import 'localizations.dart'; /// The translations for English (`en`). class AppLocalizationsEn extends AppLocalizations { AppLocalizationsEn([String locale = 'en']) : super(locale); @override String get appName => 'Nextcloud Neon'; @override String get loginAgain => 'Login again'; @override String get loginOpenAgain => 'Open again'; @override String get loginSwitchToBrowserWindow => 'Please switch to the browser window that just opened and proceed there'; @override String get loginWorksWith => 'works with'; @override String get errorAccountAlreadyExists => 'The account you are trying to add already exists'; @override String get errorCredentialsForAccountNoLongerMatch => 'The credentials for this account no longer match'; @override String get errorServerHadAProblemProcessingYourRequest => 'The server had a problem while processing your request. You might want to try again'; @override String get errorSomethingWentWrongTryAgainLater => 'Something went wrong. Please try again later'; @override String get errorUnableToReachServer => 'Unable to reach the server'; @override String errorUnableToReachServerAt(String url) { return 'Unable to reach the server at $url'; } @override String get errorConnectionTimedOut => 'Connection has timed out'; @override String get errorNoCompatibleNextcloudAppsFound => 'No compatible Nextcloud apps could be found.\nWe are working hard to implement more and more apps!'; @override String get errorServerInMaintenanceMode => 'The server is in maintenance mode. Please try again later or contact the server admin.'; @override String errorMissingPermission(String name) { return 'Permission for $name is missing'; } @override String errorUnsupportedNextcloudVersion(int version) { return 'Sorry this Nextcloud instance version is not supported. You need at least version $version of Nextcloud.'; } @override String get errorEmptyField => 'This field can not be empty'; @override String get errorInvalidURL => 'Invalid URL provided'; @override String get delete => 'Delete'; @override String get remove => 'Remove'; @override String get rename => 'Rename'; @override String get move => 'Move'; @override String get copy => 'Copy'; @override String get yes => 'Yes'; @override String get no => 'No'; @override String get close => 'Close'; @override String get retry => 'Retry'; @override String get showSlashHide => 'Show/Hide'; @override String get exit => 'Exit'; @override String get disabled => 'Disabled'; @override String get settings => 'Settings'; @override String settingsForApp(String name) { return 'Settings - $name'; } @override String settingsForAccount(String username, String host) { return 'Settings - $username@$host'; } @override String get settingsApps => 'Apps'; @override String get settingsExport => 'Export settings'; @override String get settingsImport => 'Import settings'; @override String get settingsImportWrongFileExtension => 'Settings import has wrong file extension (has to be .json.base64)'; @override String get optionsCategoryGeneral => 'General'; @override String get optionsCategoryTheme => 'Theme'; @override String get optionsCategoryPushNotifications => 'Push notifications'; @override String get optionsCategoryOther => 'Other'; @override String get optionsCategoryAccounts => 'Accounts'; @override String get optionsCategoryStartup => 'Startup'; @override String get optionsCategorySystemTray => 'System tray'; @override String get optionsSortOrderAscending => 'Ascending'; @override String get optionsSortOrderDescending => 'Descending'; @override String get globalOptionsThemeMode => 'Theme mode'; @override String get globalOptionsThemeModeLight => 'Light'; @override String get globalOptionsThemeModeDark => 'Dark'; @override String get globalOptionsThemeModeAutomatic => 'Automatic'; @override String get globalOptionsThemeOLEDAsDark => 'OLED theme as dark theme'; @override String get globalOptionsPushNotificationsNotice => 'External services are used for delivering push notifications. While the content is encrypted and can only be ready by this app, extracting metadata like the time and count of notifications is still possible.'; @override String get globalOptionsPushNotificationsEnabled => 'Enabled'; @override String get globalOptionsPushNotificationsEnabledDisabledNotice => 'No UnifiedPush distributor could be found. Please go to and setup any of the listed distributors. Then re-open this app and you should be able to enable notifications'; @override String get globalOptionsPushNotificationsDistributor => 'UnifiedPush Distributor'; @override String get globalOptionsPushNotificationsDistributorGotifyUP => 'Gotify-UP'; @override String get globalOptionsPushNotificationsDistributorFirebaseEmbedded => 'Firebase (FOSS)'; @override String get globalOptionsPushNotificationsDistributorNtfy => 'ntfy'; @override String get globalOptionsPushNotificationsDistributorFCMUP => 'FCM-UP'; @override String get globalOptionsPushNotificationsDistributorNextPush => 'NextPush'; @override String get globalOptionsPushNotificationsDistributorNoProvider2Push => 'NoProvider2Push'; @override String get globalOptionsStartupMinimized => 'Start minimized'; @override String get globalOptionsStartupMinimizeInsteadOfExit => 'Minimize instead of exit'; @override String get globalOptionsSystemTrayEnabled => 'Enable system tray'; @override String get globalOptionsSystemTrayHideToTrayWhenMinimized => 'Hide to system tray when minimized'; @override String get globalOptionsAccountsRememberLastUsedAccount => 'Remember last used account'; @override String globalOptionsAccountsRemoveConfirm(String name, String url) { return 'Are you sure you want to remove the account $name from $url?'; } @override String get globalOptionsAccountsAdd => 'Add account'; @override String get accountOptionsInitialApp => 'App to show initially'; @override String get accountOptionsAutomatic => 'Automatic'; @override String get licenses => 'Licenses'; @override String get filesName => 'Files'; @override String get filesUploadFiles => 'Upload files'; @override String get filesUploadImages => 'Upload images'; @override String get filesUploadCamera => 'Upload from camera'; @override String get filesCreateFolder => 'Create folder'; @override String get filesFolderName => 'Folder name'; @override String get filesRenameFolder => 'Rename folder'; @override String get filesRenameFile => 'Rename file'; @override String get filesDetails => 'Details'; @override String get filesDetailsFileName => 'File name'; @override String get filesDetailsFolderName => 'Folder name'; @override String get filesDetailsParentFolder => 'Parent folder'; @override String get filesDetailsFileSize => 'File size'; @override String get filesDetailsFolderSize => 'Folder size'; @override String get filesDetailsLastModified => 'Last modified'; @override String get filesDetailsIsFavorite => 'Is favorite'; @override String get filesSync => 'Sync'; @override String filesDeleteFileConfirm(String name) { return 'Are you sure you want to delete the file \'$name\'?'; } @override String filesDeleteFolderConfirm(String name) { return 'Are you sure you want to delete the folder \'$name\'?'; } @override String get filesChooseFolder => 'Choose folder'; @override String get filesAddToFavorites => 'Add to favorites'; @override String get filesRemoveFromFavorites => 'Remove from favorites'; @override String filesConfirmUploadSizeWarning(String warningSize, String actualSize) { return 'Are you sure you want to upload a file that is bigger than $warningSize ($actualSize)?'; } @override String filesConfirmDownloadSizeWarning(String warningSize, String actualSize) { return 'Are you sure you want to download a file that is bigger than $warningSize ($actualSize)?'; } @override String get filesOptionsShowPreviews => 'Show previews for files'; @override String get filesOptionsUploadQueueParallelism => 'Upload queue parallelism'; @override String get filesOptionsDownloadQueueParallelism => 'Download queue parallelism'; @override String get filesOptionsUploadSizeWarning => 'Upload size warning'; @override String get filesOptionsDownloadSizeWarning => 'Download size warning'; @override String get newsName => 'News'; @override String get newsAddFeed => 'Add feed'; @override String get newsFolder => 'Folder'; @override String get newsFolderRoot => 'Root Folder'; @override String get newsCreateFolder => 'Create folder'; @override String get newsCreateFolderName => 'Folder name'; @override String newsDeleteFolderConfirm(String name) { return 'Are you sure you want to delete the folder \'$name\'?'; } @override String get newsRenameFolder => 'Rename folder'; @override String newsRemoveFeedConfirm(String name) { return 'Are you sure you want to remove the feed \'$name\'?'; } @override String get newsMoveFeed => 'Move feed'; @override String get newsRenameFeed => 'Rename feed'; @override String get newsArticles => 'Articles'; @override String get newsFolders => 'Folders'; @override String get newsFeeds => 'Feeds'; @override String get newsFilterAll => 'All'; @override String get newsFilterUnread => 'Unread'; @override String get newsFilterStarred => 'Starred'; @override String newsUnreadArticles(int count) { return '$count unread'; } @override String get newsShowFeedURL => 'Show URL'; @override String get newsCopyFeedURL => 'Copy URL'; @override String get newsCopiedFeedURL => 'URL copied to clipboard'; @override String get newsCopyFeedErrorMessage => 'Copy error message'; @override String get newsCopiedFeedErrorMessage => 'Error message copied to clipboard'; @override String get newsOptionsDefaultCategory => 'Category to show by default'; @override String get newsOptionsArticleViewType => 'How to open article'; @override String get newsOptionsArticleViewTypeDirect => 'Show text directly'; @override String get newsOptionsArticleViewTypeInternalBrowser => 'Open in internal browser'; @override String get newsOptionsArticleViewTypeExternalBrowser => 'Open in external browser'; @override String get newsOptionsArticleDisableMarkAsReadTimeout => 'Mark articles as read instantly'; @override String get newsOptionsDefaultArticlesFilter => 'Articles to show by default'; @override String get newsOptionsArticlesSortProperty => 'How to sort articles'; @override String get newsOptionsArticlesSortPropertyPublishDate => 'Publish date'; @override String get newsOptionsArticlesSortPropertyAlphabetical => 'Alphabetical'; @override String get newsOptionsArticlesSortPropertyFeed => 'Feed'; @override String get newsOptionsArticlesSortOrder => 'Sort order of articles'; @override String get newsOptionsFeedsSortProperty => 'How to sort feeds'; @override String get newsOptionsFeedsSortPropertyAlphabetical => 'Alphabetical'; @override String get newsOptionsFeedsSortPropertyUnreadCount => 'Unread count'; @override String get newsOptionsFeedsSortOrder => 'Sort order of feeds'; @override String get newsOptionsFoldersSortProperty => 'How to sort folders'; @override String get newsOptionsFoldersSortPropertyAlphabetical => 'Alphabetical'; @override String get newsOptionsFoldersSortPropertyUnreadCount => 'Unread count'; @override String get newsOptionsFoldersSortOrder => 'Sort order of folders'; @override String get newsOptionsDefaultFolderViewType => 'What should be shown first when opening a folder'; @override String get notesName => 'Notes'; @override String get notesNote => 'Note'; @override String get notesNotes => 'Notes'; @override String get notesCategories => 'Categories'; @override String get notesCreateNote => 'Create note'; @override String get notesCategory => 'Category'; @override String get notesChangeCategory => 'Change category'; @override String get notesSetCategory => 'Set category'; @override String get notesNoteTitle => 'Title'; @override String get notesNoteChangedOnServer => 'The note has been changed on the server. Please refresh and try again'; @override String notesNotesInCategory(int count) { return '$count notes'; } @override String get notesUncategorized => 'Uncategorized'; @override String get notesEdit => 'Edit'; @override String get notesPreview => 'Preview'; @override String notesDeleteNoteConfirm(String name) { return 'Are you sure you want to delete the note \'$name\'?'; } @override String get notesOptionsDefaultCategory => 'Category to show by default'; @override String get notesOptionsDefaultNoteViewType => 'How to show note'; @override String get notesOptionsDefaultNoteViewTypePreview => 'Preview'; @override String get notesOptionsDefaultNoteViewTypeEdit => 'Editor'; @override String get notesOptionsNotesSortOrder => 'Sort order of notes'; @override String get notesOptionsNotesSortProperty => 'How to sort notes'; @override String get notesOptionsNotesSortPropertyLastModified => 'Last modified'; @override String get notesOptionsNotesSortPropertyAlphabetical => 'Alphabetical'; @override String get notesOptionsCategoriesSortOrder => 'Sort order of categories'; @override String get notesOptionsCategoriesSortProperty => 'How to sort categories'; @override String get notesOptionsCategoriesSortPropertyAlphabetical => 'Alphabetical'; @override String get notesOptionsCategoriesSortPropertyNotesCount => 'Count of notes'; @override String get notificationsName => 'Notifications'; @override String get notificationsNextcloudAppNotImplementedYet => 'Sorry, this Nextcloud app has not been implemented yet'; }