function dompayouts($data, $user)
$pg = '<h1>Mining Rewards</h1>';
$ans = getMPayouts($user);
$pg .= "The rewards you've earned for each block the pool has found.<br>";
$pg .= 'See the ';
$pg .= makeLink('payments');
$pg .= "Payments</a> page for the payments you've been sent.<br><br>";
$pg .= "<table callpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>\n";
$pg .= '<thead><tr class=title>';
$pg .= '<td class=dr>Block</td>';
$pg .= '<td class=dr>Block UTC</td>';
$pg .= '<td class=dr>Miner Reward</td>';
$pg .= '<td class=dr>N Diff</td>';
$pg .= '<td class=dr>N Range</td>';
$pg .= '<td class=dr>Pool N Avg</td>';
$pg .= '<td class=dr>Your %</td>';
$pg .= '<td class=dr>Your N Diff</td>';
$pg .= '<td class=dr>Your N Avg</td>';
$pg .= '<td class=dr>Your BTC</td>';
$pg .= "</tr></thead>\n";
if ($ans['STATUS'] == 'ok')
$pg .= '<tbody>';
$totamt = 0;
$count = $ans['rows'];
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
if (($i % 2) == 0)
$row = 'even';
$row = 'odd';
$pg .= "<tr class=$row>";
$pg .= '<td class=dr>'.$ans['height:'.$i].'</td>';
$pg .= '<td class=dr>'.gmdate('j/M H:i',$ans['blockcreatedate:'.$i]).'</td>';
$pg .= '<td class=dr>'.btcfmt($ans['minerreward:'.$i]).'</td>';
$diffused = $ans['diffused:'.$i];
$pg .= '<td class=dr>'.difffmt($diffused).'</td>';
$elapsed = $ans['elapsed:'.$i];
$pg .= '<td class=dr>'.howmanyhrs($elapsed).'</td>';
$phr = $diffused * pow(2,32) / $elapsed;
$pg .= '<td class=dr>'.siprefmt($phr).'Hs</td>';
$diffacc = $ans['diffacc:'.$i];
$ypct = $diffacc * 100 / $diffused;
$pg .= '<td class=dr>'.number_format($ypct, 2).'%</td>';
$pg .= '<td class=dr>'.difffmt($diffacc).'</td>';
$hr = $diffacc * pow(2,32) / $elapsed;
$pg .= '<td class=dr>'.dsprate($hr).'</td>';
$amount = $ans['amount:'.$i];
$totamt += $amount;
$pg .= '<td class=dr>'.btcfmt($amount).'</td>';
$pg .= "</tr>\n";
$pg .= '</tbody>';
if ($count > 1)
if (($i % 2) == 0)
$row = 'even';
$row = 'odd';
$pg .= "<tfoot><tr class=$row>";
$pg .= '<td class=dr>Total:</td>';
$pg .= '<td class=dl colspan=8></td>';
$pg .= '<td class=dr>'.btcfmt($totamt).'</td>';
$pg .= "</tr></tfoot>\n";
$pg .= "</table>\n";
return $pg;
function show_mpayouts($info, $page, $menu, $name, $user)
gopage($info, NULL, 'dompayouts', $page, $menu, $name, $user);