/* * Copyright 2014-2015 Con Kolivas * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. See COPYING for more details. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "ckpool.h" #include "libckpool.h" #include "generator.h" #include "bitcoin.h" #include "uthash.h" #include "utlist.h" struct notify_instance { /* Hash table data */ UT_hash_handle hh; int id; char prevhash[68]; char *jobid; char *coinbase1; char *coinbase2; int coinb1len; int merkles; char merklehash[16][68]; char nbit[12]; char ntime[12]; char bbversion[12]; bool clean; time_t notify_time; }; typedef struct notify_instance notify_instance_t; struct share_msg { UT_hash_handle hh; int64_t id; // Our own id for submitting upstream int client_id; int msg_id; // Stratum message id from client time_t submit_time; }; typedef struct share_msg share_msg_t; struct stratum_msg { struct stratum_msg *next; struct stratum_msg *prev; json_t *json_msg; int client_id; }; typedef struct stratum_msg stratum_msg_t; struct pass_msg { connsock_t *cs; char *msg; }; typedef struct pass_msg pass_msg_t; typedef struct proxy_instance proxy_instance_t; /* Per proxied pool instance data */ struct proxy_instance { UT_hash_handle hh; ckpool_t *ckp; connsock_t *cs; server_instance_t *si; bool passthrough; int id; /* Proxy server id, or subproxy id if this is a subproxy */ const char *auth; const char *pass; char *enonce1; char *enonce1bin; int nonce1len; char *sessionid; int nonce2len; tv_t last_message; double diff; tv_t last_share; bool no_sessionid; /* Doesn't support session id resume on subscribe */ bool no_params; /* Doesn't want any parameters on subscribe */ bool reconnect; /* We need to drop and reconnect */ bool alive; pthread_mutex_t notify_lock; notify_instance_t *notify_instances; notify_instance_t *current_notify; pthread_t pth_precv; pthread_t pth_psend; pthread_mutex_t psend_lock; pthread_cond_t psend_cond; stratum_msg_t *psends; pthread_mutex_t share_lock; share_msg_t *shares; int64_t share_id; ckmsgq_t *passsends; // passthrough sends char_entry_t *recvd_lines; /* Linked list of unprocessed messages */ time_t reconnect_time; pthread_mutex_t proxy_lock; /* Lock protecting hashlist of proxies */ int64_t clients_per_proxy; /* How many clients can connect to each subproxy */ int64_t client_headroom; /* How many more clients can we connect */ proxy_instance_t *proxy; /* Parent proxy of subproxies */ proxy_instance_t *subproxies; /* Hashlist of subproxies of this proxy */ int subproxy_count; /* Number of subproxies */ }; /* Private data for the generator */ struct generator_data { pthread_mutex_t lock; /* Lock protecting linked lists */ proxy_instance_t *proxies; /* Hash list of all proxies */ proxy_instance_t *proxy; /* Current proxy */ int proxy_notify_id; // Globally increasing notify id ckmsgq_t *srvchk; // Server check message queue }; typedef struct generator_data gdata_t; static bool server_alive(ckpool_t *ckp, server_instance_t *si, bool pinging) { char *userpass = NULL; bool ret = false; connsock_t *cs; gbtbase_t *gbt; cs = &si->cs; /* Has this server already been reconnected? */ if (cs->fd > 0) return true; if (!extract_sockaddr(si->url, &cs->url, &cs->port)) { LOGWARNING("Failed to extract address from %s", si->url); return ret; } userpass = strdup(si->auth); realloc_strcat(&userpass, ":"); realloc_strcat(&userpass, si->pass); cs->auth = http_base64(userpass); dealloc(userpass); if (!cs->auth) { LOGWARNING("Failed to create base64 auth from %s", userpass); return ret; } cs->fd = connect_socket(cs->url, cs->port); if (cs->fd < 0) { if (!pinging) LOGWARNING("Failed to connect socket to %s:%s !", cs->url, cs->port); return ret; } /* Test we can connect, authorise and get a block template */ gbt = ckzalloc(sizeof(gbtbase_t)); si->data = gbt; if (!gen_gbtbase(cs, gbt)) { if (!pinging) { LOGINFO("Failed to get test block template from %s:%s!", cs->url, cs->port); } goto out; } clear_gbtbase(gbt); if (!validate_address(cs, ckp->btcaddress)) { LOGWARNING("Invalid btcaddress: %s !", ckp->btcaddress); goto out; } ret = true; out: if (!ret) { /* Close and invalidate the file handle */ Close(cs->fd); } else keep_sockalive(cs->fd); return ret; } /* Find the highest priority server alive and return it */ static server_instance_t *live_server(ckpool_t *ckp) { server_instance_t *alive = NULL; connsock_t *cs; int i; LOGDEBUG("Attempting to connect to bitcoind"); retry: if (!ping_main(ckp)) goto out; for (i = 0; i < ckp->btcds; i++) { server_instance_t *si = ckp->servers[i]; if (server_alive(ckp, si, false)) { alive = si; break; } } if (!alive) { LOGWARNING("CRITICAL: No bitcoinds active!"); sleep(5); goto retry; } cs = &alive->cs; LOGINFO("Connected to live server %s:%s", cs->url, cs->port); out: send_proc(ckp->connector, alive ? "accept" : "reject"); return alive; } static void kill_server(server_instance_t *si) { connsock_t *cs; if (!si) // This shouldn't happen return; LOGNOTICE("Killing server"); cs = &si->cs; Close(cs->fd); empty_buffer(cs); dealloc(cs->url); dealloc(cs->port); dealloc(cs->auth); dealloc(si->data); } static int gen_loop(proc_instance_t *pi) { int sockd = -1, ret = 0, selret; server_instance_t *si = NULL; bool reconnecting = false; unixsock_t *us = &pi->us; ckpool_t *ckp = pi->ckp; gdata_t *gdata = ckp->data; bool started = false; char *buf = NULL; connsock_t *cs; gbtbase_t *gbt; char hash[68]; reconnect: Close(sockd); if (si) { kill_server(si); reconnecting = true; } si = live_server(ckp); if (!si) goto out; gbt = si->data; cs = &si->cs; if (reconnecting) { LOGWARNING("Failed over to bitcoind: %s:%s", cs->url, cs->port); reconnecting = false; } retry: Close(sockd); ckmsgq_add(gdata->srvchk, si); do { selret = wait_read_select(us->sockd, 5); if (!selret && !ping_main(ckp)) { LOGEMERG("Generator failed to ping main process, exiting"); ret = 1; goto out; } } while (selret < 1); if (unlikely(cs->fd < 0)) { LOGWARNING("Bitcoind socket invalidated, will attempt failover"); goto reconnect; } sockd = accept(us->sockd, NULL, NULL); if (sockd < 0) { LOGEMERG("Failed to accept on generator socket"); ret = 1; goto out; } dealloc(buf); buf = recv_unix_msg(sockd); if (!buf) { LOGWARNING("Failed to get message in gen_loop"); goto retry; } LOGDEBUG("Generator received request: %s", buf); if (cmdmatch(buf, "shutdown")) { ret = 0; goto out; } if (cmdmatch(buf, "getbase")) { if (!gen_gbtbase(cs, gbt)) { LOGWARNING("Failed to get block template from %s:%s", cs->url, cs->port); send_unix_msg(sockd, "Failed"); goto reconnect; } else { char *s = json_dumps(gbt->json, JSON_NO_UTF8); send_unix_msg(sockd, s); free(s); clear_gbtbase(gbt); } } else if (cmdmatch(buf, "getbest")) { if (si->notify) send_unix_msg(sockd, "notify"); else if (!get_bestblockhash(cs, hash)) { LOGINFO("No best block hash support from %s:%s", cs->url, cs->port); send_unix_msg(sockd, "failed"); } else { if (unlikely(!started)) { started = true; LOGWARNING("%s generator ready", ckp->name); } send_unix_msg(sockd, hash); } } else if (cmdmatch(buf, "getlast")) { int height; if (si->notify) send_unix_msg(sockd, "notify"); else if ((height = get_blockcount(cs)) == -1) { send_unix_msg(sockd, "failed"); goto reconnect; } else { LOGDEBUG("Height: %d", height); if (!get_blockhash(cs, height, hash)) { send_unix_msg(sockd, "failed"); goto reconnect; } else { if (unlikely(!started)) { started = true; LOGWARNING("%s generator ready", ckp->name); } send_unix_msg(sockd, hash); LOGDEBUG("Hash: %s", hash); } } } else if (cmdmatch(buf, "submitblock:")) { char blockmsg[80]; bool ret; LOGNOTICE("Submitting block data!"); ret = submit_block(cs, buf + 12 + 64 + 1); memset(buf + 12 + 64, 0, 1); sprintf(blockmsg, "%sblock:%s", ret ? "" : "no", buf + 12); send_proc(ckp->stratifier, blockmsg); } else if (cmdmatch(buf, "checkaddr:")) { if (validate_address(cs, buf + 10)) send_unix_msg(sockd, "true"); else send_unix_msg(sockd, "false"); } else if (cmdmatch(buf, "reconnect")) { goto reconnect; } else if (cmdmatch(buf, "loglevel")) { sscanf(buf, "loglevel=%d", &ckp->loglevel); } else if (cmdmatch(buf, "ping")) { LOGDEBUG("Generator received ping request"); send_unix_msg(sockd, "pong"); } goto retry; out: kill_server(si); dealloc(buf); return ret; } static bool send_json_msg(connsock_t *cs, json_t *json_msg) { int len, sent; char *s; s = json_dumps(json_msg, JSON_ESCAPE_SLASH | JSON_EOL); LOGDEBUG("Sending json msg: %s", s); len = strlen(s); sent = write_socket(cs->fd, s, len); dealloc(s); if (sent != len) { LOGWARNING("Failed to send %d bytes sent %d in send_json_msg", len, sent); return false; } return true; } static bool connect_proxy(connsock_t *cs) { cs->fd = connect_socket(cs->url, cs->port); if (cs->fd < 0) { LOGINFO("Failed to connect socket to %s:%s in connect_proxy", cs->url, cs->port); return false; } keep_sockalive(cs->fd); return true; } /* Decode a string that should have a json message and return just the contents * of the result key or NULL. */ static json_t *json_result(json_t *val) { json_t *res_val = NULL, *err_val; res_val = json_object_get(val, "result"); /* (null) is a valid result while no value is an error, so mask out * (null) and only handle lack of result */ if (json_is_null(res_val)) res_val = NULL; else if (!res_val) { char *ss; err_val = json_object_get(val, "error"); if (err_val) ss = json_dumps(err_val, 0); else ss = strdup("(unknown reason)"); LOGWARNING("JSON-RPC decode failed: %s", ss); free(ss); } return res_val; } /* Return the error value if one exists */ static json_t *json_errval(json_t *val) { json_t *err_val = json_object_get(val, "error"); return err_val; } /* Parse a string and return the json value it contains, if any, and the * result in res_val. Return NULL if no result key is found. */ static json_t *json_msg_result(char *msg, json_t **res_val, json_t **err_val) { json_error_t err; json_t *val; *res_val = NULL; val = json_loads(msg, 0, &err); if (!val) { LOGWARNING("Json decode failed(%d): %s", err.line, err.text); goto out; } *res_val = json_result(val); *err_val = json_errval(val); out: return val; } /* For some reason notify is buried at various different array depths so use * a reentrant function to try and find it. */ static json_t *find_notify(json_t *val) { int arr_size, i; json_t *ret = NULL; const char *entry; if (!json_is_array(val)) return NULL; arr_size = json_array_size(val); entry = json_string_value(json_array_get(val, 0)); if (cmdmatch(entry, "mining.notify")) return val; for (i = 0; i < arr_size; i++) { json_t *arr_val; arr_val = json_array_get(val, i); ret = find_notify(arr_val); if (ret) break; } return ret; } /* Get stored line in the proxy linked list of messages if any exist or NULL */ static char *cached_proxy_line(proxy_instance_t *proxi) { char *buf = NULL; if (proxi->recvd_lines) { char_entry_t *char_t = proxi->recvd_lines; DL_DELETE(proxi->recvd_lines, char_t); buf = char_t->buf; free(char_t); } return buf; } /* Get next line in the proxy linked list of messages or a new line from the * connsock if there are none. */ static char *next_proxy_line(connsock_t *cs, proxy_instance_t *proxi) { char *buf = cached_proxy_line(proxi); if (!buf && read_socket_line(cs, 5) > 0) buf = strdup(cs->buf); return buf; } /* For appending a line to the proxy recv list */ static void append_proxy_line(proxy_instance_t *proxi, const char *buf) { char_entry_t *char_t = ckalloc(sizeof(char_entry_t)); char_t->buf = strdup(buf); DL_APPEND(proxi->recvd_lines, char_t); } /* Get a new line from the connsock and return a copy of it */ static char *new_proxy_line(connsock_t *cs) { char *buf = NULL; if (read_socket_line(cs, 5) < 1) goto out; buf = strdup(cs->buf); out: return buf; } static bool parse_subscribe(connsock_t *cs, proxy_instance_t *proxi) { json_t *val = NULL, *res_val, *notify_val, *tmp; bool parsed, ret = false; int retries = 0, size; const char *string; char *buf, *old; retry: parsed = true; if (!(buf = new_proxy_line(cs))) { LOGNOTICE("Proxy %d:%s failed to receive line in parse_subscribe", proxi->id, proxi->si->url); goto out; } LOGDEBUG("parse_subscribe received %s", buf); /* Ignore err_val here stored in &tmp */ val = json_msg_result(buf, &res_val, &tmp); if (!val || !res_val) { LOGINFO("Failed to get a json result in parse_subscribe, got: %s", buf); parsed = false; } if (!json_is_array(res_val)) { LOGINFO("Result in parse_subscribe not an array"); parsed = false; } size = json_array_size(res_val); if (size < 3) { LOGINFO("Result in parse_subscribe array too small"); parsed = false; } notify_val = find_notify(res_val); if (!notify_val) { LOGINFO("Failed to find notify in parse_subscribe"); parsed = false; } if (!parsed) { if (++retries < 3) { /* We don't want this response so put it on the proxy * recvd list to be parsed later */ append_proxy_line(proxi, buf); buf = NULL; goto retry; } LOGNOTICE("Proxy %d:%s failed to parse subscribe response in parse_subscribe", proxi->id, proxi->si->url); goto out; } /* Free up old data in place if we are re-subscribing */ old = proxi->sessionid; proxi->sessionid = NULL; if (!proxi->no_params && !proxi->no_sessionid && json_array_size(notify_val) > 1) { /* Copy the session id if one exists. */ string = json_string_value(json_array_get(notify_val, 1)); if (string) proxi->sessionid = strdup(string); } free(old); tmp = json_array_get(res_val, 1); if (!tmp || !json_is_string(tmp)) { LOGWARNING("Failed to parse enonce1 in parse_subscribe"); goto out; } string = json_string_value(tmp); old = proxi->enonce1; proxi->enonce1 = strdup(string); free(old); proxi->nonce1len = strlen(proxi->enonce1) / 2; if (proxi->nonce1len > 15) { LOGWARNING("Nonce1 too long at %d", proxi->nonce1len); goto out; } old = proxi->enonce1bin; proxi->enonce1bin = ckalloc(proxi->nonce1len); free(old); hex2bin(proxi->enonce1bin, proxi->enonce1, proxi->nonce1len); tmp = json_array_get(res_val, 2); if (!tmp || !json_is_integer(tmp)) { LOGWARNING("Failed to parse nonce2len in parse_subscribe"); goto out; } size = json_integer_value(tmp); if (size < 1 || size > 8) { LOGWARNING("Invalid nonce2len %d in parse_subscribe", size); goto out; } if (size < 3) { LOGWARNING("Proxy %d:%s Nonce2 length %d too small to be able to proxy", proxi->id, proxi->si->url, size); goto out; } proxi->nonce2len = size; if (proxi->proxy == proxi) { /* Set the number of clients per proxy on the parent proxy */ proxi->clients_per_proxy = 1ll << ((size - 3) * 8); LOGNOTICE("Proxy %d:%s clients per proxy: %"PRId64, proxi->id, proxi->si->url, proxi->clients_per_proxy); } LOGINFO("Found notify with enonce %s nonce2len %d", proxi->enonce1, proxi->nonce2len); ret = true; out: if (val) json_decref(val); free(buf); return ret; } static bool subscribe_stratum(connsock_t *cs, proxy_instance_t *proxi) { bool ret = false; json_t *req; retry: /* Attempt to reconnect if the pool supports resuming */ if (proxi->sessionid) { JSON_CPACK(req, "{s:i,s:s,s:[s,s]}", "id", 0, "method", "mining.subscribe", "params", PACKAGE"/"VERSION, proxi->sessionid); /* Then attempt to connect with just the client description */ } else if (!proxi->no_params) { JSON_CPACK(req, "{s:i,s:s,s:[s]}", "id", 0, "method", "mining.subscribe", "params", PACKAGE"/"VERSION); /* Then try without any parameters */ } else { JSON_CPACK(req, "{s:i,s:s,s:[]}", "id", 0, "method", "mining.subscribe", "params"); } ret = send_json_msg(cs, req); json_decref(req); if (!ret) { LOGNOTICE("Proxy %d:%s failed to send message in subscribe_stratum", proxi->id, proxi->si->url); goto out; } ret = parse_subscribe(cs, proxi); if (ret) goto out; if (proxi->no_params) { LOGNOTICE("Proxy %d:%s failed all subscription options in subscribe_stratum", proxi->id, proxi->si->url); goto out; } if (proxi->sessionid) { LOGINFO("Proxy %d:%s failed sessionid reconnect in subscribe_stratum, retrying without", proxi->id, proxi->si->url); proxi->no_sessionid = true; dealloc(proxi->sessionid); } else { LOGINFO("Proxy %d:%s failed connecting with parameters in subscribe_stratum, retrying without", proxi->id, proxi->si->url); proxi->no_params = true; } ret = connect_proxy(cs); if (!ret) { LOGNOTICE("Proxy %d:%s failed to reconnect in subscribe_stratum", proxi->id, proxi->si->url); goto out; } goto retry; out: if (!ret) Close(cs->fd); return ret; } static bool passthrough_stratum(connsock_t *cs, proxy_instance_t *proxi) { json_t *req, *val = NULL, *res_val, *err_val; bool ret = false; JSON_CPACK(req, "{s:s,s:[s]}", "method", "mining.passthrough", "params", PACKAGE"/"VERSION); ret = send_json_msg(cs, req); json_decref(req); if (!ret) { LOGWARNING("Failed to send message in passthrough_stratum"); goto out; } if (read_socket_line(cs, 5) < 1) { LOGWARNING("Failed to receive line in passthrough_stratum"); goto out; } /* Ignore err_val here since we should always get a result from an * upstream passthrough server */ val = json_msg_result(cs->buf, &res_val, &err_val); if (!val || !res_val) { LOGWARNING("Failed to get a json result in passthrough_stratum, got: %s", cs->buf); goto out; } ret = json_is_true(res_val); if (!ret) { LOGWARNING("Denied passthrough for stratum"); goto out; } proxi->passthrough = true; out: if (val) json_decref(val); if (!ret) Close(cs->fd); return ret; } static bool parse_notify(proxy_instance_t *proxi, json_t *val) { const char *prev_hash, *bbversion, *nbit, *ntime; proxy_instance_t *proxy = proxi->proxy; char *job_id, *coinbase1, *coinbase2; gdata_t *gdata = proxi->ckp->data; bool clean, ret = false; notify_instance_t *ni; int merkles, i; json_t *arr; arr = json_array_get(val, 4); if (!arr || !json_is_array(arr)) goto out; merkles = json_array_size(arr); job_id = json_array_string(val, 0); prev_hash = __json_array_string(val, 1); coinbase1 = json_array_string(val, 2); coinbase2 = json_array_string(val, 3); bbversion = __json_array_string(val, 5); nbit = __json_array_string(val, 6); ntime = __json_array_string(val, 7); clean = json_is_true(json_array_get(val, 8)); if (!job_id || !prev_hash || !coinbase1 || !coinbase2 || !bbversion || !nbit || !ntime) { if (job_id) free(job_id); if (coinbase1) free(coinbase1); if (coinbase2) free(coinbase2); goto out; } LOGDEBUG("New notify"); ni = ckzalloc(sizeof(notify_instance_t)); ni->jobid = job_id; LOGDEBUG("Job ID %s", job_id); ni->coinbase1 = coinbase1; LOGDEBUG("Coinbase1 %s", coinbase1); ni->coinb1len = strlen(coinbase1) / 2; ni->coinbase2 = coinbase2; LOGDEBUG("Coinbase2 %s", coinbase2); memcpy(ni->prevhash, prev_hash, 65); LOGDEBUG("Prevhash %s", prev_hash); memcpy(ni->bbversion, bbversion, 9); LOGDEBUG("BBVersion %s", bbversion); memcpy(ni->nbit, nbit, 9); LOGDEBUG("Nbit %s", nbit); memcpy(ni->ntime, ntime, 9); LOGDEBUG("Ntime %s", ntime); ni->clean = clean; LOGDEBUG("Clean %s", clean ? "true" : "false"); LOGDEBUG("Merkles %d", merkles); for (i = 0; i < merkles; i++) { const char *merkle = __json_array_string(arr, i); LOGDEBUG("Merkle %d %s", i, merkle); memcpy(&ni->merklehash[i][0], merkle, 65); } ni->merkles = merkles; ret = true; ni->notify_time = time(NULL); /* Add the notify instance to the parent proxy list, not the subproxy */ mutex_lock(&proxy->notify_lock); ni->id = gdata->proxy_notify_id++; HASH_ADD_INT(proxy->notify_instances, id, ni); /* Now set the subproxy's current notify to this */ proxi->current_notify = ni; mutex_unlock(&proxy->notify_lock); out: return ret; } static bool parse_diff(proxy_instance_t *proxi, json_t *val) { double diff = json_number_value(json_array_get(val, 0)); if (diff == 0 || diff == proxi->diff) return true; proxi->diff = diff; return true; } static bool send_version(proxy_instance_t *proxi, json_t *val) { json_t *json_msg, *id_val = json_object_dup(val, "id"); connsock_t *cs = proxi->cs; bool ret; JSON_CPACK(json_msg, "{sossso}", "id", id_val, "result", PACKAGE"/"VERSION, "error", json_null()); ret = send_json_msg(cs, json_msg); json_decref(json_msg); return ret; } static bool show_message(json_t *val) { const char *msg; if (!json_is_array(val)) return false; msg = json_string_value(json_array_get(val, 0)); if (!msg) return false; LOGNOTICE("Pool message: %s", msg); return true; } static bool send_pong(proxy_instance_t *proxi, json_t *val) { json_t *json_msg, *id_val = json_object_dup(val, "id"); connsock_t *cs = proxi->cs; bool ret; JSON_CPACK(json_msg, "{sossso}", "id", id_val, "result", "pong", "error", json_null()); ret = send_json_msg(cs, json_msg); json_decref(json_msg); return ret; } static void prepare_proxy(proxy_instance_t *proxi); static bool parse_reconnect(proxy_instance_t *proxi, json_t *val) { server_instance_t *newsi, *si = proxi->si; proxy_instance_t *newproxi; ckpool_t *ckp = proxi->ckp; gdata_t *gdata = ckp->data; const char *new_url; bool ret = false; int new_port; char *url; new_url = json_string_value(json_array_get(val, 0)); new_port = json_integer_value(json_array_get(val, 1)); /* See if we have an invalid entry listing port as a string instead of * integer and handle that. */ if (!new_port) { const char *newport_string = json_string_value(json_array_get(val, 1)); if (newport_string) sscanf(newport_string, "%d", &new_port); } if (new_url && strlen(new_url) && new_port) { char *dot_pool, *dot_reconnect; int len; dot_pool = strchr(si->url, '.'); if (!dot_pool) { LOGWARNING("Denied stratum reconnect request from server without domain %s", si->url); goto out; } dot_reconnect = strchr(new_url, '.'); if (!dot_reconnect) { LOGWARNING("Denied stratum reconnect request to url without domain %s", new_url); goto out; } len = strlen(dot_reconnect); if (strncmp(dot_pool, dot_reconnect, len)) { LOGWARNING("Denied stratum reconnect request from %s to non-matching domain %s", si->url, new_url); goto out; } ASPRINTF(&url, "%s:%d", new_url, new_port); } else url = strdup(si->url); LOGINFO("Processing reconnect request to %s", url); ret = true; newsi = ckzalloc(sizeof(server_instance_t)); mutex_lock(&gdata->lock); HASH_DEL(gdata->proxies, proxi); newsi->id = si->id; /* Inherit the old connection's id */ si->id = ckp->proxies++; /* Give the old connection the lowest id */ ckp->servers = realloc(ckp->servers, sizeof(server_instance_t *) * ckp->proxies); ckp->servers[newsi->id] = newsi; newsi->url = url; newsi->auth = strdup(si->auth); newsi->pass = strdup(si->pass); proxi->reconnect = true; newproxi = ckzalloc(sizeof(proxy_instance_t)); newsi->data = newproxi; newproxi->auth = newsi->auth; newproxi->pass = newsi->pass; newproxi->si = newsi; newproxi->ckp = ckp; newproxi->cs = &newsi->cs; newproxi->cs->ckp = ckp; newproxi->id = newsi->id; HASH_ADD_INT(gdata->proxies, id, proxi); HASH_ADD_INT(gdata->proxies, id, newproxi); mutex_unlock(&gdata->lock); prepare_proxy(newproxi); out: return ret; } static void send_diff(ckpool_t *ckp, proxy_instance_t *proxi) { proxy_instance_t *proxy = proxi->proxy; json_t *json_msg; char *msg, *buf; /* Master proxy, we don't use this for work */ if (proxi == proxy) return; JSON_CPACK(json_msg, "{sisisf}", "proxy", proxy->id, "subproxy", proxi->id, "diff", proxi->diff); msg = json_dumps(json_msg, JSON_NO_UTF8); json_decref(json_msg); ASPRINTF(&buf, "diff=%s", msg); free(msg); send_proc(ckp->stratifier, buf); free(buf); } static void send_notify(ckpool_t *ckp, proxy_instance_t *proxi) { proxy_instance_t *proxy = proxi->proxy; json_t *json_msg, *merkle_arr; notify_instance_t *ni; char *msg, *buf; int i; /* Master proxy, we don't use this for work */ if (proxi == proxy) return; merkle_arr = json_array(); mutex_lock(&proxy->notify_lock); ni = proxi->current_notify; if (unlikely(!ni)) { mutex_unlock(&proxy->notify_lock); LOGNOTICE("Proxi %d not ready to send notify", proxi->id); return; } for (i = 0; i < ni->merkles; i++) json_array_append_new(merkle_arr, json_string(&ni->merklehash[i][0])); /* Use our own jobid instead of the server's one for easy lookup */ JSON_CPACK(json_msg, "{sisisisssisssssosssssssb}", "proxy", proxy->id, "subproxy", proxi->id, "jobid", ni->id, "prevhash", ni->prevhash, "coinb1len", ni->coinb1len, "coinbase1", ni->coinbase1, "coinbase2", ni->coinbase2, "merklehash", merkle_arr, "bbversion", ni->bbversion, "nbit", ni->nbit, "ntime", ni->ntime, "clean", ni->clean); mutex_unlock(&proxy->notify_lock); msg = json_dumps(json_msg, JSON_NO_UTF8); json_decref(json_msg); ASPRINTF(&buf, "notify=%s", msg); free(msg); send_proc(ckp->stratifier, buf); free(buf); /* Send diff now as stratifier will not accept diff till it has a * valid workbase */ send_diff(ckp, proxi); } static bool parse_method(ckpool_t *ckp, proxy_instance_t *proxi, const char *msg) { json_t *val = NULL, *method, *err_val, *params; json_error_t err; bool ret = false; const char *buf; memset(&err, 0, sizeof(err)); val = json_loads(msg, 0, &err); if (!val) { LOGWARNING("JSON decode failed(%d): %s", err.line, err.text); goto out; } method = json_object_get(val, "method"); if (!method) { LOGDEBUG("Failed to find method in json for parse_method"); goto out; } err_val = json_object_get(val, "error"); params = json_object_get(val, "params"); if (err_val && !json_is_null(err_val)) { char *ss; if (err_val) ss = json_dumps(err_val, 0); else ss = strdup("(unknown reason)"); LOGINFO("JSON-RPC method decode failed: %s", ss); free(ss); goto out; } if (!json_is_string(method)) { LOGINFO("Method is not string in parse_method"); goto out; } buf = json_string_value(method); if (!buf || strlen(buf) < 1) { LOGINFO("Invalid string for method in parse_method"); goto out; } if (cmdmatch(buf, "mining.notify")) { ret = parse_notify(proxi, params); if (ret) send_notify(ckp, proxi); goto out; } if (cmdmatch(buf, "mining.set_difficulty")) { ret = parse_diff(proxi, params); if (likely(ret)) send_diff(ckp, proxi); goto out; } if (cmdmatch(buf, "client.reconnect")) { ret = parse_reconnect(proxi, params); goto out; } if (cmdmatch(buf, "client.get_version")) { ret = send_version(proxi, val); goto out; } if (cmdmatch(buf, "client.show_message")) { ret = show_message(params); goto out; } if (cmdmatch(buf, "mining.ping")) { ret = send_pong(proxi, val); goto out; } out: if (val) json_decref(val); return ret; } static bool auth_stratum(ckpool_t *ckp, connsock_t *cs, proxy_instance_t *proxi) { json_t *val = NULL, *res_val, *req, *err_val; char *buf = NULL; bool ret; JSON_CPACK(req, "{s:i,s:s,s:[s,s]}", "id", 42, "method", "mining.authorize", "params", proxi->auth, proxi->pass); ret = send_json_msg(cs, req); json_decref(req); if (!ret) { LOGNOTICE("Proxy %d:%s failed to send message in auth_stratum", proxi->id, proxi->si->url); Close(cs->fd); goto out; } /* Read and parse any extra methods sent. Anything left in the buffer * should be the response to our auth request. */ do { free(buf); buf = next_proxy_line(cs, proxi); if (!buf) { LOGNOTICE("Proxy %d:%s failed to receive line in auth_stratum", proxi->id, proxi->si->url); ret = false; goto out; } ret = parse_method(ckp, proxi, buf); } while (ret); val = json_msg_result(buf, &res_val, &err_val); if (!val) { LOGWARNING("Proxy %d:%s failed to get a json result in auth_stratum, got: %s", proxi->id, proxi->si->url, buf); goto out; } if (err_val && !json_is_null(err_val)) { LOGWARNING("Proxy %d:%s failed to authorise in auth_stratum due to err_val, got: %s", proxi->id, proxi->si->url, buf); goto out; } if (res_val) { ret = json_is_true(res_val); if (!ret) { LOGWARNING("Proxy %d:%s failed to authorise in auth_stratum", proxi->id, proxi->si->url); goto out; } } else { /* No result and no error but successful val means auth success */ ret = true; } LOGINFO("Proxy %d:%s auth success in auth_stratum", proxi->id, proxi->si->url); out: if (val) json_decref(val); if (ret) { /* Now parse any cached responses so there are none in the * queue and they can be managed one at a time from now on. */ while(42) { dealloc(buf); buf = cached_proxy_line(proxi); if (!buf) break; parse_method(ckp, proxi, buf); }; } return ret; } static proxy_instance_t *proxy_by_id(gdata_t *gdata, const int id) { proxy_instance_t *proxi; mutex_lock(&gdata->lock); HASH_FIND_INT(gdata->proxies, &id, proxi); mutex_unlock(&gdata->lock); return proxi; } static void send_subscribe(ckpool_t *ckp, proxy_instance_t *proxi) { json_t *json_msg; char *msg, *buf; /* Master proxy, we don't use this for work */ if (proxi == proxi->proxy) return; JSON_CPACK(json_msg, "{sisisssi}", "proxy", proxi->proxy->id, "subproxy", proxi->id, "enonce1", proxi->enonce1, "nonce2len", proxi->nonce2len); msg = json_dumps(json_msg, JSON_NO_UTF8); json_decref(json_msg); ASPRINTF(&buf, "subscribe=%s", msg); free(msg); send_proc(ckp->stratifier, buf); free(buf); } static proxy_instance_t *subproxy_by_id(proxy_instance_t *proxy, const int id) { proxy_instance_t *subproxy; mutex_lock(&proxy->proxy_lock); HASH_FIND_INT(proxy->subproxies, &id, subproxy); mutex_unlock(&proxy->proxy_lock); return subproxy; } static void submit_share(gdata_t *gdata, json_t *val) { proxy_instance_t *proxy, *proxi; stratum_msg_t *msg; share_msg_t *share; int id, subid; json_get_int(&id, val, "proxy"); json_object_del(val, "proxy"); proxy = proxy_by_id(gdata, id); if (unlikely(!proxy)) { LOGWARNING("Failed to find proxy %d to send share to", id); return json_decref(val); } json_get_int(&subid, val, "subproxy"); json_object_del(val, "subproxy"); proxi = subproxy_by_id(proxy, subid); if (unlikely(!proxi)) { LOGWARNING("Failed to find subproxy %d to send share to", subid); return json_decref(val); } msg = ckzalloc(sizeof(stratum_msg_t)); share = ckzalloc(sizeof(share_msg_t)); share->submit_time = time(NULL); share->client_id = json_integer_value(json_object_get(val, "client_id")); share->msg_id = json_integer_value(json_object_get(val, "msg_id")); json_object_del(val, "client_id"); json_object_del(val, "msg_id"); msg->json_msg = val; /* Add new share entry to the share hashtable */ mutex_lock(&proxi->share_lock); share->id = proxi->share_id++; HASH_ADD_I64(proxi->shares, id, share); mutex_unlock(&proxi->share_lock); json_object_set_nocheck(val, "id", json_integer(share->id)); /* Add the new message to the psend list */ mutex_lock(&proxi->psend_lock); DL_APPEND(proxi->psends, msg); pthread_cond_signal(&proxi->psend_cond); mutex_unlock(&proxi->psend_lock); } static void clear_notify(notify_instance_t *ni) { free(ni->jobid); free(ni->coinbase1); free(ni->coinbase2); free(ni); } /* FIXME: Return something useful to the stratifier based on this result */ static bool parse_share(proxy_instance_t *proxi, const char *buf) { json_t *val = NULL, *idval; share_msg_t *share; bool ret = false; int64_t id; val = json_loads(buf, 0, NULL); if (!val) { LOGINFO("Failed to parse json msg: %s", buf); goto out; } idval = json_object_get(val, "id"); if (!idval) { LOGINFO("Failed to find id in json msg: %s", buf); goto out; } id = json_integer_value(idval); mutex_lock(&proxi->share_lock); HASH_FIND_I64(proxi->shares, &id, share); if (share) HASH_DEL(proxi->shares, share); mutex_unlock(&proxi->share_lock); if (!share) { LOGINFO("Failed to find matching share to result: %s", buf); goto out; } ret = true; LOGDEBUG("Found share from client %d with msg_id %d", share->client_id, share->msg_id); free(share); out: if (val) json_decref(val); return ret; } /* For processing and sending shares. proxy refers to parent proxy here */ static void *proxy_send(void *arg) { proxy_instance_t *proxy = (proxy_instance_t *)arg; connsock_t *cs = proxy->cs; rename_proc("proxysend"); while (42) { proxy_instance_t *subproxy; notify_instance_t *ni; stratum_msg_t *msg; char *jobid = NULL; bool ret = true; int subid = 0; json_t *val; uint32_t id; mutex_lock(&proxy->psend_lock); if (!proxy->psends) pthread_cond_wait(&proxy->psend_cond, &proxy->psend_lock); msg = proxy->psends; if (likely(msg)) DL_DELETE(proxy->psends, msg); mutex_unlock(&proxy->psend_lock); if (unlikely(!msg)) continue; json_get_int(&subid, msg->json_msg, "subproxy"); json_uintcpy(&id, msg->json_msg, "jobid"); mutex_lock(&proxy->notify_lock); HASH_FIND_INT(proxy->notify_instances, &id, ni); if (ni) jobid = strdup(ni->jobid); mutex_unlock(&proxy->notify_lock); subproxy = subproxy_by_id(proxy, subid); if (jobid && subproxy) { cs = subproxy->cs; JSON_CPACK(val, "{s[ssooo]soss}", "params", proxy->auth, jobid, json_object_dup(msg->json_msg, "nonce2"), json_object_dup(msg->json_msg, "ntime"), json_object_dup(msg->json_msg, "nonce"), "id", json_object_dup(msg->json_msg, "id"), "method", "mining.submit"); ret = send_json_msg(cs, val); json_decref(val); } else { LOGNOTICE("Proxy %d:%s failed to find matching jobid in proxysend", proxy->id, proxy->si->url); } free(jobid); json_decref(msg->json_msg); free(msg); if (!ret && subproxy && cs->fd > 0) { LOGWARNING("Proxy %d:%s failed to send msg in proxy_send, dropping to reconnect", proxy->id, proxy->si->url); Close(cs->fd); } } return NULL; } static void passthrough_send(ckpool_t __maybe_unused *ckp, pass_msg_t *pm) { int len, sent; LOGDEBUG("Sending upstream json msg: %s", pm->msg); len = strlen(pm->msg); sent = write_socket(pm->cs->fd, pm->msg, len); if (sent != len) { /* FIXME: Do something about this? */ LOGWARNING("Failed to passthrough %d bytes of message %s", len, pm->msg); } free(pm->msg); free(pm); } static void passthrough_add_send(proxy_instance_t *proxi, const char *msg) { pass_msg_t *pm = ckzalloc(sizeof(pass_msg_t)); pm->cs = proxi->cs; ASPRINTF(&pm->msg, "%s\n", msg); ckmsgq_add(proxi->passsends, pm); } static bool recruit_subproxy(proxy_instance_t *proxi, int epfd); static bool proxy_alive(ckpool_t *ckp, server_instance_t *si, proxy_instance_t *proxi, connsock_t *cs, bool pinging, int epfd) { struct epoll_event event; bool ret = false; /* Has this proxy already been reconnected? */ if (cs->fd > 0) return true; if (!extract_sockaddr(si->url, &cs->url, &cs->port)) { LOGWARNING("Failed to extract address from %s", si->url); return ret; } if (!connect_proxy(cs)) { if (!pinging) { LOGINFO("Failed to connect to %s:%s in proxy_mode!", cs->url, cs->port); } return ret; } if (ckp->passthrough) { if (!passthrough_stratum(cs, proxi)) { LOGWARNING("Failed initial passthrough to %s:%s !", cs->url, cs->port); goto out; } ret = true; goto out; } /* Test we can connect, authorise and get stratum information */ if (!subscribe_stratum(cs, proxi)) { if (!pinging) { LOGWARNING("Failed initial subscribe to %s:%s !", cs->url, cs->port); } goto out; } if (!auth_stratum(ckp, cs, proxi)) { if (!pinging) { LOGWARNING("Failed initial authorise to %s:%s with %s:%s !", cs->url, cs->port, si->auth, si->pass); } goto out; } ret = true; out: if (!ret) { /* Close and invalidate the file handle */ Close(cs->fd); } else { keep_sockalive(cs->fd); if (!ckp->passthrough) send_subscribe(ckp, proxi); event.events = EPOLLIN; event.data.ptr = proxi; /* Add this connsock_t to the epoll list */ if (unlikely(epoll_ctl(epfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, cs->fd, &event) == -1)) quit(1, "FATAL: Failed to add epfd to epoll_ctl in proxy_alive"); if (!ckp->passthrough && proxi->proxy == proxi) { while (proxi->client_headroom < 42) { /* Note recursive call of proxy_alive here */ if (!recruit_subproxy(proxi, epfd)) { LOGWARNING("Unable to recruit extra subproxies after just %"PRId64, proxi->client_headroom); break; } LOGWARNING("Proxy %d:%s recruited extra subproxy!", proxi->id, cs->url); } } } return ret; } /* Creates a duplicate instance or proxi to be used as a subproxy, ignoring * fields we don't use in the subproxy. */ static proxy_instance_t *create_subproxy(proxy_instance_t *proxi) { proxy_instance_t *subproxy = ckzalloc(sizeof(proxy_instance_t)); subproxy->ckp = proxi->ckp; subproxy->cs = ckzalloc(sizeof(connsock_t)); subproxy->si = proxi->si; subproxy->id = proxi->subproxy_count; subproxy->auth = proxi->auth; subproxy->pass = proxi->pass; subproxy->proxy = proxi; mutex_init(&subproxy->share_lock); return subproxy; } static bool recruit_subproxy(proxy_instance_t *proxi, int epfd) { proxy_instance_t *subproxy = create_subproxy(proxi); if (!proxy_alive(subproxy->ckp, subproxy->si, subproxy, subproxy->cs, false, epfd)) { LOGNOTICE("Subproxy failed proxy_alive testing"); free(subproxy->cs); free(subproxy); return false; } mutex_lock(&proxi->proxy_lock); proxi->subproxy_count++; HASH_ADD_INT(proxi->subproxies, id, subproxy); proxi->client_headroom += proxi->clients_per_proxy; mutex_unlock(&proxi->proxy_lock); return true; } /* For receiving messages from an upstream pool to pass downstream. Responsible * for setting up the connection and testing pool is live. */ static void *passthrough_recv(void *arg) { proxy_instance_t *proxi = (proxy_instance_t *)arg; server_instance_t *si = proxi->si; connsock_t *cs = proxi->cs; ckpool_t *ckp = proxi->ckp; struct epoll_event event; int epfd; rename_proc("passrecv"); epfd = epoll_create1(EPOLL_CLOEXEC); if (epfd < 0){ LOGEMERG("FATAL: Failed to create epoll in passrecv"); return NULL; } if (proxy_alive(ckp, si, proxi, cs, false, epfd)) { proxi->alive = true; send_proc(ckp->generator, "reconnect"); LOGWARNING("Proxy %d:%s connection established", proxi->id, proxi->si->url); } while (42) { int ret; while (!proxy_alive(ckp, si, proxi, cs, true, epfd)) { if (proxi->alive) { proxi->alive = false; send_proc(ckp->generator, "reconnect"); } sleep(5); } if (!proxi->alive) { proxi->alive = true; send_proc(ckp->generator, "reconnect"); } /* Make sure we receive a line within 90 seconds */ ret = epoll_wait(epfd, &event, 1, 90000); if (likely(ret > 0)) ret = read_socket_line(cs, 60); if (ret < 1) { LOGWARNING("Proxy %d:%s failed to read_socket_line in proxy_recv, attempting reconnect", proxi->id, proxi->si->url); proxi->alive = false; send_proc(ckp->generator, "reconnect"); continue; } /* Simply forward the message on, as is, to the connector to * process. Possibly parse parameters sent by upstream pool * here */ send_proc(ckp->connector, cs->buf); } return NULL; } static proxy_instance_t *best_proxy(ckpool_t *ckp, gdata_t *gdata); #if 0 static proxy_instance_t *current_proxy(gdata_t *gdata) { proxy_instance_t *ret; mutex_lock(&gdata->lock); ret = gdata->proxy; mutex_unlock(&gdata->lock); return ret; } #endif /* For receiving messages from the upstream proxy, also responsible for setting * up the connection and testing it's alive. */ static void *proxy_recv(void *arg) { proxy_instance_t *proxi = (proxy_instance_t *)arg; server_instance_t *si = proxi->si; connsock_t *cs = proxi->cs; ckpool_t *ckp = proxi->ckp; gdata_t *gdata = ckp->data; struct epoll_event event; int epfd; rename_proc("proxyrecv"); epfd = epoll_create1(EPOLL_CLOEXEC); if (epfd < 0){ LOGEMERG("FATAL: Failed to create epoll in proxyrecv"); return NULL; } if (proxy_alive(ckp, si, proxi, cs, false, epfd)) { proxi->alive = true; send_proc(ckp->generator, "reconnect"); LOGWARNING("Proxy %d:%s connection established", proxi->id, proxi->si->url); } while (42) { proxy_instance_t *subproxy = proxi; share_msg_t *share, *tmpshare; notify_instance_t *ni, *tmp; time_t now; int ret; while (!proxy_alive(ckp, si, proxi, proxi->cs, true, epfd)) { if (proxi->alive) { proxi->alive = false; send_proc(ckp->generator, "reconnect"); } sleep(5); proxi->reconnect_time = time(NULL); } /* Wait 90 seconds before declaring this upstream pool alive * to prevent switching to unstable pools. */ if (!proxi->alive && (!best_proxy(ckp, gdata) || time(NULL) - proxi->reconnect_time > 90)) { LOGWARNING("Proxy %d:%s recovered", proxi->id, proxi->si->url); proxi->alive = true; proxi->reconnect_time = 0; send_proc(ckp->generator, "reconnect"); } now = time(NULL); /* Age old notifications older than 10 mins old */ mutex_lock(&proxi->notify_lock); HASH_ITER(hh, proxi->notify_instances, ni, tmp) { if (HASH_COUNT(proxi->notify_instances) < 3) break; if (ni->notify_time < now - 600) { HASH_DEL(proxi->notify_instances, ni); clear_notify(ni); } } mutex_unlock(&proxi->notify_lock); /* Similary with shares older than 2 mins without response */ mutex_lock(&proxi->share_lock); HASH_ITER(hh, proxi->shares, share, tmpshare) { if (share->submit_time < now - 120) { HASH_DEL(proxi->shares, share); } } mutex_unlock(&proxi->share_lock); /* If we don't get an update within 10 minutes the upstream pool * has likely stopped responding. */ ret = epoll_wait(epfd, &event, 1, 600000); if (likely(ret > 0)) { subproxy = event.data.ptr; cs = subproxy->cs; ret = read_socket_line(cs, 5); } if (ret < 1) { if (subproxy->alive) { LOGWARNING("Proxy %d:%s failed to epoll/read_socket_line in proxy_recv, attempting reconnect", subproxy->id, subproxy->si->url); } continue; } if (parse_method(ckp, subproxy, cs->buf)) { if (subproxy->reconnect) { /* Call this proxy dead to allow us to fail * over to a backup pool until the reconnect * pool is up */ subproxy->reconnect = false; subproxy->alive = false; send_proc(ckp->generator, "reconnect"); LOGWARNING("Proxy %d:%s reconnect issue, dropping existing connection", subproxy->id, subproxy->si->url); Close(cs->fd); break; } continue; } if (parse_share(subproxy, cs->buf)) { continue; } /* If it's not a method it should be a share result */ LOGWARNING("Unhandled stratum message: %s", cs->buf); } return NULL; } static void prepare_proxy(proxy_instance_t *proxi) { proxi->proxy = proxi; mutex_init(&proxi->proxy_lock); mutex_init(&proxi->psend_lock); cond_init(&proxi->psend_cond); create_pthread(&proxi->pth_psend, proxy_send, proxi); create_pthread(&proxi->pth_precv, proxy_recv, proxi); } static void setup_proxies(ckpool_t *ckp, gdata_t *gdata) { int i; for (i = 0; i < ckp->proxies; i++) { proxy_instance_t *proxi; server_instance_t *si; si = ckp->servers[i]; proxi = si->data; proxi->id = i; HASH_ADD_INT(gdata->proxies, id, proxi); if (ckp->passthrough) { create_pthread(&proxi->pth_precv, passthrough_recv, proxi); proxi->passsends = create_ckmsgq(ckp, "passsend", &passthrough_send); } else { prepare_proxy(proxi); } } } static proxy_instance_t *best_proxy(ckpool_t *ckp, gdata_t *gdata) { proxy_instance_t *ret = NULL, *proxi, *tmp; while (42) { if (!ping_main(ckp)) break; mutex_lock(&gdata->lock); HASH_ITER(hh, gdata->proxies, proxi, tmp) { if (proxi->alive) { if (!ret) { ret = proxi; continue; } if (proxi->id < ret->id) ret = proxi; } } gdata->proxy = ret; mutex_unlock(&gdata->lock); if (ret) break; sleep(1); } send_proc(ckp->connector, ret ? "accept" : "reject"); return ret; } static int proxy_loop(proc_instance_t *pi) { proxy_instance_t *proxi = NULL, *cproxy; int sockd = -1, ret = 0, selret; unixsock_t *us = &pi->us; ckpool_t *ckp = pi->ckp; gdata_t *gdata = ckp->data; char *buf = NULL; setup_proxies(ckp, gdata); reconnect: /* This does not necessarily mean we reconnect, but a change has * occurred and we need to reexamine the proxies. */ cproxy = best_proxy(ckp, gdata); if (!cproxy) goto out; if (proxi != cproxy) { proxi = cproxy; if (!ckp->passthrough) { proxy_instance_t *proxy = proxi->proxy; connsock_t *cs = proxi->cs; LOGWARNING("Successfully connected to proxy %d %s:%s as proxy", proxi->id, cs->url, cs->port); dealloc(buf); ASPRINTF(&buf, "proxy=%d:%d", proxy->id, proxi->id); send_proc(ckp->stratifier, buf); } } retry: do { selret = wait_read_select(us->sockd, 5); if (!selret && !ping_main(ckp)) { LOGEMERG("Generator failed to ping main process, exiting"); ret = 1; goto out; } } while (selret < 1); if (unlikely(proxi->cs->fd < 0)) { LOGWARNING("Upstream proxy %d:%s socket invalidated, will attempt failover", proxi->id, proxi->cs->url); proxi->alive = false; proxi = NULL; goto reconnect; } sockd = accept(us->sockd, NULL, NULL); if (sockd < 0) { LOGEMERG("Failed to accept on proxy socket"); ret = 1; goto out; } dealloc(buf); buf = recv_unix_msg(sockd); if (!buf) { LOGWARNING("Failed to get message in proxy_loop"); Close(sockd); goto retry; } LOGDEBUG("Proxy received request: %s", buf); if (cmdmatch(buf, "shutdown")) { ret = 0; goto out; } else if (cmdmatch(buf, "reconnect")) { goto reconnect; } else if (cmdmatch(buf, "submitblock:")) { LOGNOTICE("Submitting likely block solve share to upstream pool"); } else if (cmdmatch(buf, "loglevel")) { sscanf(buf, "loglevel=%d", &ckp->loglevel); } else if (cmdmatch(buf, "ping")) { LOGDEBUG("Proxy received ping request"); send_unix_msg(sockd, "pong"); } else if (ckp->passthrough) { /* Anything remaining should be stratum messages */ passthrough_add_send(proxi, buf); } else { /* Anything remaining should be share submissions */ json_t *val = json_loads(buf, 0, NULL); if (unlikely(!val)) LOGWARNING("Generator received unrecognised message: %s", buf); else submit_share(gdata, val); } Close(sockd); goto retry; out: Close(sockd); return ret; } static int server_mode(ckpool_t *ckp, proc_instance_t *pi) { server_instance_t *si; int i, ret; ckp->servers = ckalloc(sizeof(server_instance_t *) * ckp->btcds); for (i = 0; i < ckp->btcds; i++) { ckp->servers[i] = ckzalloc(sizeof(server_instance_t)); si = ckp->servers[i]; si->url = ckp->btcdurl[i]; si->auth = ckp->btcdauth[i]; si->pass = ckp->btcdpass[i]; si->notify = ckp->btcdnotify[i]; } ret = gen_loop(pi); for (i = 0; i < ckp->btcds; i++) { si = ckp->servers[i]; kill_server(si); dealloc(si); } dealloc(ckp->servers); return ret; } static int proxy_mode(ckpool_t *ckp, proc_instance_t *pi) { gdata_t *gdata = ckp->data; proxy_instance_t *proxi; server_instance_t *si; int i, ret; mutex_init(&gdata->lock); /* Create all our proxy structures and pointers */ ckp->servers = ckalloc(sizeof(server_instance_t *) * ckp->proxies); for (i = 0; i < ckp->proxies; i++) { ckp->servers[i] = ckzalloc(sizeof(server_instance_t)); si = ckp->servers[i]; si->id = i; si->url = strdup(ckp->proxyurl[i]); si->auth = strdup(ckp->proxyauth[i]); si->pass = strdup(ckp->proxypass[i]); proxi = ckzalloc(sizeof(proxy_instance_t)); si->data = proxi; proxi->auth = si->auth; proxi->pass = si->pass; proxi->si = si; proxi->ckp = ckp; proxi->cs = &si->cs; proxi->cs->ckp = ckp; mutex_init(&proxi->notify_lock); mutex_init(&proxi->share_lock); } LOGWARNING("%s generator ready", ckp->name); ret = proxy_loop(pi); mutex_lock(&gdata->lock); for (i = 0; i < ckp->proxies; i++) { si = ckp->servers[i]; Close(si->cs.fd); proxi = si->data; free(proxi->enonce1); free(proxi->enonce1bin); free(proxi->sessionid); pthread_cancel(proxi->pth_psend); pthread_cancel(proxi->pth_precv); join_pthread(proxi->pth_psend); join_pthread(proxi->pth_precv); dealloc(si->data); dealloc(si->url); dealloc(si->auth); dealloc(si->pass); dealloc(si); } mutex_unlock(&gdata->lock); dealloc(ckp->servers); return ret; } /* Tell the watchdog what the current server instance is and decide if we * should check to see if the higher priority servers are alive and fallback */ static void server_watchdog(ckpool_t *ckp, server_instance_t *cursi) { static time_t last_t = 0; bool alive = false; time_t now_t; int i; /* Rate limit to checking only once every 5 seconds */ now_t = time(NULL); if (now_t <= last_t + 5) return; last_t = now_t; /* Is this the highest priority server already? */ if (!cursi->id) return; for (i = 0; i < ckp->btcds; i++) { server_instance_t *si = ckp->servers[i]; /* Have we reached the current server? */ if (si == cursi) return; alive = server_alive(ckp, si, true); if (alive) break; } if (alive) send_proc(ckp->generator, "reconnect"); } int generator(proc_instance_t *pi) { ckpool_t *ckp = pi->ckp; gdata_t *gdata; int ret; LOGWARNING("%s generator starting", ckp->name); gdata = ckzalloc(sizeof(gdata_t)); ckp->data = gdata; if (ckp->proxy) { ret = proxy_mode(ckp, pi); } else { gdata->srvchk = create_ckmsgq(ckp, "srvchk", &server_watchdog); ret = server_mode(ckp, pi); } dealloc(ckp->data); return process_exit(ckp, pi, ret); }