A framework for building convergent cross-platform Nextcloud clients using Flutter.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

2272 lines
70 KiB

part of 'news.openapi.dart';
// **************************************************************************
// BuiltValueGenerator
// **************************************************************************
Serializer<NewsSupportedAPIVersions> _$newsSupportedAPIVersionsSerializer = _$NewsSupportedAPIVersionsSerializer();
Serializer<NewsArticle> _$newsArticleSerializer = _$NewsArticleSerializer();
Serializer<NewsFeed> _$newsFeedSerializer = _$NewsFeedSerializer();
Serializer<NewsFolder> _$newsFolderSerializer = _$NewsFolderSerializer();
Serializer<NewsListFolders> _$newsListFoldersSerializer = _$NewsListFoldersSerializer();
Serializer<NewsListFeeds> _$newsListFeedsSerializer = _$NewsListFeedsSerializer();
Serializer<NewsListArticles> _$newsListArticlesSerializer = _$NewsListArticlesSerializer();
Serializer<NewsOCSMeta> _$newsOCSMetaSerializer = _$NewsOCSMetaSerializer();
Serializer<NewsEmptyOCS_Ocs> _$newsEmptyOCSOcsSerializer = _$NewsEmptyOCS_OcsSerializer();
Serializer<NewsEmptyOCS> _$newsEmptyOCSSerializer = _$NewsEmptyOCSSerializer();
class _$NewsSupportedAPIVersionsSerializer implements StructuredSerializer<NewsSupportedAPIVersions> {
final Iterable<Type> types = const [NewsSupportedAPIVersions, _$NewsSupportedAPIVersions];
final String wireName = 'NewsSupportedAPIVersions';
Iterable<Object?> serialize(Serializers serializers, NewsSupportedAPIVersions object,
{FullType specifiedType = FullType.unspecified}) {
final result = <Object?>[];
Object? value;
value = object.apiLevels;
if (value != null) {
..add(serializers.serialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(BuiltList, [FullType(String)])));
return result;
NewsSupportedAPIVersions deserialize(Serializers serializers, Iterable<Object?> serialized,
{FullType specifiedType = FullType.unspecified}) {
final result = NewsSupportedAPIVersionsBuilder();
final iterator = serialized.iterator;
while (iterator.moveNext()) {
final key = iterator.current! as String;
final Object? value = iterator.current;
switch (key) {
case 'apiLevels':
specifiedType: const FullType(BuiltList, [FullType(String)]))! as BuiltList<Object?>);
return result.build();
class _$NewsArticleSerializer implements StructuredSerializer<NewsArticle> {
final Iterable<Type> types = const [NewsArticle, _$NewsArticle];
final String wireName = 'NewsArticle';
Iterable<Object?> serialize(Serializers serializers, NewsArticle object,
{FullType specifiedType = FullType.unspecified}) {
final result = <Object?>[
serializers.serialize(object.id, specifiedType: const FullType(int)),
serializers.serialize(object.guid, specifiedType: const FullType(String)),
serializers.serialize(object.guidHash, specifiedType: const FullType(String)),
serializers.serialize(object.title, specifiedType: const FullType(String)),
serializers.serialize(object.pubDate, specifiedType: const FullType(int)),
serializers.serialize(object.body, specifiedType: const FullType(String)),
serializers.serialize(object.feedId, specifiedType: const FullType(int)),
serializers.serialize(object.unread, specifiedType: const FullType(bool)),
serializers.serialize(object.starred, specifiedType: const FullType(bool)),
serializers.serialize(object.lastModified, specifiedType: const FullType(int)),
serializers.serialize(object.rtl, specifiedType: const FullType(bool)),
serializers.serialize(object.fingerprint, specifiedType: const FullType(String)),
serializers.serialize(object.contentHash, specifiedType: const FullType(String)),
Object? value;
value = object.url;
if (value != null) {
..add(serializers.serialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(String)));
value = object.author;
if (value != null) {
..add(serializers.serialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(String)));
value = object.updatedDate;
if (value != null) {
..add(serializers.serialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(int)));
value = object.enclosureMime;
if (value != null) {
..add(serializers.serialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(String)));
value = object.enclosureLink;
if (value != null) {
..add(serializers.serialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(String)));
value = object.mediaThumbnail;
if (value != null) {
..add(serializers.serialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(String)));
value = object.mediaDescription;
if (value != null) {
..add(serializers.serialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(String)));
return result;
NewsArticle deserialize(Serializers serializers, Iterable<Object?> serialized,
{FullType specifiedType = FullType.unspecified}) {
final result = NewsArticleBuilder();
final iterator = serialized.iterator;
while (iterator.moveNext()) {
final key = iterator.current! as String;
final Object? value = iterator.current;
switch (key) {
case 'id':
result.id = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(int))! as int;
case 'guid':
result.guid = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(String))! as String;
case 'guidHash':
result.guidHash = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(String))! as String;
case 'url':
result.url = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(String)) as String?;
case 'title':
result.title = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(String))! as String;
case 'author':
result.author = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(String)) as String?;
case 'pubDate':
result.pubDate = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(int))! as int;
case 'updatedDate':
result.updatedDate = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(int)) as int?;
case 'body':
result.body = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(String))! as String;
case 'enclosureMime':
result.enclosureMime = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(String)) as String?;
case 'enclosureLink':
result.enclosureLink = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(String)) as String?;
case 'mediaThumbnail':
result.mediaThumbnail = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(String)) as String?;
case 'mediaDescription':
result.mediaDescription = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(String)) as String?;
case 'feedId':
result.feedId = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(int))! as int;
case 'unread':
result.unread = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(bool))! as bool;
case 'starred':
result.starred = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(bool))! as bool;
case 'lastModified':
result.lastModified = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(int))! as int;
case 'rtl':
result.rtl = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(bool))! as bool;
case 'fingerprint':
result.fingerprint = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(String))! as String;
case 'contentHash':
result.contentHash = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(String))! as String;
return result.build();
class _$NewsFeedSerializer implements StructuredSerializer<NewsFeed> {
final Iterable<Type> types = const [NewsFeed, _$NewsFeed];
final String wireName = 'NewsFeed';
Iterable<Object?> serialize(Serializers serializers, NewsFeed object,
{FullType specifiedType = FullType.unspecified}) {
final result = <Object?>[
serializers.serialize(object.id, specifiedType: const FullType(int)),
serializers.serialize(object.url, specifiedType: const FullType(String)),
serializers.serialize(object.title, specifiedType: const FullType(String)),
serializers.serialize(object.added, specifiedType: const FullType(int)),
serializers.serialize(object.ordering, specifiedType: const FullType(int)),
serializers.serialize(object.pinned, specifiedType: const FullType(bool)),
serializers.serialize(object.updateErrorCount, specifiedType: const FullType(int)),
serializers.serialize(object.items, specifiedType: const FullType(BuiltList, [FullType(NewsArticle)])),
Object? value;
value = object.faviconLink;
if (value != null) {
..add(serializers.serialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(String)));
value = object.folderId;
if (value != null) {
..add(serializers.serialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(int)));
value = object.unreadCount;
if (value != null) {
..add(serializers.serialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(int)));
value = object.link;
if (value != null) {
..add(serializers.serialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(String)));
value = object.lastUpdateError;
if (value != null) {
..add(serializers.serialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(String)));
return result;
NewsFeed deserialize(Serializers serializers, Iterable<Object?> serialized,
{FullType specifiedType = FullType.unspecified}) {
final result = NewsFeedBuilder();
final iterator = serialized.iterator;
while (iterator.moveNext()) {
final key = iterator.current! as String;
final Object? value = iterator.current;
switch (key) {
case 'id':
result.id = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(int))! as int;
case 'url':
result.url = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(String))! as String;
case 'title':
result.title = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(String))! as String;
case 'faviconLink':
result.faviconLink = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(String)) as String?;
case 'added':
result.added = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(int))! as int;
case 'folderId':
result.folderId = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(int)) as int?;
case 'unreadCount':
result.unreadCount = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(int)) as int?;
case 'ordering':
result.ordering = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(int))! as int;
case 'link':
result.link = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(String)) as String?;
case 'pinned':
result.pinned = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(bool))! as bool;
case 'updateErrorCount':
result.updateErrorCount = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(int))! as int;
case 'lastUpdateError':
result.lastUpdateError = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(String)) as String?;
case 'items':
specifiedType: const FullType(BuiltList, [FullType(NewsArticle)]))! as BuiltList<Object?>);
return result.build();
class _$NewsFolderSerializer implements StructuredSerializer<NewsFolder> {
final Iterable<Type> types = const [NewsFolder, _$NewsFolder];
final String wireName = 'NewsFolder';
Iterable<Object?> serialize(Serializers serializers, NewsFolder object,
{FullType specifiedType = FullType.unspecified}) {
final result = <Object?>[
serializers.serialize(object.id, specifiedType: const FullType(int)),
serializers.serialize(object.name, specifiedType: const FullType(String)),
serializers.serialize(object.opened, specifiedType: const FullType(bool)),
serializers.serialize(object.feeds, specifiedType: const FullType(BuiltList, [FullType(NewsFeed)])),
return result;
NewsFolder deserialize(Serializers serializers, Iterable<Object?> serialized,
{FullType specifiedType = FullType.unspecified}) {
final result = NewsFolderBuilder();
final iterator = serialized.iterator;
while (iterator.moveNext()) {
final key = iterator.current! as String;
final Object? value = iterator.current;
switch (key) {
case 'id':
result.id = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(int))! as int;
case 'name':
result.name = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(String))! as String;
case 'opened':
result.opened = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(bool))! as bool;
case 'feeds':
specifiedType: const FullType(BuiltList, [FullType(NewsFeed)]))! as BuiltList<Object?>);
return result.build();
class _$NewsListFoldersSerializer implements StructuredSerializer<NewsListFolders> {
final Iterable<Type> types = const [NewsListFolders, _$NewsListFolders];
final String wireName = 'NewsListFolders';
Iterable<Object?> serialize(Serializers serializers, NewsListFolders object,
{FullType specifiedType = FullType.unspecified}) {
final result = <Object?>[
serializers.serialize(object.folders, specifiedType: const FullType(BuiltList, [FullType(NewsFolder)])),
return result;
NewsListFolders deserialize(Serializers serializers, Iterable<Object?> serialized,
{FullType specifiedType = FullType.unspecified}) {
final result = NewsListFoldersBuilder();
final iterator = serialized.iterator;
while (iterator.moveNext()) {
final key = iterator.current! as String;
final Object? value = iterator.current;
switch (key) {
case 'folders':
specifiedType: const FullType(BuiltList, [FullType(NewsFolder)]))! as BuiltList<Object?>);
return result.build();
class _$NewsListFeedsSerializer implements StructuredSerializer<NewsListFeeds> {
final Iterable<Type> types = const [NewsListFeeds, _$NewsListFeeds];
final String wireName = 'NewsListFeeds';
Iterable<Object?> serialize(Serializers serializers, NewsListFeeds object,
{FullType specifiedType = FullType.unspecified}) {
final result = <Object?>[
serializers.serialize(object.feeds, specifiedType: const FullType(BuiltList, [FullType(NewsFeed)])),
Object? value;
value = object.starredCount;
if (value != null) {
..add(serializers.serialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(int)));
value = object.newestItemId;
if (value != null) {
..add(serializers.serialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(int)));
return result;
NewsListFeeds deserialize(Serializers serializers, Iterable<Object?> serialized,
{FullType specifiedType = FullType.unspecified}) {
final result = NewsListFeedsBuilder();
final iterator = serialized.iterator;
while (iterator.moveNext()) {
final key = iterator.current! as String;
final Object? value = iterator.current;
switch (key) {
case 'starredCount':
result.starredCount = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(int)) as int?;
case 'newestItemId':
result.newestItemId = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(int)) as int?;
case 'feeds':
specifiedType: const FullType(BuiltList, [FullType(NewsFeed)]))! as BuiltList<Object?>);
return result.build();
class _$NewsListArticlesSerializer implements StructuredSerializer<NewsListArticles> {
final Iterable<Type> types = const [NewsListArticles, _$NewsListArticles];
final String wireName = 'NewsListArticles';
Iterable<Object?> serialize(Serializers serializers, NewsListArticles object,
{FullType specifiedType = FullType.unspecified}) {
final result = <Object?>[
serializers.serialize(object.items, specifiedType: const FullType(BuiltList, [FullType(NewsArticle)])),
return result;
NewsListArticles deserialize(Serializers serializers, Iterable<Object?> serialized,
{FullType specifiedType = FullType.unspecified}) {
final result = NewsListArticlesBuilder();
final iterator = serialized.iterator;
while (iterator.moveNext()) {
final key = iterator.current! as String;
final Object? value = iterator.current;
switch (key) {
case 'items':
specifiedType: const FullType(BuiltList, [FullType(NewsArticle)]))! as BuiltList<Object?>);
return result.build();
class _$NewsOCSMetaSerializer implements StructuredSerializer<NewsOCSMeta> {
final Iterable<Type> types = const [NewsOCSMeta, _$NewsOCSMeta];
final String wireName = 'NewsOCSMeta';
Iterable<Object?> serialize(Serializers serializers, NewsOCSMeta object,
{FullType specifiedType = FullType.unspecified}) {
final result = <Object?>[
serializers.serialize(object.status, specifiedType: const FullType(String)),
serializers.serialize(object.statuscode, specifiedType: const FullType(int)),
Object? value;
value = object.message;
if (value != null) {
..add(serializers.serialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(String)));
value = object.totalitems;
if (value != null) {
..add(serializers.serialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(String)));
value = object.itemsperpage;
if (value != null) {
..add(serializers.serialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(String)));
return result;
NewsOCSMeta deserialize(Serializers serializers, Iterable<Object?> serialized,
{FullType specifiedType = FullType.unspecified}) {
final result = NewsOCSMetaBuilder();
final iterator = serialized.iterator;
while (iterator.moveNext()) {
final key = iterator.current! as String;
final Object? value = iterator.current;
switch (key) {
case 'status':
result.status = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(String))! as String;
case 'statuscode':
result.statuscode = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(int))! as int;
case 'message':
result.message = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(String)) as String?;
case 'totalitems':
result.totalitems = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(String)) as String?;
case 'itemsperpage':
result.itemsperpage = serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(String)) as String?;
return result.build();
class _$NewsEmptyOCS_OcsSerializer implements StructuredSerializer<NewsEmptyOCS_Ocs> {
final Iterable<Type> types = const [NewsEmptyOCS_Ocs, _$NewsEmptyOCS_Ocs];
final String wireName = 'NewsEmptyOCS_Ocs';
Iterable<Object?> serialize(Serializers serializers, NewsEmptyOCS_Ocs object,
{FullType specifiedType = FullType.unspecified}) {
final result = <Object?>[
serializers.serialize(object.meta, specifiedType: const FullType(NewsOCSMeta)),
serializers.serialize(object.data, specifiedType: const FullType(BuiltList, [FullType(JsonObject)])),
return result;
NewsEmptyOCS_Ocs deserialize(Serializers serializers, Iterable<Object?> serialized,
{FullType specifiedType = FullType.unspecified}) {
final result = NewsEmptyOCS_OcsBuilder();
final iterator = serialized.iterator;
while (iterator.moveNext()) {
final key = iterator.current! as String;
final Object? value = iterator.current;
switch (key) {
case 'meta':
.replace(serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(NewsOCSMeta))! as NewsOCSMeta);
case 'data':
specifiedType: const FullType(BuiltList, [FullType(JsonObject)]))! as BuiltList<Object?>);
return result.build();
class _$NewsEmptyOCSSerializer implements StructuredSerializer<NewsEmptyOCS> {
final Iterable<Type> types = const [NewsEmptyOCS, _$NewsEmptyOCS];
final String wireName = 'NewsEmptyOCS';
Iterable<Object?> serialize(Serializers serializers, NewsEmptyOCS object,
{FullType specifiedType = FullType.unspecified}) {
final result = <Object?>[
serializers.serialize(object.ocs, specifiedType: const FullType(NewsEmptyOCS_Ocs)),
return result;
NewsEmptyOCS deserialize(Serializers serializers, Iterable<Object?> serialized,
{FullType specifiedType = FullType.unspecified}) {
final result = NewsEmptyOCSBuilder();
final iterator = serialized.iterator;
while (iterator.moveNext()) {
final key = iterator.current! as String;
final Object? value = iterator.current;
switch (key) {
case 'ocs':
serializers.deserialize(value, specifiedType: const FullType(NewsEmptyOCS_Ocs))! as NewsEmptyOCS_Ocs);
return result.build();
abstract mixin class NewsSupportedAPIVersionsInterfaceBuilder {
void replace(NewsSupportedAPIVersionsInterface other);
void update(void Function(NewsSupportedAPIVersionsInterfaceBuilder) updates);
ListBuilder<String> get apiLevels;
set apiLevels(ListBuilder<String>? apiLevels);
class _$NewsSupportedAPIVersions extends NewsSupportedAPIVersions {
final BuiltList<String>? apiLevels;
factory _$NewsSupportedAPIVersions([void Function(NewsSupportedAPIVersionsBuilder)? updates]) =>
_$NewsSupportedAPIVersions._({this.apiLevels}) : super._();
NewsSupportedAPIVersions rebuild(void Function(NewsSupportedAPIVersionsBuilder) updates) =>
NewsSupportedAPIVersionsBuilder toBuilder() => NewsSupportedAPIVersionsBuilder()..replace(this);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(other, this)) return true;
return other is NewsSupportedAPIVersions && apiLevels == other.apiLevels;
int get hashCode {
var _$hash = 0;
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, apiLevels.hashCode);
_$hash = $jf(_$hash);
return _$hash;
String toString() {
return (newBuiltValueToStringHelper(r'NewsSupportedAPIVersions')..add('apiLevels', apiLevels)).toString();
class NewsSupportedAPIVersionsBuilder
Builder<NewsSupportedAPIVersions, NewsSupportedAPIVersionsBuilder>,
NewsSupportedAPIVersionsInterfaceBuilder {
_$NewsSupportedAPIVersions? _$v;
ListBuilder<String>? _apiLevels;
ListBuilder<String> get apiLevels => _$this._apiLevels ??= ListBuilder<String>();
set apiLevels(covariant ListBuilder<String>? apiLevels) => _$this._apiLevels = apiLevels;
NewsSupportedAPIVersionsBuilder get _$this {
final $v = _$v;
if ($v != null) {
_apiLevels = $v.apiLevels?.toBuilder();
_$v = null;
return this;
void replace(covariant NewsSupportedAPIVersions other) {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(other, 'other');
_$v = other as _$NewsSupportedAPIVersions;
void update(void Function(NewsSupportedAPIVersionsBuilder)? updates) {
if (updates != null) updates(this);
NewsSupportedAPIVersions build() => _build();
_$NewsSupportedAPIVersions _build() {
_$NewsSupportedAPIVersions _$result;
try {
_$result = _$v ?? _$NewsSupportedAPIVersions._(apiLevels: _apiLevels?.build());
} catch (_) {
late String _$failedField;
try {
_$failedField = 'apiLevels';
} catch (e) {
throw BuiltValueNestedFieldError(r'NewsSupportedAPIVersions', _$failedField, e.toString());
return _$result;
abstract mixin class NewsArticleInterfaceBuilder {
void replace(NewsArticleInterface other);
void update(void Function(NewsArticleInterfaceBuilder) updates);
int? get id;
set id(int? id);
String? get guid;
set guid(String? guid);
String? get guidHash;
set guidHash(String? guidHash);
String? get url;
set url(String? url);
String? get title;
set title(String? title);
String? get author;
set author(String? author);
int? get pubDate;
set pubDate(int? pubDate);
int? get updatedDate;
set updatedDate(int? updatedDate);
String? get body;
set body(String? body);
String? get enclosureMime;
set enclosureMime(String? enclosureMime);
String? get enclosureLink;
set enclosureLink(String? enclosureLink);
String? get mediaThumbnail;
set mediaThumbnail(String? mediaThumbnail);
String? get mediaDescription;
set mediaDescription(String? mediaDescription);
int? get feedId;
set feedId(int? feedId);
bool? get unread;
set unread(bool? unread);
bool? get starred;
set starred(bool? starred);
int? get lastModified;
set lastModified(int? lastModified);
bool? get rtl;
set rtl(bool? rtl);
String? get fingerprint;
set fingerprint(String? fingerprint);
String? get contentHash;
set contentHash(String? contentHash);
class _$NewsArticle extends NewsArticle {
final int id;
final String guid;
final String guidHash;
final String? url;
final String title;
final String? author;
final int pubDate;
final int? updatedDate;
final String body;
final String? enclosureMime;
final String? enclosureLink;
final String? mediaThumbnail;
final String? mediaDescription;
final int feedId;
final bool unread;
final bool starred;
final int lastModified;
final bool rtl;
final String fingerprint;
final String contentHash;
factory _$NewsArticle([void Function(NewsArticleBuilder)? updates]) =>
{required this.id,
required this.guid,
required this.guidHash,
required this.title,
required this.pubDate,
required this.body,
required this.feedId,
required this.unread,
required this.starred,
required this.lastModified,
required this.rtl,
required this.fingerprint,
required this.contentHash})
: super._() {
BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(id, r'NewsArticle', 'id');
BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(guid, r'NewsArticle', 'guid');
BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(guidHash, r'NewsArticle', 'guidHash');
BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(title, r'NewsArticle', 'title');
BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(pubDate, r'NewsArticle', 'pubDate');
BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(body, r'NewsArticle', 'body');
BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(feedId, r'NewsArticle', 'feedId');
BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(unread, r'NewsArticle', 'unread');
BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(starred, r'NewsArticle', 'starred');
BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(lastModified, r'NewsArticle', 'lastModified');
BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(rtl, r'NewsArticle', 'rtl');
BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(fingerprint, r'NewsArticle', 'fingerprint');
BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(contentHash, r'NewsArticle', 'contentHash');
NewsArticle rebuild(void Function(NewsArticleBuilder) updates) => (toBuilder()..update(updates)).build();
NewsArticleBuilder toBuilder() => NewsArticleBuilder()..replace(this);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(other, this)) return true;
return other is NewsArticle &&
id == other.id &&
guid == other.guid &&
guidHash == other.guidHash &&
url == other.url &&
title == other.title &&
author == other.author &&
pubDate == other.pubDate &&
updatedDate == other.updatedDate &&
body == other.body &&
enclosureMime == other.enclosureMime &&
enclosureLink == other.enclosureLink &&
mediaThumbnail == other.mediaThumbnail &&
mediaDescription == other.mediaDescription &&
feedId == other.feedId &&
unread == other.unread &&
starred == other.starred &&
lastModified == other.lastModified &&
rtl == other.rtl &&
fingerprint == other.fingerprint &&
contentHash == other.contentHash;
int get hashCode {
var _$hash = 0;
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, id.hashCode);
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, guid.hashCode);
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, guidHash.hashCode);
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, url.hashCode);
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, title.hashCode);
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, author.hashCode);
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, pubDate.hashCode);
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, updatedDate.hashCode);
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, body.hashCode);
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, enclosureMime.hashCode);
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, enclosureLink.hashCode);
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, mediaThumbnail.hashCode);
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, mediaDescription.hashCode);
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, feedId.hashCode);
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, unread.hashCode);
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, starred.hashCode);
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, lastModified.hashCode);
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, rtl.hashCode);
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, fingerprint.hashCode);
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, contentHash.hashCode);
_$hash = $jf(_$hash);
return _$hash;
String toString() {
return (newBuiltValueToStringHelper(r'NewsArticle')
..add('id', id)
..add('guid', guid)
..add('guidHash', guidHash)
..add('url', url)
..add('title', title)
..add('author', author)
..add('pubDate', pubDate)
..add('updatedDate', updatedDate)
..add('body', body)
..add('enclosureMime', enclosureMime)
..add('enclosureLink', enclosureLink)
..add('mediaThumbnail', mediaThumbnail)
..add('mediaDescription', mediaDescription)
..add('feedId', feedId)
..add('unread', unread)
..add('starred', starred)
..add('lastModified', lastModified)
..add('rtl', rtl)
..add('fingerprint', fingerprint)
..add('contentHash', contentHash))
class NewsArticleBuilder implements Builder<NewsArticle, NewsArticleBuilder>, NewsArticleInterfaceBuilder {
_$NewsArticle? _$v;
int? _id;
int? get id => _$this._id;
set id(covariant int? id) => _$this._id = id;
String? _guid;
String? get guid => _$this._guid;
set guid(covariant String? guid) => _$this._guid = guid;
String? _guidHash;
String? get guidHash => _$this._guidHash;
set guidHash(covariant String? guidHash) => _$this._guidHash = guidHash;
String? _url;
String? get url => _$this._url;
set url(covariant String? url) => _$this._url = url;
String? _title;
String? get title => _$this._title;
set title(covariant String? title) => _$this._title = title;
String? _author;
String? get author => _$this._author;
set author(covariant String? author) => _$this._author = author;
int? _pubDate;
int? get pubDate => _$this._pubDate;
set pubDate(covariant int? pubDate) => _$this._pubDate = pubDate;
int? _updatedDate;
int? get updatedDate => _$this._updatedDate;
set updatedDate(covariant int? updatedDate) => _$this._updatedDate = updatedDate;
String? _body;
String? get body => _$this._body;
set body(covariant String? body) => _$this._body = body;
String? _enclosureMime;
String? get enclosureMime => _$this._enclosureMime;
set enclosureMime(covariant String? enclosureMime) => _$this._enclosureMime = enclosureMime;
String? _enclosureLink;
String? get enclosureLink => _$this._enclosureLink;
set enclosureLink(covariant String? enclosureLink) => _$this._enclosureLink = enclosureLink;
String? _mediaThumbnail;
String? get mediaThumbnail => _$this._mediaThumbnail;
set mediaThumbnail(covariant String? mediaThumbnail) => _$this._mediaThumbnail = mediaThumbnail;
String? _mediaDescription;
String? get mediaDescription => _$this._mediaDescription;
set mediaDescription(covariant String? mediaDescription) => _$this._mediaDescription = mediaDescription;
int? _feedId;
int? get feedId => _$this._feedId;
set feedId(covariant int? feedId) => _$this._feedId = feedId;
bool? _unread;
bool? get unread => _$this._unread;
set unread(covariant bool? unread) => _$this._unread = unread;
bool? _starred;
bool? get starred => _$this._starred;
set starred(covariant bool? starred) => _$this._starred = starred;
int? _lastModified;
int? get lastModified => _$this._lastModified;
set lastModified(covariant int? lastModified) => _$this._lastModified = lastModified;
bool? _rtl;
bool? get rtl => _$this._rtl;
set rtl(covariant bool? rtl) => _$this._rtl = rtl;
String? _fingerprint;
String? get fingerprint => _$this._fingerprint;
set fingerprint(covariant String? fingerprint) => _$this._fingerprint = fingerprint;
String? _contentHash;
String? get contentHash => _$this._contentHash;
set contentHash(covariant String? contentHash) => _$this._contentHash = contentHash;
NewsArticleBuilder get _$this {
final $v = _$v;
if ($v != null) {
_id = $v.id;
_guid = $v.guid;
_guidHash = $v.guidHash;
_url = $v.url;
_title = $v.title;
_author = $v.author;
_pubDate = $v.pubDate;
_updatedDate = $v.updatedDate;
_body = $v.body;
_enclosureMime = $v.enclosureMime;
_enclosureLink = $v.enclosureLink;
_mediaThumbnail = $v.mediaThumbnail;
_mediaDescription = $v.mediaDescription;
_feedId = $v.feedId;
_unread = $v.unread;
_starred = $v.starred;
_lastModified = $v.lastModified;
_rtl = $v.rtl;
_fingerprint = $v.fingerprint;
_contentHash = $v.contentHash;
_$v = null;
return this;
void replace(covariant NewsArticle other) {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(other, 'other');
_$v = other as _$NewsArticle;
void update(void Function(NewsArticleBuilder)? updates) {
if (updates != null) updates(this);
NewsArticle build() => _build();
_$NewsArticle _build() {
final _$result = _$v ??
id: BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(id, r'NewsArticle', 'id'),
guid: BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(guid, r'NewsArticle', 'guid'),
guidHash: BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(guidHash, r'NewsArticle', 'guidHash'),
url: url,
title: BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(title, r'NewsArticle', 'title'),
author: author,
pubDate: BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(pubDate, r'NewsArticle', 'pubDate'),
updatedDate: updatedDate,
body: BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(body, r'NewsArticle', 'body'),
enclosureMime: enclosureMime,
enclosureLink: enclosureLink,
mediaThumbnail: mediaThumbnail,
mediaDescription: mediaDescription,
feedId: BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(feedId, r'NewsArticle', 'feedId'),
unread: BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(unread, r'NewsArticle', 'unread'),
starred: BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(starred, r'NewsArticle', 'starred'),
lastModified: BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(lastModified, r'NewsArticle', 'lastModified'),
rtl: BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(rtl, r'NewsArticle', 'rtl'),
fingerprint: BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(fingerprint, r'NewsArticle', 'fingerprint'),
contentHash: BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(contentHash, r'NewsArticle', 'contentHash'));
return _$result;
abstract mixin class NewsFeedInterfaceBuilder {
void replace(NewsFeedInterface other);
void update(void Function(NewsFeedInterfaceBuilder) updates);
int? get id;
set id(int? id);
String? get url;
set url(String? url);
String? get title;
set title(String? title);
String? get faviconLink;
set faviconLink(String? faviconLink);
int? get added;
set added(int? added);
int? get folderId;
set folderId(int? folderId);
int? get unreadCount;
set unreadCount(int? unreadCount);
int? get ordering;
set ordering(int? ordering);
String? get link;
set link(String? link);
bool? get pinned;
set pinned(bool? pinned);
int? get updateErrorCount;
set updateErrorCount(int? updateErrorCount);
String? get lastUpdateError;
set lastUpdateError(String? lastUpdateError);
ListBuilder<NewsArticle> get items;
set items(ListBuilder<NewsArticle>? items);
class _$NewsFeed extends NewsFeed {
final int id;
final String url;
final String title;
final String? faviconLink;
final int added;
final int? folderId;
final int? unreadCount;
final int ordering;
final String? link;
final bool pinned;
final int updateErrorCount;
final String? lastUpdateError;
final BuiltList<NewsArticle> items;
factory _$NewsFeed([void Function(NewsFeedBuilder)? updates]) => (NewsFeedBuilder()..update(updates))._build();
{required this.id,
required this.url,
required this.title,
required this.added,
required this.ordering,
required this.pinned,
required this.updateErrorCount,
required this.items})
: super._() {
BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(id, r'NewsFeed', 'id');
BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(url, r'NewsFeed', 'url');
BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(title, r'NewsFeed', 'title');
BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(added, r'NewsFeed', 'added');
BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(ordering, r'NewsFeed', 'ordering');
BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(pinned, r'NewsFeed', 'pinned');
BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(updateErrorCount, r'NewsFeed', 'updateErrorCount');
BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(items, r'NewsFeed', 'items');
NewsFeed rebuild(void Function(NewsFeedBuilder) updates) => (toBuilder()..update(updates)).build();
NewsFeedBuilder toBuilder() => NewsFeedBuilder()..replace(this);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(other, this)) return true;
return other is NewsFeed &&
id == other.id &&
url == other.url &&
title == other.title &&
faviconLink == other.faviconLink &&
added == other.added &&
folderId == other.folderId &&
unreadCount == other.unreadCount &&
ordering == other.ordering &&
link == other.link &&
pinned == other.pinned &&
updateErrorCount == other.updateErrorCount &&
lastUpdateError == other.lastUpdateError &&
items == other.items;
int get hashCode {
var _$hash = 0;
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, id.hashCode);
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, url.hashCode);
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, title.hashCode);
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, faviconLink.hashCode);
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, added.hashCode);
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, folderId.hashCode);
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, unreadCount.hashCode);
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, ordering.hashCode);
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, link.hashCode);
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, pinned.hashCode);
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, updateErrorCount.hashCode);
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, lastUpdateError.hashCode);
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, items.hashCode);
_$hash = $jf(_$hash);
return _$hash;
String toString() {
return (newBuiltValueToStringHelper(r'NewsFeed')
..add('id', id)
..add('url', url)
..add('title', title)
..add('faviconLink', faviconLink)
..add('added', added)
..add('folderId', folderId)
..add('unreadCount', unreadCount)
..add('ordering', ordering)
..add('link', link)
..add('pinned', pinned)
..add('updateErrorCount', updateErrorCount)
..add('lastUpdateError', lastUpdateError)
..add('items', items))
class NewsFeedBuilder implements Builder<NewsFeed, NewsFeedBuilder>, NewsFeedInterfaceBuilder {
_$NewsFeed? _$v;
int? _id;
int? get id => _$this._id;
set id(covariant int? id) => _$this._id = id;
String? _url;
String? get url => _$this._url;
set url(covariant String? url) => _$this._url = url;
String? _title;
String? get title => _$this._title;
set title(covariant String? title) => _$this._title = title;
String? _faviconLink;
String? get faviconLink => _$this._faviconLink;
set faviconLink(covariant String? faviconLink) => _$this._faviconLink = faviconLink;
int? _added;
int? get added => _$this._added;
set added(covariant int? added) => _$this._added = added;
int? _folderId;
int? get folderId => _$this._folderId;
set folderId(covariant int? folderId) => _$this._folderId = folderId;
int? _unreadCount;
int? get unreadCount => _$this._unreadCount;
set unreadCount(covariant int? unreadCount) => _$this._unreadCount = unreadCount;
int? _ordering;
int? get ordering => _$this._ordering;
set ordering(covariant int? ordering) => _$this._ordering = ordering;
String? _link;
String? get link => _$this._link;
set link(covariant String? link) => _$this._link = link;
bool? _pinned;
bool? get pinned => _$this._pinned;
set pinned(covariant bool? pinned) => _$this._pinned = pinned;
int? _updateErrorCount;
int? get updateErrorCount => _$this._updateErrorCount;
set updateErrorCount(covariant int? updateErrorCount) => _$this._updateErrorCount = updateErrorCount;
String? _lastUpdateError;
String? get lastUpdateError => _$this._lastUpdateError;
set lastUpdateError(covariant String? lastUpdateError) => _$this._lastUpdateError = lastUpdateError;
ListBuilder<NewsArticle>? _items;
ListBuilder<NewsArticle> get items => _$this._items ??= ListBuilder<NewsArticle>();
set items(covariant ListBuilder<NewsArticle>? items) => _$this._items = items;
NewsFeedBuilder get _$this {
final $v = _$v;
if ($v != null) {
_id = $v.id;
_url = $v.url;
_title = $v.title;
_faviconLink = $v.faviconLink;
_added = $v.added;
_folderId = $v.folderId;
_unreadCount = $v.unreadCount;
_ordering = $v.ordering;
_link = $v.link;
_pinned = $v.pinned;
_updateErrorCount = $v.updateErrorCount;
_lastUpdateError = $v.lastUpdateError;
_items = $v.items.toBuilder();
_$v = null;
return this;
void replace(covariant NewsFeed other) {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(other, 'other');
_$v = other as _$NewsFeed;
void update(void Function(NewsFeedBuilder)? updates) {
if (updates != null) updates(this);
NewsFeed build() => _build();
_$NewsFeed _build() {
_$NewsFeed _$result;
try {
_$result = _$v ??
id: BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(id, r'NewsFeed', 'id'),
url: BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(url, r'NewsFeed', 'url'),
title: BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(title, r'NewsFeed', 'title'),
faviconLink: faviconLink,
added: BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(added, r'NewsFeed', 'added'),
folderId: folderId,
unreadCount: unreadCount,
ordering: BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(ordering, r'NewsFeed', 'ordering'),
link: link,
pinned: BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(pinned, r'NewsFeed', 'pinned'),
BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(updateErrorCount, r'NewsFeed', 'updateErrorCount'),
lastUpdateError: lastUpdateError,
items: items.build());
} catch (_) {
late String _$failedField;
try {
_$failedField = 'items';
} catch (e) {
throw BuiltValueNestedFieldError(r'NewsFeed', _$failedField, e.toString());
return _$result;
abstract mixin class NewsFolderInterfaceBuilder {
void replace(NewsFolderInterface other);
void update(void Function(NewsFolderInterfaceBuilder) updates);
int? get id;
set id(int? id);
String? get name;
set name(String? name);
bool? get opened;
set opened(bool? opened);
ListBuilder<NewsFeed> get feeds;
set feeds(ListBuilder<NewsFeed>? feeds);
class _$NewsFolder extends NewsFolder {
final int id;
final String name;
final bool opened;
final BuiltList<NewsFeed> feeds;
factory _$NewsFolder([void Function(NewsFolderBuilder)? updates]) => (NewsFolderBuilder()..update(updates))._build();
_$NewsFolder._({required this.id, required this.name, required this.opened, required this.feeds}) : super._() {
BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(id, r'NewsFolder', 'id');
BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(name, r'NewsFolder', 'name');
BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(opened, r'NewsFolder', 'opened');
BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(feeds, r'NewsFolder', 'feeds');
NewsFolder rebuild(void Function(NewsFolderBuilder) updates) => (toBuilder()..update(updates)).build();
NewsFolderBuilder toBuilder() => NewsFolderBuilder()..replace(this);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(other, this)) return true;
return other is NewsFolder &&
id == other.id &&
name == other.name &&
opened == other.opened &&
feeds == other.feeds;
int get hashCode {
var _$hash = 0;
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, id.hashCode);
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, name.hashCode);
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, opened.hashCode);
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, feeds.hashCode);
_$hash = $jf(_$hash);
return _$hash;
String toString() {
return (newBuiltValueToStringHelper(r'NewsFolder')
..add('id', id)
..add('name', name)
..add('opened', opened)
..add('feeds', feeds))
class NewsFolderBuilder implements Builder<NewsFolder, NewsFolderBuilder>, NewsFolderInterfaceBuilder {
_$NewsFolder? _$v;
int? _id;
int? get id => _$this._id;
set id(covariant int? id) => _$this._id = id;
String? _name;
String? get name => _$this._name;
set name(covariant String? name) => _$this._name = name;
bool? _opened;
bool? get opened => _$this._opened;
set opened(covariant bool? opened) => _$this._opened = opened;
ListBuilder<NewsFeed>? _feeds;
ListBuilder<NewsFeed> get feeds => _$this._feeds ??= ListBuilder<NewsFeed>();
set feeds(covariant ListBuilder<NewsFeed>? feeds) => _$this._feeds = feeds;
NewsFolderBuilder get _$this {
final $v = _$v;
if ($v != null) {
_id = $v.id;
_name = $v.name;
_opened = $v.opened;
_feeds = $v.feeds.toBuilder();
_$v = null;
return this;
void replace(covariant NewsFolder other) {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(other, 'other');
_$v = other as _$NewsFolder;
void update(void Function(NewsFolderBuilder)? updates) {
if (updates != null) updates(this);
NewsFolder build() => _build();
_$NewsFolder _build() {
_$NewsFolder _$result;
try {
_$result = _$v ??
id: BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(id, r'NewsFolder', 'id'),
name: BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(name, r'NewsFolder', 'name'),
opened: BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(opened, r'NewsFolder', 'opened'),
feeds: feeds.build());
} catch (_) {
late String _$failedField;
try {
_$failedField = 'feeds';
} catch (e) {
throw BuiltValueNestedFieldError(r'NewsFolder', _$failedField, e.toString());
return _$result;
abstract mixin class NewsListFoldersInterfaceBuilder {
void replace(NewsListFoldersInterface other);
void update(void Function(NewsListFoldersInterfaceBuilder) updates);
ListBuilder<NewsFolder> get folders;
set folders(ListBuilder<NewsFolder>? folders);
class _$NewsListFolders extends NewsListFolders {
final BuiltList<NewsFolder> folders;
factory _$NewsListFolders([void Function(NewsListFoldersBuilder)? updates]) =>
_$NewsListFolders._({required this.folders}) : super._() {
BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(folders, r'NewsListFolders', 'folders');
NewsListFolders rebuild(void Function(NewsListFoldersBuilder) updates) => (toBuilder()..update(updates)).build();
NewsListFoldersBuilder toBuilder() => NewsListFoldersBuilder()..replace(this);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(other, this)) return true;
return other is NewsListFolders && folders == other.folders;
int get hashCode {
var _$hash = 0;
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, folders.hashCode);
_$hash = $jf(_$hash);
return _$hash;
String toString() {
return (newBuiltValueToStringHelper(r'NewsListFolders')..add('folders', folders)).toString();
class NewsListFoldersBuilder
implements Builder<NewsListFolders, NewsListFoldersBuilder>, NewsListFoldersInterfaceBuilder {
_$NewsListFolders? _$v;
ListBuilder<NewsFolder>? _folders;
ListBuilder<NewsFolder> get folders => _$this._folders ??= ListBuilder<NewsFolder>();
set folders(covariant ListBuilder<NewsFolder>? folders) => _$this._folders = folders;
NewsListFoldersBuilder get _$this {
final $v = _$v;
if ($v != null) {
_folders = $v.folders.toBuilder();
_$v = null;
return this;
void replace(covariant NewsListFolders other) {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(other, 'other');
_$v = other as _$NewsListFolders;
void update(void Function(NewsListFoldersBuilder)? updates) {
if (updates != null) updates(this);
NewsListFolders build() => _build();
_$NewsListFolders _build() {
_$NewsListFolders _$result;
try {
_$result = _$v ?? _$NewsListFolders._(folders: folders.build());
} catch (_) {
late String _$failedField;
try {
_$failedField = 'folders';
} catch (e) {
throw BuiltValueNestedFieldError(r'NewsListFolders', _$failedField, e.toString());
return _$result;
abstract mixin class NewsListFeedsInterfaceBuilder {
void replace(NewsListFeedsInterface other);
void update(void Function(NewsListFeedsInterfaceBuilder) updates);
int? get starredCount;
set starredCount(int? starredCount);
int? get newestItemId;
set newestItemId(int? newestItemId);
ListBuilder<NewsFeed> get feeds;
set feeds(ListBuilder<NewsFeed>? feeds);
class _$NewsListFeeds extends NewsListFeeds {
final int? starredCount;
final int? newestItemId;
final BuiltList<NewsFeed> feeds;
factory _$NewsListFeeds([void Function(NewsListFeedsBuilder)? updates]) =>
_$NewsListFeeds._({this.starredCount, this.newestItemId, required this.feeds}) : super._() {
BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(feeds, r'NewsListFeeds', 'feeds');
NewsListFeeds rebuild(void Function(NewsListFeedsBuilder) updates) => (toBuilder()..update(updates)).build();
NewsListFeedsBuilder toBuilder() => NewsListFeedsBuilder()..replace(this);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(other, this)) return true;
return other is NewsListFeeds &&
starredCount == other.starredCount &&
newestItemId == other.newestItemId &&
feeds == other.feeds;
int get hashCode {
var _$hash = 0;
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, starredCount.hashCode);
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, newestItemId.hashCode);
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, feeds.hashCode);
_$hash = $jf(_$hash);
return _$hash;
String toString() {
return (newBuiltValueToStringHelper(r'NewsListFeeds')
..add('starredCount', starredCount)
..add('newestItemId', newestItemId)
..add('feeds', feeds))
class NewsListFeedsBuilder implements Builder<NewsListFeeds, NewsListFeedsBuilder>, NewsListFeedsInterfaceBuilder {
_$NewsListFeeds? _$v;
int? _starredCount;
int? get starredCount => _$this._starredCount;
set starredCount(covariant int? starredCount) => _$this._starredCount = starredCount;
int? _newestItemId;
int? get newestItemId => _$this._newestItemId;
set newestItemId(covariant int? newestItemId) => _$this._newestItemId = newestItemId;
ListBuilder<NewsFeed>? _feeds;
ListBuilder<NewsFeed> get feeds => _$this._feeds ??= ListBuilder<NewsFeed>();
set feeds(covariant ListBuilder<NewsFeed>? feeds) => _$this._feeds = feeds;
NewsListFeedsBuilder get _$this {
final $v = _$v;
if ($v != null) {
_starredCount = $v.starredCount;
_newestItemId = $v.newestItemId;
_feeds = $v.feeds.toBuilder();
_$v = null;
return this;
void replace(covariant NewsListFeeds other) {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(other, 'other');
_$v = other as _$NewsListFeeds;
void update(void Function(NewsListFeedsBuilder)? updates) {
if (updates != null) updates(this);
NewsListFeeds build() => _build();
_$NewsListFeeds _build() {
_$NewsListFeeds _$result;
try {
_$result = _$v ?? _$NewsListFeeds._(starredCount: starredCount, newestItemId: newestItemId, feeds: feeds.build());
} catch (_) {
late String _$failedField;
try {
_$failedField = 'feeds';
} catch (e) {
throw BuiltValueNestedFieldError(r'NewsListFeeds', _$failedField, e.toString());
return _$result;
abstract mixin class NewsListArticlesInterfaceBuilder {
void replace(NewsListArticlesInterface other);
void update(void Function(NewsListArticlesInterfaceBuilder) updates);
ListBuilder<NewsArticle> get items;
set items(ListBuilder<NewsArticle>? items);
class _$NewsListArticles extends NewsListArticles {
final BuiltList<NewsArticle> items;
factory _$NewsListArticles([void Function(NewsListArticlesBuilder)? updates]) =>
_$NewsListArticles._({required this.items}) : super._() {
BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(items, r'NewsListArticles', 'items');
NewsListArticles rebuild(void Function(NewsListArticlesBuilder) updates) => (toBuilder()..update(updates)).build();
NewsListArticlesBuilder toBuilder() => NewsListArticlesBuilder()..replace(this);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(other, this)) return true;
return other is NewsListArticles && items == other.items;
int get hashCode {
var _$hash = 0;
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, items.hashCode);
_$hash = $jf(_$hash);
return _$hash;
String toString() {
return (newBuiltValueToStringHelper(r'NewsListArticles')..add('items', items)).toString();
class NewsListArticlesBuilder
implements Builder<NewsListArticles, NewsListArticlesBuilder>, NewsListArticlesInterfaceBuilder {
_$NewsListArticles? _$v;
ListBuilder<NewsArticle>? _items;
ListBuilder<NewsArticle> get items => _$this._items ??= ListBuilder<NewsArticle>();
set items(covariant ListBuilder<NewsArticle>? items) => _$this._items = items;
NewsListArticlesBuilder get _$this {
final $v = _$v;
if ($v != null) {
_items = $v.items.toBuilder();
_$v = null;
return this;
void replace(covariant NewsListArticles other) {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(other, 'other');
_$v = other as _$NewsListArticles;
void update(void Function(NewsListArticlesBuilder)? updates) {
if (updates != null) updates(this);
NewsListArticles build() => _build();
_$NewsListArticles _build() {
_$NewsListArticles _$result;
try {
_$result = _$v ?? _$NewsListArticles._(items: items.build());
} catch (_) {
late String _$failedField;
try {
_$failedField = 'items';
} catch (e) {
throw BuiltValueNestedFieldError(r'NewsListArticles', _$failedField, e.toString());
return _$result;
abstract mixin class NewsOCSMetaInterfaceBuilder {
void replace(NewsOCSMetaInterface other);
void update(void Function(NewsOCSMetaInterfaceBuilder) updates);
String? get status;
set status(String? status);
int? get statuscode;
set statuscode(int? statuscode);
String? get message;
set message(String? message);
String? get totalitems;
set totalitems(String? totalitems);
String? get itemsperpage;
set itemsperpage(String? itemsperpage);
class _$NewsOCSMeta extends NewsOCSMeta {
final String status;
final int statuscode;
final String? message;
final String? totalitems;
final String? itemsperpage;
factory _$NewsOCSMeta([void Function(NewsOCSMetaBuilder)? updates]) =>
_$NewsOCSMeta._({required this.status, required this.statuscode, this.message, this.totalitems, this.itemsperpage})
: super._() {
BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(status, r'NewsOCSMeta', 'status');
BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(statuscode, r'NewsOCSMeta', 'statuscode');
NewsOCSMeta rebuild(void Function(NewsOCSMetaBuilder) updates) => (toBuilder()..update(updates)).build();
NewsOCSMetaBuilder toBuilder() => NewsOCSMetaBuilder()..replace(this);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(other, this)) return true;
return other is NewsOCSMeta &&
status == other.status &&
statuscode == other.statuscode &&
message == other.message &&
totalitems == other.totalitems &&
itemsperpage == other.itemsperpage;
int get hashCode {
var _$hash = 0;
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, status.hashCode);
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, statuscode.hashCode);
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, message.hashCode);
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, totalitems.hashCode);
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, itemsperpage.hashCode);
_$hash = $jf(_$hash);
return _$hash;
String toString() {
return (newBuiltValueToStringHelper(r'NewsOCSMeta')
..add('status', status)
..add('statuscode', statuscode)
..add('message', message)
..add('totalitems', totalitems)
..add('itemsperpage', itemsperpage))
class NewsOCSMetaBuilder implements Builder<NewsOCSMeta, NewsOCSMetaBuilder>, NewsOCSMetaInterfaceBuilder {
_$NewsOCSMeta? _$v;
String? _status;
String? get status => _$this._status;
set status(covariant String? status) => _$this._status = status;
int? _statuscode;
int? get statuscode => _$this._statuscode;
set statuscode(covariant int? statuscode) => _$this._statuscode = statuscode;
String? _message;
String? get message => _$this._message;
set message(covariant String? message) => _$this._message = message;
String? _totalitems;
String? get totalitems => _$this._totalitems;
set totalitems(covariant String? totalitems) => _$this._totalitems = totalitems;
String? _itemsperpage;
String? get itemsperpage => _$this._itemsperpage;
set itemsperpage(covariant String? itemsperpage) => _$this._itemsperpage = itemsperpage;
NewsOCSMetaBuilder get _$this {
final $v = _$v;
if ($v != null) {
_status = $v.status;
_statuscode = $v.statuscode;
_message = $v.message;
_totalitems = $v.totalitems;
_itemsperpage = $v.itemsperpage;
_$v = null;
return this;
void replace(covariant NewsOCSMeta other) {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(other, 'other');
_$v = other as _$NewsOCSMeta;
void update(void Function(NewsOCSMetaBuilder)? updates) {
if (updates != null) updates(this);
NewsOCSMeta build() => _build();
_$NewsOCSMeta _build() {
final _$result = _$v ??
status: BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(status, r'NewsOCSMeta', 'status'),
statuscode: BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(statuscode, r'NewsOCSMeta', 'statuscode'),
message: message,
totalitems: totalitems,
itemsperpage: itemsperpage);
return _$result;
abstract mixin class NewsEmptyOCS_OcsInterfaceBuilder {
void replace(NewsEmptyOCS_OcsInterface other);
void update(void Function(NewsEmptyOCS_OcsInterfaceBuilder) updates);
NewsOCSMetaBuilder get meta;
set meta(NewsOCSMetaBuilder? meta);
ListBuilder<JsonObject> get data;
set data(ListBuilder<JsonObject>? data);
class _$NewsEmptyOCS_Ocs extends NewsEmptyOCS_Ocs {
final NewsOCSMeta meta;
final BuiltList<JsonObject> data;
factory _$NewsEmptyOCS_Ocs([void Function(NewsEmptyOCS_OcsBuilder)? updates]) =>
_$NewsEmptyOCS_Ocs._({required this.meta, required this.data}) : super._() {
BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(meta, r'NewsEmptyOCS_Ocs', 'meta');
BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(data, r'NewsEmptyOCS_Ocs', 'data');
NewsEmptyOCS_Ocs rebuild(void Function(NewsEmptyOCS_OcsBuilder) updates) => (toBuilder()..update(updates)).build();
NewsEmptyOCS_OcsBuilder toBuilder() => NewsEmptyOCS_OcsBuilder()..replace(this);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(other, this)) return true;
return other is NewsEmptyOCS_Ocs && meta == other.meta && data == other.data;
int get hashCode {
var _$hash = 0;
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, meta.hashCode);
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, data.hashCode);
_$hash = $jf(_$hash);
return _$hash;
String toString() {
return (newBuiltValueToStringHelper(r'NewsEmptyOCS_Ocs')
..add('meta', meta)
..add('data', data))
class NewsEmptyOCS_OcsBuilder
implements Builder<NewsEmptyOCS_Ocs, NewsEmptyOCS_OcsBuilder>, NewsEmptyOCS_OcsInterfaceBuilder {
_$NewsEmptyOCS_Ocs? _$v;
NewsOCSMetaBuilder? _meta;
NewsOCSMetaBuilder get meta => _$this._meta ??= NewsOCSMetaBuilder();
set meta(covariant NewsOCSMetaBuilder? meta) => _$this._meta = meta;
ListBuilder<JsonObject>? _data;
ListBuilder<JsonObject> get data => _$this._data ??= ListBuilder<JsonObject>();
set data(covariant ListBuilder<JsonObject>? data) => _$this._data = data;
NewsEmptyOCS_OcsBuilder get _$this {
final $v = _$v;
if ($v != null) {
_meta = $v.meta.toBuilder();
_data = $v.data.toBuilder();
_$v = null;
return this;
void replace(covariant NewsEmptyOCS_Ocs other) {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(other, 'other');
_$v = other as _$NewsEmptyOCS_Ocs;
void update(void Function(NewsEmptyOCS_OcsBuilder)? updates) {
if (updates != null) updates(this);
NewsEmptyOCS_Ocs build() => _build();
_$NewsEmptyOCS_Ocs _build() {
_$NewsEmptyOCS_Ocs _$result;
try {
_$result = _$v ?? _$NewsEmptyOCS_Ocs._(meta: meta.build(), data: data.build());
} catch (_) {
late String _$failedField;
try {
_$failedField = 'meta';
_$failedField = 'data';
} catch (e) {
throw BuiltValueNestedFieldError(r'NewsEmptyOCS_Ocs', _$failedField, e.toString());
return _$result;
abstract mixin class NewsEmptyOCSInterfaceBuilder {
void replace(NewsEmptyOCSInterface other);
void update(void Function(NewsEmptyOCSInterfaceBuilder) updates);
NewsEmptyOCS_OcsBuilder get ocs;
set ocs(NewsEmptyOCS_OcsBuilder? ocs);
class _$NewsEmptyOCS extends NewsEmptyOCS {
final NewsEmptyOCS_Ocs ocs;
factory _$NewsEmptyOCS([void Function(NewsEmptyOCSBuilder)? updates]) =>
_$NewsEmptyOCS._({required this.ocs}) : super._() {
BuiltValueNullFieldError.checkNotNull(ocs, r'NewsEmptyOCS', 'ocs');
NewsEmptyOCS rebuild(void Function(NewsEmptyOCSBuilder) updates) => (toBuilder()..update(updates)).build();
NewsEmptyOCSBuilder toBuilder() => NewsEmptyOCSBuilder()..replace(this);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(other, this)) return true;
return other is NewsEmptyOCS && ocs == other.ocs;
int get hashCode {
var _$hash = 0;
_$hash = $jc(_$hash, ocs.hashCode);
_$hash = $jf(_$hash);
return _$hash;
String toString() {
return (newBuiltValueToStringHelper(r'NewsEmptyOCS')..add('ocs', ocs)).toString();
class NewsEmptyOCSBuilder implements Builder<NewsEmptyOCS, NewsEmptyOCSBuilder>, NewsEmptyOCSInterfaceBuilder {
_$NewsEmptyOCS? _$v;
NewsEmptyOCS_OcsBuilder? _ocs;
NewsEmptyOCS_OcsBuilder get ocs => _$this._ocs ??= NewsEmptyOCS_OcsBuilder();
set ocs(covariant NewsEmptyOCS_OcsBuilder? ocs) => _$this._ocs = ocs;
NewsEmptyOCSBuilder get _$this {
final $v = _$v;
if ($v != null) {
_ocs = $v.ocs.toBuilder();
_$v = null;
return this;
void replace(covariant NewsEmptyOCS other) {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(other, 'other');
_$v = other as _$NewsEmptyOCS;
void update(void Function(NewsEmptyOCSBuilder)? updates) {
if (updates != null) updates(this);
NewsEmptyOCS build() => _build();
_$NewsEmptyOCS _build() {
_$NewsEmptyOCS _$result;
try {
_$result = _$v ?? _$NewsEmptyOCS._(ocs: ocs.build());
} catch (_) {
late String _$failedField;
try {
_$failedField = 'ocs';
} catch (e) {
throw BuiltValueNestedFieldError(r'NewsEmptyOCS', _$failedField, e.toString());
return _$result;
// ignore_for_file: deprecated_member_use_from_same_package,type=lint