diff --git a/pool/page_blocks.php b/pool/page_blocks.php
index 1affd737..bc71d2b2 100644
--- a/pool/page_blocks.php
+++ b/pool/page_blocks.php
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ function pctcolour($pct)
function doblocks($data, $user)
$blink = ' 0)
+ {
+ $pg .= '
Monthly Statistics
+ $pg .= "
+ $pg .= "";
+ $pg .= "UTC Month | ";
+ $pg .= "Blocks | ";
+ $pg .= "Expected | ";
+ $pg .= "Mean Diff% | ";
+ $pg .= "MeanTx% | ";
+ $pg .= "Luck% | ";
+ $pg .= "PPS% | ";
+ $pg .= "
+ $pg .= '';
+ $count = $ans['rows'];
+ $rout = $bcount = $bcd = $bmon = $byyyy = $bdiffratio = $btxn = 0;
+ $skipped = false;
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
+ {
+ $conf = $ans['confirmed:'.$i];
+ // Skip leading orphans
+ if (!$skipped && ($conf == 'O' || $conf == 'R'))
+ continue;
+ $skipped = true;
+ // If anything is missing, skip this table
+ $diffratio = $ans['diffratio:'.$i];
+ if ($diffratio == '?')
+ break;
+ $cd = $ans['firstcreatedate:'.$i];
+ $mon = intval(gmdate('n', $cd));
+ $yyyy = intval(gmdate('Y', $cd));
+ // all orphans after a block must be included with that block
+ if (($conf != 'O' && $conf != 'R')
+ && ($mon != $bmon || $yyyy != $byyyy))
+ {
+ if ($bcount != 0)
+ {
+ if (($rout % 2) == 0)
+ $row = 'even';
+ else
+ $row = 'odd';
+ $name = gmdate('Y M', $bcd);
+ $exc = number_format($bdiffratio, 2);
+ $md = number_format(100 * $bdiffratio / $bcount, 2);
+ $mr = number_format(100 * $btxn / $bcount, 2);
+ $ml = number_format(100 * $bcount / $bdiffratio, 2);
+ $o = number_format((100 - $poolfee) * ($bcount / $bdiffratio) * ($btxn / $bcount), 2);
+ $pg .= "";
+ $pg .= "$name | ";
+ $pg .= "$bcount | ";
+ $pg .= "$exc | ";
+ $pg .= "$md% | ";
+ $pg .= "$mr% | ";
+ $pg .= "$ml% | ";
+ $pg .= "$o% | ";
+ $pg .= "
+ $rout++;
+ }
+ if ($rout > 7)
+ break;
+ $bcd = $cd;
+ $bmon = $mon;
+ $byyyy = $yyyy;
+ $bcount = 0;
+ $bdiffratio = 0;
+ $btxn = 0;
+ }
+ $bdiffratio += floatval($ans['diffratio:'.$i]);
+ if ($conf != 'O' and $conf != 'R')
+ {
+ $height = $ans['height:'.$i];
+ $reward = floatval($ans['reward:'.$i]);
+ $re = 5000000000.0 * pow(0.5, floor($height / 210000.0));
+ $btxn += $reward / $re;
+ $bcount++;
+ }
+ }
+ $pg .= '
+ }
if ($ans['STATUS'] == 'ok')
$count = $ans['rows'];