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252 lines
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part of '../neon_news.dart'; |
class NewsArticlesView extends StatefulWidget { |
const NewsArticlesView({ |
required this.bloc, |
required this.newsBloc, |
super.key, |
}); |
final NewsArticlesBloc bloc; |
final NewsBloc newsBloc; |
@override |
State<NewsArticlesView> createState() => _NewsArticlesViewState(); |
} |
class _NewsArticlesViewState extends State<NewsArticlesView> { |
@override |
void initState() { |
super.initState(); |
widget.bloc.errors.listen((final error) { |
NeonError.showSnackbar(context, error); |
}); |
} |
@override |
Widget build(final BuildContext context) => ResultBuilder<List<NewsFeed>>.behaviorSubject( |
stream: widget.newsBloc.feeds, |
builder: (final context, final feeds) => ResultBuilder<List<NewsArticle>>.behaviorSubject( |
stream: widget.bloc.articles, |
builder: (final context, final articles) => SortBoxBuilder<ArticlesSortProperty, NewsArticle>( |
sortBox: articlesSortBox, |
sortProperty: widget.newsBloc.options.articlesSortPropertyOption, |
sortBoxOrder: widget.newsBloc.options.articlesSortBoxOrderOption, |
input: articles.data, |
builder: (final context, final sorted) => NeonListView( |
scrollKey: 'news-articles', |
isLoading: articles.isLoading || feeds.isLoading, |
error: articles.error ?? feeds.error, |
onRefresh: () async { |
await Future.wait([ |
widget.bloc.refresh(), |
widget.newsBloc.refresh(), |
]); |
}, |
itemCount: feeds.hasData ? sorted.length : null, |
itemBuilder: (final context, final index) { |
final article = sorted[index]; |
return _buildArticle( |
context, |
article, |
feeds.requireData.singleWhere((final feed) => feed.id == article.feedId), |
); |
}, |
topFixedChildren: [ |
StreamBuilder<FilterType>( |
stream: widget.bloc.filterType, |
builder: (final context, final selectedFilterTypeSnapshot) => Container( |
margin: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 15), |
child: DropdownButton<FilterType>( |
isExpanded: true, |
value: selectedFilterTypeSnapshot.data, |
items: [ |
FilterType.all, |
FilterType.unread, |
if (widget.bloc.listType == null) ...[ |
FilterType.starred, |
], |
].map<DropdownMenuItem<FilterType>>( |
(final a) { |
late final String label; |
switch (a) { |
case FilterType.all: |
label = AppLocalizations.of(context).articlesFilterAll; |
case FilterType.unread: |
label = AppLocalizations.of(context).articlesFilterUnread; |
case FilterType.starred: |
label = AppLocalizations.of(context).articlesFilterStarred; |
default: |
throw Exception('FilterType $a should not be shown'); |
} |
return DropdownMenuItem( |
value: a, |
child: Text(label), |
); |
}, |
).toList(), |
onChanged: (final value) { |
widget.bloc.setFilterType(value!); |
}, |
), |
), |
), |
], |
), |
), |
), |
); |
Widget _buildArticle( |
final BuildContext context, |
final NewsArticle article, |
final NewsFeed feed, |
) => |
ListTile( |
title: Row( |
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween, |
children: [ |
Flexible( |
child: Text( |
article.title, |
style: article.unread |
? null |
: Theme.of(context).textTheme.titleMedium!.copyWith(color: Theme.of(context).disabledColor), |
), |
), |
if (article.mediaThumbnail != null) ...[ |
NeonCachedImage.url( |
url: article.mediaThumbnail!, |
size: const Size(100, 50), |
fit: BoxFit.cover, |
), |
], |
], |
), |
subtitle: Row( |
children: [ |
Container( |
margin: const EdgeInsets.only( |
top: 8, |
bottom: 8, |
right: 8, |
), |
child: NewsFeedIcon( |
feed: feed, |
size: smallIconSize, |
borderRadius: const BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(2)), |
), |
), |
RelativeTime( |
date: DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(article.pubDate * 1000), |
style: const TextStyle( |
fontWeight: FontWeight.w300, |
fontSize: 12, |
), |
), |
const SizedBox( |
width: 5, |
), |
Flexible( |
child: Text( |
feed.title, |
maxLines: 1, |
overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis, |
), |
), |
], |
), |
trailing: IconButton( |
onPressed: () { |
if (article.starred) { |
widget.bloc.unstarArticle(article); |
} else { |
widget.bloc.starArticle(article); |
} |
}, |
tooltip: |
article.starred ? AppLocalizations.of(context).articleUnstar : AppLocalizations.of(context).articleStar, |
icon: Icon( |
article.starred ? Icons.star : Icons.star_outline, |
color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary, |
), |
), |
onLongPress: () { |
if (article.unread) { |
widget.bloc.markArticleAsRead(article); |
} else { |
widget.bloc.markArticleAsUnread(article); |
} |
}, |
onTap: () async { |
final viewType = widget.newsBloc.options.articleViewTypeOption.value; |
String? bodyData; |
try { |
bodyData = _fixArticleBody(article.body); |
} catch (e, s) { |
debugPrint(e.toString()); |
debugPrint(s.toString()); |
} |
if ((viewType == ArticleViewType.direct || article.url == null) && bodyData != null) { |
await Navigator.of(context).push( |
MaterialPageRoute<void>( |
builder: (final context) => NewsArticlePage( |
bloc: NewsArticleBloc( |
widget.bloc, |
article, |
), |
articlesBloc: widget.bloc, |
useWebView: false, |
bodyData: bodyData, |
url: article.url, |
), |
), |
); |
} else if (viewType == ArticleViewType.internalBrowser && |
article.url != null && |
NeonPlatform.instance.canUseWebView) { |
await Navigator.of(context).push( |
MaterialPageRoute<void>( |
builder: (final context) => NewsArticlePage( |
bloc: NewsArticleBloc( |
widget.bloc, |
article, |
), |
articlesBloc: widget.bloc, |
useWebView: true, |
url: article.url, |
), |
), |
); |
} else { |
if (article.unread) { |
widget.bloc.markArticleAsRead(article); |
} |
if (article.url != null) { |
await launchUrlString( |
article.url!, |
mode: LaunchMode.externalApplication, |
); |
} |
} |
}, |
); |
String _fixArticleBody(final String b) => _fixArticleBodyElement(html_parser.parse(b).documentElement!).outerHtml; |
html_dom.Element _fixArticleBodyElement(final html_dom.Element element) { |
for (final attributeName in ['src', 'href']) { |
final attributeValue = element.attributes[attributeName]; |
if (attributeValue != null && attributeValue.startsWith('//')) { |
element.attributes[attributeName] = 'https:$attributeValue'; |
} |
} |
element.children.forEach(_fixArticleBodyElement); |
return element; |
} |