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Login Failed
'; if (isset($info['u_nopayaddr'])) $top .= '
Please set a payout address on your account!
'; if (isset($info['u_noemail'])) $top .= '
Please set an email address on your account!
'; $top .= '
'; if ($dotop === true) { $lh = ''; $ls = ''; $lw = ''; if (isset($info['now']) && isset($info['lastsh']) && isset($info['lasthb']) && isset($info['lastwi'])) { $lsn = $info['now'] - $info['lastsh']; $lhn = $info['now'] - $info['lasthb']; $lwn = $info['now'] - $info['lastwi']; if ($lsn < 8) $lsc = 'green.png'; else { if ($lsn < 10) $lsc = 'orange.png'; else $lsc = 'red.png'; } if ($lhn < 5) $lhc = 'green.png'; else { if ($lhn < 10) $lhc = 'orange.png'; else $lhc = 'red.png'; } if ($lwn < 36) $lwc = 'green.png'; else { if ($lwn < 46) $lwc = 'orange.png'; else $lwc = 'red.png'; } $img1 = ''; $top .= 'Workers: '; $top .= ' '.$info['workers'].''; $top .= ''; if ($douser === true) { $top .= ''; } $top .= ''; } else $top .= ' '; $top .= '
'; return $top; } # function pgmenu($menus) { $iCrap = isCrap(); $ret = "\n"; $ret .= '
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