part of '../dynamite.dart'; class OpenAPIBuilder implements Builder { @override final buildExtensions = const { '.openapi.json': ['.openapi.dart'], }; @override Future build(final BuildStep buildStep) async { try { final inputId = buildStep.inputId; final outputId = inputId.changeExtension('.dart'); final emitter = DartEmitter( orderDirectives: true, useNullSafetySyntax: true, ); final spec = OpenAPI.fromJson( json.decode( await buildStep.readAsString(inputId), ) as Map, ); final tags = [ null, if (spec.tags != null) ...[ ...spec.tags!, ], ]; final hasAnySecurity = ?? false; final resolvedTypes = []; final registeredJsonObjects = []; final output = [ "import 'dart:convert';", "import 'dart:typed_data';", '', "import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;", "import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart';", '', "part '${p.basename(outputId.changeExtension('.g.dart').path)}';", '', Class( (final b) => b = 'Response' ..fields.addAll([ Field( (final b) => b = 'statusCode' ..type = refer('int') ..modifier =$, ), Field( (final b) => b = 'headers' ..type = refer('Map') ..modifier =$, ), Field( (final b) => b = 'body' ..type = refer('Uint8List') ..modifier =$, ), ]) ..constructors.add( Constructor( (final b) => b ..requiredParameters.addAll( ['statusCode', 'headers', 'body'].map( (final name) => Parameter( (final b) => b = name ..toThis = true, ), ), ), ), ) ..methods.add( Method( (final b) => b = 'toString' ..returns = refer('String') ..annotations.add(refer('override')) ..lambda = true ..body = const Code(r"'Response(statusCode: $statusCode, headers: $headers, body: ${utf8.decode(body)})'"), ), ), ).accept(emitter).toString(), Class( (final b) => b = 'ApiException' ..extend = refer('Response') ..implements.add(refer('Exception')) ..constructors.addAll( [ Constructor( (final b) => b ..requiredParameters.addAll( ['statusCode', 'headers', 'body'].map( (final name) => Parameter( (final b) => b = name ..toSuper = true, ), ), ), ), Constructor( (final b) => b = 'fromResponse' ..factory = true ..lambda = true ..requiredParameters.add( Parameter( (final b) => b = 'response' ..type = refer('Response'), ), ) ..body = const Code('ApiException(response.statusCode, response.headers, response.body,)'), ), ], ) ..methods.add( Method( (final b) => b = 'toString' ..returns = refer('String') ..annotations.add(refer('override')) ..lambda = true ..body = const Code( r"'ApiException(statusCode: ${super.statusCode}, headers: ${super.headers}, body: ${utf8.decode(super.body)})'", ), ), ), ).accept(emitter).toString(), if (hasAnySecurity) ...[ Class( (final b) => b = 'Authentication' ..abstract = true ..methods.add( Method( (final b) => b = 'headers' ..type = MethodType.getter ..returns = refer('Map'), ), ), ).accept(emitter).toString(), ], ]; if ( != null) { for (final securityRequirement in!) { for (final name in securityRequirement.keys) { final securityScheme = spec.components!.securitySchemes![name]!; switch (securityScheme.type) { case 'http': switch (securityScheme.scheme) { case 'basic': output.add( Class( (final b) { final fields = ['username', 'password']; b = 'HttpBasicAuthentication' ..extend = refer('Authentication') ..constructors.add( Constructor( (final b) => b ..optionalParameters.addAll( (final name) => Parameter( (final b) => b = name ..toThis = true ..named = true ..required = true, ), ), ), ), ) ..fields.addAll( (final name) => Field( (final b) => b = name ..type = refer('String') ..modifier =$, ), ), ) ..methods.add( Method( (final b) => b = 'headers' ..type = MethodType.getter ..returns = refer('Map') ..lambda = true ..body = const Code(r''' { 'Authorization': 'Basic ${base64.encode(utf8.encode('$username:$password'))}', } '''), ), ); }, ).accept(emitter).toString(), ); continue; } } throw Exception('Can not work with security scheme ${securityScheme.toJson()}'); } } } TypeResolveResult resolveType( final String identifier, final Schema schema, { final bool ignoreEnum = false, final Map? extraJsonSerializableValues, }) { TypeResolveResult? result; if (schema.ref != null) { final name = schema.ref!.split('/').last; result = resolveType( name, spec.components!.schemas![name]!, extraJsonSerializableValues: extraJsonSerializableValues, ); } else if (schema.ofs != null) { if (!resolvedTypes.contains(identifier)) { resolvedTypes.add(identifier); final results = schema.ofs! .map( (final s) => resolveType( '$identifier${schema.ofs!.indexOf(s)}', s, extraJsonSerializableValues: { 'disallowUnrecognizedKeys': 'true', if (extraJsonSerializableValues != null) ...{ ...extraJsonSerializableValues, }, }, ), ) .toList(); output.add( Class( (final b) { final fields = {}; for (final result in results) { final dartName = _toDartName(result.typeName); final fieldName = dartName == result.typeName ? '${dartName}_' : dartName; fields[result.typeName] = fieldName; } b = identifier ..fields.addAll([ Field( (final b) { b = '_data' ..type = refer('dynamic') ..modifier =$; }, ), for (final result in results) ...[ Field( (final b) { final s = schema.ofs![results.indexOf(result)]; b = fields[result.typeName]! ..type = refer(_makeNullable(result.typeName, true)) ..modifier =$[ if (s.description != null && s.description!.isNotEmpty) ...[ '/// ${s.description!}', ], ]); }, ), ], ]) ..constructors.addAll([ Constructor( (final b) => b ..requiredParameters.add( Parameter( (final b) => b = '_data' ..toThis = true, ), ) ..optionalParameters.addAll([ for (final result in results) ...[ Parameter( (final b) => b = fields[result.typeName]! ..toThis = true ..named = true, ), ], ]), ), Constructor( (final b) { b ..factory = true = 'fromJson' ..requiredParameters.add( Parameter( (final b) => b = 'data' ..type = refer('dynamic'), ), ) ..body = Code( [ for (final result in results) ...[ '${result.typeName}? ${fields[result.typeName]!};', 'try {', '${fields[result.typeName]!} = ${_deserializeFunctionForType('data', result)};', '} catch (_) {', '}', ], if (schema.oneOf != null) ...[ "assert([${fields.values.join(',')}].where((final x) => x != null).length == 1, 'Need oneOf');", ], if (schema.allOf != null) ...[ "assert([${fields.values.join(',')}].where((final x) => x != null).length == ${fields.length}, 'Need allOf');", ], 'return $identifier(', 'data,', for (final result in results) ...[ '${fields[result.typeName]!}: ${fields[result.typeName]!},', ], ');', ].join(), ); }, ), ]) ..methods.add( Method( (final b) => b = 'toJson' ..returns = refer('dynamic') ..lambda = true ..body = const Code('_data'), ), ); }, ).accept(emitter).toString(), ); } result = TypeResolveResult( identifier, isBaseType: false, ); } else { switch (schema.type) { case 'boolean': result = TypeResolveResult('bool'); break; case 'integer': result = TypeResolveResult('int'); break; case 'number': result = TypeResolveResult('num'); break; case 'string': switch (schema.format) { case 'binary': result = TypeResolveResult('Uint8List'); break; case null: result = TypeResolveResult( 'String', ); break; } break; case 'array': if (schema.items != null) { final subResult = resolveType( identifier, schema.items!, extraJsonSerializableValues: extraJsonSerializableValues, ); result = TypeResolveResult( 'List<${subResult.typeName}>', isBaseType: false, isList: true, subType: subResult, ); } else { result = TypeResolveResult( 'List', isBaseType: false, isList: true, ); } break; case 'object': if ( == null) { result = TypeResolveResult('dynamic'); break; } if (!.isEmpty) { result = TypeResolveResult( 'Map', isBaseType: false, isMap: true, ); break; } if (!resolvedTypes.contains(identifier)) { resolvedTypes.add(identifier); registeredJsonObjects.add(identifier); output.add( Class( (final b) { b = identifier[ if (schema.description != null && schema.description!.isNotEmpty) ...[ '/// ${schema.description!}', ], ]) ..annotations.add( refer('JsonSerializable').call( [], { if (extraJsonSerializableValues != null) ...{ for (final key in extraJsonSerializableValues.keys) ...{ key: refer(extraJsonSerializableValues[key]!), }, }, }, ), ) ..constructors.addAll( [ Constructor( (final b) => b ..optionalParameters.addAll(! (final propertyName) => Parameter( (final b) => b = _toDartName(propertyName) ..toThis = true ..named = true ..required = (schema.required ?? []).contains(propertyName), ), ), ), ), Constructor( (final b) => b ..factory = true = 'fromJson' ..lambda = true ..requiredParameters.add( Parameter( (final b) => b = 'json' ..type = refer('Map'), ), ) ..body = Code('_\$${identifier}FromJson(json)'), ), ], ) ..methods.add( Method( (final b) => b = 'toJson' ..returns = refer('Map') ..lambda = true ..body = Code('_\$${identifier}ToJson(this)'), ), ) ..fields.addAll([ for (final propertyName in!.keys) ...[ Field( (final b) { final result = resolveType( '${identifier}_${_toDartName(propertyName, uppercaseFirstCharacter: true)}',![propertyName]!, extraJsonSerializableValues: extraJsonSerializableValues, ); final propertySchema =![propertyName]!; b = _toDartName(propertyName) ..type = refer( _makeNullable( result.typeName, !(schema.required ?? []).contains(propertyName), ), ) ..modifier =$[ if (propertySchema.description != null && propertySchema.description!.isNotEmpty) ...[ '/// ${propertySchema.description!}', ], ]); if (_toDartName(propertyName) != propertyName) { b.annotations.add( refer('JsonKey').call( [], { 'name': refer("'$propertyName'"), }, ), ); } }, ) ], ]); }, ).accept(emitter).toString(), ); } result = TypeResolveResult( identifier, isBaseType: false, ); break; } } if (result != null) { if (!ignoreEnum && schema.enum_ != null) { if (!resolvedTypes.contains(identifier)) { resolvedTypes.add(identifier); output.add( Enum( (final b) => b = identifier ..constructors.add( Constructor( (final b) => b ..constant = true ..requiredParameters.add( Parameter( (final b) => b = 'value' ..toThis = true, ), ), ), ) ..fields.add( Field( (final b) => b = 'value' ..type = refer(result!.typeName) ..modifier =$, ), ) ..values.addAll( schema.enum_!.map( (final value) => EnumValue( (final b) { final result = resolveType( '$identifier${_toDartName(value.toString(), uppercaseFirstCharacter: true)}', schema, ignoreEnum: true, extraJsonSerializableValues: extraJsonSerializableValues, ); b = _toDartName(value.toString()) ..arguments.add( refer(_valueToEscapedValue(result.typeName, value)), ); if (_toDartName(value.toString()) != value.toString()) { if (result.typeName != 'String' && result.typeName != 'int') { throw Exception( 'Sorry enum values are a bit broken. ' 'See ' 'Please remove the enum values on $identifier.', ); } b.annotations.add( refer('JsonValue').call([ refer(_valueToEscapedValue(result.typeName, value.toString())), ]), ); } }, ), ), ) ..methods.add( Method( (final b) => b = 'fromValue' ..static = true ..returns = refer(identifier) ..requiredParameters.add( Parameter( (final b) => b = 'value' ..type = refer(result!.typeName), ), ) ..body = Code( [ 'switch (value) {', for (final value in schema.enum_!) ...[ 'case ${_valueToEscapedValue(result!.typeName, value)}:', 'return $identifier.${_toDartName(value.toString())};', ], 'default:', 'throw Exception(\'Can not parse UserStatusClearAtTime0 from "\$value"\');', '}', ].join(), ), ), ), ).accept(emitter).toString(), ); } result = TypeResolveResult( identifier, isBaseType: false, isEnum: true, subType: result, ); } return result; } throw Exception('Can not convert OpenAPI type "${schema.toJson()}" to a Dart type'); } for (final tag in tags) { final isRootClient = tag == null; final paths = {}; if (spec.paths != null) { for (final path in spec.paths!.keys) { final pathItem = spec.paths![path]!; for (final method in pathItem.operations.keys) { final operation = pathItem.operations[method]!; if ((tag != null && operation.tags != null && operation.tags!.contains( || (tag == null && (operation.tags == null || operation.tags!.isEmpty))) { if (paths[path] == null) { paths[path] = PathItem( description: pathItem.description, parameters: pathItem.parameters, get: null, put: null, post: null, delete: null, options: null, head: null, patch: null, trace: null, ); } paths[path] = paths[path]!.copyWithOperations({method: operation}); } } } } if (paths.isEmpty && !isRootClient) { continue; } output.add( Class( (final b) { if (isRootClient) { b ..fields.addAll([ Field( (final b) => b = 'baseURL' ..type = refer('String') ..modifier =$, ), Field( (final b) => b = 'baseHeaders' ..type = refer('Map') ..modifier =$ ..late = true, ), if (hasAnySecurity) ...[ Field( (final b) => b = 'authentication' ..type = refer('Authentication?') ..modifier =$, ), ], ]) ..constructors.add( Constructor( (final b) => b ..requiredParameters.add( Parameter( (final b) => b = 'baseURL' ..toThis = true, ), ) ..optionalParameters.addAll([ Parameter( (final b) => b = 'baseHeaders' ..type = refer('Map?') ..named = true, ), if (hasAnySecurity) ...[ Parameter( (final b) => b = 'authentication' ..toThis = true ..named = true, ), ], ]) ..body = Code(''' this.baseHeaders = { if (baseHeaders != null) ...{ ...baseHeaders, }, ${hasAnySecurity ? ''' if (authentication != null) ...{ ...authentication!.headers, }, ''' : ''} }; '''), ), ) ..methods.addAll([ if (isRootClient) ...[ for (final tag in tags.where((final tag) => tag != null).toList().cast()) ...[ Method( (final b) => b = _toDartName( ..lambda = true ..type = MethodType.getter ..returns = refer(_clientName(tag)) ..body = Code('${_clientName(tag)}(this)'), ), ], ], Method( (final b) => b = 'doRequest' ..returns = refer('Future') ..modifier = MethodModifier.async ..requiredParameters.addAll([ Parameter( (final b) => b = 'method' ..type = refer('String'), ), Parameter( (final b) => b = 'path' ..type = refer('String'), ), Parameter( (final b) => b = 'headers' ..type = refer('Map'), ), Parameter( (final b) => b = 'body' ..type = refer('Uint8List?'), ), ]) ..body = const Code(r''' final request = http.Request(method, Uri.parse('$baseURL$path')); request.headers.addAll(baseHeaders); request.headers.addAll(headers); if (body != null) { request.bodyBytes = body.toList(); } final response = await http.Response.fromStream(await request.send()); return Response( response.statusCode, response.headers, response.bodyBytes, ); '''), ), ]); } else { b ..fields.add( Field( (final b) => b = 'rootClient' ..type = refer('Client') ..modifier =$, ), ) ..constructors.add( Constructor( (final b) => b.requiredParameters.add( Parameter( (final b) => b = 'rootClient' ..toThis = true, ), ), ), ); } b = isRootClient ? 'Client' : _clientName(tag) ..methods.addAll( [ for (final path in paths.keys) ...[ for (final httpMethod in paths[path]!.operations.keys) ...[ Method( (final b) { final operation = paths[path]!.operations[httpMethod]!; final pathParameters = [ if (paths[path]!.parameters != null) ...paths[path]!.parameters!, ]; final parameters = [ ...pathParameters, if (operation.parameters != null) ...operation.parameters!, ]; final methodName = _toDartName(operation.operationId ?? _toDartName('$httpMethod-$path')); b = methodName ..modifier = MethodModifier.async; final code = StringBuffer(''' var path = '$path'; final queryParameters = {}; final headers = {}; Uint8List? body; '''); for (final parameter in parameters) { final nullable = _isParameterNullable( parameter.required, parameter.schema?.default_, ); final result = resolveType( _toDartName(, uppercaseFirstCharacter: true, ), parameter.schema!, ); b.optionalParameters.add( Parameter( (final b) { b ..named = true = _toDartName( ..required = parameter.required ?? false; if (parameter.schema != null) { if (parameter.schema!.default_ != null) { final value = parameter.schema!.default_!.toString(); final result = resolveType( parameter.schema!.type!, parameter.schema!, ); b.defaultTo = Code(_valueToEscapedValue(result.typeName, value)); } b.type = refer( _makeNullable( result.typeName, nullable, ), ); } }, ), ); if (nullable) { code.write('if (${_toDartName(} != null) {'); } final enumValueGetter = result.isEnum ? '.value' : ''; switch (parameter.in_) { case 'path': code.write( "path = path.replaceAll('{${}}', Uri.encodeQueryComponent(${_toDartName(}$enumValueGetter.toString()));", ); break; case 'query': code.write( "queryParameters['${}'] = ${_toDartName(}$enumValueGetter.toString();", ); break; case 'header': code.write( "headers['${}'] = ${_toDartName(}$enumValueGetter.toString();", ); break; default: throw Exception('Can not work with parameter in "${parameter.in_}"'); } if (nullable) { code.write('}'); } } if (operation.requestBody != null) { if (operation.requestBody!.content!.length > 1) { throw Exception('Can not work with multiple mime types right now'); } for (final mimeType in operation.requestBody!.content!.keys) { final mediaType = operation.requestBody!.content![mimeType]!; code.write("headers['Content-Type'] = '$mimeType';"); final result = resolveType( _toDartName(methodName, uppercaseFirstCharacter: true), mediaType.schema!, ); switch (mimeType) { case 'application/json': b.optionalParameters.add( Parameter( (final b) => b = _toDartName(result.typeName) ..type = refer(result.typeName) ..named = true ..required = operation.requestBody!.required ?? false, ), ); final nullable = _isParameterNullable( operation.requestBody!.required, mediaType.schema?.default_, ); if (nullable) { code.write('if (${_toDartName(result.typeName)} != null) {'); } code.write( 'body = Uint8List.fromList(utf8.encode(${result.isBaseType ? '' : 'json.encode('}${_serializeFunctionForType(_toDartName(result.typeName), result)}${result.isBaseType ? '' : ')'}));', ); if (nullable) { code.write('}'); } break; default: throw Exception('Can not parse mime type "$mimeType"'); } } } code.write( ''' final response = await ${isRootClient ? '' : 'rootClient.'}doRequest( '$httpMethod', Uri(path: path, queryParameters: queryParameters).toString(), headers, body, ); ''', ); if (operation.responses != null) { if (operation.responses!.length > 1) { throw Exception('Can not work with multiple status codes right now'); } for (final statusCode in operation.responses!.keys) { final response = operation.responses![statusCode]!; code.write('if (response.statusCode == $statusCode) {'); if (response.content != null) { if (response.content!.length > 1) { throw Exception('Can not work with multiple mime types right now'); } for (final mimeType in response.content!.keys) { final mediaType = response.content![mimeType]!; final result = resolveType( _toDartName(methodName, uppercaseFirstCharacter: true), mediaType.schema!, ); switch (mimeType) { case 'application/json': b.returns = refer('Future<${result.typeName}>'); code.write('return ${_deserializeFunctionForType( result.isBaseType ? 'utf8.decode(response.body)' : 'json.decode(utf8.decode(response.body))', result, )};'); break; case 'image/png': b.returns = refer('Future'); code.write('return response.body;'); break; default: throw Exception('Can not parse mime type "$mimeType"'); } } } else { code.write('return;'); b.returns = refer('Future'); } code.write('}'); } code.write('throw ApiException.fromResponse(response); // coverage:ignore-line\n'); } else { b.returns = refer('Future'); } b.body = Code(code.toString()); }, ), ], ], ], ); }, ).accept(emitter).toString(), ); } if (spec.components?.schemas != null) { for (final name in spec.components!.schemas!.keys) { final schema = spec.components!.schemas![name]!; final identifier = _toDartName(name, uppercaseFirstCharacter: true); if (schema.type == null && schema.ref == null && schema.ofs == null) { output.add('typedef $identifier = dynamic;'); } else { final result = resolveType( identifier, schema, ); if (result.isBaseType) { output.add('typedef $identifier = ${result.typeName};'); } } } } if (registeredJsonObjects.isNotEmpty) { output.addAll([ '// coverage:ignore-start', 'final _deserializers = {', for (final name in registeredJsonObjects) ...[ '$name: (final data) => ${_deserializeFunctionForType( 'data', TypeResolveResult( name, isBaseType: false, ), )},', 'List<$name>: (final data) => ${_deserializeFunctionForType( 'data', TypeResolveResult( 'List<$name>', isList: true, subType: TypeResolveResult( name, isBaseType: false, ), ), )},', ], '};', '', 'final _serializers = {', for (final name in registeredJsonObjects) ...[ '$name: (final data) => ${_serializeFunctionForType( 'data', TypeResolveResult( name, isBaseType: false, ), )},', 'List<$name>: (final data) => ${_serializeFunctionForType( 'data', TypeResolveResult( 'List<$name>', isList: true, subType: TypeResolveResult( name, isBaseType: false, ), ), )},', ], '};', '', 'T deserialize(final dynamic data) => _deserializers[T]!(data) as T;', '', 'dynamic serialize(final T data) => _serializers[T]!(data);', '// coverage:ignore-end', ]); } final formatter = DartFormatter( pageWidth: 120, ); await buildStep.writeAsString( outputId, formatter.format( output .join('\n') .replaceAll( 'Map toJson()', ' // coverage:ignore-start\nMap toJson()', ) .replaceAll( 'ToJson(this);', 'ToJson(this);\n // coverage:ignore-end\n', ) .replaceAll( 'dynamic toJson() => _data;', ' // coverage:ignore-start\ndynamic toJson() => _data;\n // coverage:ignore-end\n', ), ), ); } catch (e, s) { print(s); rethrow; } } } String _clientName(final Tag tag) => '${_toDartName(, uppercaseFirstCharacter: true)}Client'; String _toDartName( final String input, { final bool uppercaseFirstCharacter = false, }) { final result = StringBuffer(); final parts = input.split(''); for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { var char = parts[i]; final prevChar = i > 0 ? parts[i - 1] : null; if (_isNonAlphaNumericString(char)) { continue; } if (prevChar != null && _isNonAlphaNumericString(prevChar)) { char = char.toUpperCase(); } if (i == 0) { if (uppercaseFirstCharacter) { char = char.toUpperCase(); } else { char = char.toLowerCase(); } } result.write(char); } if (_dartKeywords.contains(result.toString())) { return '${result.toString()}_'; } return result.toString(); } final _dartKeywords = [ 'assert', 'break', 'case', 'catch', 'class', 'const', 'continue', 'default', 'do', 'else', 'enum', 'extends', 'false', 'final', 'finally', 'for', 'if', 'in', 'is', 'new', 'null', 'rethrow', 'return', 'super', 'switch', 'this', 'throw', 'true', 'try', 'var', 'void', 'while', 'with', 'async', 'hide', 'on', 'show', 'sync', 'abstract', 'as', 'covariant', 'deferred', 'dynamic', 'export', 'extension', 'external', 'factory', 'function', 'get', 'implements', 'import', 'interface', 'library', 'mixin', 'operator', 'part', 'set', 'static', 'typedef', ]; bool _isNonAlphaNumericString(final String input) => !RegExp(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9]$').hasMatch(input); String _makeNullable(final String type, final bool nullable) => nullable ? '$type?' : type; class TypeResolveResult { TypeResolveResult( this.typeName, { this.isBaseType = true, this.isList = false, this.isMap = false, this.isEnum = false, this.subType, }); final String typeName; final bool isBaseType; final bool isList; final bool isMap; final bool isEnum; final TypeResolveResult? subType; } String _serializeFunctionForType(final String object, final TypeResolveResult result) { if (result.isList) { return '($object as ${result.typeName}).map((final e) => ${_serializeFunctionForType('e', result.subType!)}).toList()'; } else if (result.isMap) { return '($object as ${result.typeName})'; } else if (result.isBaseType) { return '$object.toString()'; } else if (result.isEnum) { return '($object as ${result.typeName}).value'; } else { return '($object as ${result.typeName}).toJson()'; } } String _deserializeFunctionForType(final String object, final TypeResolveResult result) { if (result.isList) { if (result.subType == null) { return '$object as List'; } return '($object as List).map<${result.subType!.typeName}>((final e) => ${_deserializeFunctionForType('e', result.subType!)}).toList()'; } else if (result.isMap) { return '$object as Map'; } else if (result.isBaseType) { return '$object as ${result.typeName}'; } else if (result.isEnum) { return '${result.typeName}.fromValue($object as ${result.subType!.typeName})'; } else { return '${result.typeName}.fromJson($object as Map)'; } } bool _isParameterNullable(final bool? required, final dynamic default_) => !(required ?? false) && default_ == null; String _valueToEscapedValue(final String type, final dynamic value) => type == 'String' ? "'$value'" : value.toString();