A framework for building convergent cross-platform Nextcloud clients using Flutter.

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part of '../neon_files.dart';
class FilePreview extends StatelessWidget {
const FilePreview({
required this.bloc,
required this.details,
this.size = const Size.square(40),
this.withBackground = false,
}) : assert(
(borderRadius != null && withBackground) || borderRadius == null,
'withBackground needs to be true when borderRadius is set',
final FilesBloc bloc;
final FileDetails details;
final Size size;
final Color? color;
final BorderRadius? borderRadius;
final bool withBackground;
Widget build(final BuildContext context) {
final color = this.color ?? Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary;
return SizedBox.fromSize(
size: size,
child: Builder(
builder: (final context) {
if (details.isDirectory) {
return Icon(
color: color,
size: size.shortestSide,
return ValueListenableBuilder<bool>(
valueListenable: bloc.options.showPreviewsOption,
builder: (final context, final showPreviews, final child) {
if (showPreviews && (details.hasPreview ?? false)) {
final account = Provider.of<AccountsBloc>(context, listen: false).activeAccount.value!;
final preview = FilePreviewImage(
account: account,
file: details,
size: size,
if (withBackground) {
return NeonImageWrapper(
borderRadius: borderRadius,
child: preview,
return preview;
return child!;
child: FileIcon(
color: color,
size: size.shortestSide,
class FilePreviewImage extends NeonCachedImage {
factory FilePreviewImage({
required final Account account,
required final FileDetails file,
required final Size size,
}) {
final width = size.width.toInt();
final height = size.height.toInt();
final path = file.path.join('/');
final cacheKey = '${account.id}-preview-$path-$width-$height';
return FilePreviewImage._(
account: account,
file: file,
size: size,
cacheKey: cacheKey,
path: path,
width: width,
height: height,
required final Account account,
required final FileDetails file,
required Size super.size,
required super.cacheKey,
required final String path,
required final int width,
required final int height,
}) : super.custom(
getImage: () async => account.client.core.preview.getPreview(
file: path,
x: width,
y: height,
writeCache: (final cacheManager, final data) async {
await cacheManager.putFile(
maxAge: const Duration(days: 7),
eTag: file.etag,
isSvgHint: file.mimeType?.contains('svg') ?? false,