You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
177 lines
4.0 KiB
177 lines
4.0 KiB
import 'localizations.dart'; |
/// The translations for English (`en`). |
class NewsLocalizationsEn extends NewsLocalizations { |
NewsLocalizationsEn([String locale = 'en']) : super(locale); |
@override |
String get actionDelete => 'Delete'; |
@override |
String get actionRename => 'Rename'; |
@override |
String get actionMove => 'Move'; |
@override |
String get general => 'General'; |
@override |
String get folder => 'Folder'; |
@override |
String get folders => 'Folders'; |
@override |
String get folderRoot => 'Root Folder'; |
@override |
String get folderCreate => 'Create folder'; |
@override |
String get folderCreateName => 'Folder name'; |
@override |
String folderDeleteConfirm(String name) { |
return 'Are you sure you want to delete the folder \'$name\'?'; |
} |
@override |
String get actionDeleteTitle => 'Permanently delete?'; |
@override |
String get folderRename => 'Rename folder'; |
@override |
String get feeds => 'Feeds'; |
@override |
String get feedAdd => 'Add feed'; |
@override |
String feedRemoveConfirm(String name) { |
return 'Are you sure you want to remove the feed \'$name\'?'; |
} |
@override |
String get feedMove => 'Move feed'; |
@override |
String get feedRename => 'Rename feed'; |
@override |
String get feedShowURL => 'Show URL'; |
@override |
String get feedCopyURL => 'Copy URL'; |
@override |
String get feedCopiedURL => 'URL copied to clipboard'; |
@override |
String get feedShowErrorMessage => 'Show error message'; |
@override |
String get feedCopyErrorMessage => 'Copy error message'; |
@override |
String get feedCopiedErrorMessage => 'Error message copied to clipboard'; |
@override |
String get articles => 'Articles'; |
@override |
String articlesUnread(int count) { |
return '$count unread'; |
} |
@override |
String get articlesFilterAll => 'All'; |
@override |
String get articlesFilterUnread => 'Unread'; |
@override |
String get articlesFilterStarred => 'Starred'; |
@override |
String get articleStar => 'Star article'; |
@override |
String get articleUnstar => 'Unstar article'; |
@override |
String get articleMarkRead => 'Mark article as read'; |
@override |
String get articleMarkUnread => 'Mark article as unread'; |
@override |
String get articleOpenLink => 'Open in browser'; |
@override |
String get articleShare => 'Share'; |
@override |
String get optionsDefaultCategory => 'Category to show by default'; |
@override |
String get optionsArticleViewType => 'How to open article'; |
@override |
String get optionsArticleViewTypeDirect => 'Show text directly'; |
@override |
String get optionsArticleViewTypeInternalBrowser => 'Open in internal browser'; |
@override |
String get optionsArticleViewTypeExternalBrowser => 'Open in external browser'; |
@override |
String get optionsArticleDisableMarkAsReadTimeout => 'Mark articles as read instantly'; |
@override |
String get optionsDefaultArticlesFilter => 'Articles to show by default'; |
@override |
String get optionsArticlesSortProperty => 'How to sort articles'; |
@override |
String get optionsArticlesSortPropertyPublishDate => 'Publish date'; |
@override |
String get optionsArticlesSortPropertyAlphabetical => 'Alphabetical'; |
@override |
String get optionsArticlesSortPropertyFeed => 'Feed'; |
@override |
String get optionsArticlesSortOrder => 'Sort order of articles'; |
@override |
String get optionsFeedsSortProperty => 'How to sort feeds'; |
@override |
String get optionsFeedsSortPropertyAlphabetical => 'Alphabetical'; |
@override |
String get optionsFeedsSortPropertyUnreadCount => 'Unread count'; |
@override |
String get optionsFeedsSortOrder => 'Sort order of feeds'; |
@override |
String get optionsFoldersSortProperty => 'How to sort folders'; |
@override |
String get optionsFoldersSortPropertyAlphabetical => 'Alphabetical'; |
@override |
String get optionsFoldersSortPropertyUnreadCount => 'Unread count'; |
@override |
String get optionsFoldersSortOrder => 'Sort order of folders'; |
@override |
String get optionsDefaultFolderViewType => 'What should be shown first when opening a folder'; |