function addrmgtuser($data, $user, $err)
$pg = '<h1>Address Management</h1>';
if ($err != '')
$pg .= "<span class=err>$err<br><br></span>";
$pg .= makeForm('addrmgt');
$pg .= "<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>\n";
$pg .= '<thead><tr class=title>';
$pg .= '<td class=dc>#</td>';
$pg .= '<td class=dl>Address</td>';
$pg .= '<td class=dl>ID</td>';
$pg .= '<td class=dr>Ratio</td>';
$pg .= '<td class=dr>%</td>';
$pg .= '</tr></thead>';
# new row template for '+'
$pg .= '<tr class=hid id=bs>';
$pg .= '<td class=dc> </td>';
$pg .= '<td class=dl>';
$pg .= "<input type=text size=36 name='addr:' value=''>";
$pg .= '</td>';
$pg .= '<td class=dl>';
$pg .= "<input type=text size=16 name='payname:' value=''>";
$pg .= '</td>';
$pg .= '<td class=dr>';
$pg .= "<input type=text size=6 name='ratio:' value='0' id=rat onchange='repc()'>";
$pg .= '</td>';
$pg .= '<td class=dr>';
$pg .= "<span id=per>0.00%</span>";
$pg .= '</td>';
$pg .= "</tr>\n";
$ans = userSettings($user);
$offset = 0;
$count = 0;
if ($ans['STATUS'] == 'ok')
$pg .= '<tbody>';
if (isset($ans['limit']))
$limit = $ans['limit'];
$limit = 1;
$count = $ans['rows'];
# this will output any DB rows > limit but DB update will ignore extras
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
if ((($offset) % 2) == 0)
$row = 'even';
$row = 'odd';
$pg .= "<tr class=$row>";
$addr = $ans['addr:'.$i];
$pg .= '<td class=dc>'.($i+1).'</td>';
$pg .= '<td class=dl>';
$pg .= "<input type=text size=36 name='addr:$i' value='$addr'>";
$pg .= '</td>';
$nam = htmlspecialchars($ans['payname:'.$i]);
$pg .= '<td class=dl>';
$pg .= "<input type=text size=16 name='payname:$i' value='$nam'>";
$pg .= '</td>';
$ratio = intval($ans['ratio:'.$i]);
$pg .= '<td class=dr>';
$pg .= "<input type=text size=6 name='ratio:$i' value='$ratio' id=rat$i onchange='repc()'>";
$pg .= '</td>';
$pg .= '<td class=dr>';
$pg .= "<span id=per$i>%</span>";
$pg .= '</td>';
$pg .= "</tr>\n";
if ($offset < $limit) {
if ((($offset++) % 2) == 0)
$row = 'even';
$row = 'odd';
$pg .= "<tr class=$row id=plus><td class=dc>";
$pg .= "<input type=button value='+' onclick='return adrw($limit);'>";
$pg .= "</td><td colspan=4 class=dl><font size=-1>limit $limit</font></td></tr>";
$pg .= '</tbody><tfoot>';
if ((($offset++) % 2) == 0)
$row = 'even';
$row = 'odd';
$pg .= "<tr class=$row>";
$pg .= '<td class=dr> </td>';
$pg .= '<td class=dr>Password:</td>';
$pg .= '<td class=dl><input type=password name=pass size=20></td>';
$pg .= '<td colspan=2> </td></tr>';
if ((($offset++) % 2) == 0)
$row = 'even';
$row = 'odd';
$pg .= "<tr class=$row>";
$pg .= '<td class=dr> </td>';
$pg .= '<td class=dr><span class=st1>*</span>2nd Authentication:</td>';
$pg .= '<td class=dl><input type=password name=2fa size=10>';
$pg .= ' <input type=submit name=OK value=Save></td>';
$pg .= '<td colspan=3 class=dl> </td></tr>';
$pg .= '<tr><td colspan=5 class=dc><font size=-1>';
$pg .= "<span class=st1>*</span>Leave blank if you haven't enabled it<br>";
$pg .= 'You must enter your password to save changes<br>';
$pg .= 'A ratio of 0, will remove the address from the payouts</td></tr></tfoot>';
$pg .= "</table><input type=hidden name=rows value=$count id=rows></form>\n";
# TODO - adrw() update the odd/even class for the new row and rows below it
# TODO - move the js functions into inc.php
$pg .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\n";
$pg .= "function adrw(l){var p=document.getElementById('plus');";
$pg .= "var r=document.getElementById('rows');var c=parseInt(r.value);";
$pg .= "var bs=document.getElementById('bs');var n=bs.cloneNode(true);n.id='z';";
$pg .= "var ia=n.childNodes[1].firstChild;ia.name='addr:'+c;ia.value='';";
$pg .= "var ipn=n.childNodes[2].firstChild;ipn.name='payname:'+c;ipn.value='';";
$pg .= "var ir=n.childNodes[3].firstChild;ir.id='rat'+c;ir.name='ratio:'+c;ir.value='0';";
$pg .= "var ip=n.childNodes[4].firstChild;ip.id='per'+c;ip.innerHTML='0.00%';";
$pg .= "p.parentNode.insertBefore(n, p);";
$pg .= "c++;r.value=c;if(c>=l){p.parentNode.removeChild(p)}";
$pg .= "n.childNodes[0].innerHTML=''+c;n.className='odd';return true}\n";
$pg .= "function repc(){var c=parseInt(document.getElementById('rows').value);";
$pg .= "if(!isNaN(c)&&c>0&&c<1000){var v=[],tot=0;for(i=0;i<c;i++){";
$pg .= "var o=document.getElementById('rat'+i);var ov=parseInt(o.value);if(!isNaN(ov)&&ov>0)";
$pg .= "{tot+=ov;v[i]=ov}else{o.value='0';v[i]=0}";
$pg .= "}for(i=0;i<c;i++){var p;var r=document.getElementById('per'+i);if(tot<=0)";
$pg .= "{p=0}else{p=v[i]*100/tot};r.innerHTML=p.toFixed(2)+'%';";
$pg .= "}}};\nrepc();</script>";
return $pg;
function doaddrmgt($data, $user)
$err = '';
$OK = getparam('OK', false);
$count = getparam('rows', false);
$pass = getparam('pass', false);
$twofa = getparam('2fa', false);
$mfail = false;
if ($OK == 'Save' && !nuem($count) && !nuem($pass))
if ($count > 0 && $count < 1000)
$mfail = true;
$addrarr = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
$addr = getparam('addr:'.$i, false);
$nam = getparam('payname:'.$i, false);
if (nuem($nam))
$nam = '';
$ratio = getparam('ratio:'.$i, false);
if (!nuem($addr) && !nuem($ratio))
$addrarr[] = array('addr' => $addr, 'payname' => $nam, 'ratio' => $ratio);
$ans = userSettings($user, null, $addrarr, $pass, $twofa);
if ($ans['STATUS'] != 'ok')
$err = $ans['ERROR'];
$ans = userSettings($user);
if ($ans['STATUS'] != 'ok')
goto meh;
if (isset($ans['email']))
$email = $ans['email'];
goto meh;
$emailinfo = getOpts($user, emailOptList());
if ($emailinfo['STATUS'] != 'ok')
goto meh;
payoutAddressChanged($email, zeip(), $emailinfo);
$mfail = false;
if ($mfail == true)
if ($err != '')
$err .= '<br>';
$err .= 'An error occurred, check your details below';
$pg = addrmgtuser($data, $user, $err);
return $pg;
function show_addrmgt($info, $page, $menu, $name, $user)
gopage($info, NULL, 'doaddrmgt', $page, $menu, $name, $user);