/* * Copyright 1995-2015 Andrew Smith * Copyright 2014 Con Kolivas * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. See COPYING for more details. */ #ifndef CKDB_H #define CKDB_H #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_LIBPQ_FE_H #include #elif defined (HAVE_POSTGRESQL_LIBPQ_FE_H) #include #endif #include #include #include "ckpool.h" #include "libckpool.h" #include "klist.h" #include "ktree.h" /* This code's lock implementation is equivalent to table level locking * Consider adding row level locking (a per kitem usage count) if needed */ #define DB_VLOCK "1" #define DB_VERSION "1.0.4" #define CKDB_VERSION DB_VERSION"-1.801" #define WHERE_FFL " - from %s %s() line %d" #define WHERE_FFL_HERE __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__ #define WHERE_FFL_PASS file, func, line #define WHERE_FFL_ARGS __maybe_unused const char *file, \ __maybe_unused const char *func, \ __maybe_unused const int line #define STRINT(x) STRINT2(x) #define STRINT2(x) #x // So they can fit into a 1 byte flag field #define TRUE_STR "Y" #define FALSE_STR "N" #define TRUE_CHR 'Y' #define FALSE_CHR 'N' /* Set by cmd_setopts() and used by whatever code needs it * It's loaded during startup but set to SWITCH_STATE_ALL if it's missing, * meaning all switches are active * The idea is that if you need to manually switch code over from one version * up to the next version at an indeterminate time then you can do that by * coding a switch_state test and then externally switch the code over via * the cmd_setopts() socket interface * It's not for coding runtime options into the code since that can be done * using optioncontrol directly * It's stored in optioncontrol so that it's value is permanent and * activationdate and activationheight have their values overridden to * disable using them * N.B. optioncontrol_item_add() intercepts the change by name and updates * switch_state but ONLY if the DB update succeeds */ extern int switch_state; #define SWITCH_STATE_NAME "SwitchState" /* Each switch state must be higher than all previous * so that future states don't undo old changes */ #define SWITCH_STATE_AUTHWORKERS 1 #define SWITCH_STATE_ALL 666666 extern bool genpayout_auto; extern bool markersummary_auto; enum free_modes { FREE_MODE_ALL, FREE_MODE_NONE, FREE_MODE_FAST }; #define FREE_MODE_ALL_STR "all" #define FREE_MODE_NONE_STR "none" #define FREE_MODE_FAST_STR "fast" extern enum free_modes free_mode; #define BLANK " " extern char *EMPTY; extern const char *nullstr; extern const char *true_str; extern const char *false_str; #define TFSTR(_b) ((_b) ? true_str : false_str) #define FREENULL(mem) do { \ if ((mem) && (void *)(mem) != (void *)EMPTY) { \ free(mem); \ mem = NULL; \ } \ } while (0) // To ensure there's space for the ticker #define TICK_PREFIX " " // Field patterns extern const char *userpatt; extern const char *mailpatt; extern const char *idpatt; extern const char *intpatt; extern const char *hashpatt; extern const char *addrpatt; extern const char *strpatt; /* If a trimmed username is like an address but this many or more characters, * disallow it */ #define ADDR_USER_CHECK 16 // BTC address size #define ADDR_MIN_LEN 26 #define ADDR_MAX_LEN 34 /* All characters in a payaddress are less than this * thus setting the 1st char to this will be greater than any payaddress */ #define MAX_PAYADDR '~' typedef struct loadstatus { int64_t newest_workmarker_workinfoid; int64_t newest_workinfoid; tv_t newest_createdate_workmarker_workinfo; tv_t newest_createdate_workinfo; tv_t newest_createdate_poolstats; tv_t newest_createdate_blocks; int32_t newest_height_blocks; } LOADSTATUS; extern LOADSTATUS dbstatus; // So cmd_getopts works on a new empty pool #define START_POOL_HEIGHT 2 // Share stats since last block typedef struct poolstatus { int64_t workinfoid; // Last block int32_t height; int64_t reward; double diffacc; double diffinv; // Non-acc double shareacc; double shareinv; // Non-acc double best_sdiff; // TODO (maybe) } POOLSTATUS; extern POOLSTATUS pool; // size limit on the command string #define CMD_SIZ 31 #define ID_SIZ 31 // size to allocate for pgsql text and display (bigger than needed) #define DATE_BUFSIZ (63+1) #define CDATE_BUFSIZ (127+1) #define BIGINT_BUFSIZ (63+1) #define INT_BUFSIZ (63+1) #define DOUBLE_BUFSIZ (63+1) #define TXT_BIG 256 #define TXT_MED 128 #define TXT_SML 64 #define TXT_FLAG 1 // TAB #define FLDSEP 0x09 #define FLDSEPSTR "\011" #define WORKSEP1 '.' #define WORKSEP1STR "." #define WORKSEP1PATT "\\." #define WORKSEP2 '_' #define WORKSEP2STR "_" #define MAXID 0x7fffffffffffffffLL /* N.B. STRNCPY() truncates, whereas txt_to_str() aborts ckdb if src > trg * If copying data from the DB, code should always use txt_to_str() since * data should never be lost/truncated if it came from the DB - * that simply implies a code bug or a database change that must be fixed */ #define STRNCPY(trg, src) do { \ strncpy((char *)(trg), (char *)(src), sizeof(trg)); \ trg[sizeof(trg) - 1] = '\0'; \ } while (0) #define STRNCPYSIZ(trg, src, siz) do { \ strncpy((char *)(trg), (char *)(src), siz); \ trg[siz - 1] = '\0'; \ } while (0) #define AR_SIZ 1024 #define APPEND_REALLOC_INIT(_buf, _off, _len) do { \ _len = AR_SIZ; \ (_buf) = malloc(_len); \ if (!(_buf)) \ quithere(1, "malloc (%d) OOM", (int)_len); \ (_buf)[0] = '\0'; \ _off = 0; \ } while(0) #define APPEND_REALLOC(_dst, _dstoff, _dstsiz, _src) do { \ size_t _newlen, _srclen = strlen(_src); \ _newlen = (_dstoff) + _srclen; \ if (_newlen >= (_dstsiz)) { \ _dstsiz = _newlen + AR_SIZ - (_newlen % AR_SIZ); \ _dst = realloc(_dst, _dstsiz); \ if (!(_dst)) \ quithere(1, "realloc (%d) OOM", (int)_dstsiz); \ } \ strcpy((_dst)+(_dstoff), _src); \ _dstoff += _srclen; \ } while(0) #define APPEND_REALLOC_RESET(_buf, _off) do { \ (_buf)[0] = '\0'; \ _off = 0; \ } while(0) enum data_type { TYPE_STR, TYPE_BIGINT, TYPE_INT, TYPE_TV, TYPE_BTV, TYPE_TVS, TYPE_CTV, TYPE_FTV, TYPE_BLOB, TYPE_DOUBLE, TYPE_T, TYPE_BT }; // BLOB does what PTR needs #define TXT_TO_PTR TXT_TO_BLOB #define TXT_TO_STR(__nam, __fld, __data) txt_to_str(__nam, __fld, (__data), sizeof(__data)) #define TXT_TO_BIGINT(__nam, __fld, __data) txt_to_bigint(__nam, __fld, &(__data), sizeof(__data)) #define TXT_TO_INT(__nam, __fld, __data) txt_to_int(__nam, __fld, &(__data), sizeof(__data)) #define TXT_TO_TV(__nam, __fld, __data) txt_to_tv(__nam, __fld, &(__data), sizeof(__data)) #define TXT_TO_CTV(__nam, __fld, __data) txt_to_ctv(__nam, __fld, &(__data), sizeof(__data)) #define TXT_TO_BLOB(__nam, __fld, __data) txt_to_blob(__nam, __fld, &(__data)) #define TXT_TO_DOUBLE(__nam, __fld, __data) txt_to_double(__nam, __fld, &(__data), sizeof(__data)) // 6-Jun-6666 06:06:06+00 #define DEFAULT_EXPIRY 148204965966L // 1-Jun-6666 00:00:00+00 #define COMPARE_EXPIRY 148204512000L extern const tv_t default_expiry; // No actual need to test tv_usec #define CURRENT(_tv) (((_tv)->tv_sec == DEFAULT_EXPIRY) ? true : false) // 31-Dec-9999 23:59:59+00 #define DATE_S_EOT 253402300799L #define DATE_uS_EOT 0L extern const tv_t date_eot; // All data will be after: 2-Jan-2014 00:00:00+00 #define DATE_BEGIN 1388620800L extern const tv_t date_begin; #define DATE_ZERO(_tv) (_tv)->tv_sec = (_tv)->tv_usec = 0L #define BTC_TO_D(_amt) ((double)((_amt) / 100000000.0)) // argv -y - don't run in ckdb mode, just confirm sharesummaries extern bool confirm_sharesummary; extern int64_t confirm_first_workinfoid; extern int64_t confirm_last_workinfoid; /* Stop the reload 11min after the 'last' workinfoid+1 appears * ckpool uses 10min - but add 1min to be sure */ #define WORKINFO_AGE 660 /* Allow defining the workinfoid range used in the db load of * workinfo and sharesummary */ extern int64_t dbload_workinfoid_start; extern int64_t dbload_workinfoid_finish; // Only restrict sharesummary, not workinfo extern bool dbload_only_sharesummary; /* If the above restriction - on sharesummaries - is after the last marks * then this means the sharesummaries can't be summarised into * markersummaries and pplns payouts may not be correct */ extern bool sharesummary_marks_limit; // DB users,workers load is complete extern bool db_users_complete; // DB load is complete extern bool db_load_complete; // Different input data handling extern bool reloading; // Data load is complete extern bool startup_complete; // Tell everyone to die extern bool everyone_die; /* These are included in cmd_homepage * to help identify when ckpool locks up (or dies) */ extern tv_t last_heartbeat; extern tv_t last_workinfo; extern tv_t last_share; extern tv_t last_share_acc; extern tv_t last_share_inv; extern tv_t last_auth; extern cklock_t last_lock; #define JSON_TRANSFER "json=" #define JSON_TRANSFER_LEN (sizeof(JSON_TRANSFER)-1) #define JSON_BEGIN '{' // Arrays have limited support in breakdown() #define JSON_ARRAY '[' #define JSON_ARRAY_END ']' #define JSON_STR '"' #define JSON_VALUE ':' #define JSON_SEP ',' #define JSON_END '}' #define JSON_ESC '\\' // Methods for sharelog (common function for all) #define STR_WORKINFO "workinfo" #define STR_SHARES "shares" #define STR_SHAREERRORS "shareerror" #define STR_AGEWORKINFO "ageworkinfo" extern char *btc_server; extern char *btc_auth; extern int btc_timeout; // Lock access to the above variables so they can be changed extern cklock_t btc_lock; #define EDDB "expirydate" #define CDDB "createdate" #define CDTRF CDDB #define BYDB "createby" #define BYTRF BYDB #define CODEDB "createcode" #define CODETRF CODEDB #define INETDB "createinet" #define INETTRF INETDB #define MDDB "modifydate" #define MBYDB "modifyby" #define MCODEDB "modifycode" #define MINETDB "modifyinet" extern char *by_default; extern char *inet_default; extern char *id_default; enum cmd_values { CMD_UNSET, CMD_DUPSEQ, // Ignore, we've already got it CMD_REPLY, // Means something was wrong - send back reply CMD_TERMINATE, CMD_PING, CMD_VERSION, CMD_LOGLEVEL, CMD_FLUSH, CMD_SHARELOG, CMD_AUTH, CMD_ADDRAUTH, CMD_ADDUSER, CMD_HEARTBEAT, CMD_NEWPASS, CMD_CHKPASS, CMD_2FA, CMD_USERSET, CMD_WORKERSET, CMD_POOLSTAT, CMD_USERSTAT, CMD_WORKERSTAT, CMD_BLOCK, CMD_BLOCKLIST, CMD_BLOCKSTATUS, CMD_NEWID, CMD_PAYMENTS, CMD_WORKERS, CMD_ALLUSERS, CMD_HOMEPAGE, CMD_GETATTS, CMD_SETATTS, CMD_EXPATTS, CMD_GETOPTS, CMD_SETOPTS, CMD_DSP, CMD_STATS, CMD_PPLNS, CMD_PPLNS2, CMD_PAYOUTS, CMD_MPAYOUTS, CMD_SHIFTS, CMD_USERSTATUS, CMD_MARKS, CMD_PSHIFT, CMD_SHSTA, CMD_USERINFO, CMD_BTCSET, CMD_QUERY, CMD_LOCKS, CMD_END }; // For NON-list stack/heap K_ITEMS #define INIT_GENERIC(_item, _name) do { \ (_item)->name = _name ## _free->name; \ } while (0) #define DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, _name, _nonull) do { \ if ((_item) == NULL) { \ if (_nonull) { \ quithere(1, "Attempt to cast NULL item data (as '%s')", \ _name ## _free->name); \ } else \ (_var) = NULL; \ } else { \ if ((_item)->name != _name ## _free->name) { \ quithere(1, "Attempt to cast item '%s' data as '%s'", \ (_item)->name, \ _name ## _free->name); \ } \ (_var) = ((struct _name *)((_item)->data)); \ } \ } while (0) // *** // *** ckdb.c // *** // CCLs are every ... #define ROLL_S 3600 #define LOGQUE(_msg, _db) log_queue_message(_msg, _db) #define LOGFILE(_msg, _prefix) rotating_log_nolock(_msg, _prefix) #define LOGDUP "dup." // *** // *** klists/ktrees *** // *** // The size strdup will allocate multiples of #define MEMBASE 4 #define LIST_MEM_ADD_SIZ(_list, _siz) do { \ if (_siz % MEMBASE) \ _siz += MEMBASE - (_siz % MEMBASE); \ _list->ram += (int)_siz; \ } while (0) #define LIST_MEM_ADD(_list, _fld) do { \ if ((_fld) && (_fld) != EMPTY) { \ size_t __siz; \ __siz = strlen(_fld) + 1; \ LIST_MEM_ADD_SIZ(_list, __siz); \ } \ } while (0) #define LIST_MEM_SUB(_list, _fld) do { \ if ((_fld) && (_fld) != EMPTY) { \ size_t __siz; \ __siz = strlen(_fld) + 1; \ if (__siz % MEMBASE) \ __siz += MEMBASE - (__siz % MEMBASE); \ _list->ram -= (int)__siz; \ } \ } while (0) #define SET_POINTER(_list, _fld, _val, _def) do { \ if ((_fld) && ((_fld) != EMPTY) && ((_fld) != (_def))) { \ if (_list) \ LIST_MEM_SUB(_list, _fld); \ free(_fld); \ } \ if (!(_val) || !(*(_val))) \ (_fld) = EMPTY; \ else { \ if (((_val) == (_def)) || (strcmp(_val, _def) == 0)) \ (_fld) = (_def); \ else { \ if (_list) \ LIST_MEM_ADD(_list, _val); \ _fld = strdup(_val); \ if (!(_fld)) \ quithere(1, "strdup OOM"); \ } \ } \ } while (0) #define DUP_POINTER(_list, _fld, _val) do { \ if ((_fld) && ((_fld) != EMPTY)) { \ if (_list) \ LIST_MEM_SUB(_list, _fld); \ free(_fld); \ } \ if (!(_val) || !(*(_val))) \ (_fld) = EMPTY; \ else { \ if (_list) \ LIST_MEM_ADD(_list, _val); \ _fld = strdup(_val); \ if (!(_fld)) \ quithere(1, "strdup OOM"); \ } \ } while (0) #define SET_CREATEBY(_list, _fld, _val) SET_POINTER(_list, _fld, _val, by_default) #define SET_CREATECODE(_list, _fld, _val) SET_POINTER(_list, _fld, _val, EMPTY) #define SET_CREATEINET(_list, _fld, _val) SET_POINTER(_list, _fld, _val, inet_default) #define SET_MODIFYBY(_list, _fld, _val) SET_POINTER(_list, _fld, _val, by_default) #define SET_MODIFYCODE(_list, _fld, _val) SET_POINTER(_list, _fld, _val, EMPTY) #define SET_MODIFYINET(_list, _fld, _val) SET_POINTER(_list, _fld, _val, inet_default) #define HISTORYDATECONTROL ","CDDB","BYDB","CODEDB","INETDB","EDDB #define HISTORYDATECOUNT 5 #define HISTORYDATECONTROLFIELDS \ tv_t createdate; \ char createby[TXT_SML+1]; \ char createcode[TXT_MED+1]; \ char createinet[TXT_MED+1]; \ tv_t expirydate #define HISTORYDATEINIT(_row, _cd, _by, _code, _inet) do { \ _row->createdate.tv_sec = (_cd)->tv_sec; \ _row->createdate.tv_usec = (_cd)->tv_usec; \ STRNCPY(_row->createby, _by); \ STRNCPY(_row->createcode, _code); \ STRNCPY(_row->createinet, _inet); \ _row->expirydate.tv_sec = default_expiry.tv_sec; \ _row->expirydate.tv_usec = default_expiry.tv_usec; \ } while (0) /* Override _row defaults if transfer fields are present * We don't care about the reply so it can be small */ #define HISTORYDATETRANSFER(_root, _row) do { \ if (_root) { \ char __reply[16]; \ size_t __siz = sizeof(__reply); \ K_ITEM *__item; \ TRANSFER *__transfer; \ __item = optional_name(_root, BYTRF, 1, NULL, __reply, __siz); \ if (__item) { \ DATA_TRANSFER(__transfer, __item); \ STRNCPY(_row->createby, __transfer->mvalue); \ } \ __item = optional_name(_root, CODETRF, 1, NULL, __reply, __siz); \ if (__item) { \ DATA_TRANSFER(__transfer, __item); \ STRNCPY(_row->createcode, __transfer->mvalue); \ } \ __item = optional_name(_root, INETTRF, 1, NULL, __reply, __siz); \ if (__item) { \ DATA_TRANSFER(__transfer, __item); \ STRNCPY(_row->createinet, __transfer->mvalue); \ } \ } \ } while (0) #define MODIFYDATECONTROL ","CDDB","BYDB","CODEDB","INETDB \ ","MDDB","MBYDB","MCODEDB","MINETDB #define MODIFYDATECOUNT 8 #define MODIFYUPDATECOUNT 4 #define MODIFYDATECONTROLFIELDS \ tv_t createdate; \ char createby[TXT_SML+1]; \ char createcode[TXT_MED+1]; \ char createinet[TXT_MED+1]; \ tv_t modifydate; \ char modifyby[TXT_SML+1]; \ char modifycode[TXT_MED+1]; \ char modifyinet[TXT_MED+1]; \ bool buffers; #define MODIFYDATECONTROLPOINTERS \ tv_t createdate; \ char *createby; \ char *createcode; \ char *createinet; \ tv_t modifydate; \ char *modifyby; \ char *modifycode; \ char *modifyinet; \ bool pointers; #define MODIFYDATEINIT(_row, _cd, _by, _code, _inet) do { \ _row->createdate.tv_sec = (_cd)->tv_sec; \ _row->createdate.tv_usec = (_cd)->tv_usec; \ STRNCPY(_row->createby, _by); \ STRNCPY(_row->createcode, _code); \ STRNCPY(_row->createinet, _inet); \ DATE_ZERO(&(_row->modifydate)); \ _row->modifyby[0] = '\0'; \ _row->modifycode[0] = '\0'; \ _row->modifyinet[0] = '\0'; \ _row->buffers = _row->buffers; \ } while (0) #define MODIFYUPDATE(_row, _cd, _by, _code, _inet) do { \ _row->modifydate.tv_sec = (_cd)->tv_sec; \ _row->modifydate.tv_usec = (_cd)->tv_usec; \ STRNCPY(_row->modifyby, _by); \ STRNCPY(_row->modifycode, _code); \ STRNCPY(_row->modifyinet, _inet); \ _row->buffers = _row->buffers; \ } while (0) #define MODIFYDATEPOINTERS(_list, _row, _cd, _by, _code, _inet) do { \ _row->createdate.tv_sec = (_cd)->tv_sec; \ _row->createdate.tv_usec = (_cd)->tv_usec; \ SET_CREATEBY(_list, _row->createby, _by); \ SET_CREATECODE(_list, _row->createcode, _code); \ SET_CREATEINET(_list, _row->createinet, _inet); \ DATE_ZERO(&(_row->modifydate)); \ SET_MODIFYBY(_list, _row->modifyby, EMPTY); \ SET_MODIFYCODE(_list, _row->modifycode, EMPTY); \ SET_MODIFYINET(_list, _row->modifyinet, EMPTY); \ _row->pointers = _row->pointers; \ } while (0) #define MODIFYUPDATEPOINTERS(_list, _row, _cd, _by, _code, _inet) do { \ _row->modifydate.tv_sec = (_cd)->tv_sec; \ _row->modifydate.tv_usec = (_cd)->tv_usec; \ SET_MODIFYBY(_list, _row->modifyby, _by); \ SET_MODIFYCODE(_list, _row->modifycode, _code); \ SET_MODIFYINET(_list, _row->modifyinet, _inet); \ _row->pointers = _row->pointers; \ } while (0) /* Override _row defaults if transfer fields are present * We don't care about the reply so it can be small * This is the pointer version - only one required so far */ #define MODIFYDATETRANSFER(_list, _root, _row) do { \ if (_root) { \ char __reply[16]; \ size_t __siz = sizeof(__reply); \ K_ITEM *__item; \ TRANSFER *__transfer; \ __item = optional_name(_root, BYTRF, 1, NULL, __reply, __siz); \ if (__item) { \ DATA_TRANSFER(__transfer, __item); \ SET_CREATEBY(_list, _row->createby, __transfer->mvalue); \ } \ __item = optional_name(_root, CODETRF, 1, NULL, __reply, __siz); \ if (__item) { \ DATA_TRANSFER(__transfer, __item); \ SET_CREATECODE(_list, _row->createcode, __transfer->mvalue); \ } \ __item = optional_name(_root, INETTRF, 1, NULL, __reply, __siz); \ if (__item) { \ DATA_TRANSFER(__transfer, __item); \ SET_CREATEINET(_list, _row->createinet, __transfer->mvalue); \ } \ _row->pointers = _row->pointers; \ } \ } while (0) #define SIMPLEDATECONTROL ","CDDB","BYDB","CODEDB","INETDB #define SIMPLEDATECOUNT 4 #define SIMPLEDATECONTROLFIELDS \ tv_t createdate; \ char createby[TXT_SML+1]; \ char createcode[TXT_MED+1]; \ char createinet[TXT_MED+1] #define SIMPLEDATEINIT(_row, _cd, _by, _code, _inet) do { \ _row->createdate.tv_sec = (_cd)->tv_sec; \ _row->createdate.tv_usec = (_cd)->tv_usec; \ STRNCPY(_row->createby, _by); \ STRNCPY(_row->createcode, _code); \ STRNCPY(_row->createinet, _inet); \ } while (0) #define SIMPLEDATEDEFAULT(_row, _cd) do { \ _row->createdate.tv_sec = (_cd)->tv_sec; \ _row->createdate.tv_usec = (_cd)->tv_usec; \ STRNCPY(_row->createby, by_default); \ STRNCPY(_row->createcode, (char *)__func__); \ STRNCPY(_row->createinet, inet_default); \ } while (0) /* Override _row defaults if transfer fields are present * We don't care about the reply so it can be small */ #define SIMPLEDATETRANSFER(_root, _row) do { \ char __reply[16]; \ size_t __siz = sizeof(__reply); \ K_ITEM *__item; \ TRANSFER *__transfer; \ __item = optional_name(_root, BYTRF, 1, NULL, __reply, __siz); \ if (__item) { \ DATA_TRANSFER(__transfer, __item); \ STRNCPY(_row->createby, __transfer->mvalue); \ } \ __item = optional_name(_root, CODETRF, 1, NULL, __reply, __siz); \ if (__item) { \ DATA_TRANSFER(__transfer, __item); \ STRNCPY(_row->createcode, __transfer->mvalue); \ } \ __item = optional_name(_root, INETTRF, 1, NULL, __reply, __siz); \ if (__item) { \ DATA_TRANSFER(__transfer, __item); \ STRNCPY(_row->createinet, __transfer->mvalue); \ } \ } while (0) // LOGQUEUE typedef struct logqueue { char *msg; bool db; } LOGQUEUE; #define ALLOC_LOGQUEUE 1024 #define LIMIT_LOGQUEUE 0 #define INIT_LOGQUEUE(_item) INIT_GENERIC(_item, logqueue) #define DATA_LOGQUEUE(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, logqueue, true) extern K_LIST *logqueue_free; extern K_STORE *logqueue_store; // MSGLINE typedef struct msgline { int which_cmds; tv_t now; tv_t cd; char id[ID_SIZ+1]; char cmd[CMD_SIZ+1]; char *msg; bool hasseq; char *seqcmdnam; uint64_t n_seqall; uint64_t n_seqcmd; uint64_t n_seqstt; uint64_t n_seqpid; int seqentryflags; char *code; K_TREE *trf_root; K_STORE *trf_store; int sockd; } MSGLINE; #define ALLOC_MSGLINE 8192 #define LIMIT_MSGLINE 0 #define CULL_MSGLINE 16 #define INIT_MSGLINE(_item) INIT_GENERIC(_item, msgline) #define DATA_MSGLINE(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, msgline, true) #define DATA_MSGLINE_NULL(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, msgline, false) extern K_LIST *msgline_free; extern K_STORE *msgline_store; // WORKQUEUE typedef struct workqueue { K_ITEM *msgline_item; char *by; char *code; char *inet; } WORKQUEUE; #define ALLOC_WORKQUEUE 1024 #define LIMIT_WORKQUEUE 0 #define CULL_WORKQUEUE 32 #define INIT_WORKQUEUE(_item) INIT_GENERIC(_item, workqueue) #define DATA_WORKQUEUE(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, workqueue, true) extern K_LIST *workqueue_free; extern K_STORE *pool_workqueue_store; extern K_STORE *cmd_workqueue_store; extern K_STORE *btc_workqueue_store; extern mutex_t wq_waitlock; extern pthread_cond_t wq_waitcond; // HEARTBEATQUEUE typedef struct heartbeatqueue { char workername[TXT_BIG+1]; int32_t difficultydefault; tv_t createdate; } HEARTBEATQUEUE; #define ALLOC_HEARTBEATQUEUE 128 #define LIMIT_HEARTBEATQUEUE 0 #define INIT_HEARTBEATQUEUE(_item) INIT_GENERIC(_item, heartbeatqueue) #define DATA_HEARTBEATQUEUE(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, heartbeatqueue, true) extern K_LIST *heartbeatqueue_free; extern K_STORE *heartbeatqueue_store; // TRANSFER #define NAME_SIZE 63 #define VALUE_SIZE 1023 typedef struct transfer { char name[NAME_SIZE+1]; char svalue[VALUE_SIZE+1]; char *mvalue; } TRANSFER; // Suggest malloc use MMAP - 1913 = largest under 2MB #define ALLOC_TRANSFER 1913 #define LIMIT_TRANSFER 0 #define CULL_TRANSFER 64 #define INIT_TRANSFER(_item) INIT_GENERIC(_item, transfer) #define DATA_TRANSFER(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, transfer, true) extern K_LIST *transfer_free; #define transfer_data(_item) _transfer_data(_item, WHERE_FFL_HERE) extern const char Transfer[]; extern K_ITEM auth_poolinstance; extern K_ITEM auth_preauth; extern K_ITEM poolstats_elapsed; extern K_ITEM userstats_elapsed; extern K_ITEM userstats_workername; extern K_ITEM userstats_idle; extern K_ITEM userstats_eos; extern K_ITEM shares_secondaryuserid; extern K_ITEM shareerrors_secondaryuserid; extern tv_t missing_secuser_min; extern tv_t missing_secuser_max; /* The aim of the sequence data is to identify and ignore duplicate records - * which should usually only be during a reload - * and to identify missing records when their sequence numbers are skipped * * If at any time there is a problem with a sequence number, an error is * reported, then the record being processed is simply processed normally by * the cmd_func() it was intended for - which may or may not produce other * processing error messages depending on the validity of the rest of the data * * Field explanation: * Normal sequence processing would be that we first get seq N, then N+1 * then N+2 ... etc. * seqbase,minseq,maxseq are all set to the first N for the given sequence * maxseq is incremented to the current maximum N+x each time a record is * processed * If we get up to N+3 but it is unexpectedly followed by N+5, that means N+4 * is currently missing - so it is flagged as missing by MISSFLAG=0 and the * missing counters are incremented - maxseq will now be N+5 * Once we reach N+size we need to discard N and use it as N+size * and increment seqbase N * When we discard the oldest entry due to needing more, if that oldest * entry was missing, it is now considered lost and the lost counters * are incremented (and missing counters decremented) * If we receive an entry N+x where N+x-maxseq>highlimit we reject it as high * and increment the high counters - this avoids creating a high bad sequence * number and flagging any missing sequence numbers, most likely incorrectly, * as lost in the range N to N+x-size * If we receive an entry N-x i.e. less than seqbase N, then: * If maxseq-N = size then N-x is considered stale and the stale counters * are incremented since there's no unused entries below N available * This shouldn't normally happen after we've received size seq numbers * Else maxseq-N is less than size, that means there are unused entries below N * This will usually only be with a new sequence and the first seq was out * of order, before lower sequence numbers, thus maxseq should be close to * seqbase N and no where near N+size and there should be x unused below N * If there are x unused entries below N then we can move seqbase down to N-x * after we flag all N-1,N-2,N-3..N-(x-1) as missing * Else there aren't enough unused entries below N, then N-x is considered * stale and the stale counters are incremented * * timelimit is an early limit to flag missing sequence numbers as 'transient' * Normally, if a missing entry at N is later reused, it will be discarded and * reported as lost * After the reload queue is complete, timelimit reports missing sequence * numbers early, as transient, if they have been missing for 'timelimit' but * not already lost * missing isn't decremented, since it is still treated as missing * This is needed in case a size limit on a sequence means it may take a long * time before it reports messages as lost - this also means that after the * reload queue has cleared after ckdb startup, it will report the transient * missing sequence numbers shortly after the timelimit * When they are later found or lost they will again be reported, this time as * found or lost * * The sequence fields are checked for validity when the message arrives * Sequence order checking of reload lines are done immediately * Checking of ckpool lines isn't done until after the reload completes * This solves the problem of the overlap from reload to queue * If we stop the reload when we first match the queue, there's the issue * that data order in the reload file may not match the data order in the * queue and thus we could lose a record that is late in the reload file * but was before the queue start * To solve this unlikely (but not impossible) issue we reload all reload * files to the end and then sequence process the queued data after the * reload completes * This however produces another (solvable) problem that the queue start * may be stale when we finally complete the reload * To handle this we keep a list of all lost records in the reload and check * the stale queue records against those to see if we found them * If a queue line is lower than minseq then that's a sequence error * If a queue line is stale but above minseq, we check if it is in the * lost list and then report it as recovered (and process it) * If it wasn't lost then it's an expected duplicate and ignored * Once the queue exceeds the reload maxseq, the lost records are no longer * needed and are discarded */ // ckpool sequence numbers #define SEQALL "seqall" #define SEQSTT "seqstart" #define SEQPID "seqpid" #define SEQPRE "seq" /* Value to use for SEQSTT when manually sending messages, * to make ckdb not check the seq numbers * The message must have a SEQALL but the value is ignored * SEQPID and SEQcmd don't need to exist and are ignored */ #define SEQSTTIGN 42 enum seq_num { SEQ_NONE = -1, // Invalid to have ckpool seq numbers SEQ_ALL, SEQ_BLOCK, SEQ_SHARES, SEQ_WORKINFO, SEQ_AGEWORKINFO, SEQ_AUTH, SEQ_ADDRAUTH, SEQ_HEARTBEAT, SEQ_SHAREERRORS, SEQ_WORKERSTAT, SEQ_POOLSTATS, SEQ_MAX }; // Ensure size is a (multiple of 8)-1 #define SEQ_CODE 15 #define SECHR(_sif) (((_sif) == SE_EARLYSOCK) ? 'E' : \ (((_sif) == SE_RELOAD) ? 'R' : \ (((_sif) == SE_SOCKET) ? 'S' : '?'))) // Msg from the socket before startup completed #define SE_EARLYSOCK 1 // Msg was from reload #define SE_RELOAD 2 // Msg from the socket after startup completed #define SE_SOCKET 4 typedef struct seqentry { int flags; tv_t cd; // sec:0=missing, usec:0=miss !0=trans tv_t time; char code[SEQ_CODE+1]; } SEQENTRY; typedef struct seqdata { size_t size; // entry count - MUST be a power of 2 uint64_t highlimit; int timelimit; uint64_t minseq; uint64_t maxseq; uint64_t seqbase; uint64_t missing; uint64_t trans; uint64_t lost; uint64_t stale; uint64_t high; uint64_t recovered; uint64_t ok; uint64_t reloadmax; tv_t firsttime; tv_t lasttime; tv_t firstcd; tv_t lastcd; SEQENTRY *entry; K_STORE *reload_lost; } SEQDATA; // SEQSET typedef struct seqset { uint64_t seqstt; // 0 if unused/unallocated uint64_t seqpid; uint64_t missing; // total from seqdata uint64_t trans; // total from seqdata uint64_t lost; // total from seqdata uint64_t stale; // total from seqdata uint64_t high; // total from seqdata uint64_t recovered; // total from seqdata uint64_t ok; // total from seqdata SEQDATA seqdata[SEQ_MAX]; } SEQSET; /* All *_SIZ must be >= 64 and a power of 2 * but if any aren't, the code checks this and quit()s * the first time it processes a record with sequences */ // SEQALL and SHARES */ #define SEQ_LARGE_TRANS_LIM 16 #define SEQ_LARGE_SIZ (65536*SEQ_LARGE_TRANS_LIM) // WORKERSTATS, AUTH and ADDRAUTH #define SEQ_MEDIUM_TRANS_LIM 32 #define SEQ_MEDIUM_SIZ 65536 // The rest #define SEQ_SMALL_TRANS_LIM 64 #define SEQ_SMALL_SIZ 16384 // highlimit ratio (shift down bits) #define HIGH_SHIFT 8 // Smallest highlimit allowed #define HIGH_MIN 32 // Smallest _SIZ allowed #define BASE_SIZ (HIGH_MIN << HIGH_SHIFT) #define ALLOC_SEQSET 1 #define LIMIT_SEQSET 16 #define INIT_SEQSET(_item) INIT_GENERIC(_item, seqset) #define DATA_SEQSET(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, seqset, true) // other variables are static in ckdb.c extern K_LIST *seqset_free; // SEQTRANS also used for reload_lost typedef struct seqtrans { int seq; uint64_t seqnum; SEQENTRY entry; } SEQTRANS; // The stores are created and freed each time required extern K_LIST *seqtrans_free; #define ALLOC_SEQTRANS 1024 #define LIMIT_SEQTRANS 0 #define CULL_SEQTRANS 64 #define INIT_SEQTRANS(_item) INIT_GENERIC(_item, seqtrans) #define DATA_SEQTRANS(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, seqtrans, true) #define DATA_SEQTRANS_NULL(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, seqtrans, false) // USERS typedef struct users { int64_t userid; char username[TXT_BIG+1]; char usertrim[TXT_BIG+1]; // non-DB field // Anything in 'status' fails mining authentication char status[TXT_BIG+1]; char emailaddress[TXT_BIG+1]; tv_t joineddate; char passwordhash[TXT_BIG+1]; char secondaryuserid[TXT_SML+1]; char salt[TXT_BIG+1]; char *userdata; int64_t databits; // non-DB field, Bitmask of userdata content int64_t userbits; // Bitmask of user attributes int32_t lastvalue; // non-DB field HISTORYDATECONTROLFIELDS; } USERS; #define ALLOC_USERS 1024 #define LIMIT_USERS 0 #define INIT_USERS(_item) INIT_GENERIC(_item, users) #define DATA_USERS(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, users, true) #define DATA_USERS_NULL(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, users, false) #define SHA256SIZHEX 64 #define SHA256SIZBIN 32 #define SALTSIZHEX 32 #define SALTSIZBIN 16 #define DATABITS_SEP ',' #define DATABITS_SEP_STR "," /* databits attributes * These are generated at dbload time from userdata * and when the userdata is changed */ // TOTP Auth 2FA #define USER_TOTPAUTH_NAME "totpauth" #define USER_TOTPAUTH 0x1 // 2FA Key untested #define USER_TEST2FA_NAME "test2fa" #define USER_TEST2FA 0x2 #define USER_TOTP_ENA(_users) \ (((_users)->databits & (USER_TOTPAUTH | USER_TEST2FA)) == USER_TOTPAUTH) // userbits attributes // Address account, not a username account #define USER_ADDRESS 0x1 // 16 x base 32 (5 bits) = 10 bytes (8 bits) #define TOTPAUTH_KEYSIZE 10 #define TOTPAUTH_DSP_KEYSIZE 16 // Optioncontrol name #define TOTPAUTH_ISSUER "taissuer" // Currently only: #define TOTPAUTH_AUTH "totp" #define TOTPAUTH_HASH "SHA256" #define TOTPAUTH_TIME 30 extern K_TREE *users_root; extern K_TREE *userid_root; extern K_LIST *users_free; extern K_STORE *users_store; // USERATTS typedef struct useratts { int64_t userid; char attname[TXT_SML+1]; char status[TXT_BIG+1]; char attstr[TXT_BIG+1]; char attstr2[TXT_BIG+1]; int64_t attnum; int64_t attnum2; tv_t attdate; tv_t attdate2; HISTORYDATECONTROLFIELDS; } USERATTS; #define ALLOC_USERATTS 1024 #define LIMIT_USERATTS 0 #define INIT_USERATTS(_item) INIT_GENERIC(_item, useratts) #define DATA_USERATTS(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, useratts, true) #define DATA_USERATTS_NULL(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, useratts, false) extern K_TREE *useratts_root; extern K_LIST *useratts_free; extern K_STORE *useratts_store; // This att means the user uses multiple % based payout addresses #define USER_MULTI_PAYOUT "PayAddresses" // If they have multi, then: the default address limit if the useratt num < 1 #define USER_ADDR_LIMIT 2 #define USER_OLD_WORKERS "OldWorkersDays" #define USER_OLD_WORKERS_DEFAULT 7 // WORKERS typedef struct workers { int64_t workerid; int64_t userid; char workername[TXT_BIG+1]; // includes username int32_t difficultydefault; char idlenotificationenabled[TXT_FLAG+1]; int32_t idlenotificationtime; int64_t workerbits; // Bitmask of worker attributes HISTORYDATECONTROLFIELDS; } WORKERS; #define ALLOC_WORKERS 1024 #define LIMIT_WORKERS 0 #define INIT_WORKERS(_item) INIT_GENERIC(_item, workers) #define DATA_WORKERS(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, workers, true) #define DATA_WORKERS_NULL(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, workers, false) extern K_TREE *workers_root; extern K_LIST *workers_free; extern K_STORE *workers_store; // Emulate a list for lock checking extern K_LIST *workers_db_free; // Currently no workerbits attributes #define DIFFICULTYDEFAULT_MIN 10 #define DIFFICULTYDEFAULT_MAX 0x7fffffff // 0 means it's not set #define DIFFICULTYDEFAULT_DEF 0 #define DIFFICULTYDEFAULT_DEF_STR STRINT(DIFFICULTYDEFAULT_DEF) #define IDLENOTIFICATIONENABLED "y" #define IDLENOTIFICATIONDISABLED " " #define IDLENOTIFICATIONENABLED_DEF IDLENOTIFICATIONDISABLED #define IDLENOTIFICATIONTIME_MIN 10 #define IDLENOTIFICATIONTIME_MAX 60 // 0 means it's not set and will be flagged disabled #define IDLENOTIFICATIONTIME_DEF 0 #define IDLENOTIFICATIONTIME_DEF_STR STRINT(IDLENOTIFICATIONTIME_DEF) #define WORKERS_SEL_SEP ',' #define WORKERS_SEL_SEP_STR "," /* There are 2 special select workernames * A DB workername can't accidentally match them * when including the WORKSEPx at the front of the workername, * since these 2 don't start with WORKSEP1 or WORKSEP2 */ #define WORKERS_ALL "all" // Empty has a value rather than "", so that "" means nothing selected #define WORKERS_EMPTY "noname" // PAYMENTADDRESSES typedef struct paymentaddresses { int64_t paymentaddressid; int64_t userid; char payaddress[TXT_BIG+1]; int32_t payratio; char payname[TXT_SML+1]; HISTORYDATECONTROLFIELDS; bool match; // non-DB field } PAYMENTADDRESSES; #define ALLOC_PAYMENTADDRESSES 1024 #define LIMIT_PAYMENTADDRESSES 0 #define INIT_PAYMENTADDRESSES(_item) INIT_GENERIC(_item, paymentaddresses) #define DATA_PAYMENTADDRESSES(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, paymentaddresses, true) #define DATA_PAYMENTADDRESSES_NULL(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, paymentaddresses, false) extern K_TREE *paymentaddresses_root; extern K_TREE *paymentaddresses_create_root; extern K_LIST *paymentaddresses_free; extern K_STORE *paymentaddresses_store; #define PAYRATIODEF 1000000 // PAYMENTS typedef struct payments { int64_t paymentid; int64_t payoutid; int64_t userid; char subname[TXT_BIG+1]; tv_t paydate; char payaddress[TXT_BIG+1]; char originaltxn[TXT_BIG+1]; int64_t amount; double diffacc; char committxn[TXT_BIG+1]; char commitblockhash[TXT_BIG+1]; HISTORYDATECONTROLFIELDS; K_ITEM *old_item; // non-DB field } PAYMENTS; #define ALLOC_PAYMENTS 1024 #define LIMIT_PAYMENTS 0 #define INIT_PAYMENTS(_item) INIT_GENERIC(_item, payments) #define DATA_PAYMENTS(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, payments, true) #define DATA_PAYMENTS_NULL(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, payments, false) extern K_TREE *payments_root; extern K_LIST *payments_free; extern K_STORE *payments_store; // ACCOUNTBALANCE typedef struct accountbalance { int64_t userid; int64_t confirmedpaid; int64_t confirmedunpaid; int64_t pendingconfirm; int32_t heightupdate; MODIFYDATECONTROLFIELDS; } ACCOUNTBALANCE; #define ALLOC_ACCOUNTBALANCE 1024 #define LIMIT_ACCOUNTBALANCE 0 #define INIT_ACCOUNTBALANCE(_item) INIT_GENERIC(_item, accountbalance) #define DATA_ACCOUNTBALANCE(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, accountbalance, true) extern K_TREE *accountbalance_root; extern K_LIST *accountbalance_free; extern K_STORE *accountbalance_store; // ACCOUNTADJUSTMENT typedef struct accountadjustment { int64_t userid; char authority[TXT_BIG+1]; char *reason; int64_t amount; HISTORYDATECONTROLFIELDS; } ACCOUNTADJUSTMENT; #define ALLOC_ACCOUNTADJUSTMENT 100 #define LIMIT_ACCOUNTADJUSTMENT 0 #define INIT_ACCOUNTADJUSTMENT(_item) INIT_GENERIC(_item, accountadjustment) #define DATA_ACCOUNTADJUSTMENT(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, accountadjustment, true) extern K_TREE *accountadjustment_root; extern K_LIST *accountadjustment_free; extern K_STORE *accountadjustment_store; // IDCONTROL typedef struct idcontrol { char idname[TXT_SML+1]; int64_t lastid; MODIFYDATECONTROLFIELDS; } IDCONTROL; #define ALLOC_IDCONTROL 16 #define LIMIT_IDCONTROL 0 #define INIT_IDCONTROL(_item) INIT_GENERIC(_item, idcontrol) #define DATA_IDCONTROL(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, idcontrol, true) // These are only used for db access - not stored in memory //extern K_TREE *idcontrol_root; extern K_LIST *idcontrol_free; extern K_STORE *idcontrol_store; // OPTIONCONTROL typedef struct optioncontrol { char optionname[TXT_SML+1]; char *optionvalue; tv_t activationdate; int32_t activationheight; HISTORYDATECONTROLFIELDS; } OPTIONCONTROL; #define ALLOC_OPTIONCONTROL 64 #define LIMIT_OPTIONCONTROL 0 #define INIT_OPTIONCONTROL(_item) INIT_GENERIC(_item, optioncontrol) #define DATA_OPTIONCONTROL(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, optioncontrol, true) #define DATA_OPTIONCONTROL_NULL(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, optioncontrol, false) // Value it must default to (to work properly) #define OPTIONCONTROL_HEIGHT 1 #define MAX_HEIGHT 999999999 // Test it here rather than obscuring the #define elsewhere #if ((OPTIONCONTROL_HEIGHT+1) != START_POOL_HEIGHT) #error "START_POOL_HEIGHT must = (OPTIONCONTROL_HEIGHT+1)" #endif /* If set, then cmd_auth() will create unknown users * It will use the optionvalue as the hex sha256 password hash * A blank or random/invalid hash will mean the accounts created * are password locked, like an address account is */ #define OPTIONCONTROL_AUTOADDUSER "AutoAddUser" extern K_TREE *optioncontrol_root; extern K_LIST *optioncontrol_free; extern K_STORE *optioncontrol_store; // TODO: discarding workinfo,shares // WORKINFO workinfo.id.json={...} typedef struct workinfo { int64_t workinfoid; char poolinstance[TXT_BIG+1]; char *transactiontree; char *merklehash; char prevhash[TXT_BIG+1]; char coinbase1[TXT_BIG+1]; char coinbase2[TXT_BIG+1]; char version[TXT_SML+1]; char bits[TXT_SML+1]; char ntime[TXT_SML+1]; int64_t reward; int32_t height; // non-DB field double diff_target; // non-DB field HISTORYDATECONTROLFIELDS; } WORKINFO; // ~10 hrs #define ALLOC_WORKINFO 1400 #define LIMIT_WORKINFO 0 #define INIT_WORKINFO(_item) INIT_GENERIC(_item, workinfo) #define DATA_WORKINFO(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, workinfo, true) #define DATA_WORKINFO_NULL(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, workinfo, false) extern K_TREE *workinfo_root; // created during data load then destroyed since not needed later extern K_TREE *workinfo_height_root; extern K_LIST *workinfo_free; extern K_STORE *workinfo_store; // one in the current block extern K_ITEM *workinfo_current; // first workinfo of current block extern tv_t last_bc; // current network diff extern double current_ndiff; // Offset in binary coinbase1 of the block number #define BLOCKNUM_OFFSET 42 // Initial block reward (satoshi) #define REWARD_BASE 5000000000.0 // How many blocks per halving #define REWARD_HALVE 210000.0 // SHARES shares.id.json={...} typedef struct shares { int64_t workinfoid; int64_t userid; char workername[TXT_BIG+1]; int32_t clientid; char enonce1[TXT_SML+1]; char nonce2[TXT_BIG+1]; char nonce[TXT_SML+1]; double diff; double sdiff; int32_t errn; char error[TXT_SML+1]; char secondaryuserid[TXT_SML+1]; HISTORYDATECONTROLFIELDS; int32_t redo; // non-DB field int32_t oldcount; // non-DB field } SHARES; #define ALLOC_SHARES 10000 #define LIMIT_SHARES 0 #define INIT_SHARES(_item) INIT_GENERIC(_item, shares) #define DATA_SHARES(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, shares, true) extern K_TREE *shares_root; extern K_LIST *shares_free; extern K_STORE *shares_store; // shares unexpectedly before the workinfo extern K_TREE *shares_early_root; extern K_STORE *shares_early_store; /* Once a share is this old, it can only once more be check for it's workinfoid and then be discarded */ #define EARLYSHARESLIMIT 60.0 /* All shares this % less than beng a block, or higher, will be reported on the console */ #define DIFF_PERCENT_DEFAULT 5 // OptionControl can override it, > 100 means don't do it #define DIFF_PERCENT_NAME "ShareDiffPercent" // int diff % -> ratio #define DIFF_VAL(_v) (1.0 - ((double)(_v) / 100.0)) extern double diff_percent; // SHAREERRORS shareerrors.id.json={...} typedef struct shareerrors { int64_t workinfoid; int64_t userid; char workername[TXT_BIG+1]; int32_t clientid; int32_t errn; char error[TXT_SML+1]; char secondaryuserid[TXT_SML+1]; HISTORYDATECONTROLFIELDS; int32_t redo; // non-DB field int32_t oldcount; // non-DB field } SHAREERRORS; #define ALLOC_SHAREERRORS 1000 #define LIMIT_SHAREERRORS 0 #define INIT_SHAREERRORS(_item) INIT_GENERIC(_item, shareerrors) #define DATA_SHAREERRORS(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, shareerrors, true) extern K_TREE *shareerrors_root; extern K_LIST *shareerrors_free; extern K_STORE *shareerrors_store; // shareerrors unexpectedly before the workinfo extern K_TREE *shareerrors_early_root; extern K_STORE *shareerrors_early_store; // SHARESUMMARY typedef struct sharesummary { int64_t userid; char *workername; int64_t workinfoid; double diffacc; double diffsta; double diffdup; double diffhi; double diffrej; double shareacc; double sharesta; double sharedup; double sharehi; double sharerej; int64_t sharecount; int64_t errorcount; tv_t firstshare; tv_t lastshare; tv_t firstshareacc; tv_t lastshareacc; double lastdiffacc; char complete[TXT_FLAG+1]; MODIFYDATECONTROLPOINTERS; } SHARESUMMARY; /* After this many shares added, we need to update the DB record The DB record is added with the 1st share */ #define SHARESUMMARY_UPDATE_EVERY 10 #define ALLOC_SHARESUMMARY 10000 #define LIMIT_SHARESUMMARY 0 #define INIT_SHARESUMMARY(_item) INIT_GENERIC(_item, sharesummary) #define DATA_SHARESUMMARY(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, sharesummary, true) #define DATA_SHARESUMMARY_NULL(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, sharesummary, false) #define SUMMARY_NEW 'n' #define SUMMARY_COMPLETE 'a' #define SUMMARY_CONFIRM 'y' extern K_TREE *sharesummary_root; extern K_TREE *sharesummary_workinfoid_root; extern K_LIST *sharesummary_free; extern K_STORE *sharesummary_store; // Pool total sharesummary stats extern K_TREE *sharesummary_pool_root; extern K_STORE *sharesummary_pool_store; // BLOCKS block.id.json={...} typedef struct blocks { int32_t height; char blockhash[TXT_BIG+1]; int64_t workinfoid; int64_t userid; char workername[TXT_BIG+1]; int32_t clientid; char enonce1[TXT_SML+1]; char nonce2[TXT_BIG+1]; char nonce[TXT_SML+1]; int64_t reward; char confirmed[TXT_FLAG+1]; // block Short:Description to use vs default for 'R' in page_blocks.php char info[TXT_SML+1]; double diffacc; double diffinv; double shareacc; double shareinv; int64_t elapsed; char statsconfirmed[TXT_FLAG+1]; HISTORYDATECONTROLFIELDS; bool ignore; // non-DB field // Calculated only when = 0 double netdiff; /* non-DB fields for the web page * Calculate them once off/recalc them when required */ double blockdiffratio; double blockcdf; double blockluck; /* diffacc for range calculations - includes orphans before it * orphans have this set to 0 so they can't be double counted */ double diffcalc; /* From the last found block to this one * Orphans have these set to zero */ double diffratio; double diffmean; double cdferl; double luck; // Mean reward ratio per block from last to this double txmean; // To save looking them up when needed tv_t prevcreatedate; // non-DB field tv_t blockcreatedate; // non-DB field } BLOCKS; #define ALLOC_BLOCKS 100 #define LIMIT_BLOCKS 0 #define INIT_BLOCKS(_item) INIT_GENERIC(_item, blocks) #define DATA_BLOCKS(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, blocks, true) #define DATA_BLOCKS_NULL(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, blocks, false) #define BLOCKS_NEW 'n' #define BLOCKS_NEW_STR "n" #define BLOCKS_CONFIRM '1' #define BLOCKS_CONFIRM_STR "1" // 42 doesn't actually mean '42' it means matured #define BLOCKS_42 'F' #define BLOCKS_42_STR "F" // Current block maturity is ... #define BLOCKS_42_VALUE 101 #define BLOCKS_ORPHAN 'O' #define BLOCKS_ORPHAN_STR "O" #define BLOCKS_REJECT 'R' #define BLOCKS_REJECT_STR "R" #define BLOCKS_N_C_STR BLOCKS_NEW_STR " or " BLOCKS_CONFIRM_STR #define BLOCKS_N_C_O_STR BLOCKS_NEW_STR ", " BLOCKS_CONFIRM_STR " or " \ BLOCKS_ORPHAN_STR #define BLOCKS_N_C_O_R_STR BLOCKS_NEW_STR ", " BLOCKS_CONFIRM_STR ", " \ BLOCKS_ORPHAN_STR " or " BLOCKS_REJECT_STR /* Block height difference required before checking if it's orphaned * TODO: add a cmd_blockstatus option to un-orphan a block */ #define BLOCKS_ORPHAN_CHECK 1 #define BLOCKS_STATSPENDING FALSE_CHR #define BLOCKS_STATSPENDING_STR FALSE_STR #define BLOCKS_STATSCONFIRMED TRUE_CHR #define BLOCKS_STATSCONFIRMED_STR TRUE_STR extern const char *blocks_new; extern const char *blocks_confirm; extern const char *blocks_42; extern const char *blocks_orphan; extern const char *blocks_reject; extern const char *blocks_unknown; #define KANO -27972 extern K_TREE *blocks_root; extern K_LIST *blocks_free; extern K_STORE *blocks_store; // Access both under blocks_free lock extern tv_t blocks_stats_time; extern bool blocks_stats_rebuild; // Default number of blocks to display on web #define BLOCKS_DEFAULT 42 // OptionControl can override it #define BLOCKS_SETTING_NAME "BlocksPageSize" // MININGPAYOUTS typedef struct miningpayouts { int64_t payoutid; int64_t userid; double diffacc; int64_t amount; HISTORYDATECONTROLFIELDS; K_ITEM *old_item; // non-DB field } MININGPAYOUTS; #define ALLOC_MININGPAYOUTS 1000 #define LIMIT_MININGPAYOUTS 0 #define INIT_MININGPAYOUTS(_item) INIT_GENERIC(_item, miningpayouts) #define DATA_MININGPAYOUTS(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, miningpayouts, true) #define DATA_MININGPAYOUTS_NULL(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, miningpayouts, false) extern K_TREE *miningpayouts_root; extern K_LIST *miningpayouts_free; extern K_STORE *miningpayouts_store; // PAYOUTS typedef struct payouts { int64_t payoutid; int32_t height; char blockhash[TXT_BIG+1]; tv_t blockcreatedate; // non-DB field int64_t minerreward; int64_t workinfoidstart; int64_t workinfoidend; int64_t elapsed; char status[TXT_FLAG+1]; double diffwanted; double diffused; double shareacc; tv_t lastshareacc; char *stats; HISTORYDATECONTROLFIELDS; } PAYOUTS; #define ALLOC_PAYOUTS 1000 #define LIMIT_PAYOUTS 0 #define INIT_PAYOUTS(_item) INIT_GENERIC(_item, payouts) #define DATA_PAYOUTS(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, payouts, true) #define DATA_PAYOUTS_NULL(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, payouts, false) extern K_TREE *payouts_root; extern K_TREE *payouts_id_root; extern K_TREE *payouts_wid_root; extern K_LIST *payouts_free; extern K_STORE *payouts_store; // Emulate a list for lock checking extern K_LIST *process_pplns_free; // N.B. status should be checked under r/w lock #define PAYOUTS_GENERATED 'G' #define PAYOUTS_GENERATED_STR "G" #define PAYGENERATED(_status) ((_status)[0] == PAYOUTS_GENERATED) // A processing payout must be ignored #define PAYOUTS_PROCESSING 'P' #define PAYOUTS_PROCESSING_STR "P" #define PAYPROCESSING(_status) ((_status)[0] == PAYOUTS_PROCESSING) // An orphaned payout must be ignored #define PAYOUTS_ORPHAN 'O' #define PAYOUTS_ORPHAN_STR "O" #define PAYORPHAN(_status) ((_status)[0] == PAYOUTS_ORPHAN) // A rejected payout must be ignored #define PAYOUTS_REJECT 'R' #define PAYOUTS_REJECT_STR "R" #define PAYREJECT(_status) ((_status)[0] == PAYOUTS_REJECT) // Default number of shifts (payouts) to display on web #define SHIFTS_DEFAULT 99 /* OptionControl can override it * UserAtts can also at the user level */ #define SHIFTS_SETTING_NAME "ShiftsPageSize" /* // EVENTLOG typedef struct eventlog { int64_t eventlogid; char poolinstance[TXT_BIG+1]; char eventlogcode[TXT_SML+1]; char *eventlogdescription; HISTORYDATECONTROLFIELDS; } EVENTLOG; #define ALLOC_EVENTLOG 100 #define LIMIT_EVENTLOG 0 #define INIT_EVENTLOG(_item) INIT_GENERIC(_item, eventlog) #define DATA_EVENTLOG(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, eventlog, true) extern K_TREE *eventlog_root; extern K_LIST *eventlog_free; extern K_STORE *eventlog_store; */ // AUTHS authorise.id.json={...} typedef struct auths { int64_t authid; char poolinstance[TXT_BIG+1]; int64_t userid; char workername[TXT_BIG+1]; int32_t clientid; char enonce1[TXT_SML+1]; char useragent[TXT_BIG+1]; char preauth[TXT_FLAG+1]; HISTORYDATECONTROLFIELDS; } AUTHS; #define ALLOC_AUTHS 1000 #define LIMIT_AUTHS 0 #define INIT_AUTHS(_item) INIT_GENERIC(_item, auths) #define DATA_AUTHS(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, auths, true) extern K_TREE *auths_root; extern K_LIST *auths_free; extern K_STORE *auths_store; // POOLSTATS poolstats.id.json={...} // Store every > 9.5m? // TODO: redo like userstats, but every 10min #define STATS_PER (9.5*60.0) typedef struct poolstats { char poolinstance[TXT_BIG+1]; int64_t elapsed; int32_t users; int32_t workers; double hashrate; double hashrate5m; double hashrate1hr; double hashrate24hr; bool stored; // non-DB field SIMPLEDATECONTROLFIELDS; } POOLSTATS; #define ALLOC_POOLSTATS 1000 #define LIMIT_POOLSTATS 0 #define INIT_POOLSTATS(_item) INIT_GENERIC(_item, poolstats) #define DATA_POOLSTATS(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, poolstats, true) #define DATA_POOLSTATS_NULL(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, poolstats, false) extern K_TREE *poolstats_root; extern K_LIST *poolstats_free; extern K_STORE *poolstats_store; /* USERSTATS userstats.id.json={...} * Pool sends each user (staggered) once per 10m * As from CKDB V0.840 we don't store any userstats * other than the last one we received, * and we don't store them in the DB at all. * Historical stats will come from markersummary * Most of the #defines for USERSTATS are no longer needed * but are left here for now for historical reference */ typedef struct userstats { char poolinstance[TXT_BIG+1]; int64_t userid; char workername[TXT_BIG+1]; int64_t elapsed; double hashrate; double hashrate5m; double hashrate1hr; double hashrate24hr; bool idle; // non-DB field char summarylevel[TXT_FLAG+1]; // SUMMARY_NONE in RAM int32_t summarycount; tv_t statsdate; SIMPLEDATECONTROLFIELDS; } USERSTATS; /* The old USERSTATS protocol included a boolean 'eos' that when true, * we had received the full set of data for the given * createdate batch, and thus could move all (complete) records * matching the createdate from userstats_eos_store into the tree */ #define ALLOC_USERSTATS 1000 #define LIMIT_USERSTATS 0 #define INIT_USERSTATS(_item) INIT_GENERIC(_item, userstats) #define DATA_USERSTATS(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, userstats, true) #define DATA_USERSTATS_NULL(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, userstats, false) extern K_TREE *userstats_root; extern K_LIST *userstats_free; extern K_STORE *userstats_store; // Awaiting EOS extern K_STORE *userstats_eos_store; /* 1.5 x how often we expect to get user's stats from ckpool * This is used when grouping the sub-worker stats into a single user * We add each worker's latest stats to the total - except we ignore * any worker with newest stats being older than USERSTATS_PER_S */ #define USERSTATS_PER_S 900 /* on the allusers page, show any with stats in the last ... */ #define ALLUSERS_LIMIT_S 3600 #define SUMMARY_NONE '0' #define SUMMARY_DB '1' #define SUMMARY_FULL '2' /* Userstats get stored in the DB for each time band of this * amount from midnight (UTC+00) * Thus we simply put each stats value in the time band of the * stat's timestamp * Userstats are sumarised in the the same userstats table * If USERSTATS_DB_S is close to the expected time per USERSTATS * then it will have higher variance i.e. obviously: a higher * average of stats per sample will mean a lower SD of the number * of stats per sample * The #if below ensures USERSTATS_DB_S times an integer = a day * so the last band is the same size as the rest - * and will graph easily * Obvious WARNING - the smaller this is, the more stats in the DB * This is summary level '1' */ #define USERSTATS_DB_S 3600 #if (((24*60*60) % USERSTATS_DB_S) != 0) #error "USERSTATS_DB_S times an integer must = a day" #endif #if ((24*60*60) < USERSTATS_DB_S) #error "USERSTATS_DB_S must be at most 1 day" #endif /* We summarise and discard userstats that are older than the * maximum of USERSTATS_DB_S, USERSTATS_PER_S, ALLUSERS_LIMIT_S */ #if (USERSTATS_PER_S > ALLUSERS_LIMIT_S) #if (USERSTATS_PER_S > USERSTATS_DB_S) #define USERSTATS_AGE USERSTATS_PER_S #else #define USERSTATS_AGE USERSTATS_DB_S #endif #else #if (ALLUSERS_LIMIT_S > USERSTATS_DB_S) #define USERSTATS_AGE ALLUSERS_LIMIT_S #else #define USERSTATS_AGE USERSTATS_DB_S #endif #endif /* TODO: summarisation of the userstats after this many days are done * at the day level and the above stats are deleted from the db * Obvious WARNING - the larger this is, the more stats in the DB * This is summary level '2' */ #define USERSTATS_DB_D 7 #define USERSTATS_DB_DS (USERSTATS_DB_D * (60*60*24)) // true if _new is newer, i.e. _old is before _new #define tv_newer(_old, _new) (((_old)->tv_sec == (_new)->tv_sec) ? \ ((_old)->tv_usec < (_new)->tv_usec) : \ ((_old)->tv_sec < (_new)->tv_sec)) #define tv_equal(_a, _b) (((_a)->tv_sec == (_b)->tv_sec) && \ ((_a)->tv_usec == (_b)->tv_usec)) // newer OR equal #define tv_newer_eq(_old, _new) (!(tv_newer(_new, _old))) // WORKERSTATUS from various incoming data typedef struct workerstatus { int64_t userid; char workername[TXT_BIG+1]; tv_t last_auth; tv_t last_share; tv_t last_share_acc; double last_diff_acc; tv_t last_stats; tv_t last_idle; // Below gets reset on each block double block_diffacc; double block_diffinv; // Non-acc double block_diffsta; double block_diffdup; double block_diffhi; double block_diffrej; double block_shareacc; double block_shareinv; // Non-acc double block_sharesta; double block_sharedup; double block_sharehi; double block_sharerej; // Below gets reset on each idle double active_diffacc; double active_diffinv; // Non-acc double active_diffsta; double active_diffdup; double active_diffhi; double active_diffrej; double active_shareacc; double active_shareinv; // Non-acc double active_sharesta; double active_sharedup; double active_sharehi; double active_sharerej; tv_t active_start; } WORKERSTATUS; #define ALLOC_WORKERSTATUS 1000 #define LIMIT_WORKERSTATUS 0 #define INIT_WORKERSTATUS(_item) INIT_GENERIC(_item, workerstatus) #define DATA_WORKERSTATUS(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, workerstatus, true) extern K_TREE *workerstatus_root; extern K_LIST *workerstatus_free; extern K_STORE *workerstatus_store; // MARKERSUMMARY typedef struct markersummary { int64_t markerid; int64_t userid; char *workername; double diffacc; double diffsta; double diffdup; double diffhi; double diffrej; double shareacc; double sharesta; double sharedup; double sharehi; double sharerej; int64_t sharecount; int64_t errorcount; tv_t firstshare; tv_t lastshare; tv_t firstshareacc; tv_t lastshareacc; double lastdiffacc; MODIFYDATECONTROLPOINTERS; } MARKERSUMMARY; #define ALLOC_MARKERSUMMARY 1000 #define LIMIT_MARKERSUMMARY 0 #define INIT_MARKERSUMMARY(_item) INIT_GENERIC(_item, markersummary) #define DATA_MARKERSUMMARY(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, markersummary, true) #define DATA_MARKERSUMMARY_NULL(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, markersummary, false) extern K_TREE *markersummary_root; extern K_TREE *markersummary_userid_root; extern K_LIST *markersummary_free; extern K_STORE *markersummary_store; // Pool total markersummary stats extern K_TREE *markersummary_pool_root; extern K_STORE *markersummary_pool_store; // The markerid load start for markersummary extern char *mark_start; // WORKMARKERS typedef struct workmarkers { int64_t markerid; char *poolinstance; int64_t workinfoidend; int64_t workinfoidstart; char *description; char status[TXT_FLAG+1]; int rewards; // non-DB field double pps_value; // non-DB field double rewarded; // non-DB field HISTORYDATECONTROLFIELDS; } WORKMARKERS; #define ALLOC_WORKMARKERS 100 #define LIMIT_WORKMARKERS 0 #define INIT_WORKMARKERS(_item) INIT_GENERIC(_item, workmarkers) #define DATA_WORKMARKERS(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, workmarkers, true) #define DATA_WORKMARKERS_NULL(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, workmarkers, false) extern K_TREE *workmarkers_root; extern K_TREE *workmarkers_workinfoid_root; extern K_LIST *workmarkers_free; extern K_STORE *workmarkers_store; #define MARKER_READY 'x' #define MARKER_READY_STR "x" #define WMREADY(_status) (tolower((_status)[0]) == MARKER_READY) #define MARKER_PROCESSED 'p' #define MARKER_PROCESSED_STR "p" #define WMPROCESSED(_status) (tolower((_status)[0]) == MARKER_PROCESSED) // MARKS typedef struct marks { char *poolinstance; int64_t workinfoid; char *description; char *extra; char marktype[TXT_FLAG+1]; char status[TXT_FLAG+1]; HISTORYDATECONTROLFIELDS; } MARKS; /* marks: * marktype is one of: * b - block end * p - pplns begin * s - shift begin (not yet used) * e - shift end (not yet used) * o - other begin * f - other finish/end * description generated will be: * b - Block NNN fin * p - Payout NNN stt (where NNN is the block number of the payout) * s - Shift AAA stt * e - Shift AAA fin * o - The string passed to the marks command * f - The string passed to the marks command * * workmarkers are from a begin workinfoid to an end workinfoid * the "-1" and "+1" below mean adding to or subtracting from * the workinfoid number - but should move forward/back to the * next/prev valid workinfoid, not simply +1 or -1 * i.e. all workinfoid in marks and workmarkers must exist in workinfo * * Until we start using shifts: * workmarkers can be created up to ending in the largest 'p' "-1" * workmarkers will always be the smallest of: * Block NNN-1 "+1" to Block NNN * Block NNN "+1" to Payout MMM "-1" * Payout MMM to Block NNN * Payout MMM-1 to Payout MMM "-1" * Thus to generate the workmarkers from the marks: * Find the last USED mark then create a workmarker from each pair of * marks going forward for each READY mark * Set each mark as USED when we use it * Stop when either we run out of marks or find a non-READY mark * Finding a workmarker that already exists is an error */ #define ALLOC_MARKS 1000 #define LIMIT_MARKS 0 #define INIT_MARKS(_item) INIT_GENERIC(_item, marks) #define DATA_MARKS(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, marks, true) #define DATA_MARKS_NULL(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, marks, false) extern K_TREE *marks_root; extern K_LIST *marks_free; extern K_STORE *marks_store; // 'b' used for manual marks and 'extra' description in shifts #define MARKTYPE_BLOCK 'b' // 'p' used for manual marks #define MARKTYPE_PPLNS 'p' // 's' isn't used - but could be needed for manual marks #define MARKTYPE_SHIFT_BEGIN 's' // 'e' used for shifts #define MARKTYPE_SHIFT_END 'e' // 'o' used for manual marks #define MARKTYPE_OTHER_BEGIN 'o' #define MARKTYPE_OTHER_BEGIN_STR "o" // 'f' used for manual marks #define MARKTYPE_OTHER_FINISH 'f' extern const char *marktype_block; extern const char *marktype_pplns; extern const char *marktype_shift_begin; extern const char *marktype_shift_end; extern const char *marktype_other_begin; extern const char *marktype_other_finish; extern const char *marktype_block_fmt; extern const char *marktype_pplns_fmt; extern const char *marktype_shift_begin_fmt; extern const char *marktype_shift_end_fmt; extern const char *marktype_other_begin_fmt; extern const char *marktype_other_finish_fmt; // For getting back the shift code/name extern const char *marktype_shift_begin_skip; extern const char *marktype_shift_end_skip; #define MARK_READY 'x' #define MARK_READY_STR "x" #define MREADY(_status) (tolower((_status)[0]) == MARK_READY) #define MARK_USED 'u' #define MARK_USED_STR "u" #define MUSED(_status) (tolower((_status)[0]) == MARK_USED) enum info_type { INFO_NEW, INFO_ORPHAN, INFO_REJECT }; // USERINFO from various incoming data typedef struct userinfo { int64_t userid; char username[TXT_BIG+1]; int blocks; int orphans; // How many blocks are orphans int rejects; // How many blocks are rejects tv_t last_block; // For all time double diffacc; double diffsta; double diffdup; double diffhi; double diffrej; double shareacc; double sharesta; double sharedup; double sharehi; double sharerej; } USERINFO; #define ALLOC_USERINFO 1000 #define LIMIT_USERINFO 0 #define INIT_USERINFO(_item) INIT_GENERIC(_item, userinfo) #define DATA_USERINFO(_var, _item) DATA_GENERIC(_var, _item, userinfo, true) extern K_TREE *userinfo_root; extern K_LIST *userinfo_free; extern K_STORE *userinfo_store; extern void logmsg(int loglevel, const char *fmt, ...); extern void setnow(tv_t *now); extern void tick(); extern PGconn *dbconnect(); extern void sequence_report(bool lock); // *** // *** ckdb_data.c *** // *** /* Blocks after 334106 were set to 5xN * however, they cannot count back to include the workinfoid of 333809 * due to the markersummaries that were created. * Code checks that if the block is after FIVExSTT then it must stop * counting back shares at - and not include - FIVExWID */ #define FIVExSTT 334106 #define FIVExLIM 333809 // 333809 workinfoid #define FIVExWID 6085620100361140756 // optioncontrol names for PPLNS N diff calculation #define PPLNSDIFFTIMES "pplns_diff_times" #define PPLNSDIFFADD "pplns_diff_add" #define REWARDOVERRIDE "MinerReward" #define PPSOVERRIDE "PPSValue" // Data free functions (first) #define FREE_ITEM(item) do { } while(0) // TODO: make a macro for all other to use above macro extern void free_msgline_data(K_ITEM *item, bool t_lock, bool t_cull); extern void free_users_data(K_ITEM *item); extern void free_workinfo_data(K_ITEM *item); extern void free_sharesummary_data(K_ITEM *item); extern void free_payouts_data(K_ITEM *item); extern void free_optioncontrol_data(K_ITEM *item); extern void free_markersummary_data(K_ITEM *item); extern void free_workmarkers_data(K_ITEM *item); extern void free_marks_data(K_ITEM *item); #define free_seqset_data(_item) _free_seqset_data(_item) extern void _free_seqset_data(K_ITEM *item); // Data copy functions #define COPY_DATA(_new, _old) memcpy(_new, _old, sizeof(*(_new))) extern void copy_users(USERS *newu, USERS *oldu); #define copy_blocks(_newb, _oldb) COPY_DATA(_newb, _oldb) #define safe_text(_txt) _safe_text(_txt, true) #define safe_text_nonull(_txt) _safe_text(_txt, false) extern char *_safe_text(char *txt, bool shownull); extern void username_trim(USERS *users); extern bool like_address(char *username); extern void _txt_to_data(enum data_type typ, char *nam, char *fld, void *data, size_t siz, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); #define txt_to_str(_nam, _fld, _data, _siz) _txt_to_str(_nam, _fld, _data, _siz, WHERE_FFL_HERE) #define txt_to_bigint(_nam, _fld, _data, _siz) _txt_to_bigint(_nam, _fld, _data, _siz, WHERE_FFL_HERE) #define txt_to_int(_nam, _fld, _data, _siz) _txt_to_int(_nam, _fld, _data, _siz, WHERE_FFL_HERE) #define txt_to_tv(_nam, _fld, _data, _siz) _txt_to_tv(_nam, _fld, _data, _siz, WHERE_FFL_HERE) #define txt_to_ctv(_nam, _fld, _data, _siz) _txt_to_ctv(_nam, _fld, _data, _siz, WHERE_FFL_HERE) #define txt_to_blob(_nam, _fld, _data) _txt_to_blob(_nam, _fld, _data, WHERE_FFL_HERE) #define txt_to_double(_nam, _fld, _data, _siz) _txt_to_double(_nam, _fld, _data, _siz, WHERE_FFL_HERE) // N.B. STRNCPY* macros truncate, whereas this aborts ckdb if src > trg extern void _txt_to_str(char *nam, char *fld, char data[], size_t siz, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); extern void _txt_to_bigint(char *nam, char *fld, int64_t *data, size_t siz, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); extern void _txt_to_int(char *nam, char *fld, int32_t *data, size_t siz, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); extern void _txt_to_tv(char *nam, char *fld, tv_t *data, size_t siz, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); // Convert msg S,nS to tv_t extern void _txt_to_ctv(char *nam, char *fld, tv_t *data, size_t siz, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); extern void _txt_to_blob(char *nam, char *fld, char **data, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); extern void _txt_to_double(char *nam, char *fld, double *data, size_t siz, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); extern char *_data_to_buf(enum data_type typ, void *data, char *buf, size_t siz, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); #define str_to_buf(_data, _buf, _siz) _str_to_buf(_data, _buf, _siz, WHERE_FFL_HERE) #define bigint_to_buf(_data, _buf, _siz) _bigint_to_buf(_data, _buf, _siz, WHERE_FFL_HERE) #define int_to_buf(_data, _buf, _siz) _int_to_buf(_data, _buf, _siz, WHERE_FFL_HERE) #define tv_to_buf(_data, _buf, _siz) _tv_to_buf(_data, _buf, _siz, WHERE_FFL_HERE) #define ctv_to_buf(_data, _buf, _siz) _ctv_to_buf(_data, _buf, _siz, WHERE_FFL_HERE) #define ftv_to_buf(_data, _buf, _siz) _ftv_to_buf(_data, _buf, _siz, WHERE_FFL_HERE) #define tvs_to_buf(_data, _buf, _siz) _tvs_to_buf(_data, _buf, _siz, WHERE_FFL_HERE) #define btv_to_buf(_data, _buf, _siz) _btv_to_buf(_data, _buf, _siz, WHERE_FFL_HERE) //#define blob_to_buf(_data, _buf, _siz) _blob_to_buf(_data, _buf, _siz, WHERE_FFL_HERE) #define double_to_buf(_data, _buf, _siz) _double_to_buf(_data, _buf, _siz, WHERE_FFL_HERE) #define t_to_buf(_data, _buf, _siz) _t_to_buf(_data, _buf, _siz, WHERE_FFL_HERE) #define bt_to_buf(_data, _buf, _siz) _bt_to_buf(_data, _buf, _siz, WHERE_FFL_HERE) #define btu64_to_buf(_data, _buf, _siz) _btu64_to_buf(_data, _buf, _siz, WHERE_FFL_HERE) extern char *_str_to_buf(char data[], char *buf, size_t siz, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); extern char *_bigint_to_buf(int64_t data, char *buf, size_t siz, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); extern char *_int_to_buf(int32_t data, char *buf, size_t siz, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); extern char *_tv_to_buf(tv_t *data, char *buf, size_t siz, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); // Convert tv to S,uS extern char *_ctv_to_buf(tv_t *data, char *buf, size_t siz, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); // Convert tv to S.uS extern char *_ftv_to_buf(tv_t *data, char *buf, size_t siz, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); // Convert tv to seconds (ignore uS) extern char *_tvs_to_buf(tv_t *data, char *buf, size_t siz, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); // Convert tv to (brief) DD/HH:MM:SS extern char *_btv_to_buf(tv_t *data, char *buf, size_t siz, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); /* unused yet extern char *_blob_to_buf(char *data, char *buf, size_t siz, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); */ extern char *_double_to_buf(double data, char *buf, size_t siz, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); // Convert seconds (only) time to date extern char *_t_to_buf(time_t *data, char *buf, size_t siz, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); // Convert seconds (only) time to (brief) M-DD/HH:MM:SS extern char *_bt_to_buf(time_t *data, char *buf, size_t siz, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); extern char *_btu64_to_buf(uint64_t *data, char *buf, size_t siz, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); extern char *_transfer_data(K_ITEM *item, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); extern void dsp_transfer(K_ITEM *item, FILE *stream); extern cmp_t cmp_transfer(K_ITEM *a, K_ITEM *b); extern K_ITEM *find_transfer(K_TREE *trf_root, char *name); #define optional_name(_root, _name, _len, _patt, _reply, _siz) \ _optional_name(_root, _name, _len, _patt, _reply, _siz, \ WHERE_FFL_HERE) extern K_ITEM *_optional_name(K_TREE *trf_root, char *name, int len, char *patt, char *reply, size_t siz, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); #define require_name(_root, _name, _len, _patt, _reply, _siz) \ _require_name(_root, _name, _len, _patt, _reply, \ _siz, WHERE_FFL_HERE) extern K_ITEM *_require_name(K_TREE *trf_root, char *name, int len, char *patt, char *reply, size_t siz, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); extern cmp_t cmp_workerstatus(K_ITEM *a, K_ITEM *b); extern K_ITEM *find_workerstatus(bool gotlock, int64_t userid, char *workername); #define find_create_workerstatus(_gl, _ac, _u, _w, _hw, _file, _func, _line) \ _find_create_workerstatus(_gl, _ac, _u, _w, _hw, _file, _func, _line, \ WHERE_FFL_HERE) extern K_ITEM *_find_create_workerstatus(bool gotlock, bool alertcreate, int64_t userid, char *workername, bool hasworker, const char *file2, const char *func2, const int line2, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); extern void zero_all_active(tv_t *when); extern void workerstatus_ready(); #define workerstatus_update(_auths, _shares, _userstats) \ _workerstatus_update(_auths, _shares, _userstats, WHERE_FFL_HERE) extern void _workerstatus_update(AUTHS *auths, SHARES *shares, USERSTATS *userstats, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); extern cmp_t cmp_users(K_ITEM *a, K_ITEM *b); extern cmp_t cmp_userid(K_ITEM *a, K_ITEM *b); extern K_ITEM *find_users(char *username); extern K_ITEM *find_userid(int64_t userid); extern void make_salt(USERS *users); extern void password_hash(char *username, char *passwordhash, char *salt, char *result, size_t siz); extern bool check_hash(USERS *users, char *passwordhash); extern void users_databits(USERS *users); #define users_userdata_get_hex(_users, _name, _bit, _hexlen) \ _users_userdata_get_hex(_users, _name, _bit, _hexlen, WHERE_FFL_HERE) extern char *_users_userdata_get_hex(USERS *users, char *name, int64_t bit, size_t *hexlen, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); #define users_userdata_get_bin(_users, _name, _bit, _binlen) \ _users_userdata_get_bin(_users, _name, _bit, _binlen, WHERE_FFL_HERE) extern unsigned char *_users_userdata_get_bin(USERS *users, char *name, int64_t bit, size_t *binlen, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); #define users_userdata_del(_users, _name, _bit) \ _users_userdata_del(_users, _name, _bit, WHERE_FFL_HERE) extern void _users_userdata_del(USERS *users, char *name, int64_t bit, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); // If we want to store a simple string, no point encoding it #define users_userdata_add_txt(_users, _name, _bit, _hex) \ _users_userdata_add_hex(_users, _name, _bit, _hex, WHERE_FFL_HERE) #define users_userdata_add_hex(_users, _name, _bit, _hex) \ _users_userdata_add_hex(_users, _name, _bit, _hex, WHERE_FFL_HERE) extern void _users_userdata_add_hex(USERS *users, char *name, int64_t bit, char *hex, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); #define users_userdata_add_bin(_users, _name, _bit, _bin, _len) \ _users_userdata_add_bin(_users, _name, _bit, _bin, _len, WHERE_FFL_HERE) extern void _users_userdata_add_bin(USERS *users, char *name, int64_t bit, unsigned char *bin, size_t len, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); extern cmp_t cmp_useratts(K_ITEM *a, K_ITEM *b); extern K_ITEM *find_useratts(int64_t userid, char *attname); extern cmp_t cmp_workers(K_ITEM *a, K_ITEM *b); extern K_ITEM *find_workers(bool gotlock, int64_t userid, char *workername); extern K_ITEM *first_workers(int64_t userid, K_TREE_CTX *ctx); extern K_ITEM *new_worker(PGconn *conn, bool update, int64_t userid, char *workername, char *diffdef, char *idlenotificationenabled, char *idlenotificationtime, char *by, char *code, char *inet, tv_t *cd, K_TREE *trf_root); extern K_ITEM *new_default_worker(PGconn *conn, bool update, int64_t userid, char *workername, char *by, char *code, char *inet, tv_t *cd, K_TREE *trf_root); extern void dsp_paymentaddresses(K_ITEM *item, FILE *stream); extern cmp_t cmp_paymentaddresses(K_ITEM *a, K_ITEM *b); extern cmp_t cmp_payaddr_create(K_ITEM *a, K_ITEM *b); extern K_ITEM *find_paymentaddresses(int64_t userid, K_TREE_CTX *ctx); extern K_ITEM *find_paymentaddresses_create(int64_t userid, K_TREE_CTX *ctx); extern K_ITEM *find_one_payaddress(int64_t userid, char *payaddress, K_TREE_CTX *ctx); extern K_ITEM *find_any_payaddress(char *payaddress); extern cmp_t cmp_payments(K_ITEM *a, K_ITEM *b); extern K_ITEM *find_payments(int64_t payoutid, int64_t userid, char *subname); extern K_ITEM *find_first_payments(int64_t userid, K_TREE_CTX *ctx); extern K_ITEM *find_first_paypayid(int64_t userid, int64_t payoutid, K_TREE_CTX *ctx); extern cmp_t cmp_accountbalance(K_ITEM *a, K_ITEM *b); extern K_ITEM *find_accountbalance(int64_t userid); extern cmp_t cmp_optioncontrol(K_ITEM *a, K_ITEM *b); extern K_ITEM *find_optioncontrol(char *optionname, const tv_t *now, int32_t height); #define sys_setting(_name, _def, _now) user_sys_setting(0, _name, _def, _now) extern int64_t user_sys_setting(int64_t userid, char *setting_name, int64_t setting_default, const tv_t *now); extern cmp_t cmp_workinfo(K_ITEM *a, K_ITEM *b); #define coinbase1height(_wi) _coinbase1height(_wi, WHERE_FFL_HERE) extern int32_t _coinbase1height(WORKINFO *wi, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); extern cmp_t cmp_workinfo_height(K_ITEM *a, K_ITEM *b); #define find_workinfo(_wid, _ctx) _find_workinfo(_wid, false, _ctx); extern K_ITEM *_find_workinfo(int64_t workinfoid, bool gotlock, K_TREE_CTX *ctx); extern K_ITEM *next_workinfo(int64_t workinfoid, K_TREE_CTX *ctx); extern bool workinfo_age(int64_t workinfoid, char *poolinstance, char *by, char *code, char *inet, tv_t *cd, tv_t *ss_first, tv_t *ss_last, int64_t *ss_count, int64_t *s_count, int64_t *s_diff); extern double coinbase_reward(int32_t height); extern double workinfo_pps(K_ITEM *w_item, int64_t workinfoid); extern cmp_t cmp_shares(K_ITEM *a, K_ITEM *b); extern cmp_t cmp_shareerrors(K_ITEM *a, K_ITEM *b); extern void dsp_sharesummary(K_ITEM *item, FILE *stream); extern cmp_t cmp_sharesummary(K_ITEM *a, K_ITEM *b); extern cmp_t cmp_sharesummary_workinfoid(K_ITEM *a, K_ITEM *b); extern void zero_sharesummary(SHARESUMMARY *row); #define find_sharesummary(_userid, _workername, _workinfoid) \ _find_sharesummary(_userid, _workername, _workinfoid, false) #define find_sharesummary_p(_workinfoid) \ _find_sharesummary(KANO, EMPTY, _workinfoid, true) #define POOL_SS(_row) do { \ (_row)->userid = KANO; \ (_row)->workername = strdup(EMPTY); \ } while (0) extern K_ITEM *_find_sharesummary(int64_t userid, char *workername, int64_t workinfoid, bool pool); extern K_ITEM *find_last_sharesummary(int64_t userid, char *workername); extern void auto_age_older(int64_t workinfoid, char *poolinstance, char *by, char *code, char *inet, tv_t *cd); #define dbhash2btchash(_hash, _buf, _siz) \ _dbhash2btchash(_hash, _buf, _siz, WHERE_FFL_HERE) void _dbhash2btchash(char *hash, char *buf, size_t siz, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); #define dsp_hash(_hash, _buf, _siz) \ _dsp_hash(_hash, _buf, _siz, WHERE_FFL_HERE) extern void _dsp_hash(char *hash, char *buf, size_t siz, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); #define blockhash_diff(_hash) _blockhash_diff(_hash, WHERE_FFL_HERE) extern double _blockhash_diff(char *hash, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); extern void dsp_blocks(K_ITEM *item, FILE *stream); extern cmp_t cmp_blocks(K_ITEM *a, K_ITEM *b); extern K_ITEM *find_blocks(int32_t height, char *blockhash, K_TREE_CTX *ctx); extern K_ITEM *find_prev_blocks(int32_t height, K_TREE_CTX *ctx); extern const char *blocks_confirmed(char *confirmed); extern void zero_on_new_block(bool gotlock); extern void set_block_share_counters(); extern bool check_update_blocks_stats(tv_t *stats); #define set_blockcreatedate(_h) _set_blockcreatedate(_h, WHERE_FFL_HERE) extern bool _set_blockcreatedate(int32_t oldest_height, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); #define set_prevcreatedate(_oh) _set_prevcreatedate(_oh, WHERE_FFL_HERE) extern bool _set_prevcreatedate(int32_t oldest_height, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); extern cmp_t cmp_miningpayouts(K_ITEM *a, K_ITEM *b); extern K_ITEM *find_miningpayouts(int64_t payoutid, int64_t userid); extern K_ITEM *first_miningpayouts(int64_t payoutid, K_TREE_CTX *ctx); extern cmp_t cmp_mu(K_ITEM *a, K_ITEM *b); extern void upd_add_mu(K_TREE *mu_root, K_STORE *mu_store, int64_t userid, double diffacc); extern cmp_t cmp_payouts(K_ITEM *a, K_ITEM *b); extern cmp_t cmp_payouts_id(K_ITEM *a, K_ITEM *b); extern cmp_t cmp_payouts_wid(K_ITEM *a, K_ITEM *b); extern K_ITEM *find_payouts(int32_t height, char *blockhash); extern K_ITEM *first_payouts(int32_t height, K_TREE_CTX *ctx); extern K_ITEM *find_last_payouts(); extern K_ITEM *find_payoutid(int64_t payoutid); extern K_ITEM *find_payouts_wid(int64_t workinfoidend, K_TREE_CTX *ctx); extern double payout_stats(PAYOUTS *payouts, char *statname); extern bool process_pplns(int32_t height, char *blockhash, tv_t *now); extern cmp_t cmp_auths(K_ITEM *a, K_ITEM *b); extern cmp_t cmp_poolstats(K_ITEM *a, K_ITEM *b); extern void dsp_userstats(K_ITEM *item, FILE *stream); extern cmp_t cmp_userstats(K_ITEM *a, K_ITEM *b); extern K_ITEM *find_userstats(int64_t userid, char *workername); extern void dsp_markersummary(K_ITEM *item, FILE *stream); extern cmp_t cmp_markersummary(K_ITEM *a, K_ITEM *b); extern cmp_t cmp_markersummary_userid(K_ITEM *a, K_ITEM *b); extern K_ITEM *find_markersummary_userid(int64_t userid, char *workername, K_TREE_CTX *ctx); #define find_markersummary(_workinfoid, _userid, _workername) \ _find_markersummary(0, _workinfoid, _userid, _workername, false) #define find_markersummary_p(_markerid) \ _find_markersummary(_markerid, 0, KANO, EMPTY, true) #define POOL_MS(_row) do { \ (_row)->userid = KANO; \ (_row)->workername = EMPTY; \ } while (0) extern K_ITEM *_find_markersummary(int64_t markerid, int64_t workinfoid, int64_t userid, char *workername, bool pool); extern bool make_markersummaries(bool msg, char *by, char *code, char *inet, tv_t *cd, K_TREE *trf_root); extern void dsp_workmarkers(K_ITEM *item, FILE *stream); extern cmp_t cmp_workmarkers(K_ITEM *a, K_ITEM *b); extern cmp_t cmp_workmarkers_workinfoid(K_ITEM *a, K_ITEM *b); extern K_ITEM *find_workmarkers(int64_t workinfoid, bool anystatus, char status, K_TREE_CTX *ctx); extern K_ITEM *find_workmarkerid(int64_t markerid, bool anystatus, char status); extern bool workmarkers_generate(PGconn *conn, char *err, size_t siz, char *by, char *code, char *inet, tv_t *cd, K_TREE *trf_root, bool none_error); extern bool reward_shifts(PAYOUTS *payouts, int delta); extern bool shift_rewards(K_ITEM *wm_item); extern cmp_t cmp_marks(K_ITEM *a, K_ITEM *b); extern K_ITEM *find_marks(int64_t workinfoid); extern const char *marks_marktype(char *marktype); #define marks_description(_description, _siz, _marktype, _height, _shift, _other) \ _marks_description(_description, _siz, _marktype, _height, _shift, _other, WHERE_FFL_HERE) extern bool _marks_description(char *description, size_t siz, char *marktype, int32_t height, char *shift, char *other, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); extern char *shiftcode(tv_t *createdate); extern cmp_t cmp_userinfo(K_ITEM *a, K_ITEM *b); extern K_ITEM *get_userinfo(int64_t userid); #define find_create_userinfo(_userid) _find_create_userinfo(_userid, WHERE_FFL_HERE) extern K_ITEM *_find_create_userinfo(int64_t userid, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); extern void userinfo_update(SHARES *shares, SHARESUMMARY *sharesummary, MARKERSUMMARY *markersummary, bool ss_sub); extern void userinfo_block(BLOCKS *blocks, enum info_type isnew, int delta); // *** // *** PostgreSQL functions ckdb_dbio.c // *** /* These PG/PQ defines need to exist outside ckdb_dbio.c * since external functions can choose to run a single transaction * over a set of dbio functions */ #define PGOK(_res) ((_res) == PGRES_COMMAND_OK || \ (_res) == PGRES_TUPLES_OK || \ (_res) == PGRES_EMPTY_QUERY) #define SQL_UNIQUE_VIOLATION "23505" #define CKPQ_READ true #define CKPQ_WRITE false #define CKPQexec(_conn, _qry, _isread) _CKPQexec(_conn, _qry, _isread, WHERE_FFL_HERE) extern PGresult *_CKPQexec(PGconn *conn, const char *qry, bool isread, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); #define CKPQexecParams(_conn, _qry, _p1, _p2, _p3, _p4, _p5, _p6, _isread) \ _CKPQexecParams(_conn, _qry, _p1, _p2, _p3, _p4, _p5, _p6, \ _isread, WHERE_FFL_HERE) extern PGresult *_CKPQexecParams(PGconn *conn, const char *qry, int nParams, const Oid *paramTypes, const char *const * paramValues, const int *paramLengths, const int *paramFormats, int resultFormat, bool isread, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); // Force use CKPQ... for PQ functions in use #define PQexec CKPQexec #define PQexecParams CKPQexecParams #define PGLOG(__LOG, __str, __rescode, __conn) do { \ char *__buf = pqerrmsg(__conn); \ __LOG("%s(): %s failed (%d) '%s'", __func__, \ __str, (int)rescode, __buf); \ free(__buf); \ } while (0) #define PGLOGERR(_str, _rescode, _conn) PGLOG(LOGERR, _str, _rescode, _conn) #define PGLOGEMERG(_str, _rescode, _conn) PGLOG(LOGEMERG, _str, _rescode, _conn) extern char *pqerrmsg(PGconn *conn); extern bool CKPQConn(PGconn **conn); extern void CKPQDisco(PGconn **conn, bool conned); extern bool _CKPQBegin(PGconn *conn, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); #define CKPQBegin(_conn) _CKPQBegin(conn, WHERE_FFL_HERE) extern void _CKPQEnd(PGconn *conn, bool commit, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); #define CKPQEnd(_conn, _commit) _CKPQEnd(_conn, _commit, WHERE_FFL_HERE) extern int64_t nextid(PGconn *conn, char *idname, int64_t increment, tv_t *cd, char *by, char *code, char *inet); extern bool users_update(PGconn *conn, K_ITEM *u_item, char *oldhash, char *newhash, char *email, char *by, char *code, char *inet, tv_t *cd, K_TREE *trf_root, char *status); extern K_ITEM *users_add(PGconn *conn, char *username, char *emailaddress, char *passwordhash, int64_t userbits, char *by, char *code, char *inet, tv_t *cd, K_TREE *trf_root); extern bool users_replace(PGconn *conn, K_ITEM *u_item, K_ITEM *old_u_item, char *by, char *code, char *inet, tv_t *cd, K_TREE *trf_root); extern bool users_fill(PGconn *conn); extern bool useratts_item_add(PGconn *conn, K_ITEM *ua_item, tv_t *cd, bool begun); extern K_ITEM *useratts_add(PGconn *conn, char *username, char *attname, char *status, char *attstr, char *attstr2, char *attnum, char *attnum2, char *attdate, char *attdate2, char *by, char *code, char *inet, tv_t *cd, K_TREE *trf_root, bool begun); extern bool useratts_item_expire(PGconn *conn, K_ITEM *ua_item, tv_t *cd); extern bool useratts_fill(PGconn *conn); extern K_ITEM *workers_add(PGconn *conn, int64_t userid, char *workername, bool add_ws, char *difficultydefault, char *idlenotificationenabled, char *idlenotificationtime, char *by, char *code, char *inet, tv_t *cd, K_TREE *trf_root); extern bool workers_update(PGconn *conn, K_ITEM *item, char *difficultydefault, char *idlenotificationenabled, char *idlenotificationtime, char *by, char *code, char *inet, tv_t *cd, K_TREE *trf_root, bool check); extern bool workers_fill(PGconn *conn); extern bool paymentaddresses_set(PGconn *conn, int64_t userid, K_LIST *pa_store, char *by, char *code, char *inet, tv_t *cd, K_TREE *trf_root); extern bool paymentaddresses_fill(PGconn *conn); extern void payments_add_ram(bool ok, K_ITEM *mp_item, K_ITEM *old_mp_item, tv_t *cd); extern bool payments_add(PGconn *conn, bool add, K_ITEM *p_item, K_ITEM **old_p_item, char *by, char *code, char *inet, tv_t *cd, K_TREE *trf_root, bool already); extern bool payments_fill(PGconn *conn); extern bool idcontrol_add(PGconn *conn, char *idname, char *idvalue, char *by, char *code, char *inet, tv_t *cd, K_TREE *trf_root); extern K_ITEM *optioncontrol_item_add(PGconn *conn, K_ITEM *oc_item, tv_t *cd, bool begun); extern K_ITEM *optioncontrol_add(PGconn *conn, char *optionname, char *optionvalue, char *activationdate, char *activationheight, char *by, char *code, char *inet, tv_t *cd, K_TREE *trf_root, bool begun); extern bool optioncontrol_fill(PGconn *conn); extern int64_t workinfo_add(PGconn *conn, char *workinfoidstr, char *poolinstance, char *transactiontree, char *merklehash, char *prevhash, char *coinbase1, char *coinbase2, char *version, char *bits, char *ntime, char *reward, char *by, char *code, char *inet, tv_t *cd, bool igndup, K_TREE *trf_root); extern bool workinfo_fill(PGconn *conn); extern bool shares_add(PGconn *conn, char *workinfoid, char *username, char *workername, char *clientid, char *errn, char *enonce1, char *nonce2, char *nonce, char *diff, char *sdiff, char *secondaryuserid, char *by, char *code, char *inet, tv_t *cd, K_TREE *trf_root); extern bool shareerrors_add(PGconn *conn, char *workinfoid, char *username, char *workername, char *clientid, char *errn, char *error, char *secondaryuserid, char *by, char *code, char *inet, tv_t *cd, K_TREE *trf_root); extern bool sharesummaries_to_markersummaries(PGconn *conn, WORKMARKERS *workmarkers, char *by, char *code, char *inet, tv_t *cd, K_TREE *trf_root); extern bool delete_markersummaries(PGconn *conn, WORKMARKERS *wm); extern char *ooo_status(char *buf, size_t siz); #define sharesummary_update(_s_row, _e_row, _by, _code, _inet, _cd) \ _sharesummary_update(_s_row, _e_row, _by, _code, _inet, _cd, \ WHERE_FFL_HERE) extern bool _sharesummary_update(SHARES *s_row, SHAREERRORS *e_row, char *by, char *code, char *inet, tv_t *cd, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); #define sharesummary_age(_ss_item, _by, _code, _inet, _cd) \ _sharesummary_age(_ss_item, _by, _code, _inet, _cd, WHERE_FFL_HERE) extern bool _sharesummary_age(K_ITEM *ss_item, char *by, char *code, char *inet, tv_t *cd, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); extern bool sharesummary_fill(PGconn *conn); extern bool blocks_stats(PGconn *conn, int32_t height, char *blockhash, double diffacc, double diffinv, double shareacc, double shareinv, int64_t elapsed, char *by, char *code, char *inet, tv_t *cd); extern bool blocks_add(PGconn *conn, int32_t height, char *blockhash, char *confirmed, char *info, char *workinfoid, char *username, char *workername, char *clientid, char *enonce1, char *nonce2, char *nonce, char *reward, char *by, char *code, char *inet, tv_t *cd, bool igndup, char *id, K_TREE *trf_root); extern bool blocks_fill(PGconn *conn); extern void miningpayouts_add_ram(bool ok, K_ITEM *mp_item, K_ITEM *old_mp_item, tv_t *cd); extern bool miningpayouts_add(PGconn *conn, bool add, K_ITEM *mp_item, K_ITEM **old_mp_item, char *by, char *code, char *inet, tv_t *cd, K_TREE *trf_root, bool already); extern bool miningpayouts_fill(PGconn *conn); extern void payouts_add_ram(bool ok, K_ITEM *p_item, K_ITEM *old_p_item, tv_t *cd); extern bool payouts_add(PGconn *conn, bool add, K_ITEM *p_item, K_ITEM **old_p_item, char *by, char *code, char *inet, tv_t *cd, K_TREE *trf_root, bool already); extern K_ITEM *payouts_full_expire(PGconn *conn, int64_t payoutid, tv_t *now, bool lock); extern bool payouts_fill(PGconn *conn); extern bool auths_add(PGconn *conn, char *poolinstance, char *username, char *workername, char *clientid, char *enonce1, char *useragent, char *preauth, char *by, char *code, char *inet, tv_t *cd, K_TREE *trf_root, bool addressuser, USERS **users, WORKERS **workers); extern bool poolstats_add(PGconn *conn, bool store, char *poolinstance, char *elapsed, char *users, char *workers, char *hashrate, char *hashrate5m, char *hashrate1hr, char *hashrate24hr, char *by, char *code, char *inet, tv_t *cd, bool igndup, K_TREE *trf_root); extern bool poolstats_fill(PGconn *conn); extern bool userstats_add_db(PGconn *conn, USERSTATS *row); extern bool userstats_add(char *poolinstance, char *elapsed, char *username, char *workername, char *hashrate, char *hashrate5m, char *hashrate1hr, char *hashrate24hr, bool idle, bool eos, char *by, char *code, char *inet, tv_t *cd, K_TREE *trf_root); extern bool workerstats_add(char *poolinstance, char *elapsed, char *username, char *workername, char *hashrate, char *hashrate5m, char *hashrate1hr, char *hashrate24hr, bool idle, char *by, char *code, char *inet, tv_t *cd, K_TREE *trf_root); extern bool userstats_fill(PGconn *conn); extern bool markersummary_add(PGconn *conn, K_ITEM *ms_item, char *by, char *code, char *inet, tv_t *cd, K_TREE *trf_root); extern bool markersummary_fill(PGconn *conn); #define workmarkers_process(_conn, _already, _add, _markerid, _poolinstance, \ _workinfoidend, _workinfoidstart, _description, \ _status, _by, _code, _inet, _cd, _trf_root) \ _workmarkers_process(_conn, _already, _add, _markerid, _poolinstance, \ _workinfoidend, _workinfoidstart, _description, \ _status, _by, _code, _inet, _cd, _trf_root, \ WHERE_FFL_HERE) extern bool _workmarkers_process(PGconn *conn, bool already, bool add, int64_t markerid, char *poolinstance, int64_t workinfoidend, int64_t workinfoidstart, char *description, char *status, char *by, char *code, char *inet, tv_t *cd, K_TREE *trf_root, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); extern bool workmarkers_fill(PGconn *conn); #define marks_process(_conn, _add, _poolinstance, _workinfoid, _description, \ _extra, _marktype, _status, _by, _code, _inet, _cd, \ _trf_root) \ _marks_process(_conn, _add, _poolinstance, _workinfoid, _description, \ _extra, _marktype, _status, _by, _code, _inet, _cd, \ _trf_root, WHERE_FFL_HERE) extern bool _marks_process(PGconn *conn, bool add, char *poolinstance, int64_t workinfoid, char *description, char *extra, char *marktype, char *status, char *by, char *code, char *inet, tv_t *cd, K_TREE *trf_root, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); extern bool marks_fill(PGconn *conn); extern bool check_db_version(PGconn *conn); // *** // *** ckdb_cmd.c // *** // TODO: limit access by having seperate sockets for each #define ACCESS_POOL (1 << 0) #define ACCESS_SYSTEM (1 << 1) #define ACCESS_WEB (1 << 2) #define ACCESS_PROXY (1 << 3) #define ACCESS_CKDB (1 << 4) struct CMDS { enum cmd_values cmd_val; char *cmd_str; bool noid; // doesn't require an id bool createdate; // requires a createdate char *(*func)(PGconn *, char *, char *, tv_t *, char *, char *, char *, tv_t *, K_TREE *); enum seq_num seq; int access; }; extern struct CMDS ckdb_cmds[]; // *** // *** ckdb_btc.c // *** extern bool btc_valid_address(char *addr); extern void btc_blockstatus(BLOCKS *blocks); // *** // *** ckdb_crypt.c // *** #define tob32(_users, _bin, _len, _name, _olen) \ _tob32(_users, _bin, _len, _name, _olen, WHERE_FFL_HERE) extern char *_tob32(USERS *users, unsigned char *bin, size_t len, char *name, size_t olen, WHERE_FFL_ARGS); extern bool gen_data(USERS *users, unsigned char *buf, size_t len, int32_t entropy); extern K_ITEM *gen_2fa_key(K_ITEM *old_u_item, int32_t entropy, char *by, char *code, char *inet, tv_t *cd, K_TREE *trf_root); extern bool check_2fa(USERS *users, int32_t value); extern bool tst_2fa(K_ITEM *old_u_item, int32_t value, char *by, char *code, char *inet, tv_t *cd, K_TREE *trf_root); extern K_ITEM *remove_2fa(K_ITEM *old_u_item, int32_t value, char *by, char *code, char *inet, tv_t *cd, K_TREE *trf_root, bool check); #endif