Browse Source

Merge branch 'master' of

Con Kolivas 10 years ago
  1. 162
  2. 152
  3. 1305
  4. 142
  5. 1
  6. 51


@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
function GBaseJS()
$g = "function hasCan(){var c0=document.getElementById('can0');c=document.getElementById('can');return !!(c0&&c&&c.getContext&&c.getContext('2d'));}
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function gopt(c,cbx){for(var i=0;i<cbx.length;i++){ccb(c,cbx[i])}}
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@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
<?php <?php
# #
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global $page_title; global $page_title;
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@ -38,7 +40,7 @@ function addScript($script)
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$page_scripts .= trim($script); $page_scripts .= $script;
} }
} }
# #
@ -51,82 +53,16 @@ function addCSS($css)
# #
function addGBase() function addGBase()
{ {
$g = "function hasCan(){var c0=document.getElementById('can0');c=document.getElementById('can');return !!(c0&&c&&c.getContext&&c.getContext('2d'));} $g = GBaseJS();
function sep(d){ans={};var ar=d.split('\\t');var l=ar.length;for(var i=0;i<l;i++){var e=ar[i].indexOf('=');ans[ar[i].substr(0,e)]=ar[i].substr(e+1)};return ans}
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function ccb(c,n){var e=document.getElementById(n);c[n]=(e&&e.checked)}
function gch(z,zm){if(z<0.5){return 0.5}if(z>(zm-0.5)){return(zm-0.5)}return z}
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function gchy(c,y){return gch((1-y)*c['ym']+c['yo'],c['ctx'].canvas.height)}
function gx0(c){return -c['xo']/c['xm']};
function gy0(c){return -c['yo']/c['ym']};
function gto(c,xo,yo){c['xo']+=xo;c['yo']+=yo}
function gts(c,xs,ys){c['xm']*=xs;c['ym']*=ys}
function gtso(c,xs,ys){gto(c,c['xm']*(1.0-xs)/2.0,c['ym']*(1.0-ys)/2.0);gts(c,xs,ys)}
function gfs(c,bg){c['ctx'].fillStyle=bg}
function gss(c,fg){c['ctx'].strokeStyle=fg}
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function gfl(c){c['ctx'].fill()}
function gst(c){c['ctx'].stroke()}
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function ggr(c,xs,ys,yt,xn,x0,x1,y0,y1,ar,nx,vx,vy,av,w,cols){
var hi=c['ctx'].measureText('M').width, wi=c['ctx'].measureText('1').width;
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var m=Math.round(0.5+xn/20.0);
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var t=''+av[j-1].toFixed(2)+'av';gfz(c,1,y,1,0,t,cols[j-1],'left')}}
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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
#define DB_VLOCK "1" #define DB_VLOCK "1"
#define DB_VERSION "1.0.0" #define DB_VERSION "1.0.0"
#define WHERE_FFL " - from %s %s() line %d" #define WHERE_FFL " - from %s %s() line %d"
#define WHERE_FFL_HERE __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__ #define WHERE_FFL_HERE __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__
@ -699,25 +699,47 @@ typedef struct logqueue {
extern K_LIST *logqueue_free; extern K_LIST *logqueue_free;
extern K_STORE *logqueue_store; extern K_STORE *logqueue_store;
typedef struct workqueue { typedef struct msgline {
char *buf;
int which_cmds; int which_cmds;
enum cmd_values cmdnum;
char cmd[CMD_SIZ+1];
char id[ID_SIZ+1];
tv_t now; tv_t now;
char by[TXT_SML+1];
char code[TXT_MED+1];
char inet[TXT_MED+1];
tv_t cd; tv_t cd;
char id[ID_SIZ+1];
char cmd[CMD_SIZ+1];
char *msg;
bool hasseq;
char *seqcmdnam;
uint64_t n_seqall;
uint64_t n_seqcmd;
uint64_t n_seqstt;
uint64_t n_seqpid;
int seqentryflags;
char *code;
K_TREE *trf_root; K_TREE *trf_root;
K_STORE *trf_store; K_STORE *trf_store;
#define ALLOC_MSGLINE 8192
#define CULL_MSGLINE 16
#define INIT_MSGLINE(_item) INIT_GENERIC(_item, msgline)
#define DATA_MSGLINE(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, msgline, true)
#define DATA_MSGLINE_NULL(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, msgline, false)
extern K_LIST *msgline_free;
extern K_STORE *msgline_store;
typedef struct workqueue {
K_ITEM *msgline_item;
char *by;
char *code;
char *inet;
#define ALLOC_WORKQUEUE 1024 #define ALLOC_WORKQUEUE 1024
#define INIT_WORKQUEUE(_item) INIT_GENERIC(_item, workqueue) #define INIT_WORKQUEUE(_item) INIT_GENERIC(_item, workqueue)
#define DATA_WORKQUEUE(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, workqueue, true) #define DATA_WORKQUEUE(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, workqueue, true)
@ -795,28 +817,28 @@ extern tv_t missing_secuser_max;
* missing counters are incremented - maxseq will now be N+5 * missing counters are incremented - maxseq will now be N+5
* Once we reach N+size we need to discard N and use it as N+size * Once we reach N+size we need to discard N and use it as N+size
* and increment seqbase N * and increment seqbase N
* When we discard the oldest item due to needing more, if that oldest * When we discard the oldest entry due to needing more, if that oldest
* item was missing, it is now considered lost and the lost counters * entry was missing, it is now considered lost and the lost counters
* are incremented (and missing counters decremented) * are incremented (and missing counters decremented)
* If we receive an item N+x where N+x-maxseq>highlimit we reject it as high * If we receive an entry N+x where N+x-maxseq>highlimit we reject it as high
* and increment the high counters - this avoids creating a high bad sequence * and increment the high counters - this avoids creating a high bad sequence
* number and flagging any missing sequence numbers, most likely incorrectly, * number and flagging any missing sequence numbers, most likely incorrectly,
* as lost in the range N to N+x-size * as lost in the range N to N+x-size
* If we receive an item N-x i.e. less than seqbase N, then: * If we receive an entry N-x i.e. less than seqbase N, then:
* If maxseq-N = size then N-x is considered stale and the stale counters * If maxseq-N = size then N-x is considered stale and the stale counters
* are incremented since there's no unused items below N available * are incremented since there's no unused entries below N available
* This shouldn't normally happen after we've received size seq numbers * This shouldn't normally happen after we've received size seq numbers
* Else maxseq-N is less than size, that means there are unused items below N * Else maxseq-N is less than size, that means there are unused entries below N
* This will usually only be with a new sequence and the first seq was out * This will usually only be with a new sequence and the first seq was out
* of order, before lower sequence numbers, thus maxseq should be close to * of order, before lower sequence numbers, thus maxseq should be close to
* seqbase N and no where near N+size and there should be x unused below N * seqbase N and no where near N+size and there should be x unused below N
* If there are x unused items below N then we can move seqbase down to N-x * If there are x unused entries below N then we can move seqbase down to N-x
* after we flag all N-1,N-2,N-3..N-(x-1) as missing * after we flag all N-1,N-2,N-3..N-(x-1) as missing
* Else there aren't enough unused items below N, then N-x is considered * Else there aren't enough unused entries below N, then N-x is considered
* stale and the stale counters are incremented * stale and the stale counters are incremented
* *
* timelimit is an early limit to flag missing sequence numbers as 'transient' * timelimit is an early limit to flag missing sequence numbers as 'transient'
* Normally, if a missing item at N is later reused, it will be discarded and * Normally, if a missing entry at N is later reused, it will be discarded and
* reported as lost * reported as lost
* After the reload queue is complete, timelimit reports missing sequence * After the reload queue is complete, timelimit reports missing sequence
* numbers early, as transient, if they have been missing for 'timelimit' but * numbers early, as transient, if they have been missing for 'timelimit' but
@ -827,7 +849,29 @@ extern tv_t missing_secuser_max;
* reload queue has cleared after ckdb startup, it will report the transient * reload queue has cleared after ckdb startup, it will report the transient
* missing sequence numbers shortly after the timelimit * missing sequence numbers shortly after the timelimit
* When they are later found or lost they will again be reported, this time as * When they are later found or lost they will again be reported, this time as
* found or lost */ * found or lost
* The sequence fields are checked for validity when the message arrives
* Sequence order checking of reload lines are done immediately
* Checking of ckpool lines isn't done until after the reload completes
* This solves the problem of the overlap from reload to queue
* If we stop the reload when we first match the queue, there's the issue
* that data order in the reload file may not match the data order in the
* queue and thus we could lose a record that is late in the reload file
* but was before the queue start
* To solve this unlikely (but not impossible) issue we reload all reload
* files to the end and then sequence process the queued data after the
* reload completes
* This however produces another (solvable) problem that the queue start
* may be stale when we finally complete the reload
* To handle this we keep a list of all lost records in the reload and check
* the stale queue records against those to see if we found them
* If a queue line is lower than minseq then that's a sequence error
* If a queue line is stale but above minseq, we check if it is in the
* lost list and then report it as recovered (and process it)
* If it wasn't lost then it's an expected duplicate and ignored
* Once the queue exceeds the reload maxseq, the lost records are no longer
* needed and are discarded */
// ckpool sequence numbers // ckpool sequence numbers
#define SEQALL "seqall" #define SEQALL "seqall"
@ -860,30 +904,26 @@ enum seq_num {
// Ensure size is a (multiple of 8)-1 // Ensure size is a (multiple of 8)-1
#define SEQ_CODE 15 #define SEQ_CODE 15
#define SICHR(_sif) (((_sif) == SI_EARLYSOCK) ? 'E' : \ #define SECHR(_sif) (((_sif) == SE_EARLYSOCK) ? 'E' : \
(((_sif) == SI_RELOAD) ? 'R' : \ (((_sif) == SE_RELOAD) ? 'R' : \
(((_sif) == SI_SOCKET) ? 'S' : '?'))) (((_sif) == SE_SOCKET) ? 'S' : '?')))
// Msg from the socket before startup completed - ignore if it was a DUP // Msg from the socket before startup completed
#define SI_EARLYSOCK 1 #define SE_EARLYSOCK 1
// Msg was from reload // Msg was from reload
#define SI_RELOAD 2 #define SE_RELOAD 2
// Msg from the socket after startup completed // Msg from the socket after startup completed
#define SI_SOCKET 4 #define SE_SOCKET 4
/* An SI_EARLYSOCK item vs an SI_RELOAD item is not considered a DUP
* since the reload reads to the end of the reload file after
* the match between the queue and the reload has been found */
typedef struct seqitem { typedef struct seqentry {
int flags; int flags;
tv_t cd; // sec:0=missing, usec:0=miss !0=trans tv_t cd; // sec:0=missing, usec:0=miss !0=trans
tv_t time; tv_t time;
char code[SEQ_CODE+1]; char code[SEQ_CODE+1];
typedef struct seqdata { typedef struct seqdata {
size_t size; // item count - MUST be a power of 2 size_t size; // entry count - MUST be a power of 2
uint64_t highlimit; uint64_t highlimit;
int timelimit; int timelimit;
uint64_t minseq; uint64_t minseq;
@ -894,12 +934,15 @@ typedef struct seqdata {
uint64_t lost; uint64_t lost;
uint64_t stale; uint64_t stale;
uint64_t high; uint64_t high;
uint64_t recovered;
uint64_t ok; uint64_t ok;
uint64_t reloadmax;
tv_t firsttime; tv_t firsttime;
tv_t lasttime; tv_t lasttime;
tv_t firstcd; tv_t firstcd;
tv_t lastcd; tv_t lastcd;
SEQITEM *item; SEQENTRY *entry;
K_STORE *reload_lost;
@ -911,6 +954,7 @@ typedef struct seqset {
uint64_t lost; // total from seqdata uint64_t lost; // total from seqdata
uint64_t stale; // total from seqdata uint64_t stale; // total from seqdata
uint64_t high; // total from seqdata uint64_t high; // total from seqdata
uint64_t recovered; // total from seqdata
uint64_t ok; // total from seqdata uint64_t ok; // total from seqdata
@ -920,15 +964,22 @@ typedef struct seqset {
* the first time it processes a record with sequences */ * the first time it processes a record with sequences */
#define SEQ_LARGE_LIM 64 #define SEQ_LARGE_TRANS_LIM 16
#define SEQ_MEDIUM_LIM 128 #define SEQ_MEDIUM_TRANS_LIM 32
#define SEQ_MEDIUM_SIZ 65536 #define SEQ_MEDIUM_SIZ 65536
// The rest // The rest
#define SEQ_SMALL_LIM 128 #define SEQ_SMALL_TRANS_LIM 64
#define SEQ_SMALL_SIZ 16384 #define SEQ_SMALL_SIZ 16384
// highlimit ratio (shift down bits)
#define HIGH_SHIFT 8
// Smallest highlimit allowed
#define HIGH_MIN 32
// Smallest _SIZ allowed
#define ALLOC_SEQSET 1 #define ALLOC_SEQSET 1
#define LIMIT_SEQSET 16 #define LIMIT_SEQSET 16
#define INIT_SEQSET(_item) INIT_GENERIC(_item, seqset) #define INIT_SEQSET(_item) INIT_GENERIC(_item, seqset)
@ -941,11 +992,11 @@ extern K_STORE *seqset_store;
// Initialised when seqset_free is allocated // Initialised when seqset_free is allocated
extern char *seqnam[SEQ_MAX]; extern char *seqnam[SEQ_MAX];
// SEQTRANS // SEQTRANS also used for reload_lost
typedef struct seqtrans { typedef struct seqtrans {
int seq; int seq;
uint64_t seqnum; uint64_t seqnum;
// The stores are created and freed each time required // The stores are created and freed each time required
@ -953,9 +1004,10 @@ extern K_LIST *seqtrans_free;
#define ALLOC_SEQTRANS 1024 #define ALLOC_SEQTRANS 1024
#define CULL_SEQTRANS 65536 #define CULL_SEQTRANS 64
#define INIT_SEQTRANS(_item) INIT_GENERIC(_item, seqtrans) #define INIT_SEQTRANS(_item) INIT_GENERIC(_item, seqtrans)
#define DATA_SEQTRANS(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, seqtrans, true) #define DATA_SEQTRANS(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, seqtrans, true)
#define DATA_SEQTRANS_NULL(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, seqtrans, false)
typedef struct users { typedef struct users {
@ -1902,13 +1954,15 @@ extern void sequence_report(bool lock);
#define PPLNSDIFFADD "pplns_diff_add" #define PPLNSDIFFADD "pplns_diff_add"
// Data free functions (first) // Data free functions (first)
extern void free_msgline_data(K_ITEM *item, bool t_lock, bool t_cull);
extern void free_workinfo_data(K_ITEM *item); extern void free_workinfo_data(K_ITEM *item);
extern void free_sharesummary_data(K_ITEM *item); extern void free_sharesummary_data(K_ITEM *item);
extern void free_optioncontrol_data(K_ITEM *item); extern void free_optioncontrol_data(K_ITEM *item);
extern void free_markersummary_data(K_ITEM *item); extern void free_markersummary_data(K_ITEM *item);
extern void free_workmarkers_data(K_ITEM *item); extern void free_workmarkers_data(K_ITEM *item);
extern void free_marks_data(K_ITEM *item); extern void free_marks_data(K_ITEM *item);
extern void free_seqset_data(K_ITEM *item); #define free_seqset_data(_item) _free_seqset_data(_item, false)
extern void _free_seqset_data(K_ITEM *item, bool lock);
#define safe_text(_txt) _safe_text(_txt, true) #define safe_text(_txt) _safe_text(_txt, true)
#define safe_text_nonull(_txt) _safe_text(_txt, false) #define safe_text_nonull(_txt) _safe_text(_txt, false)


@ -5194,6 +5194,7 @@ static char *cmd_stats(__maybe_unused PGconn *conn, char *cmd, char *id,
USEINFO(poolstats, 1, 1); USEINFO(poolstats, 1, 1);
USEINFO(userstats, 2, 1); USEINFO(userstats, 2, 1);
USEINFO(workerstatus, 1, 1); USEINFO(workerstatus, 1, 1);
USEINFO(msgline, 1, 0);
USEINFO(workqueue, 1, 0); USEINFO(workqueue, 1, 0);
USEINFO(transfer, 0, 0); USEINFO(transfer, 0, 0);
USEINFO(heartbeatqueue, 1, 0); USEINFO(heartbeatqueue, 1, 0);


@ -11,6 +11,39 @@
#include <math.h> #include <math.h>
// Data free functions (added here as needed) // Data free functions (added here as needed)
void free_msgline_data(K_ITEM *item, bool t_lock, bool t_cull)
K_ITEM *t_item = NULL;
TRANSFER *transfer;
MSGLINE *msgline;
DATA_MSGLINE(msgline, item);
if (msgline->trf_root)
msgline->trf_root = free_ktree(msgline->trf_root, NULL);
if (msgline->trf_store) {
t_item = msgline->trf_store->head;
while (t_item) {
DATA_TRANSFER(transfer, t_item);
if (transfer->mvalue != transfer->svalue)
t_item = t_item->next;
if (t_lock)
k_list_transfer_to_head(msgline->trf_store, transfer_free);
if (t_cull) {
if (transfer_free->count == transfer_free->total &&
transfer_free->total >= ALLOC_TRANSFER * CULL_TRANSFER)
if (t_lock)
msgline->trf_store = k_free_store(msgline->trf_store);
void free_workinfo_data(K_ITEM *item) void free_workinfo_data(K_ITEM *item)
{ {
WORKINFO *workinfo; WORKINFO *workinfo;
@ -87,15 +120,27 @@ void free_marks_data(K_ITEM *item)
FREENULL(marks->extra); FREENULL(marks->extra);
} }
void free_seqset_data(K_ITEM *item) void _free_seqset_data(K_ITEM *item, bool lock)
{ {
K_STORE *reload_lost;
SEQSET *seqset; SEQSET *seqset;
int i; int i;
DATA_SEQSET(seqset, item); DATA_SEQSET(seqset, item);
if (seqset->seqstt) { if (seqset->seqstt) {
for (i = 0; i < SEQ_MAX; i++) for (i = 0; i < SEQ_MAX; i++) {
FREENULL(seqset->seqdata[i].item); reload_lost = seqset->seqdata[i].reload_lost;
if (reload_lost) {
if (lock)
k_list_transfer_to_head(reload_lost, seqtrans_free);
if (lock)
seqset->seqdata[i].reload_lost = NULL;
seqset->seqstt = 0; seqset->seqstt = 0;
} }
} }
