained via the provisioning_api. final String? username; WebDavClient? _webdav; /// Client for WebDAV. Username needs to be set in order to use it WebDavClient get webdav { if (_webdav != null) { return _webdav!; } if (username == null) { throw Exception('The WebDAV client is only available when a username is set'); } return _webdav = WebDavClient( this, '/remote.php/dav/files/$username', ); } }