<?php # function uset($data, $user, $api, $err) { $pg = '<h1>User Settings</h1>'; if ($err != '') $pg .= "<span class=err>$err<br><br></span>"; $pg .= '<table cellpadding=20 cellspacing=0 border=1>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td><span class=nb>'; $pg .= "<input type=checkbox id=minicb onclick='md(this)'>"; $pg .= 'mini header</span></td></tr>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td><center>'; $pg .= makeForm('userset'); $pg .= '<table cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 border=0>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td>'; if ($api === false) $pg .= "You don't have an API Key setup yet"; else { $pg .= 'Your current API Key is:'; $pg .= '</td></tr><tr class=dc><td>'; $pg .= "<span class=hil>$api</span>"; } $pg .= '</td></tr><tr class=dc><td>'; $pg .= 'Click to generate a new API key'; $pg .= ": <input type=submit name=Change value='API Key'>"; $pg .= '</td></tr>'; if ($api !== false) { $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td> </td></tr>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td>You can access the API via:'; $pg .= '</td></tr><tr class=dc><td>'; $pg .= "<span class=hil>/index.php?k=api&username="; $pg .= htmlspecialchars(urlencode($user)); $pg .= "&api=$api&json=y</span><br>"; $pg .= '</td></tr>'; $pg .= '<tr class=dc><td>You can get your workers via:'; $pg .= '</td></tr><tr class=dc><td>'; $pg .= "<span class=hil>/index.php?k=api&username="; $pg .= htmlspecialchars(urlencode($user)); $pg .= "&api=$api&json=y&work=y</span><br>"; $pg .= '</td></tr>'; } $pg .= '</table></form>'; $pg .= '</center></td></tr>'; $pg .= '</table>'; return $pg; } # function douserset($data, $user) { $err = ''; $chg = getparam('Change', false); $api = false; switch ($chg) { case 'API Key': $ans = getAtts($user, 'KAPIKey.str,KAPIKey.dateexp'); if ($ans['STATUS'] != 'ok') dbdown(); // Should be no other reason? if (isset($ans['KAPIKey.dateexp']) && $ans['KAPIKey.dateexp'] == 'N') { $err = 'You can only change it once a day'; if (isset($ans['KAPIKey.str'])) $api = $ans['KAPIKey.str']; } else { $ran = $ans['STAMP'].$user.rand(100000000,999999999); $api = hash('md4', $ran); $day = 60 * 60 * 24; $ans = setAtts($user, array('ua_KAPIKey.str' => $api, 'ua_KAPIKey.date' => "now+$day")); if ($ans['STATUS'] != 'ok') syserror(); } break; } if ($api === false) { $ans = getAtts($user, 'KAPIKey.str'); if ($ans['STATUS'] != 'ok') dbdown(); // Should be no other reason? if (isset($ans['KAPIKey.str'])) $api = $ans['KAPIKey.str']; } $pg = uset($data, $user, $api, $err); return $pg; } # function show_userset($info, $page, $menu, $name, $user) { gopage($info, NULL, 'douserset', $page, $menu, $name, $user); } # ?>