import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:math'; import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart'; import 'package:nextcloud/nextcloud.dart'; import 'package:process_run/cmd_run.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; const String nextcloudVersion = '25.0.1'; const String defaultUsername = 'user1'; const String defaultPassword = 'user1'; class DockerImage { DockerImage({ required, }); final String name; } class DockerContainer { DockerContainer({ required, required this.port, }); final String id; final int port; Future runOccCommand(final List args) async { final result = await runExecutableArguments( 'docker', [ 'exec', id, 'php', '-f', 'occ', ...args, ], stdout: stdout, stderr: stderr, ); if (result.exitCode != 0) { throw Exception('Failed to run occ command'); } } Future destroy() => runExecutableArguments( 'docker', [ 'kill', id, ], ); Future collectLogs() async { final apacheLogs = (await runExecutableArguments( 'docker', [ 'logs', id, ], stdoutEncoding: utf8, )) .stdout as String; final nextcloudLogs = (await runExecutableArguments( 'docker', [ 'exec', id, 'cat', 'data/nextcloud.log', ], stdoutEncoding: utf8, )) .stdout as String; return '$apacheLogs\n\n$nextcloudLogs'; } } class TestNextcloudClient extends NextcloudClient { TestNextcloudClient( super.baseURL, { super.loginName, super.username, super.password, super.language, super.appType, super.userAgentOverride, super.cookieJar, }); } Future getTestClient( final DockerContainer container, { final String? username = defaultUsername, final String? password = defaultPassword, final bool useAppPassword = false, final AppType appType = AppType.unknown, final String? userAgentOverride, }) async { // ignore: prefer_asserts_with_message assert(!useAppPassword || (username != null && password != null)); var clientPassword = password; if (useAppPassword) { final inputStream = StreamController>(); final process = runExecutableArguments( 'docker', [ 'exec', '-i',, 'php', '-f', 'occ', 'user:add-app-password', username!, ], stdin:, ); inputStream.add(utf8.encode(password!)); await inputStream.close(); final result = await process; if (result.exitCode != 0) { throw Exception('Failed to run generate app password command\n${result.stderr}\n${result.stdout}'); } clientPassword = (result.stdout as String).split('\n')[1]; } final client = TestNextcloudClient( 'http://localhost:${container.port}', loginName: username, username: username, password: clientPassword, appType: appType, userAgentOverride: userAgentOverride, cookieJar: CookieJar(), ); while (true) { // Test will timeout after 30s try { await client.core.getStatus(); break; } catch (_) { await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 100)); } } return client; } Future getDockerContainer(final DockerImage image) async { late ProcessResult result; late int port; while (true) { port = randomPort(); result = await runExecutableArguments( 'docker', [ 'run', '--rm', '-d', '-p', '$port:80', '--add-host', 'host.docker.internal:host-gateway',, ], ); // 125 means the docker run command itself has failed which indicated the port is already used if (result.exitCode != 125) { break; } } if (result.exitCode != 0) { throw Exception('Failed to run docker container: ${result.stderr}'); } return DockerContainer( id: result.stdout.toString().replaceAll('\n', ''), port: port, ); } Future getDockerImage({ final List? users, final List? apps, }) async { final hash = sha1 .convert( utf8.encode( [ if (users != null) for (final user in users) user.toString(), if (apps != null) ...apps, ].join(), ), ) .toString(); final dockerImageName = 'nextcloud-neon-$hash'; final inputStream = StreamController>(); final process = runExecutableArguments( 'docker', [ 'build', '-t', dockerImageName, '-f', '-', './test', ], stdout: stdout, stderr: stderr, stdin:, ); inputStream.add( utf8.encode( TestDockerHelper.generateInstructions( nextcloudVersion, users: users, apps: apps, ), ), ); await inputStream.close(); final result = await process; if (result.exitCode != 0) { throw Exception('Failed to build docker image'); } return DockerImage( name: dockerImageName, ); } class TestNextcloudUser { TestNextcloudUser( this.username, this.password, { this.displayName, }); final String username; final String password; final String? displayName; } class TestDockerHelper { static String generateInstructions( final String nextcloudVersion, { final List? users, final List? apps, }) { users?.sort((final a, final b) => a.username.compareTo(b.username)); apps?.sort(); final instructions = [ generateFromNextcloudImageInstruction(nextcloudVersion), 'WORKDIR /usr/src/nextcloud', 'RUN chown -R www-data:www-data .', 'USER www-data', 'RUN ./occ maintenance:install --admin-pass admin --admin-email', 'RUN ./occ app:disable password_policy', 'RUN ./occ config:system:set allow_local_remote_servers --value=true', generateCreateTestUserInstruction(), if (apps != null) ...[ for (final app in apps) ...[ generateInstallAppInstruction(app), ], ], if (users != null) ...[ for (final user in users) ...[ generateCreateUserInstruction(user), ], ], 'RUN ./occ app:enable password_policy', 'COPY --chown=www-data:www-data overlay /usr/src/nextcloud/', '', ]; return instructions.join('\n'); } static String generateFromNextcloudImageInstruction( final String nextcloudVersion, ) => 'FROM nextcloud:$nextcloudVersion'; static String generateCreateTestUserInstruction() => generateCreateUserInstruction( TestNextcloudUser( defaultUsername, defaultPassword, displayName: 'User One', ), ); static String generateCreateUserInstruction(final TestNextcloudUser user) => 'RUN OC_PASS="${user.password}" ./occ user:add --password-from-env ${user.displayName != null ? '--display-name="${user.displayName}"' : ''} ${user.username}'; static String generateInstallAppInstruction( final String appName, ) => 'RUN ./occ app:install $appName'; } int randomPort() => 1024 + Random().nextInt(65535 - 1024); void expectDateInReasonableTimeRange(final DateTime actual, final DateTime expected) { const duration = Duration(seconds: 10); expect(actual.isAfter(expected.subtract(duration)), isTrue); expect(actual.isBefore(expected.add(duration)), isTrue); }