import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:built_value/serializer.dart'; import 'package:cookie_jar/cookie_jar.dart'; import 'package:dynamite_runtime/src/http_extensions.dart'; import 'package:dynamite_runtime/src/utils/uri.dart'; import 'package:meta/meta.dart'; import 'package:universal_io/io.dart'; /// Response returned by operations of a [DynamiteClient]. /// /// See: /// * [DynamiteRawResponse] for an experimental implementation that can be serialized. /// * [DynamiteApiException] as the exception that can be thrown in operations /// * [DynamiteAuthentication] for providing authentication methods. /// * [DynamiteClient] for the client providing operations. @immutable class DynamiteResponse { /// Creates a new dynamite response. const DynamiteResponse( this.statusCode, this._body, this._headers, ); /// The status code of the response. final int statusCode; final B? _body; final H? _headers; /// The decoded body of the response. B get body => _body!; /// The decoded headers of the response. H get headers => _headers!; @override String toString() => 'DynamiteResponse(data: $body, headers: $headers, statusCode: $statusCode)'; } /// Raw response returned by operations of a [DynamiteClient]. /// /// This type itself is serializable. /// /// The api of this type might change without a major bump. /// Use methods that return a [DynamiteResponse] instead. /// /// See: /// * [DynamiteResponse] as the response returned by an operation. /// * [DynamiteApiException] as the exception that can be thrown in operations /// * [DynamiteAuthentication] for providing authentication methods. /// * [DynamiteClient] for the client providing operations. @experimental class DynamiteRawResponse { /// Creates a new raw dynamite response. /// /// The [response] will be awaited and deserialized. /// After [future] completes the deserialized response can be accessed /// through [response]. DynamiteRawResponse({ required final Future response, required this.bodyType, required this.headersType, required this.serializers, }) { final completer = Completer>(); future = completer.future; // ignore: discarded_futures response.then( (final response) async { _rawHeaders = response.responseHeaders; final headers = deserializeHeaders(_rawHeaders, serializers, headersType); _rawBody = switch (bodyType) { const FullType(Uint8List) => await response.bytes, const FullType(String) => await response.string, _ => await response.json, }; final body = deserializeBody(_rawBody, serializers, bodyType); _response = DynamiteResponse( response.statusCode, body, headers, ); completer.complete(_response); }, onError: completer.completeError, ); } /// Decodes a raw dynamite response from json data. /// /// The [future] must not be awaited and the deserialized response can be /// accessed immediately through [response]. factory DynamiteRawResponse.fromJson( final Map json, { required final Serializers serializers, final FullType? bodyType, final FullType? headersType, }) { final statusCode = json['statusCode']! as int; final body = deserializeBody(json['body'], serializers, bodyType); final headers = deserializeHeaders(json['headers'], serializers, headersType); final response = DynamiteResponse( statusCode, body, headers, ); return DynamiteRawResponse._fromJson( response, bodyType: bodyType, headersType: headersType, serializers: serializers, ); } DynamiteRawResponse._fromJson( this._response, { required this.bodyType, required this.headersType, required this.serializers, }) : future = Future.value(_response); /// The serializers for the header and body. final Serializers serializers; /// The full type of the body. /// /// This is `null` if the body type is void. final FullType? bodyType; /// The full type of the headers. /// /// This is `null` if the headers type is void. final FullType? headersType; /// Future of the deserialized response. /// /// After this future completes the response can be accessed synchronously /// through [response]. late final Future> future; /// Caches the serialized response body for later serialization in [toJson]. /// /// Responses revived with [DynamiteRawResponse.fromJson] are not cached as /// they are not expected to be serialized again. Object? _rawBody; /// Caches the serialized response headers for later serialization in [toJson]. /// /// Responses revived with [DynamiteRawResponse.fromJson] are not cached as /// they are not expected to be serialized again. Map? _rawHeaders; DynamiteResponse? _response; /// Returns the deserialized response synchronously. /// /// Throws a `StateError` if [future] has not completed yet and `this` has /// not been instantiated through [DynamiteRawResponse.fromJson]. DynamiteResponse get response { final response = _response; if (response == null) { throw StateError('The response did not finish yet. Make sure to await `this.future`.'); } return response; } /// Deserializes the body. /// /// Most efficient if the [serialized] value is already the correct type. /// The [bodyType] should represent the return type [B]. static B? deserializeBody(final Object? serialized, final Serializers serializers, final FullType? bodyType) { // If we use the more efficient helpers from BytesStreamExtension the serialized value can already be correct. if (serialized is B) { return serialized; } if (bodyType != null) { return serializers.deserialize(serialized, specifiedType: bodyType) as B?; } return null; } /// Serializes the body. Object? serializeBody(final B? object) { if (bodyType != null && object != null) { return serializers.serialize(object, specifiedType: bodyType!); } return null; } /// Deserializes the headers. /// /// Most efficient if the [serialized] value is already the correct type. /// The [headersType] should represent the return type [H]. static H? deserializeHeaders( final Object? serialized, final Serializers serializers, final FullType? headersType, ) { // If we use the more efficient helpers from BytesStreamExtension the serialized value can already be correct. if (serialized is H) { return serialized; } if (headersType != null) { return serializers.deserialize(serialized, specifiedType: headersType) as H?; } return null; } /// Serializes the headers. Object? serializeHeaders(final H? object) { if (headersType != null && object != null) { return serializers.serialize(object, specifiedType: headersType!); } return null; } /// Serializes this response into json. /// /// To revive it again use [DynamiteRawResponse.fromJson] with the same /// serializer and `FullType`s as this. Map toJson() => { 'statusCode': response.statusCode, 'body': _rawBody ?? serializeBody(response._body), 'headers': _rawHeaders ?? serializeHeaders(response._headers), }; @override String toString() => 'DynamiteResponse(${toJson()})'; } /// The exception thrown by operations of a [DynamiteClient]. /// /// /// See: /// * [DynamiteResponse] as the response returned by an operation. /// * [DynamiteRawResponse] as the raw response that can be serialized. /// * [DynamiteAuthentication] for providing authentication methods. /// * [DynamiteClient] for the client providing operations. @immutable class DynamiteApiException implements Exception { /// Creates a new dynamite exception with the given information. const DynamiteApiException( this.statusCode, this.headers, this.body, ); /// Creates a new Exception from the given [response]. /// /// Tries to decode the `response` into a string. static Future fromResponse(final HttpClientResponse response) async { String body; try { body = await response.string; } on FormatException { body = 'binary'; } return DynamiteApiException( response.statusCode, response.responseHeaders, body, ); } /// The returned status code when the exception was thrown. final int statusCode; /// The returned headers when the exception was thrown. final Map headers; /// The returned body code when the exception was thrown. final String body; @override String toString() => 'DynamiteApiException(statusCode: $statusCode, headers: $headers, body: $body)'; } /// Base dynamite authentication. /// /// See: /// * [DynamiteResponse] as the response returned by an operation. /// * [DynamiteRawResponse] as the raw response that can be serialized. /// * [DynamiteApiException] as the exception that can be thrown in operations /// * [DynamiteClient] for the client providing operations. @immutable sealed class DynamiteAuthentication { /// Creates a new authentication. const DynamiteAuthentication({ required this.type, required this.scheme, }); /// The base type of the authentication. final String type; /// The used authentication HTTP scheme. final String? scheme; /// The authentication headers added to a request. Map get headers; } /// Basic http authentication with username and password. class DynamiteHttpBasicAuthentication extends DynamiteAuthentication { /// Creates a new http basic authentication. const DynamiteHttpBasicAuthentication({ required this.username, required this.password, }) : super( type: 'http', scheme: 'basic', ); /// The username. final String username; /// The password. final String password; @override Map get headers => { 'Authorization': 'Basic ${base64.encode(utf8.encode('$username:$password'))}', }; } /// Http bearer authentication with a token. class DynamiteHttpBearerAuthentication extends DynamiteAuthentication { /// Creates a new http bearer authentication. const DynamiteHttpBearerAuthentication({ required this.token, }) : super( type: 'http', scheme: 'bearer', ); /// The authentication token. final String token; @override Map get headers => { 'Authorization': 'Bearer $token', }; } /// A client for making network requests. /// /// See: /// * [DynamiteResponse] as the response returned by an operation. /// * [DynamiteRawResponse] as the raw response that can be serialized. /// * [DynamiteApiException] as the exception that can be thrown in operations /// * [DynamiteAuthentication] for providing authentication methods. class DynamiteClient { /// Creates a new dynamite network client. /// /// If [httpClient] is not provided a default one will be created. /// The [baseURL] will be normalized, removing any trailing `/`. DynamiteClient( final Uri baseURL, { this.baseHeaders, final String? userAgent, final HttpClient? httpClient, this.cookieJar, this.authentications = const [], }) : httpClient = (httpClient ?? HttpClient())..userAgent = userAgent, baseURL = baseURL.normalizeEmptyPath(); /// The base server url used to build the request uri. /// /// See `` for /// further information. final Uri baseURL; /// The base headers added to each request. final Map? baseHeaders; /// The base http client. final HttpClient httpClient; /// The optional cookie jar to persist the response cookies. final CookieJar? cookieJar; /// The available authentications for this client. /// /// The first one matching the required authentication type will be used. final List authentications; /// Makes a request against a given [path]. /// /// The query parameters of the [baseURL] are added. /// The [path] is resolved against the path of the [baseURL]. /// All [baseHeaders] are added to the request. Future executeRequest( final String method, final Uri path, final Map headers, final Uint8List? body, final Set? validStatuses, ) { final queryParameters = { ...baseURL.queryParametersAll, ...path.queryParametersAll, }; final uri = baseURL.replace( path: '${baseURL.path}${path.path}', queryParameters: queryParameters.isNotEmpty ? queryParameters : null, ); return executeRawRequest( method, uri, {...?baseHeaders, ...headers}, body, validStatuses, ); } /// Executes a HTTP request against give full [uri]. Future executeRawRequest( final String method, final Uri uri, final Map headers, final Uint8List? body, final Set? validStatuses, ) async { final request = await httpClient.openUrl(method, uri); request.headers.addAll(headers); if (body != null) { request.add(body); } if (cookieJar != null) { request.cookies.addAll(await cookieJar!.loadForRequest(uri)); } final response = await request.close(); if (cookieJar != null) { await cookieJar!.saveFromResponse(uri, response.cookies); } if (validStatuses?.contains(response.statusCode) ?? true) { return response; } else { throw await DynamiteApiException.fromResponse(response); } } }