part of '../neon_notes.dart'; class NotesNotePage extends StatefulWidget { const NotesNotePage({ required this.bloc, required this.notesBloc, super.key, }); final NotesNoteBloc bloc; final NotesBloc notesBloc; @override State<NotesNotePage> createState() => _NotesNotePageState(); } class _NotesNotePageState extends State<NotesNotePage> { final _contentController = TextEditingController(); final _titleController = TextEditingController(); final _contentFocusNode = FocusNode(); final _titleFocusNode = FocusNode(); bool _showEditor = false; final _contentStreamController = StreamController<String>(); final _titleStreamController = StreamController<String>(); void _focusEditor() { _contentFocusNode.requestFocus(); _contentController.selection = TextSelection.collapsed(offset: _contentController.text.length); } @override void initState() { super.initState(); widget.bloc.errors.listen((final error) { handleNotesException(context, error); }); _contentController.text = widget.bloc.initialContent; _titleController.text = widget.bloc.initialTitle; Duration(seconds: 1)).listen(widget.bloc.updateContent); Duration(seconds: 1)).listen(widget.bloc.updateTitle); _contentController.addListener(() => _contentStreamController.add(_contentController.text)); _titleController.addListener(() => _titleStreamController.add(_titleController.text)); WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((final _) { unawaited(WakelockPlus.enable()); if (widget.bloc.options.defaultNoteViewTypeOption.value == DefaultNoteViewType.edit || widget.bloc.initialContent.isEmpty) { setState(() { _showEditor = true; }); _focusEditor(); } }); } @override void dispose() { _contentController.dispose(); _titleController.dispose(); _contentFocusNode.dispose(); _titleFocusNode.dispose(); unawaited(_contentStreamController.close()); unawaited(_titleStreamController.close()); super.dispose(); } @override Widget build(final BuildContext context) => BackButtonListener( onBackButtonPressed: () async { unawaited(WakelockPlus.disable()); return false; }, child: Scaffold( resizeToAvoidBottomInset: true, appBar: AppBar( titleSpacing: 0, title: TextField( controller: _titleController, focusNode: _titleFocusNode, style: const TextStyle( fontSize: 22, ), decoration: const InputDecoration( isDense: true, contentPadding:, border: UnderlineInputBorder(), focusedBorder: UnderlineInputBorder(), ), ), actions: [ IconButton( onPressed: () { setState(() { _showEditor = !_showEditor; }); if (_showEditor) { _focusEditor(); } else { // Prevent the cursor going back to the title field _contentFocusNode.unfocus(); _titleFocusNode.unfocus(); } }, tooltip: _showEditor ? AppLocalizations.of(context).noteShowPreview : AppLocalizations.of(context).noteShowEditor, icon: Icon( _showEditor ? Icons.visibility : Icons.edit, ), ), StreamBuilder( stream: widget.bloc.category, builder: (final context, final categorySnapshot) { final category = ?? ''; return IconButton( onPressed: () async { final result = await showDialog<String>( context: context, builder: (final context) => NotesSelectCategoryDialog( bloc: widget.notesBloc, initialCategory: category, ), ); if (result != null) { widget.bloc.updateCategory(result); } }, tooltip: AppLocalizations.of(context).noteChangeCategory, icon: Icon( MdiIcons.tag, color: category.isNotEmpty ? NotesCategoryColor.compute(category) : null, ), ); }, ), ], ), body: GestureDetector( onTap: () { setState(() { _showEditor = true; }); }, child: Container( padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric( vertical: 10, horizontal: _showEditor ? 20 : 10, ), color: Colors.transparent, constraints: const BoxConstraints.expand(), child: _showEditor ? TextField( controller: _contentController, focusNode: _contentFocusNode, keyboardType: TextInputType.multiline, maxLines: null, decoration: const InputDecoration( border: InputBorder.none, ), ) : SingleChildScrollView( child: MarkdownBody( data: _contentController.text, onTapLink: (final text, final href, final title) async { if (href != null) { await launchUrlString( href, mode: LaunchMode.externalApplication, ); } }, ), ), ), ), ), ); }