A framework for building convergent cross-platform Nextcloud clients using Flutter.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

455 lines
16 KiB

// ignore_for_file: camel_case_types
// ignore_for_file: public_member_api_docs
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:built_collection/built_collection.dart';
import 'package:built_value/built_value.dart';
import 'package:built_value/json_object.dart';
import 'package:built_value/serializer.dart';
import 'package:built_value/standard_json_plugin.dart';
import 'package:dynamite_runtime/content_string.dart';
import 'package:dynamite_runtime/http_client.dart';
import 'package:universal_io/io.dart';
export 'package:dynamite_runtime/http_client.dart';
part 'notes.openapi.g.dart';
class NotesResponse<T, U> extends DynamiteResponse<T, U> {
String toString() => 'NotesResponse(data: $data, headers: $headers)';
class NotesApiException extends DynamiteApiException {
static Future<NotesApiException> fromResponse(final HttpClientResponse response) async {
final data = await response.bodyBytes;
String body;
try {
body = utf8.decode(data);
} on FormatException {
body = 'binary';
return NotesApiException(
String toString() => 'NotesApiException(statusCode: $statusCode, headers: $headers, body: $body)';
class NotesClient extends DynamiteClient {
super.baseURL, {
NotesClient.fromClient(final DynamiteClient client)
: super(
baseHeaders: client.baseHeaders,
httpClient: client.httpClient,
cookieJar: client.cookieJar,
authentications: client.authentications,
Future<BuiltList<NotesNote>> getNotes({
final String? category,
final String exclude = '',
final int pruneBefore = 0,
final int chunkSize = 0,
final String? chunkCursor,
final String? ifNoneMatch,
}) async {
const path = '/index.php/apps/notes/api/v1/notes';
final queryParameters = <String, dynamic>{};
final headers = <String, String>{
'Accept': 'application/json',
Uint8List? body;
if (authentications.where((final a) => a.type == 'http' && a.scheme == 'basic').isNotEmpty) {
headers.addAll(authentications.singleWhere((final a) => a.type == 'http' && a.scheme == 'basic').headers);
} else {
throw Exception('Missing authentication for basic_auth'); // coverage:ignore-line
if (category != null) {
queryParameters['category'] = category;
if (exclude != '') {
queryParameters['exclude'] = exclude;
if (pruneBefore != 0) {
queryParameters['pruneBefore'] = pruneBefore.toString();
if (chunkSize != 0) {
queryParameters['chunkSize'] = chunkSize.toString();
if (chunkCursor != null) {
queryParameters['chunkCursor'] = chunkCursor;
if (ifNoneMatch != null) {
headers['If-None-Match'] = ifNoneMatch;
final response = await doRequest(
Uri(path: path, queryParameters: queryParameters.isNotEmpty ? queryParameters : null).toString(),
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
return _jsonSerializers.deserialize(
await response.jsonBody,
specifiedType: const FullType(BuiltList, [FullType(NotesNote)]),
)! as BuiltList<NotesNote>;
throw await NotesApiException.fromResponse(response); // coverage:ignore-line
Future<NotesNote> createNote({
final String category = '',
final String title = '',
final String content = '',
final int modified = 0,
final int favorite = 0,
}) async {
const path = '/index.php/apps/notes/api/v1/notes';
final queryParameters = <String, dynamic>{};
final headers = <String, String>{
'Accept': 'application/json',
Uint8List? body;
if (authentications.where((final a) => a.type == 'http' && a.scheme == 'basic').isNotEmpty) {
headers.addAll(authentications.singleWhere((final a) => a.type == 'http' && a.scheme == 'basic').headers);
} else {
throw Exception('Missing authentication for basic_auth'); // coverage:ignore-line
if (category != '') {
queryParameters['category'] = category;
if (title != '') {
queryParameters['title'] = title;
if (content != '') {
queryParameters['content'] = content;
if (modified != 0) {
queryParameters['modified'] = modified.toString();
if (favorite != 0) {
queryParameters['favorite'] = favorite.toString();
final response = await doRequest(
Uri(path: path, queryParameters: queryParameters.isNotEmpty ? queryParameters : null).toString(),
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
return _jsonSerializers.deserialize(await response.jsonBody, specifiedType: const FullType(NotesNote))!
as NotesNote;
throw await NotesApiException.fromResponse(response); // coverage:ignore-line
Future<NotesNote> getNote({
required final int id,
final String exclude = '',
final String? ifNoneMatch,
}) async {
var path = '/index.php/apps/notes/api/v1/notes/{id}';
final queryParameters = <String, dynamic>{};
final headers = <String, String>{
'Accept': 'application/json',
Uint8List? body;
if (authentications.where((final a) => a.type == 'http' && a.scheme == 'basic').isNotEmpty) {
headers.addAll(authentications.singleWhere((final a) => a.type == 'http' && a.scheme == 'basic').headers);
} else {
throw Exception('Missing authentication for basic_auth'); // coverage:ignore-line
path = path.replaceAll('{id}', Uri.encodeQueryComponent(id.toString()));
if (exclude != '') {
queryParameters['exclude'] = exclude;
if (ifNoneMatch != null) {
headers['If-None-Match'] = ifNoneMatch;
final response = await doRequest(
Uri(path: path, queryParameters: queryParameters.isNotEmpty ? queryParameters : null).toString(),
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
return _jsonSerializers.deserialize(await response.jsonBody, specifiedType: const FullType(NotesNote))!
as NotesNote;
throw await NotesApiException.fromResponse(response); // coverage:ignore-line
Future<NotesNote> updateNote({
required final int id,
final String? content,
final int? modified,
final String? title,
final String? category,
final int favorite = 0,
final String? ifMatch,
}) async {
var path = '/index.php/apps/notes/api/v1/notes/{id}';
final queryParameters = <String, dynamic>{};
final headers = <String, String>{
'Accept': 'application/json',
Uint8List? body;
if (authentications.where((final a) => a.type == 'http' && a.scheme == 'basic').isNotEmpty) {
headers.addAll(authentications.singleWhere((final a) => a.type == 'http' && a.scheme == 'basic').headers);
} else {
throw Exception('Missing authentication for basic_auth'); // coverage:ignore-line
path = path.replaceAll('{id}', Uri.encodeQueryComponent(id.toString()));
if (content != null) {
queryParameters['content'] = content;
if (modified != null) {
queryParameters['modified'] = modified.toString();
if (title != null) {
queryParameters['title'] = title;
if (category != null) {
queryParameters['category'] = category;
if (favorite != 0) {
queryParameters['favorite'] = favorite.toString();
if (ifMatch != null) {
headers['If-Match'] = ifMatch;
final response = await doRequest(
Uri(path: path, queryParameters: queryParameters.isNotEmpty ? queryParameters : null).toString(),
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
return _jsonSerializers.deserialize(await response.jsonBody, specifiedType: const FullType(NotesNote))!
as NotesNote;
throw await NotesApiException.fromResponse(response); // coverage:ignore-line
Future<String> deleteNote({required final int id}) async {
var path = '/index.php/apps/notes/api/v1/notes/{id}';
final queryParameters = <String, dynamic>{};
final headers = <String, String>{
'Accept': 'application/json',
Uint8List? body;
if (authentications.where((final a) => a.type == 'http' && a.scheme == 'basic').isNotEmpty) {
headers.addAll(authentications.singleWhere((final a) => a.type == 'http' && a.scheme == 'basic').headers);
} else {
throw Exception('Missing authentication for basic_auth'); // coverage:ignore-line
path = path.replaceAll('{id}', Uri.encodeQueryComponent(id.toString()));
final response = await doRequest(
Uri(path: path, queryParameters: queryParameters.isNotEmpty ? queryParameters : null).toString(),
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
return response.body;
throw await NotesApiException.fromResponse(response); // coverage:ignore-line
Future<NotesSettings> getSettings() async {
const path = '/index.php/apps/notes/api/v1/settings';
final queryParameters = <String, dynamic>{};
final headers = <String, String>{
'Accept': 'application/json',
Uint8List? body;
if (authentications.where((final a) => a.type == 'http' && a.scheme == 'basic').isNotEmpty) {
headers.addAll(authentications.singleWhere((final a) => a.type == 'http' && a.scheme == 'basic').headers);
} else {
throw Exception('Missing authentication for basic_auth'); // coverage:ignore-line
final response = await doRequest(
Uri(path: path, queryParameters: queryParameters.isNotEmpty ? queryParameters : null).toString(),
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
return _jsonSerializers.deserialize(await response.jsonBody, specifiedType: const FullType(NotesSettings))!
as NotesSettings;
throw await NotesApiException.fromResponse(response); // coverage:ignore-line
Future<NotesSettings> updateSettings({required final NotesSettings settings}) async {
const path = '/index.php/apps/notes/api/v1/settings';
final queryParameters = <String, dynamic>{};
final headers = <String, String>{
'Accept': 'application/json',
Uint8List? body;
if (authentications.where((final a) => a.type == 'http' && a.scheme == 'basic').isNotEmpty) {
headers.addAll(authentications.singleWhere((final a) => a.type == 'http' && a.scheme == 'basic').headers);
} else {
throw Exception('Missing authentication for basic_auth'); // coverage:ignore-line
headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
body = Uint8List.fromList(
utf8.encode(json.encode(_jsonSerializers.serialize(settings, specifiedType: const FullType(NotesSettings)))),
final response = await doRequest(
Uri(path: path, queryParameters: queryParameters.isNotEmpty ? queryParameters : null).toString(),
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
return _jsonSerializers.deserialize(await response.jsonBody, specifiedType: const FullType(NotesSettings))!
as NotesSettings;
throw await NotesApiException.fromResponse(response); // coverage:ignore-line
abstract class NotesNote implements Built<NotesNote, NotesNoteBuilder> {
factory NotesNote([final void Function(NotesNoteBuilder)? b]) = _$NotesNote;
const NotesNote._();
factory NotesNote.fromJson(final Map<String, dynamic> json) => _jsonSerializers.deserializeWith(serializer, json)!;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _jsonSerializers.serializeWith(serializer, this)! as Map<String, dynamic>;
int get id;
String get etag;
bool get readonly;
String get content;
String get title;
String get category;
bool get favorite;
int get modified;
bool get error;
String get errorType;
static Serializer<NotesNote> get serializer => _$notesNoteSerializer;
class NotesSettings_NoteMode extends EnumClass {
const NotesSettings_NoteMode._(super.name);
static const NotesSettings_NoteMode edit = _$notesSettingsNoteModeEdit;
static const NotesSettings_NoteMode preview = _$notesSettingsNoteModePreview;
static const NotesSettings_NoteMode rich = _$notesSettingsNoteModeRich;
static BuiltSet<NotesSettings_NoteMode> get values => _$notesSettingsNoteModeValues;
static NotesSettings_NoteMode valueOf(final String name) => _$valueOfNotesSettings_NoteMode(name);
static Serializer<NotesSettings_NoteMode> get serializer => _$notesSettingsNoteModeSerializer;
abstract class NotesSettings implements Built<NotesSettings, NotesSettingsBuilder> {
factory NotesSettings([final void Function(NotesSettingsBuilder)? b]) = _$NotesSettings;
const NotesSettings._();
factory NotesSettings.fromJson(final Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
_jsonSerializers.deserializeWith(serializer, json)!;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _jsonSerializers.serializeWith(serializer, this)! as Map<String, dynamic>;
String get notesPath;
String get fileSuffix;
NotesSettings_NoteMode get noteMode;
static Serializer<NotesSettings> get serializer => _$notesSettingsSerializer;
abstract class NotesOCSMeta implements Built<NotesOCSMeta, NotesOCSMetaBuilder> {
factory NotesOCSMeta([final void Function(NotesOCSMetaBuilder)? b]) = _$NotesOCSMeta;
const NotesOCSMeta._();
factory NotesOCSMeta.fromJson(final Map<String, dynamic> json) => _jsonSerializers.deserializeWith(serializer, json)!;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _jsonSerializers.serializeWith(serializer, this)! as Map<String, dynamic>;
String get status;
int get statuscode;
String? get message;
String? get totalitems;
String? get itemsperpage;
static Serializer<NotesOCSMeta> get serializer => _$notesOCSMetaSerializer;
abstract class NotesEmptyOCS_Ocs implements Built<NotesEmptyOCS_Ocs, NotesEmptyOCS_OcsBuilder> {
factory NotesEmptyOCS_Ocs([final void Function(NotesEmptyOCS_OcsBuilder)? b]) = _$NotesEmptyOCS_Ocs;
const NotesEmptyOCS_Ocs._();
factory NotesEmptyOCS_Ocs.fromJson(final Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
_jsonSerializers.deserializeWith(serializer, json)!;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _jsonSerializers.serializeWith(serializer, this)! as Map<String, dynamic>;
NotesOCSMeta get meta;
BuiltList<JsonObject> get data;
static Serializer<NotesEmptyOCS_Ocs> get serializer => _$notesEmptyOCSOcsSerializer;
abstract class NotesEmptyOCS implements Built<NotesEmptyOCS, NotesEmptyOCSBuilder> {
factory NotesEmptyOCS([final void Function(NotesEmptyOCSBuilder)? b]) = _$NotesEmptyOCS;
const NotesEmptyOCS._();
factory NotesEmptyOCS.fromJson(final Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
_jsonSerializers.deserializeWith(serializer, json)!;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _jsonSerializers.serializeWith(serializer, this)! as Map<String, dynamic>;
NotesEmptyOCS_Ocs get ocs;
static Serializer<NotesEmptyOCS> get serializer => _$notesEmptyOCSSerializer;
final Serializers _serializers = (_$_serializers.toBuilder()
..addBuilderFactory(const FullType(NotesNote), NotesNote.new)
..addBuilderFactory(const FullType(BuiltList, [FullType(NotesNote)]), ListBuilder<NotesNote>.new)
..addBuilderFactory(const FullType(NotesNote), NotesNote.new)
..addBuilderFactory(const FullType(NotesSettings), NotesSettings.new))
Serializers get notesSerializers => _serializers;
final Serializers _jsonSerializers = (_serializers.toBuilder()
..addPlugin(const ContentStringPlugin()))
// coverage:ignore-start
T deserializeNotes<T>(final Object data) => _serializers.deserialize(data, specifiedType: FullType(T))! as T;
Object? serializeNotes<T>(final T data) => _serializers.serialize(data, specifiedType: FullType(T));
// coverage:ignore-end