/* * Copyright 2014-2016 Andrew Smith * Copyright 2014 Con Kolivas * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. See COPYING for more details. */ #include "ckdb.h" #define BTCKEY ((const char *)"result") #define GETBLOCKHASHCMD "getblockhash" #define GETBLOCKHASH "{\"method\":\"" GETBLOCKHASHCMD "\",\"params\":[%d],\"id\":1}" #define GETBLOCKHASHKEY NULL #define GETBLOCKCMD "getblock" #define GETBLOCK "{\"method\":\"" GETBLOCKCMD "\",\"params\":[\"%s\"],\"id\":1}" #define GETBLOCKCONFKEY ((const char *)"confirmations") #define VALIDADDRCMD "validateaddress" #define VALIDADDR "{\"method\":\"" VALIDADDRCMD "\",\"params\":[\"%s\"],\"id\":1}" #define VALIDADDRKEY ((const char *)"isvalid") static char *btc_data(char *json, size_t *len) { size_t off; char tmp[1024]; char *buf; APPEND_REALLOC_INIT(buf, off, *len); APPEND_REALLOC(buf, off, *len, "POST / HTTP/1.1\n"); ck_wlock(&btc_lock); snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "Authorization: Basic %s\n", btc_auth); APPEND_REALLOC(buf, off, *len, tmp); snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "Host: %s/\n", btc_server); ck_wunlock(&btc_lock); APPEND_REALLOC(buf, off, *len, tmp); APPEND_REALLOC(buf, off, *len, "Content-Type: application/json\n"); snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "Content-Length: %d\n\n", (int)strlen(json)); APPEND_REALLOC(buf, off, *len, tmp); APPEND_REALLOC(buf, off, *len, json); return buf; } #define SOCK_READ 8192 static int read_socket(int fd, char **buf, int timeout) { char tmp[SOCK_READ+1]; int ret, off, len; tv_t tv_timeout; fd_set readfs; len = SOCK_READ; *buf = malloc(len+1); if (!(*buf)) quithere(1, "malloc (%d) OOM", len+1); off = 0; while (42) { tv_timeout.tv_sec = timeout; tv_timeout.tv_usec = 0; FD_ZERO(&readfs); FD_SET(fd, &readfs); ret = select(fd + 1, &readfs, NULL, NULL, &tv_timeout); if (ret == 0) break; if (ret < 0) { LOGERR("%s() btc socket select error %d:%s", __func__, errno, strerror(errno)); break; } ret = recv(fd, tmp, SOCK_READ, 0); if (ret == 0) break; if (ret < 0) { LOGERR("%s() btc socket recv error %d:%s", __func__, errno, strerror(errno)); break; } if ((off + ret) > len) { len += SOCK_READ; *buf = realloc(*buf, len + 1); if (!(*buf)) quithere(1, "realloc (%d) OOM", len); } memcpy(*buf + off, tmp, ret); off += ret; } if (close(fd)) { LOGERR("%s() btc socket close error %d:%s", __func__, errno, strerror(errno)); } return off; } #define btc_io(_cmd, _json) _btc_io(_cmd, _json, WHERE_FFL_HERE) static char *_btc_io(__maybe_unused const char *cmd, char *json, WHERE_FFL_ARGS) { char *ip, *port; char *data, *ans, *res, *ptr; int fd, ret, red; size_t len; data = btc_data(json, &len); if (!extract_sockaddr(btc_server, &ip, &port)) { LOGERR("%s() invalid btc server '%s'", __func__, btc_server); return NULL; } fd = connect_socket(ip, port); if (fd < 0) { LOGERR("%s() failed to connect to btc server %s", __func__, btc_server); return NULL; } ret = write_socket(fd, data, len); if (ret != (int)len) { LOGERR("%s() failed to write to btc server %s", __func__, btc_server); return NULL; } red = read_socket(fd, &ans, btc_timeout); ans[red] = '\0'; if (strncasecmp(ans, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK", 15)) { char *text = safe_text(ans); LOGERR("%s() btc server response not ok: %s", __func__, text); free(text); free(ans); res = strdup(EMPTY); } else { ptr = strstr(ans, "\n{"); if (ptr) res = strdup(ptr+1); else res = strdup(EMPTY); free(ans); } return res; } static json_t *single_decode(char *ans, const char *cmd, const char *key) { json_t *json_data, *btc_ob, *json_ob = NULL; json_error_t err_val; if (ans && *ans) { json_data = json_loads(ans, JSON_DISABLE_EOF_CHECK, &err_val); if (!json_data) { char *text = safe_text(ans); LOGERR("%s() Json %s decode error " "json_err=(%d:%d:%d)%s:%s ans='%s'", __func__, cmd, err_val.line, err_val.column, err_val.position, err_val.source, err_val.text, text); free(text); } else { btc_ob = json_object_get(json_data, BTCKEY); if (!btc_ob) { char *text = safe_text(ans); LOGERR("%s() Json %s reply missing main key %s " "ans='%s'", __func__, cmd, key, text); free(text); } else { if (key == NULL) json_ob = btc_ob; else { json_ob = json_object_get(btc_ob, key); if (!json_ob) { char *text = safe_text(ans); LOGERR("%s() Json %s reply missing " "sub-key %s ans='%s'", __func__, cmd, key, text); free(text); } } } } } return json_ob; } static char *single_decode_str(char *ans, const char *cmd, const char *key) { const char *json_str; char *str = NULL; json_t *json_ob; json_ob = single_decode(ans, cmd, key); if (json_ob) { if (!json_is_string(json_ob)) { char *text = safe_text(ans); if (!key) key = BTCKEY; LOGERR("%s() Json %s key %s " "not a string ans='%s'", __func__, cmd, key, text); free(text); } else { json_str = json_string_value(json_ob); if (json_str) str = strdup(json_str); } } return str; } static int64_t single_decode_int(char *ans, const char *cmd, const char *key) { json_t *json_ob; int64_t val = 0; json_ob = single_decode(ans, cmd, key); if (json_ob) { if (!json_is_integer(json_ob)) { char *text = safe_text(ans); if (!key) key = BTCKEY; LOGERR("%s() Json %s key %s " "not an int ans='%s'", __func__, cmd, key, text); free(text); } else val = (int64_t)json_integer_value(json_ob); } return val; } static bool single_decode_bool(char *ans, const char *cmd, const char *key) { json_t *json_ob; int json_typ; bool val = false; json_ob = single_decode(ans, cmd, key); if (json_ob) { json_typ = json_typeof(json_ob); if (json_typ != JSON_TRUE && json_typ != JSON_FALSE) { char *text = safe_text(ans); if (!key) key = BTCKEY; LOGERR("%s() Json %s key %s " "not a bool ans='%s'", __func__, cmd, key, text); free(text); } else { if (json_typ == JSON_TRUE) val = true; } } return val; } static char *btc_blockhash(int32_t height) { char buf[1024]; char *ans; char *hash; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), GETBLOCKHASH, height); ans = btc_io(GETBLOCKHASHCMD, buf); hash = single_decode_str(ans, GETBLOCKHASHCMD, GETBLOCKHASHKEY); free(ans); return hash; } static int32_t btc_confirms(char *hash) { char buf[1024]; char *ans; int32_t conf; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), GETBLOCK, hash); ans = btc_io(GETBLOCKCMD, buf); conf = (int32_t)single_decode_int(ans, GETBLOCKCMD, GETBLOCKCONFKEY); free(ans); return conf; } bool btc_valid_address(char *addr) { char buf[1024]; char *ans; bool valid; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), VALIDADDR, addr); ans = btc_io(VALIDADDRCMD, buf); valid = single_decode_bool(ans, VALIDADDRCMD, VALIDADDRKEY); free(ans); return valid; } // Check orphan, returns true only if all OK and not an orphan bool btc_orphancheck(BLOCKS *blocks) { char hash[TXT_BIG+1]; char *blockhash; size_t len; tv_t now; bool ok; LOGDEBUG("%s() checking %d %s", __func__, blocks->height, blocks->blockhash); if (blocks->ignore) return false; len = strlen(blocks->blockhash); if (len != SHA256SIZHEX) { LOGERR("%s() invalid blockhash size %d (%d) for block %d", __func__, (int)len, SHA256SIZHEX, blocks->height); /* So we don't keep repeating the message * This should never happen */ blocks->ignore = true; return false; } dbhash2btchash(blocks->blockhash, hash, sizeof(hash)); blockhash = btc_blockhash(blocks->height); // Something's amiss - let it try again later if (!blockhash) return false; if (strlen(blockhash) != SHA256SIZHEX) { free(blockhash); return false; } if (strcmp(blockhash, hash) != 0) { LOGERR("%s() flagging block %d as %s pool=%s btc=%s", __func__, blocks->height, blocks_confirmed(BLOCKS_ORPHAN_STR), hash, blockhash); setnow(&now); ok = blocks_add(NULL, blocks->height, blocks->blockhash, BLOCKS_ORPHAN_STR, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, by_default, (char *)__func__, inet_default, &now, false, id_default, NULL); if (!ok) blocks->ignore = true; free(blockhash); return false; } free(blockhash); return true; } // Check to update confirm count void btc_blockstatus(BLOCKS *blocks) { char hash[TXT_BIG+1]; char *blockhash; int32_t confirms; size_t len; tv_t now; bool ok; LOGDEBUG("%s() checking %d %s", __func__, blocks->height, blocks->blockhash); // Caller must check this to avoid resending it every time if (blocks->ignore) { LOGERR("%s() ignored block %d passed", __func__, blocks->height); return; } len = strlen(blocks->blockhash); if (len != SHA256SIZHEX) { LOGERR("%s() invalid blockhash size %d (%d) for block %d", __func__, (int)len, SHA256SIZHEX, blocks->height); /* So we don't keep repeating the message * This should never happen */ blocks->ignore = true; return; } dbhash2btchash(blocks->blockhash, hash, sizeof(hash)); blockhash = btc_blockhash(blocks->height); // Something's amiss - let it try again later if (!blockhash) return; if (strlen(blockhash) != SHA256SIZHEX) { free(blockhash); return; } confirms = btc_confirms(hash); if (confirms >= BLOCKS_42_VALUE) { LOGERR("%s() flagging block %d as %s confirms=%d(%d)", __func__, blocks->height, blocks_confirmed(BLOCKS_42_STR), confirms, BLOCKS_42_VALUE); setnow(&now); ok = blocks_add(NULL, blocks->height, blocks->blockhash, BLOCKS_42_STR, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, by_default, (char *)__func__, inet_default, &now, false, id_default, NULL); if (!ok) blocks->ignore = true; } free(blockhash); }