<?php # include_once('page.php'); # global $dbg, $dbgstr; $dbg = false; $dbgstr = ''; # function adddbg($str) { global $dbg, $dbgstr; if ($dbg === true) { if ($dbgstr != '') $dbgstr .= "\n"; $dbgstr .= $str; } } # function sq($str) { return str_replace("'", "\\'", $str); } # function dq($str) { return str_replace('"', "\\\"", $str); } # function howlongago($sec) { if ($sec < 60) $des = $sec.'s'; else { $sec = round($sec/60); if ($sec < 60) $des = $sec.'min'; else { $sec = round($sec/60); if ($sec < 24) { $des = $sec.'hr'; if ($sec != 1) $des .= 's'; } else { $sec = round($sec/24); if ($sec < 9999) { $des = $sec.'day'; if ($sec != 1) $des .= 's'; } else $des = 'never'; } } } return $des; } # function howmanyhrs($tot) { $sec = round($tot); if ($sec < 60) $des = $sec.'s'; else { $min = floor($sec / 60); $sec -= $min * 60; if ($min < 60) $des = $min.'m '.$sec.'s'; else { $hr = floor($min / 60); $min -= $hr * 60; $des = $hr.'hr '.$min.'m '.$sec.'s'; } } return $des; } # function btcfmt($amt) { $amt /= 100000000; return number_format($amt, 8); } # function utcd($when) { return gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s+00', round($when)); } # global $sipre; # max of uint64 is ~1.845x10^19, 'Z' is above that (10^21) # max of uint256 is ~1.158x10^77, which is well above 'Y' (10^24) $sipre = array('', 'k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y'); # function siprefmt($amt, $dot = 2) { global $sipre; $rnd = pow(10, $dot); $pref = floor(log10($amt)/3); if ($pref < 0) $pref = 0; if ($pref >= count($sipre)) $pref = count($sipre)-1; $amt = round($rnd * $amt / pow(10, $pref * 3)) / $rnd; if ($amt > 999.99 && $pref < (count($sipre)-1)) { $amt /= 1000; $pref++; } if ($pref == 0) $dot = 0; return number_format($amt, $dot).$sipre[$pref]; } # function dsprate($hr) { $hr /= 10000000; if ($hr < 100000) { if ($hr < 0.01) $hr = '0GHs'; else $hr = number_format(round($hr)/100, 2).'GHs'; } else $hr = number_format(round($hr/1000)/100, 2).'THs'; return $hr; } # function difffmt($amt) { return siprefmt($amt, 3); } # function emailStr($str) { $all = '/[^A-Za-z0-9_+\.@-]/'; // no space = trim $beg = '/^[\.@+-]+/'; $fin = '/[\.@+_-]+$/'; return preg_replace(array($all,$beg,$fin), '', $str); } # function passrequires() { return "Passwords require 6 or more characters, including<br>" . "at least one of each uppercase, lowercase and a digit, but not Tab"; } # function safepass($pass) { if (strlen($pass) < 6) return false; # Invalid characters $p2 = preg_replace('/[\011]/', '', $pass); if ($p2 != $pass) return false; # At least one lowercase $p2 = preg_replace('/[a-z]/', '', $pass); if ($p2 == $pass) return false; # At least one uppercase $p2 = preg_replace('/[A-Z]/', '', $pass); if ($p2 == $pass) return false; # At least one digit $p2 = preg_replace('/[0-9]/', '', $pass); if ($p2 == $pass) return false; return true; } # function loginStr($str) { // Anything but . _ / Tab $all = '/[\._\/\011]/'; return preg_replace($all, '', $str); } # function trn($str) { $rep = str_replace(array('<', '>'), array('<', '>'), $str); return $rep; } # function htmler($str) { $srch = array('<','>',"\r\n","\n","\r"); $rep = array('<','>','<br>','<br>','<br>'); return str_replace($srch, $rep, $str); } # function cvtdbg() { global $dbg, $dbgstr; if ($dbg === false || $dbgstr == '') $rep = ''; else $rep = htmler($dbgstr).'<br>'; return $rep; } # function safeinput($txt, $len = 1024, $lf = true) { $ret = trim($txt); if ($ret != '') { if ($lf === true) $ret = preg_replace("/[^ -~\r\n]/", '', $ret); else $ret = preg_replace('/[^ -~]/', '', $ret); if ($len > 0) $ret = substr($ret, 0, $len); } return trim($ret); } # function safetext($txt, $len = 1024) { $tmp = substr($txt, 0, $len); $res = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($tmp); $i++) { $ch = substr($tmp, $i, 1); if ($ch >= ' ' && $ch <= '~') $res .= $ch; else { $c = ord($ch); $res .= sprintf('0x%02x', $c); } } if (strlen($txt) > $len) $res .= '...'; return $res; } # function dbd($data, $user) { return "<span class=alert><br>Database is reloading, mining is all OK</span>"; } # function dbdown() { gopage(NULL, NULL, 'dbd', 'dbd', def_menu(), '', '', true, false, false); } # function syse($data, $user) { return "<span class=err><br>System error</span>"; } # function syserror() { gopage(NULL, NULL, 'syse', 'syse', def_menu(), '', '', true, false, false); } # function f404($data) { return "<span class=alert><br>404</span>"; } # function do404() { gopage(NULL, NULL, 'f404', 'f404', def_menu(), '', '', true, false, false); } # function showPage($info, $page, $menu, $name, $user) { # If you are doing development, use without '@' # Then switch to '@' when finished # include_once("page_$page.php"); @include_once("page_$page.php"); $fun = 'show_' . $page; if (function_exists($fun)) $fun($info, $page, $menu, $name, $user); else do404(); } # function showIndex() { showPage(NULL, 'index', def_menu(), '', false); } # function offline() { if (file_exists('./maintenance.txt')) { $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; if ($ip != '') gopage(NULL, NULL, file_get_contents('./maintenance.txt'), 'offline', NULL, '', '', false, false, false); } } # offline(); # session_start(); # include_once('db.php'); # function validUserPass($user, $pass) { $rep = checkPass($user, $pass); if ($rep != null) $ans = repDecode($rep); usleep(100000); // Max 10x per second if ($rep != null && $ans['STATUS'] == 'ok') { $key = 'ckp'.rand(1000000,9999999); $_SESSION['ckpkey'] = $key; $_SESSION[$key] = array('who' => $user, 'id' => $user); return true; } return false; } # function logout() { if (isset($_SESSION['ckpkey'])) { $key = $_SESSION['ckpkey']; if (isset($_SESSION[$key])) unset($_SESSION[$key]); unset($_SESSION['ckpkey']); } } # function requestRegister() { $reg = getparam('Register', true); $reg2 = getparam('Reset', false); if ($reg !== NULL || $reg2 !== NULL) { logout(); return true; } return false; } # function tryLogInOut() { global $loginfailed; // If already logged in, it will ignore User/Pass if (isset($_SESSION['ckpkey'])) { $logout = getparam('Logout', false); if (!nuem($logout) && $logout == 'Logout') logout(); } else { $login = getparam('Login', false); if (nuem($login)) return; $user = getparam('User', false); if ($user !== NULL) $user = loginStr($user); if (nuem($user)) { $loginfailed = true; return; } $pass = getparam('Pass', false); if (nuem($pass)) { $loginfailed = true; return; } $valid = validUserPass($user, $pass); if (!$valid) $loginfailed = true; } } # function validate() { $who = ''; $whoid = ''; if (!isset($_SESSION['ckpkey'])) return array(false, NULL); $key = $_SESSION['ckpkey']; if (!isset($_SESSION[$key])) { logout(); return array(false, NULL); } if (!isset($_SESSION[$key]['who'])) { logout(); return array(false, NULL); } $who = $_SESSION[$key]['who']; if (!isset($_SESSION[$key]['id'])) { logout(); return array(false, NULL); } $whoid = $_SESSION[$key]['id']; return array($who, $whoid); } # function loggedIn() { list($who, $whoid) = validate(); // false if not logged in return $who; } # ?>