{ "@@locale": "en", "errorChangedOnServer": "The note has been changed on the server. Please refresh and try again", "general": "General", "notes": "Notes", "note": "Note", "noteCreate": "Create note", "noteTitle": "Title", "noteSetCategory": "Set category", "noteChangeCategory": "Change note category", "noteShowEditor": "Edit note", "noteShowPreview": "Preview note", "noteStar": "Star note", "noteUnstar": "Unstar note", "noteDeleteConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete the note '{name}'?", "@noteDeleteConfirm": { "placeholders": { "name": { "type": "String" } } }, "categories": "Categories", "category": "Category", "categoryNotesCount": "{count} notes", "@categoryNotesCount": { "placeholders": { "count": { "type": "int" } } }, "categoryUncategorized": "Uncategorized", "optionsDefaultCategory": "Category to show by default", "optionsDefaultNoteViewType": "How to show note", "optionsDefaultNoteViewTypePreview": "Preview", "optionsDefaultNoteViewTypeEdit": "Editor", "optionsNotesSortOrder": "Sort order of notes", "optionsNotesSortProperty": "How to sort notes", "optionsNotesSortPropertyLastModified": "Last modified", "optionsNotesSortPropertyAlphabetical": "Alphabetical", "optionsCategoriesSortOrder": "Sort order of categories", "optionsCategoriesSortProperty": "How to sort categories", "optionsCategoriesSortPropertyAlphabetical": "Alphabetical", "optionsCategoriesSortPropertyNotesCount": "Count of notes" }