<?php # include_once('socket.php'); include_once('base.php'); # # List of db functions to call and get the results back from ckdb # From homeInfo() and the rest after that # The result is an array of all ckdb result field names and their values # Also included: # ['ID'] the id sent # ['STAMP'] the ckdb reply timestamp # ['STATUS'] the ckdb reply status (!'ok' = error) # ['ERROR'] if status not 'ok' the error message reply # The reply is false if the ckdb return data was corrupt # global $send_sep, $fld_sep, $val_sep; $send_sep = '.'; $fld_sep = Chr(0x9); $val_sep = '='; # function myhash($str) { return strtolower(hash('sha256', $str)); } # function repDecode($rep) { global $send_sep, $fld_sep, $val_sep; $fix = preg_replace("/[\n\r]*$/",'',$rep); $major = explode($send_sep, $fix, 4); if (count($major) < 3) return false; $ans = array(); if (count($major) > 3) { $flds = explode($fld_sep, $major[3]); foreach ($flds as $fld) { if (strlen($fld) > 0) { $nameval = explode($val_sep, $fld, 2); if (count($nameval) > 1) $ans[$nameval[0]] = $nameval[1]; else $ans[$nameval[0]] = ''; } } } $ans['ID'] = $major[0]; $ans['STAMP'] = $major[1]; $ans['STATUS'] = $major[2]; if ($major[2] == 'ok') $ans['ERROR'] = null; else { if (isset($major[3])) $ans['ERROR'] = $major[3]; else $ans['ERROR'] = 'system error'; } return $ans; } # function msgEncode($cmd, $id, $fields) { global $send_sep, $fld_sep, $val_sep; $t = time() % 10000; $msg = $cmd . $send_sep . $id.$t; $first = true; foreach ($fields as $name => $value) { if ($first === true) { $msg .= $send_sep; $first = false; } else $msg .= $fld_sep; $msg .= $name . $val_sep . $value; } return $msg; } # function getStats($user) { if ($user === null) $msg = msgEncode('homepage', 'home', array()); else $msg = msgEncode('homepage', 'home', array('username'=>$user)); return $msg; } # function homeInfo($user) { $msg = getStats($user); $rep = sendsockreply('homepage', $msg); if ($rep === false) $ans = false; else { $ans = repDecode($rep); if ($ans['lastblock'] == '?') { // $ans['lastblock'] = 1401237522; // $ans['lastblock'] = 1403819191; $ans['lastblock'] = 1407113822; } } return $ans; } # function checkPass($user, $pass) { $passhash = myhash($pass); $flds = array('username' => $user, 'passwordhash' => $passhash); $msg = msgEncode('chkpass', 'log', $flds); $rep = sendsockreply('checkPass', $msg); if (!$rep) dbdown(); return $rep; } # function setPass($user, $oldpass, $newpass) { $oldhash = myhash($oldpass); $newhash = myhash($newpass); $flds = array('username' => $user, 'oldhash' => $oldhash, 'newhash' => $newhash); $msg = msgEncode('newpass', 'log', $flds); $rep = sendsockreply('setPass', $msg); if (!$rep) dbdown(); return repDecode($rep); } # function userReg($user, $email, $pass) { $passhash = myhash($pass); $flds = array('username' => $user, 'emailaddress' => $email, 'passwordhash' => $passhash); $msg = msgEncode('adduser', 'reg', $flds); $rep = sendsockreply('userReg', $msg); if (!$rep) dbdown(); return repDecode($rep); } # function userSettings($user, $email = null, $addr = null, $pass = null) { $flds = array('username' => $user); if ($email != null) $flds['email'] = $email; if ($addr != null) $flds['address'] = $addr; if ($pass != null) $flds['passwordhash'] = myhash($pass); $msg = msgEncode('usersettings', 'userset', $flds); $rep = sendsockreply('userSettings', $msg); if (!$rep) dbdown(); return repDecode($rep); } # function getAllUsers() { $flds = array(); $msg = msgEncode('allusers', 'all', $flds); $rep = sendsockreply('getAllUsers', $msg); if (!$rep) dbdown(); return repDecode($rep); } # function getWorkers($user) { if ($user == false) showIndex(); $flds = array('username' => $user, 'stats' => 'Y'); $msg = msgEncode('workers', 'work', $flds); $rep = sendsockreply('getWorkers', $msg); if (!$rep) dbdown(); return repDecode($rep); } # function getPayments($user) { if ($user == false) showIndex(); $flds = array('username' => $user); $msg = msgEncode('payments', 'pay', $flds); $rep = sendsockreply('getPayments', $msg); if (!$rep) dbdown(); return repDecode($rep); } # function getBlocks($user) { if ($user == false) showIndex(); $flds = array(); $msg = msgEncode('blocklist', 'blk', $flds); $rep = sendsockreply('getBlocks', $msg); if (!$rep) dbdown(); return repDecode($rep); } # ?>