/* * Copyright 2014 Con Kolivas * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. See COPYING for more details. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ckpool.h" #include "libckpool.h" #include "bitcoin.h" #include "sha2.h" #include "stratifier.h" #include "uthash.h" #include "utlist.h" static const char *workpadding = "000000800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000080020000"; static const char *scriptsig_header = "01000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff"; static uchar scriptsig_header_bin[41]; static char pubkeytxnbin[25]; static char pubkeytxn[52]; /* Add unaccounted shares when they arrive, remove them with each update of * rolling stats. */ struct pool_stats { tv_t start_time; ts_t last_update; int workers; int users; /* Absolute shares stats */ int64_t unaccounted_shares; int64_t accounted_shares; /* Cycle of 24 to determine which users to dump stats on */ uint8_t userstats_cycle; /* Shares per second for 1/5/15/60 minute rolling averages */ double sps1; double sps5; double sps15; double sps60; /* Diff shares stats */ int64_t unaccounted_diff_shares; int64_t accounted_diff_shares; int64_t unaccounted_rejects; int64_t accounted_rejects; /* Diff shares per second for 1/5/15... minute rolling averages */ double dsps1; double dsps5; double dsps15; double dsps60; double dsps360; double dsps1440; }; typedef struct pool_stats pool_stats_t; static pool_stats_t stats; static pthread_mutex_t stats_lock; static uint64_t enonce1_64; struct workbase { /* Hash table data */ UT_hash_handle hh; int64_t id; char idstring[20]; ts_t gentime; /* GBT/shared variables */ char target[68]; double diff; double network_diff; uint32_t version; uint32_t curtime; char prevhash[68]; char ntime[12]; uint32_t ntime32; char bbversion[12]; char nbit[12]; uint64_t coinbasevalue; int height; char *flags; int transactions; char *txn_data; char *txn_hashes; int merkles; char merklehash[16][68]; char merklebin[16][32]; json_t *merkle_array; /* Template variables, lengths are binary lengths! */ char coinb1[256]; // coinbase1 uchar coinb1bin[128]; int coinb1len; // length of above char enonce1const[32]; // extranonce1 section that is constant uchar enonce1constbin[16]; int enonce1constlen; // length of above - usually zero unless proxying int enonce1varlen; // length of unique extranonce1 string for each worker - usually 8 int enonce2varlen; // length of space left for extranonce2 - usually 8 unless proxying char *coinb2; // coinbase2 uchar *coinb2bin; int coinb2len; // length of above /* Cached header binary */ char headerbin[112]; char *logdir; ckpool_t *ckp; bool proxy; }; typedef struct workbase workbase_t; /* For protecting the hashtable data */ static cklock_t workbase_lock; /* For the hashtable of all workbases */ static workbase_t *workbases; static workbase_t *current_workbase; static struct { double diff; char enonce1[32]; uchar enonce1bin[16]; int enonce1constlen; int enonce1varlen; int nonce2len; int enonce2varlen; } proxy_base; static int64_t workbase_id; static int64_t blockchange_id; static char lasthash[68]; struct json_params { json_t *params; json_t *id_val; int client_id; char address[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; }; typedef struct json_params json_params_t; struct ckdb_msg { json_t *val; int idtype; }; typedef struct ckdb_msg ckdb_msg_t; /* Stratum json messages with their associated client id */ struct smsg { json_t *json_msg; int client_id; char address[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; }; typedef struct smsg smsg_t; static ckmsgq_t *ssends; // Stratum sends static ckmsgq_t *srecvs; // Stratum receives static ckmsgq_t *ckdbq; // ckdb static ckmsgq_t *sshareq; // Stratum share sends static ckmsgq_t *sauthq; // Stratum authorisations static int user_instance_id; struct user_instance { UT_hash_handle hh; char username[128]; int id; int workers; }; typedef struct user_instance user_instance_t; static user_instance_t *user_instances; /* Per client stratum instance == workers */ struct stratum_instance { UT_hash_handle hh; int id; char enonce1[32]; uchar enonce1bin[16]; char enonce1var[12]; uint64_t enonce1_64; int64_t diff; /* Current diff */ int64_t old_diff; /* Previous diff */ int64_t diff_change_job_id; /* Last job_id we changed diff */ double dsps1; /* Diff shares per second, 1 minute rolling average */ double dsps5; /* ... 5 minute ... */ double dsps60;/* etc */ double dsps1440; tv_t ldc; /* Last diff change */ int ssdc; /* Shares since diff change */ tv_t first_share; tv_t last_share; time_t start_time; char address[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; bool authorised; bool idle; bool notified_idle; user_instance_t *user_instance; char *useragent; char *workername; char *secondaryuserid; int user_id; ckpool_t *ckp; }; typedef struct stratum_instance stratum_instance_t; /* Stratum_instances hashlist is stored by id, whereas disconnected_instances * is sorted by enonce1_64. */ static stratum_instance_t *stratum_instances; static stratum_instance_t *disconnected_instances; static stratum_instance_t *dead_instances; /* Protects both stratum and user instances */ static cklock_t instance_lock; struct share { UT_hash_handle hh; uchar hash[32]; int64_t workbase_id; }; typedef struct share share_t; static share_t *shares; static cklock_t share_lock; #define ID_AUTH 0 #define ID_WORKINFO 1 #define ID_AGEWORKINFO 2 #define ID_SHARES 3 #define ID_SHAREERR 4 #define ID_POOLSTATS 5 #define ID_USERSTATS 6 #define ID_BLOCK 7 static const char *ckdb_ids[] = { "authorise", "workinfo", "ageworkinfo", "shares", "shareerror", "poolstats", "userstats", "block" }; static void generate_coinbase(ckpool_t *ckp, workbase_t *wb) { char header[228]; int len, ofs = 0; uint64_t *u64; ts_t now; /* Strings in wb should have been zero memset prior. Generate binary * templates first, then convert to hex */ memcpy(wb->coinb1bin, scriptsig_header_bin, 41); ofs += 41; // Fixed header length; ofs++; // Script length is filled in at the end @wb->coinb1bin[41]; /* Put block height at start of template */ len = ser_number(wb->coinb1bin + ofs, wb->height); ofs += len; /* Followed by flag */ len = strlen(wb->flags) / 2; wb->coinb1bin[ofs++] = len; hex2bin(wb->coinb1bin + ofs, wb->flags, len); ofs += len; /* Followed by timestamp */ ts_realtime(&now); len = ser_number(wb->coinb1bin + ofs, now.tv_sec); ofs += len; /* Followed by our unique randomiser based on the nsec timestamp */ len = ser_number(wb->coinb1bin + ofs, now.tv_nsec); ofs += len; /* Leave enonce1/2varlen constant at 8 bytes for bitcoind sources */ wb->enonce1varlen = 8; wb->enonce2varlen = 8; wb->coinb1bin[ofs++] = wb->enonce1varlen + wb->enonce2varlen; wb->coinb1len = ofs; len = wb->coinb1len - 41; len += wb->enonce1varlen; len += wb->enonce2varlen; wb->coinb2bin = ckalloc(128); memcpy(wb->coinb2bin, "\x0a\x63\x6b\x70\x6f\x6f\x6c", 7); wb->coinb2len = 7; if (ckp->btcsig) { int siglen = strlen(ckp->btcsig); LOGDEBUG("Len %d sig %s", siglen, ckp->btcsig); if (siglen) { wb->coinb2bin[wb->coinb2len++] = siglen; memcpy(wb->coinb2bin + wb->coinb2len, ckp->btcsig, siglen); wb->coinb2len += siglen; } } len += wb->coinb2len; wb->coinb1bin[41] = len - 1; /* Set the length now */ __bin2hex(wb->coinb1, wb->coinb1bin, wb->coinb1len); LOGDEBUG("Coinb1: %s", wb->coinb1); /* Coinbase 1 complete */ memcpy(wb->coinb2bin + wb->coinb2len, "\xff\xff\xff\xff", 4); wb->coinb2len += 4; wb->coinb2bin[wb->coinb2len++] = 1; u64 = (uint64_t *)&wb->coinb2bin[wb->coinb2len]; *u64 = htole64(wb->coinbasevalue); wb->coinb2len += 8; wb->coinb2bin[wb->coinb2len++] = 25; memcpy(wb->coinb2bin + wb->coinb2len, pubkeytxnbin, 25); wb->coinb2len += 25; wb->coinb2len += 4; // Blank lock wb->coinb2 = bin2hex(wb->coinb2bin, wb->coinb2len); LOGDEBUG("Coinb2: %s", wb->coinb2); /* Coinbase 2 complete */ snprintf(header, 225, "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", wb->bbversion, wb->prevhash, "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", wb->ntime, wb->nbit, "00000000", /* nonce */ workpadding); LOGDEBUG("Header: %s", header); hex2bin(wb->headerbin, header, 112); } static void stratum_broadcast_update(bool clean); static void clear_workbase(workbase_t *wb) { free(wb->flags); free(wb->txn_data); free(wb->txn_hashes); free(wb->logdir); free(wb->coinb2bin); free(wb->coinb2); json_decref(wb->merkle_array); free(wb); } static void purge_share_hashtable(int64_t wb_id) { share_t *share, *tmp; int purged = 0; ck_wlock(&share_lock); HASH_ITER(hh, shares, share, tmp) { if (share->workbase_id < wb_id) { HASH_DEL(shares, share); free(share); purged++; } } ck_wunlock(&share_lock); if (purged) LOGINFO("Cleared %d shares from share hashtable", purged); } static void ckdbq_add(const int idtype, json_t *val) { ckdb_msg_t *msg = ckalloc(sizeof(ckdb_msg_t)); msg->val = val; msg->idtype = idtype; ckmsgq_add(ckdbq, msg); } static void send_workinfo(ckpool_t *ckp, workbase_t *wb) { char cdfield[64]; json_t *val; sprintf(cdfield, "%lu,%lu", wb->gentime.tv_sec, wb->gentime.tv_nsec); val = json_pack("{sI,ss,ss,ss,ss,ss,ss,ss,ss,sI,so,ss,ss,ss,ss}", "workinfoid", wb->id, "poolinstance", ckp->name, "transactiontree", wb->txn_hashes, "prevhash", wb->prevhash, "coinbase1", wb->coinb1, "coinbase2", wb->coinb2, "version", wb->bbversion, "ntime", wb->ntime, "bits", wb->nbit, "reward", wb->coinbasevalue, "merklehash", json_deep_copy(wb->merkle_array), "createdate", cdfield, "createby", "code", "createcode", __func__, "createinet", ""); ckdbq_add(ID_WORKINFO, val); } static void send_ageworkinfo(ckpool_t *ckp, int64_t id) { char cdfield[64]; ts_t ts_now; json_t *val; ts_realtime(&ts_now); sprintf(cdfield, "%lu,%lu", ts_now.tv_sec, ts_now.tv_nsec); val = json_pack("{sI,ss,ss,ss,ss,ss}", "workinfoid", id, "poolinstance", ckp->name, "createdate", cdfield, "createby", "code", "createcode", __func__, "createinet", ""); ckdbq_add(ID_AGEWORKINFO, val); } static void add_base(ckpool_t *ckp, workbase_t *wb, bool *new_block) { workbase_t *tmp, *tmpa, *aged = NULL; int len, ret; ts_realtime(&wb->gentime); wb->network_diff = diff_from_nbits(wb->headerbin + 72); len = strlen(ckp->logdir) + 8 + 1 + 16 + 1; wb->logdir = ckalloc(len); ck_wlock(&workbase_lock); if (!ckp->proxy) wb->id = workbase_id++; if (strncmp(wb->prevhash, lasthash, 64)) { *new_block = true; memcpy(lasthash, wb->prevhash, 65); blockchange_id = wb->id; } if (*new_block) { sprintf(wb->logdir, "%s%08x/", ckp->logdir, wb->height); ret = mkdir(wb->logdir, 0750); if (unlikely(ret && errno != EEXIST)) quit(1, "Failed to create log directory %s", wb->logdir); } sprintf(wb->idstring, "%016lx", wb->id); /* Do not store the trailing slash for the subdir */ sprintf(wb->logdir, "%s%08x/%s", ckp->logdir, wb->height, wb->idstring); ret = mkdir(wb->logdir, 0750); if (unlikely(ret && errno != EEXIST)) quit(1, "Failed to create log directory %s", wb->logdir); HASH_ITER(hh, workbases, tmp, tmpa) { if (HASH_COUNT(workbases) < 3) break; /* Age old workbases older than 10 minutes old */ if (tmp->gentime.tv_sec < wb->gentime.tv_sec - 600) { HASH_DEL(workbases, tmp); aged = tmp; break; } } HASH_ADD_INT(workbases, id, wb); current_workbase = wb; ck_wunlock(&workbase_lock); if (*new_block) purge_share_hashtable(wb->id); send_workinfo(ckp, wb); /* Send the aged work message to ckdb once we have dropped the workbase lock * to prevent taking recursive locks */ if (aged) { send_ageworkinfo(ckp, aged->id); clear_workbase(aged); } } /* This function assumes it will only receive a valid json gbt base template * since checking should have been done earlier, and creates the base template * for generating work templates. */ static void update_base(ckpool_t *ckp) { bool new_block = false; workbase_t *wb; json_t *val; char *buf; buf = send_recv_proc(ckp->generator, "getbase"); if (unlikely(!buf)) { LOGWARNING("Failed to get base from generator in update_base"); return; } if (unlikely(!strncasecmp(buf, "failed", 6))) { LOGWARNING("Generator returned failure in update_base"); return; } wb = ckzalloc(sizeof(workbase_t)); wb->ckp = ckp; val = json_loads(buf, 0, NULL); dealloc(buf); json_strcpy(wb->target, val, "target"); json_dblcpy(&wb->diff, val, "diff"); json_uintcpy(&wb->version, val, "version"); json_uintcpy(&wb->curtime, val, "curtime"); json_strcpy(wb->prevhash, val, "prevhash"); json_strcpy(wb->ntime, val, "ntime"); sscanf(wb->ntime, "%x", &wb->ntime32); json_strcpy(wb->bbversion, val, "bbversion"); json_strcpy(wb->nbit, val, "nbit"); json_uint64cpy(&wb->coinbasevalue, val, "coinbasevalue"); json_intcpy(&wb->height, val, "height"); json_strdup(&wb->flags, val, "flags"); json_intcpy(&wb->transactions, val, "transactions"); if (wb->transactions) { json_strdup(&wb->txn_data, val, "txn_data"); json_strdup(&wb->txn_hashes, val, "txn_hashes"); } else wb->txn_hashes = ckzalloc(1); json_intcpy(&wb->merkles, val, "merkles"); wb->merkle_array = json_array(); if (wb->merkles) { json_t *arr; int i; arr = json_object_get(val, "merklehash"); for (i = 0; i < wb->merkles; i++) { strcpy(&wb->merklehash[i][0], json_string_value(json_array_get(arr, i))); hex2bin(&wb->merklebin[i][0], &wb->merklehash[i][0], 32); json_array_append_new(wb->merkle_array, json_string(&wb->merklehash[i][0])); } } json_decref(val); generate_coinbase(ckp, wb); add_base(ckp, wb, &new_block); stratum_broadcast_update(new_block); } static void drop_allclients(ckpool_t *ckp) { stratum_instance_t *client, *tmp; char buf[128]; ck_wlock(&instance_lock); HASH_ITER(hh, stratum_instances, client, tmp) { HASH_DEL(stratum_instances, client); sprintf(buf, "dropclient=%d", client->id); send_proc(ckp->connector, buf); } HASH_ITER(hh, disconnected_instances, client, tmp) HASH_DEL(disconnected_instances, client); stats.users = stats.workers = 0; ck_wunlock(&instance_lock); } static bool update_subscribe(ckpool_t *ckp) { json_t *val; char *buf; buf = send_recv_proc(ckp->generator, "getsubscribe"); if (unlikely(!buf)) { LOGWARNING("Failed to get subscribe from generator in update_notify"); return false; } LOGDEBUG("Update subscribe: %s", buf); val = json_loads(buf, 0, NULL); free(buf); ck_wlock(&workbase_lock); if (!proxy_base.diff) proxy_base.diff = 1; /* Length is checked by generator */ strcpy(proxy_base.enonce1, json_string_value(json_object_get(val, "enonce1"))); proxy_base.enonce1constlen = strlen(proxy_base.enonce1) / 2; hex2bin(proxy_base.enonce1bin, proxy_base.enonce1, proxy_base.enonce1constlen); proxy_base.nonce2len = json_integer_value(json_object_get(val, "nonce2len")); if (proxy_base.nonce2len > 5) proxy_base.enonce1varlen = 4; else proxy_base.enonce1varlen = 2; proxy_base.enonce2varlen = proxy_base.nonce2len - proxy_base.enonce1varlen; ck_wunlock(&workbase_lock); json_decref(val); drop_allclients(ckp); return true; } static void update_notify(ckpool_t *ckp) { bool new_block = false, clean; char header[228]; workbase_t *wb; json_t *val; char *buf; int i; buf = send_recv_proc(ckp->generator, "getnotify"); if (unlikely(!buf)) { LOGWARNING("Failed to get notify from generator in update_notify"); return; } LOGDEBUG("Update notify: %s", buf); wb = ckzalloc(sizeof(workbase_t)); val = json_loads(buf, 0, NULL); dealloc(buf); wb->ckp = ckp; wb->proxy = true; json_int64cpy(&wb->id, val, "jobid"); json_strcpy(wb->prevhash, val, "prevhash"); json_strcpy(wb->coinb1, val, "coinbase1"); wb->coinb1len = strlen(wb->coinb1) / 2; hex2bin(wb->coinb1bin, wb->coinb1, wb->coinb1len); wb->height = get_sernumber(wb->coinb1bin + 42); json_strdup(&wb->coinb2, val, "coinbase2"); wb->coinb2len = strlen(wb->coinb2) / 2; wb->coinb2bin = ckalloc(wb->coinb2len); hex2bin(wb->coinb2bin, wb->coinb2, wb->coinb2len); wb->merkle_array = json_object_dup(val, "merklehash"); wb->merkles = json_array_size(wb->merkle_array); for (i = 0; i < wb->merkles; i++) { strcpy(&wb->merklehash[i][0], json_string_value(json_array_get(wb->merkle_array, i))); hex2bin(&wb->merklebin[i][0], &wb->merklehash[i][0], 32); } json_strcpy(wb->bbversion, val, "bbversion"); json_strcpy(wb->nbit, val, "nbit"); json_strcpy(wb->ntime, val, "ntime"); sscanf(wb->ntime, "%x", &wb->ntime32); clean = json_is_true(json_object_get(val, "clean")); json_decref(val); ts_realtime(&wb->gentime); snprintf(header, 225, "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", wb->bbversion, wb->prevhash, "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", wb->ntime, wb->nbit, "00000000", /* nonce */ workpadding); LOGDEBUG("Header: %s", header); hex2bin(wb->headerbin, header, 112); ck_rlock(&workbase_lock); strcpy(wb->enonce1const, proxy_base.enonce1); wb->enonce1constlen = proxy_base.enonce1constlen; memcpy(wb->enonce1constbin, proxy_base.enonce1bin, wb->enonce1constlen); wb->enonce1varlen = proxy_base.enonce1varlen; wb->enonce2varlen = proxy_base.enonce2varlen; wb->diff = proxy_base.diff; ck_runlock(&workbase_lock); add_base(ckp, wb, &new_block); stratum_broadcast_update(new_block | clean); } static void stratum_send_diff(stratum_instance_t *client); static void update_diff(ckpool_t *ckp) { stratum_instance_t *client; double old_diff, diff; json_t *val; char *buf; buf = send_recv_proc(ckp->generator, "getdiff"); if (unlikely(!buf)) { LOGWARNING("Failed to get diff from generator in update_diff"); return; } LOGDEBUG("Update diff: %s", buf); val = json_loads(buf, 0, NULL); dealloc(buf); json_dblcpy(&diff, val, "diff"); json_decref(val); ck_wlock(&workbase_lock); old_diff = proxy_base.diff; current_workbase->diff = proxy_base.diff = diff; ck_wunlock(&workbase_lock); if (old_diff < diff) return; /* If the diff has dropped, iterated over all the clients and check * they're at or below the new diff, and update it if not. */ ck_rlock(&instance_lock); for (client = stratum_instances; client != NULL; client = client->hh.next) { if (client->diff > diff) { client->diff = diff; stratum_send_diff(client); } } ck_runlock(&instance_lock); } /* Enter with instance_lock held */ static stratum_instance_t *__instance_by_id(int id) { stratum_instance_t *instance; HASH_FIND_INT(stratum_instances, &id, instance); return instance; } /* Enter with write instance_lock held */ static stratum_instance_t *__stratum_add_instance(ckpool_t *ckp, int id) { stratum_instance_t *instance = ckzalloc(sizeof(stratum_instance_t)); instance->id = id; instance->diff = instance->old_diff = ckp->startdiff; instance->ckp = ckp; tv_time(&instance->ldc); LOGINFO("Added instance %d", id); HASH_ADD_INT(stratum_instances, id, instance); return instance; } static bool disconnected_sessionid_exists(const char *sessionid, int id) { bool connected_exists = false, ret = false; stratum_instance_t *instance, *tmp; uint64_t session64; if (!sessionid) goto out; if (strlen(sessionid) != 16) goto out; /* Number is in BE but we don't swap either of them */ hex2bin(&session64, sessionid, 8); ck_rlock(&instance_lock); HASH_ITER(hh, stratum_instances, instance, tmp) { if (instance->id == id) continue; if (instance->enonce1_64 == session64) { /* Only allow one connected instance per enonce1 */ connected_exists = true; break; } } if (connected_exists) goto out_unlock; instance = NULL; HASH_FIND(hh, disconnected_instances, &session64, sizeof(uint64_t), instance); if (instance) ret = true; out_unlock: ck_runlock(&instance_lock); out: return ret; } static void stratum_add_recvd(json_t *val) { smsg_t *msg; msg = ckzalloc(sizeof(smsg_t)); msg->json_msg = val; ckmsgq_add(srecvs, msg); } /* For creating a list of sends without locking that can then be concatenated * to the stratum_sends list. Minimises locking and avoids taking recursive * locks. */ static void stratum_broadcast(json_t *val) { stratum_instance_t *instance, *tmp; ckmsg_t *bulk_send = NULL; if (unlikely(!val)) { LOGERR("Sent null json to stratum_broadcast"); return; } ck_rlock(&instance_lock); HASH_ITER(hh, stratum_instances, instance, tmp) { ckmsg_t *client_msg; smsg_t *msg; if (!instance->authorised) continue; client_msg = ckalloc(sizeof(ckmsg_t)); msg = ckzalloc(sizeof(smsg_t)); msg->json_msg = json_deep_copy(val); msg->client_id = instance->id; client_msg->data = msg; DL_APPEND(bulk_send, client_msg); } ck_runlock(&instance_lock); json_decref(val); if (!bulk_send) return; mutex_lock(&ssends->lock); if (ssends->msgs) DL_CONCAT(ssends->msgs, bulk_send); else ssends->msgs = bulk_send; pthread_cond_signal(&ssends->cond); mutex_unlock(&ssends->lock); } static void stratum_add_send(json_t *val, int client_id) { smsg_t *msg; msg = ckzalloc(sizeof(smsg_t)); msg->json_msg = val; msg->client_id = client_id; ckmsgq_add(ssends, msg); } static void drop_client(int id) { stratum_instance_t *client = NULL; ck_ilock(&instance_lock); client = __instance_by_id(id); if (client) { stratum_instance_t *old_client = NULL; ck_ulock(&instance_lock); if (client->authorised && !--stats.workers) stats.users--; HASH_DEL(stratum_instances, client); HASH_FIND(hh, disconnected_instances, &client->enonce1_64, sizeof(uint64_t), old_client); /* Only keep around one copy of the old client */ if (!old_client) HASH_ADD(hh, disconnected_instances, enonce1_64, sizeof(uint64_t), client); else // Keep around instance so we don't get a dereference HASH_ADD(hh, dead_instances, enonce1_64, sizeof(uint64_t), client); ck_dwilock(&instance_lock); } ck_uilock(&instance_lock); } static void stratum_broadcast_message(const char *msg) { json_t *json_msg; json_msg = json_pack("{sosss[s]}", "id", json_null(), "method", "client.show_message", "params", msg); stratum_broadcast(json_msg); } /* FIXME: Speak to database here. */ static void block_solve(ckpool_t *ckp) { char cdfield[64]; ts_t ts_now; json_t *val; char *msg; ts_realtime(&ts_now); sprintf(cdfield, "%lu,%lu", ts_now.tv_sec, ts_now.tv_nsec); ck_rlock(&workbase_lock); ASPRINTF(&msg, "Block %d solved by %s!", current_workbase->height, ckp->name); /* We send blank settings to ckdb with only the matching data from what we submitted * to say the block has been confirmed. */ val = json_pack("{si,ss,sI,ss,ss,si,ss,ss,ss,sI,ss,ss,ss,ss}", "height", current_workbase->height, "confirmed", "1", "workinfoid", current_workbase->id, "username", "", "workername", "", "clientid", 0, "enonce1", "", "nonce2", "", "nonce", "", "reward", current_workbase->coinbasevalue, "createdate", cdfield, "createby", "code", "createcode", __func__, "createinet", ""); ck_runlock(&workbase_lock); update_base(ckp); ck_rlock(&workbase_lock); json_set_string(val, "blockhash", current_workbase->prevhash); ck_runlock(&workbase_lock); ckdbq_add(ID_BLOCK, val); stratum_broadcast_message(msg); free(msg); } static int stratum_loop(ckpool_t *ckp, proc_instance_t *pi) { int sockd, ret = 0, selret = 0; unixsock_t *us = &pi->us; char *buf = NULL; tv_t start_tv; tv_time(&start_tv); retry: do { if (!ckp->proxy) { double tdiff; tv_t end_tv; tv_time(&end_tv); tdiff = tvdiff(&end_tv, &start_tv); if (tdiff > ckp->update_interval) { copy_tv(&start_tv, &end_tv); LOGDEBUG("%ds elapsed in strat_loop, updating gbt base", ckp->update_interval); update_base(ckp); continue; } } selret = wait_read_select(us->sockd, 5); if (!selret && !ping_main(ckp)) { LOGEMERG("Generator failed to ping main process, exiting"); ret = 1; goto out; } } while (selret < 1); sockd = accept(us->sockd, NULL, NULL); if (sockd < 0) { LOGERR("Failed to accept on stratifier socket, exiting"); ret = 1; goto out; } dealloc(buf); buf = recv_unix_msg(sockd); if (!buf) { close(sockd); LOGWARNING("Failed to get message in stratum_loop"); goto retry; } if (!strncasecmp(buf, "ping", 4)) { LOGDEBUG("Stratifier received ping request"); send_unix_msg(sockd, "pong"); close(sockd); goto retry; } close(sockd); LOGDEBUG("Stratifier received request: %s", buf); if (!strncasecmp(buf, "shutdown", 8)) { ret = 0; goto out; } else if (!strncasecmp(buf, "update", 6)) { update_base(ckp); } else if (!strncasecmp(buf, "subscribe", 9)) { /* Proxifier has a new subscription */ if (!update_subscribe(ckp)) goto out; } else if (!strncasecmp(buf, "notify", 6)) { /* Proxifier has a new notify ready */ update_notify(ckp); } else if (!strncasecmp(buf, "diff", 4)) { update_diff(ckp); } else if (!strncasecmp(buf, "dropclient", 10)) { int client_id; ret = sscanf(buf, "dropclient=%d", &client_id); if (ret < 0) LOGDEBUG("Stratifier failed to parse dropclient command: %s", buf); else drop_client(client_id); } else if (!strncasecmp(buf, "block", 5)) { block_solve(ckp); } else if (!strncasecmp(buf, "loglevel", 8)) { sscanf(buf, "loglevel=%d", &ckp->loglevel); } else { json_t *val = json_loads(buf, 0, NULL); if (!val) { LOGWARNING("Received unrecognised message: %s", buf); } else stratum_add_recvd(val); } goto retry; out: dealloc(buf); return ret; } static void *blockupdate(void *arg) { ckpool_t *ckp = (ckpool_t *)arg; char *buf = NULL, hash[68]; char request[8]; pthread_detach(pthread_self()); rename_proc("blockupdate"); buf = send_recv_proc(ckp->generator, "getbest"); if (buf && strncasecmp(buf, "Failed", 6)) sprintf(request, "getbest"); else sprintf(request, "getlast"); memset(hash, 0, 68); while (42) { dealloc(buf); buf = send_recv_proc(ckp->generator, request); if (buf && strcmp(buf, hash) && strncasecmp(buf, "Failed", 6)) { strcpy(hash, buf); LOGNOTICE("Block hash changed to %s", hash); send_proc(ckp->stratifier, "update"); } else cksleep_ms(ckp->blockpoll); } return NULL; } static void new_enonce1(stratum_instance_t *client) { workbase_t *wb; ck_wlock(&workbase_lock); client->enonce1_64 = enonce1_64; wb = current_workbase; if (wb->enonce1varlen == 8) { enonce1_64++; } else if (wb->enonce1varlen == 2) { uint16_t *enonce1_16 = (uint16_t *)&enonce1_64; ++(*enonce1_16); } else { uint32_t *enonce1_32 = (uint32_t *)&enonce1_64; ++(*enonce1_32); } if (wb->enonce1constlen) memcpy(client->enonce1bin, wb->enonce1constbin, wb->enonce1constlen); memcpy(client->enonce1bin + wb->enonce1constlen, &client->enonce1_64, wb->enonce1varlen); __bin2hex(client->enonce1var, &client->enonce1_64, wb->enonce1varlen); __bin2hex(client->enonce1, client->enonce1bin, wb->enonce1constlen + wb->enonce1varlen); ck_wunlock(&workbase_lock); } /* Extranonce1 must be set here */ static json_t *parse_subscribe(int client_id, json_t *params_val) { stratum_instance_t *client = NULL; bool old_match = false; int arr_size; json_t *ret; int n2len; if (unlikely(!json_is_array(params_val))) return json_string("params not an array"); ck_rlock(&instance_lock); client = __instance_by_id(client_id); ck_runlock(&instance_lock); if (unlikely(!client)) { LOGERR("Failed to find client id %d in hashtable!", client_id); return NULL; } if (unlikely(!current_workbase)) return json_string("Initialising"); arr_size = json_array_size(params_val); if (arr_size > 0) { const char *buf; buf = json_string_value(json_array_get(params_val, 0)); if (buf && strlen(buf)) client->useragent = strdup(buf); if (arr_size > 1) { /* This would be the session id for reconnect, it will * not work for clients on a proxied connection. */ buf = json_string_value(json_array_get(params_val, 1)); LOGDEBUG("Found old session id %s", buf); /* Add matching here */ if (disconnected_sessionid_exists(buf, client_id)) { sprintf(client->enonce1, "%016lx", client->enonce1_64); old_match = true; } } } if (!old_match) { /* Create a new extranonce1 based on a uint64_t pointer */ new_enonce1(client); LOGINFO("Set new subscription %d to new enonce1 %s", client->id, client->enonce1); } else { LOGINFO("Set new subscription %d to old matched enonce1 %s", client->id, client->enonce1); } ck_rlock(&workbase_lock); if (likely(workbases)) n2len = workbases->enonce2varlen; else n2len = 8; ret = json_pack("[[[s,s]],s,i]", "mining.notify", client->enonce1, client->enonce1, n2len); ck_runlock(&workbase_lock); return ret; } /* This simply strips off the first part of the workername and matches it to a * user or creates a new one. */ static user_instance_t *authorise_user(const char *workername) { char *fullname = strdupa(workername); char *username = strsep(&fullname, "."); user_instance_t *instance; if (strlen(username) > 127) username[127] = '\0'; ck_ilock(&instance_lock); HASH_FIND_STR(user_instances, username, instance); if (!instance) { /* New user instance */ instance = ckzalloc(sizeof(user_instance_t)); strcpy(instance->username, username); ck_ulock(&instance_lock); instance->id = user_instance_id++; HASH_ADD_STR(user_instances, username, instance); ck_dwilock(&instance_lock); } ck_uilock(&instance_lock); return instance; } /* Send this to the database and parse the response to authorise a user * and get SUID parameters back. We don't add these requests to the ckdbqueue * since we have to wait for the response but this is done from the authoriser * thread so it won't hold anything up but other authorisations. */ static bool send_recv_auth(stratum_instance_t *client) { ckpool_t *ckp = client->ckp; char cdfield[64]; bool ret = false; json_t *val; char *buf; ts_t now; ts_realtime(&now); sprintf(cdfield, "%lu,%lu", now.tv_sec, now.tv_nsec); val = json_pack("{ss,ss,ss,ss,si,ss,ss,ss,ss,ss}", "username", client->user_instance->username, "workername", client->workername, "poolinstance", ckp->name, "useragent", client->useragent, "clientid", client->id, "enonce1", client->enonce1, "createdate", cdfield, "createby", "code", "createcode", __func__, "createinet", client->address); buf = json_ckdb_call(ckp, ckdb_ids[ID_AUTH], val, false); if (likely(buf)) { char *secondaryuserid, *response = alloca(128); sscanf(buf, "id.%*d.%s", response); secondaryuserid = response; strsep(&secondaryuserid, "."); LOGINFO("User %s Worker %s got auth response: %s suid: %s", client->user_instance->username, client->workername, response, secondaryuserid); if (!strcmp(response, "ok") && secondaryuserid) { client->secondaryuserid = strdup(secondaryuserid); ret = true; } } else { LOGWARNING("Got no auth response from ckdb :("); json_decref(val); } return ret; } static json_t *parse_authorise(stratum_instance_t *client, json_t *params_val, json_t **err_val, const char *address) { bool ret = false; const char *buf; int arr_size; ts_t now; if (unlikely(!json_is_array(params_val))) { *err_val = json_string("params not an array"); goto out; } arr_size = json_array_size(params_val); if (unlikely(arr_size < 1)) { *err_val = json_string("params missing array entries"); goto out; } buf = json_string_value(json_array_get(params_val, 0)); if (!buf) { *err_val = json_string("Invalid workername parameter"); goto out; } if (!strlen(buf)) { *err_val = json_string("Empty workername parameter"); goto out; } if (!memcmp(buf, ".", 1)) { *err_val = json_string("Empty username parameter"); goto out; } client->user_instance = authorise_user(buf); client->user_id = client->user_instance->id; ts_realtime(&now); client->start_time = now.tv_sec; strcpy(client->address, address); LOGNOTICE("Authorised client %d worker %s as user %s", client->id, buf, client->user_instance->username); client->workername = strdup(buf); ret = send_recv_auth(client); client->authorised = ret; if (client->authorised) { mutex_lock(&stats_lock); if (!stats.workers++) stats.users++; mutex_unlock(&stats_lock); } out: return json_boolean(ret); } static void stratum_send_diff(stratum_instance_t *client) { json_t *json_msg; json_msg = json_pack("{s[I]soss}", "params", client->diff, "id", json_null(), "method", "mining.set_difficulty"); stratum_add_send(json_msg, client->id); } static void stratum_send_message(stratum_instance_t *client, const char *msg) { json_t *json_msg; json_msg = json_pack("{sosss[s]}", "id", json_null(), "method", "client.show_message", "params", msg); stratum_add_send(json_msg, client->id); } static double time_bias(double tdiff, double period) { double dexp = tdiff / period; /* Sanity check to prevent silly numbers for double accuracy **/ if (unlikely(dexp > 36)) dexp = 36; return 1.0 - 1.0 / exp(dexp); } /* Sanity check to prevent clock adjustments backwards from screwing up stats */ static double sane_tdiff(tv_t *end, tv_t *start) { double tdiff = tvdiff(end, start); if (unlikely(tdiff < 0.001)) tdiff = 0.001; return tdiff; } static void add_submit(stratum_instance_t *client, int diff, bool valid) { double tdiff, bdiff, dsps, drr, network_diff, bias; int64_t next_blockid, optimal; tv_t now_t; tv_time(&now_t); ck_rlock(&workbase_lock); next_blockid = workbase_id + 1; network_diff = current_workbase->network_diff; ck_runlock(&workbase_lock); tdiff = sane_tdiff(&now_t, &client->last_share); if (unlikely(!client->first_share.tv_sec)) copy_tv(&client->first_share, &now_t); decay_time(&client->dsps1, diff, tdiff, 60); decay_time(&client->dsps5, diff, tdiff, 300); decay_time(&client->dsps60, diff, tdiff, 3600); decay_time(&client->dsps1440, diff, tdiff, 86400); copy_tv(&client->last_share, &now_t); client->idle = false; tdiff = sane_tdiff(&now_t, &client->last_share); copy_tv(&client->last_share, &now_t); client->ssdc++; decay_time(&client->dsps5, diff, tdiff, 300); bdiff = sane_tdiff(&now_t, &client->first_share); bias = time_bias(bdiff, 300); tdiff = sane_tdiff(&now_t, &client->ldc); mutex_lock(&stats_lock); if (valid) { stats.unaccounted_shares++; stats.unaccounted_diff_shares += diff; } else stats.unaccounted_rejects += diff; mutex_unlock(&stats_lock); /* Check the difficulty every 240 seconds or as many shares as we * should have had in that time, whichever comes first. */ if (client->ssdc < 72 && tdiff < 240) return; if (diff != client->diff) return; /* We have the effect of a change pending */ if (client->diff_change_job_id >= next_blockid) return; /* Diff rate ratio */ dsps = client->dsps5 / bias; drr = dsps / (double)client->diff; /* Optimal rate product is 0.3, allow some hysteresis. */ if (drr > 0.15 && drr < 0.4) return; optimal = round(dsps * 3.33); if (optimal <= client->ckp->mindiff) { if (client->diff == client->ckp->mindiff) return; optimal = client->ckp->mindiff; } if (optimal > network_diff) { /* Intentionally round down here */ optimal = network_diff; if (client->diff == optimal) return; } /* Don't drop diff to rapidly in case the client simply switched away * and has just returned */ if (optimal < client->diff / 2) optimal = client->diff / 2; client->ssdc = 0; LOGINFO("Client %d biased dsps %.2f dsps %.2f drr %.2f adjust diff from %ld to: %ld ", client->id, dsps, client->dsps5, drr, client->diff, optimal); copy_tv(&client->ldc, &now_t); client->diff_change_job_id = next_blockid; client->old_diff = client->diff; client->diff = optimal; stratum_send_diff(client); } /* We should already be holding the workbase_lock */ static void test_blocksolve(stratum_instance_t *client, workbase_t *wb, const uchar *data, double diff, const char *coinbase, int cblen, const char *nonce2, const char *nonce) { int transactions = wb->transactions + 1; char *gbt_block, varint[12]; char hexcoinbase[512]; json_t *val = NULL; char cdfield[64]; ts_t ts_now; /* Submit anything over 95% of the diff in case of rounding errors */ if (diff < current_workbase->network_diff * 0.95) return; LOGWARNING("Possible block solve diff %f !", diff); if (wb->proxy) return; ts_realtime(&ts_now); sprintf(cdfield, "%lu,%lu", ts_now.tv_sec, ts_now.tv_nsec); gbt_block = ckalloc(512); sprintf(gbt_block, "submitblock:"); __bin2hex(gbt_block + 12, data, 80); if (transactions < 0xfd) { uint8_t val8 = transactions; __bin2hex(varint, (const unsigned char *)&val8, 1); } else if (transactions <= 0xffff) { uint16_t val16 = htole16(transactions); strcat(gbt_block, "fd"); __bin2hex(varint, (const unsigned char *)&val16, 2); } else { uint32_t val32 = htole32(transactions); strcat(gbt_block, "fe"); __bin2hex(varint, (const unsigned char *)&val32, 4); } strcat(gbt_block, varint); __bin2hex(hexcoinbase, coinbase, cblen); strcat(gbt_block, hexcoinbase); if (wb->transactions) realloc_strcat(&gbt_block, wb->txn_data); send_proc(wb->ckp->generator, gbt_block); free(gbt_block); val = json_pack("{si,ss,ss,sI,ss,ss,si,ss,ss,ss,sI,ss,ss,ss,ss}", "height", wb->height, "blockhash", data, "confirmed", "n", "workinfoid", wb->id, "username", client->user_instance->username, "workername", client->workername, "clientid", client->id, "enonce1", client->enonce1, "nonce2", nonce2, "nonce", nonce, "reward", wb->coinbasevalue, "createdate", cdfield, "createby", "code", "createcode", __func__, "createinet", ""); ckdbq_add(ID_BLOCK, val); } static double submission_diff(stratum_instance_t *client, workbase_t *wb, const char *nonce2, uint32_t ntime32, const char *nonce, uchar *hash) { unsigned char merkle_root[32], merkle_sha[64]; uint32_t *data32, *swap32, benonce32; char *coinbase, data[80]; uchar swap[80], hash1[32]; int cblen, i; double ret; coinbase = alloca(wb->coinb1len + wb->enonce1constlen + wb->enonce1varlen + wb->enonce2varlen + wb->coinb2len); memcpy(coinbase, wb->coinb1bin, wb->coinb1len); cblen = wb->coinb1len; memcpy(coinbase + cblen, &client->enonce1bin, wb->enonce1constlen + wb->enonce1varlen); cblen += wb->enonce1constlen + wb->enonce1varlen; hex2bin(coinbase + cblen, nonce2, wb->enonce2varlen); cblen += wb->enonce2varlen; memcpy(coinbase + cblen, wb->coinb2bin, wb->coinb2len); cblen += wb->coinb2len; gen_hash((uchar *)coinbase, merkle_root, cblen); memcpy(merkle_sha, merkle_root, 32); for (i = 0; i < wb->merkles; i++) { memcpy(merkle_sha + 32, &wb->merklebin[i], 32); gen_hash(merkle_sha, merkle_root, 64); memcpy(merkle_sha, merkle_root, 32); } data32 = (uint32_t *)merkle_sha; swap32 = (uint32_t *)merkle_root; flip_32(swap32, data32); /* Copy the cached header binary and insert the merkle root */ memcpy(data, wb->headerbin, 80); memcpy(data + 36, merkle_root, 32); /* Insert the nonce value into the data */ hex2bin(&benonce32, nonce, 4); data32 = (uint32_t *)(data + 64 + 12); *data32 = benonce32; /* Insert the ntime value into the data */ data32 = (uint32_t *)(data + 68); *data32 = htobe32(ntime32); /* Hash the share */ data32 = (uint32_t *)data; swap32 = (uint32_t *)swap; flip_80(swap32, data32); sha256(swap, 80, hash1); sha256(hash1, 32, hash); /* Calculate the diff of the share here */ ret = diff_from_target(hash); /* Test we haven't solved a block regardless of share status */ test_blocksolve(client, wb, swap, ret, coinbase, cblen, nonce2, nonce); return ret; } static bool new_share(const uchar *hash, int64_t wb_id) { share_t *share, *match = NULL; bool ret = false; ck_ilock(&share_lock); HASH_FIND(hh, shares, hash, 32, match); if (match) goto out_unlock; share = ckzalloc(sizeof(share_t)); memcpy(share->hash, hash, 32); share->workbase_id = wb_id; ck_ulock(&share_lock); HASH_ADD(hh, shares, hash, 32, share); ck_dwilock(&share_lock); ret = true; out_unlock: ck_uilock(&share_lock); return ret; } /* Submit a share in proxy mode to the parent pool. workbase_lock is held */ static void submit_share(stratum_instance_t *client, int64_t jobid, const char *nonce2, const char *ntime, const char *nonce, int msg_id) { ckpool_t *ckp = client->ckp; json_t *json_msg; char enonce2[32]; char *msg; sprintf(enonce2, "%s%s", client->enonce1var, nonce2); json_msg = json_pack("{sisssssssisi}", "jobid", jobid, "nonce2", enonce2, "ntime", ntime, "nonce", nonce, "client_id", client->id, "msg_id", msg_id); msg = json_dumps(json_msg, 0); json_decref(json_msg); send_proc(ckp->generator, msg); free(msg); } #define JSON_ERR(err) json_string(SHARE_ERR(err)) static json_t *parse_submit(stratum_instance_t *client, json_t *json_msg, json_t *params_val, json_t **err_val) { bool share = false, result = false, invalid = true, submit = false; char hexhash[68] = {}, sharehash[32], cdfield[64], *logdir; const char *user, *job_id, *nonce2, *ntime, *nonce; double diff = client->diff, wdiff = 0, sdiff = -1; enum share_err err = SE_NONE; char idstring[20]; uint32_t ntime32; char *fname, *s; workbase_t *wb; uchar hash[32]; int64_t id; json_t *val; ts_t now; FILE *fp; int len; ts_realtime(&now); sprintf(cdfield, "%lu,%lu", now.tv_sec, now.tv_nsec); if (unlikely(!json_is_array(params_val))) { err = SE_NOT_ARRAY; *err_val = JSON_ERR(err); goto out; } if (unlikely(json_array_size(params_val) != 5)) { err = SE_INVALID_SIZE; *err_val = JSON_ERR(err); goto out; } user = json_string_value(json_array_get(params_val, 0)); if (unlikely(!user || !strlen(user))) { err = SE_NO_USERNAME; *err_val = JSON_ERR(err); goto out; } job_id = json_string_value(json_array_get(params_val, 1)); if (unlikely(!job_id || !strlen(job_id))) { err = SE_NO_JOBID; *err_val = JSON_ERR(err); goto out; } nonce2 = json_string_value(json_array_get(params_val, 2)); if (unlikely(!nonce2 || !strlen(nonce2))) { err = SE_NO_NONCE2; *err_val = JSON_ERR(err); goto out; } ntime = json_string_value(json_array_get(params_val, 3)); if (unlikely(!ntime || !strlen(ntime))) { err = SE_NO_NTIME; *err_val = JSON_ERR(err); goto out; } nonce = json_string_value(json_array_get(params_val, 4)); if (unlikely(!nonce || !strlen(nonce))) { err = SE_NO_NONCE; *err_val = JSON_ERR(err); goto out; } if (strcmp(user, client->workername)) { err = SE_WORKER_MISMATCH; *err_val = JSON_ERR(err); goto out; } sscanf(job_id, "%lx", &id); sscanf(ntime, "%x", &ntime32); share = true; ck_rlock(&workbase_lock); HASH_FIND_INT(workbases, &id, wb); if (unlikely(!wb)) { err = SE_INVALID_JOBID; json_set_string(json_msg, "reject-reason", SHARE_ERR(err)); strcpy(idstring, job_id); logdir = current_workbase->logdir; goto out_unlock; } wdiff = wb->diff; strcpy(idstring, wb->idstring); logdir = strdupa(wb->logdir); sdiff = submission_diff(client, wb, nonce2, ntime32, nonce, hash); bswap_256(sharehash, hash); __bin2hex(hexhash, sharehash, 32); if (id < blockchange_id) { err = SE_STALE; json_set_string(json_msg, "reject-reason", SHARE_ERR(err)); goto out_unlock; } if ((int)strlen(nonce2) != wb->enonce2varlen * 2) { err = SE_INVALID_NONCE2; *err_val = JSON_ERR(err); goto out_unlock; } /* Ntime cannot be less, but allow forward ntime rolling up to max */ if (ntime32 < wb->ntime32 || ntime32 > wb->ntime32 + 7000) { err = SE_NTIME_INVALID; json_set_string(json_msg, "reject-reason", SHARE_ERR(err)); goto out_unlock; } invalid = false; if (wb->proxy && sdiff > wdiff) submit = true; out_unlock: ck_runlock(&workbase_lock); if (submit) submit_share(client, id, nonce2, ntime, nonce, json_integer_value(json_object_get(json_msg, "id"))); /* Accept the lower of new and old diffs until the next update */ if (id < client->diff_change_job_id && client->old_diff < client->diff) diff = client->old_diff; if (!invalid) { char wdiffsuffix[16]; suffix_string(wdiff, wdiffsuffix, 16, 0); if (sdiff >= diff) { if (new_share(hash, id)) { LOGINFO("Accepted client %d share diff %.1f/%.0f/%s: %s", client->id, sdiff, diff, wdiffsuffix, hexhash); result = true; } else { err = SE_DUPE; json_set_string(json_msg, "reject-reason", SHARE_ERR(err)); LOGINFO("Rejected client %d dupe diff %.1f/%.0f/%s: %s", client->id, sdiff, diff, wdiffsuffix, hexhash); } } else { err = SE_HIGH_DIFF; LOGINFO("Rejected client %d high diff %.1f/%.0f/%s: %s", client->id, sdiff, diff, wdiffsuffix, hexhash); json_set_string(json_msg, "reject-reason", SHARE_ERR(err)); } } else LOGINFO("Rejected client %d invalid share", client->id); add_submit(client, diff, result); /* Log shares here */ len = strlen(logdir) + strlen(client->workername) + 12; fname = alloca(len); /* First write to the user's sharelog */ sprintf(fname, "%s/%s.sharelog", logdir, client->workername); fp = fopen(fname, "a"); if (unlikely(!fp)) { LOGERR("Failed to fopen %s", fname); goto out; } val = json_object(); json_set_int(val, "workinfoid", id); json_set_int(val, "clientid", client->id); json_set_string(val, "enonce1", client->enonce1); json_set_string(val, "secondaryuserid", client->secondaryuserid); json_set_string(val, "nonce2", nonce2); json_set_string(val, "nonce", nonce); json_set_string(val, "ntime", ntime); json_set_double(val, "diff", diff); json_set_double(val, "sdiff", sdiff); json_set_string(val, "hash", hexhash); json_set_bool(val, "result", result); json_object_set(val, "reject-reason", json_object_dup(json_msg, "reject-reason")); json_object_set(val, "error", *err_val); json_set_int(val, "errn", err); json_set_string(val, "createdate", cdfield); json_set_string(val, "createby", "code"); json_set_string(val, "createcode", __func__); json_set_string(val, "createinet", ""); s = json_dumps(val, 0); len = strlen(s); len = fprintf(fp, "%s\n", s); free(s); fclose(fp); if (unlikely(len < 0)) LOGERR("Failed to fwrite to %s", fname); /* Now write to the pool's sharelog, adding workername to json */ sprintf(fname, "%s.sharelog", logdir); json_set_string(val, "workername", client->workername); json_set_string(val, "username", client->user_instance->username); fp = fopen(fname, "a"); if (likely(fp)) { s = json_dumps(val, 0); len = strlen(s); len = fprintf(fp, "%s\n", s); free(s); fclose(fp); if (unlikely(len < 0)) LOGERR("Failed to fwrite to %s", fname); } else LOGERR("Failed to fopen %s", fname); ckdbq_add(ID_SHARES, val); out: if (!share) { val = json_pack("{si,ss,ss,sI,ss,ss,so,si,ss,ss,ss,ss}", "clientid", client->id, "secondaryuserid", client->secondaryuserid, "enonce1", client->enonce1, "workinfoid", current_workbase->id, "workername", client->workername, "username", client->user_instance->username, "error", json_copy(*err_val), "errn", err, "createdate", cdfield, "createby", "code", "createcode", __func__, "createinet", ""); ckdbq_add(ID_SHAREERR, val); LOGINFO("Invalid share from client %d: %s", client->id, client->workername); } return json_boolean(result); } /* Must enter with workbase_lock held */ static json_t *__stratum_notify(bool clean) { json_t *val; val = json_pack("{s:[ssssosssb],s:o,s:s}", "params", current_workbase->idstring, current_workbase->prevhash, current_workbase->coinb1, current_workbase->coinb2, json_copy(current_workbase->merkle_array), current_workbase->bbversion, current_workbase->nbit, current_workbase->ntime, clean, "id", json_null(), "method", "mining.notify"); return val; } static void stratum_broadcast_update(bool clean) { json_t *json_msg; ck_rlock(&workbase_lock); json_msg = __stratum_notify(clean); ck_runlock(&workbase_lock); stratum_broadcast(json_msg); } /* For sending a single stratum template update */ static void stratum_send_update(int client_id, bool clean) { json_t *json_msg; ck_rlock(&workbase_lock); json_msg = __stratum_notify(clean); ck_runlock(&workbase_lock); stratum_add_send(json_msg, client_id); } static void send_json_err(int client_id, json_t *id_val, const char *err_msg) { json_t *val; val = json_pack("{soss}", "id", json_copy(id_val), "error", err_msg); stratum_add_send(val, client_id); } static void update_client(const int client_id) { stratum_instance_t *client; stratum_send_update(client_id, true); ck_rlock(&instance_lock); client = __instance_by_id(client_id); ck_runlock(&instance_lock); if (likely(client)) stratum_send_diff(client); } static json_params_t *create_json_params(const int client_id, const json_t *params, const json_t *id_val, const char *address) { json_params_t *jp = ckalloc(sizeof(json_params_t)); jp->params = json_deep_copy(params); jp->id_val = json_deep_copy(id_val); jp->client_id = client_id; strcpy(jp->address, address); return jp; } static void parse_method(const int client_id, json_t *id_val, json_t *method_val, json_t *params_val, char *address) { stratum_instance_t *client; const char *method; /* Random broken clients send something not an integer as the id so we copy * the json item for id_val as is for the response. */ method = json_string_value(method_val); if (!strncasecmp(method, "mining.subscribe", 16)) { json_t *val, *result_val = parse_subscribe(client_id, params_val); if (!result_val) return; val = json_object(); json_object_set_new_nocheck(val, "result", result_val); json_object_set_nocheck(val, "id", id_val); json_object_set_new_nocheck(val, "error", json_null()); stratum_add_send(val, client_id); update_client(client_id); return; } ck_rlock(&instance_lock); client = __instance_by_id(client_id); ck_runlock(&instance_lock); if (unlikely(!client)) { LOGINFO("Failed to find client id %d in hashtable!", client_id); return; } if (!strncasecmp(method, "mining.auth", 11)) { json_params_t *jp = create_json_params(client_id, params_val, id_val, address); ckmsgq_add(sauthq, jp); return; } /* We should only accept authorised requests from here on */ if (!client->authorised) { char buf[256]; /* Dropping unauthorised clients here also allows the * stratifier process to restart since it will have lost all * the stratum instance data. Clients will just reconnect. */ LOGINFO("Dropping unauthorised client %d", client->id); snprintf(buf, 255, "dropclient=%d", client->id); send_proc(client->ckp->connector, buf); return; } if (!strncasecmp(method, "mining.submit", 13)) { json_params_t *jp = create_json_params(client_id, params_val, id_val, address); ckmsgq_add(sshareq, jp); return; } /* Unhandled message here */ } static void parse_instance_msg(smsg_t *msg) { json_t *val = msg->json_msg, *id_val, *method, *params; int client_id = msg->client_id; /* Return back the same id_val even if it's null or not existent. */ id_val = json_object_get(val, "id"); method = json_object_get(val, "method"); if (unlikely(!method)) { send_json_err(client_id, id_val, "-3:method not found"); goto out; } if (unlikely(!json_is_string(method))) { send_json_err(client_id, id_val, "-1:method is not string"); goto out; } params = json_object_get(val, "params"); if (unlikely(!params)) { send_json_err(client_id, id_val, "-1:params not found"); goto out; } parse_method(client_id, id_val, method, params, msg->address); out: json_decref(val); free(msg); } static void srecv_process(ckpool_t *ckp, smsg_t *msg) { stratum_instance_t *instance; json_t *val; val = json_object_get(msg->json_msg, "client_id"); if (unlikely(!val)) { char *s; s = json_dumps(msg->json_msg, 0); LOGWARNING("Failed to extract client_id from connector json smsg %s", s); free(s); json_decref(msg->json_msg); free(msg); return; } msg->client_id = json_integer_value(val); json_object_clear(val); val = json_object_get(msg->json_msg, "address"); if (unlikely(!val)) { char *s; s = json_dumps(msg->json_msg, 0); LOGWARNING("Failed to extract address from connector json smsg %s", s); free(s); json_decref(msg->json_msg); free(msg); return; } strcpy(msg->address, json_string_value(val)); json_object_clear(val); /* Parse the message here */ ck_ilock(&instance_lock); instance = __instance_by_id(msg->client_id); if (!instance) { /* client_id instance doesn't exist yet, create one */ ck_ulock(&instance_lock); instance = __stratum_add_instance(ckp, msg->client_id); ck_dwilock(&instance_lock); } ck_uilock(&instance_lock); parse_instance_msg(msg); } static void discard_stratum_msg(smsg_t **msg) { json_decref((*msg)->json_msg); free(*msg); *msg = NULL; } static void ssend_process(ckpool_t *ckp, smsg_t *msg) { char *s; if (unlikely(!msg->json_msg)) { LOGERR("Sent null json msg to stratum_sender"); free(msg); return; } /* Add client_id to the json message and send it to the * connector process to be delivered */ json_object_set_new_nocheck(msg->json_msg, "client_id", json_integer(msg->client_id)); s = json_dumps(msg->json_msg, 0); send_proc(ckp->connector, s); free(s); discard_stratum_msg(&msg); } static void discard_json_params(json_params_t **jp) { json_decref((*jp)->params); json_decref((*jp)->id_val); free(*jp); *jp = NULL; } static void sshare_process(ckpool_t __maybe_unused *ckp, json_params_t *jp) { json_t *result_val, *json_msg, *err_val = NULL; stratum_instance_t *client; int client_id; client_id = jp->client_id; ck_rlock(&instance_lock); client = __instance_by_id(client_id); ck_runlock(&instance_lock); if (unlikely(!client)) { LOGINFO("Share processor failed to find client id %d in hashtable!", client_id); goto out; } json_msg = json_object(); result_val = parse_submit(client, json_msg, jp->params, &err_val); json_object_set_new_nocheck(json_msg, "result", result_val); json_object_set_new_nocheck(json_msg, "error", err_val ? err_val : json_null()); json_object_set_nocheck(json_msg, "id", jp->id_val); stratum_add_send(json_msg, client_id); out: discard_json_params(&jp); } static void sauth_process(ckpool_t *ckp, json_params_t *jp) { json_t *result_val, *json_msg, *err_val = NULL; stratum_instance_t *client; int client_id; client_id = jp->client_id; ck_rlock(&instance_lock); client = __instance_by_id(client_id); ck_runlock(&instance_lock); if (unlikely(!client)) { LOGINFO("Authoriser failed to find client id %d in hashtable!", client_id); goto out; } result_val = parse_authorise(client, jp->params, &err_val, jp->address); if (json_is_true(result_val)) { char *buf; ASPRINTF(&buf, "Authorised, welcome to %s %s!", ckp->name, client->user_instance->username); stratum_send_message(client, buf); } else stratum_send_message(client, "Failed authorisation :("); json_msg = json_object(); json_object_set_new_nocheck(json_msg, "result", result_val); json_object_set_new_nocheck(json_msg, "error", err_val ? err_val : json_null()); json_object_set_nocheck(json_msg, "id", jp->id_val); stratum_add_send(json_msg, client_id); out: discard_json_params(&jp); } static void ckdbq_process(ckpool_t *ckp, ckdb_msg_t *data) { bool logged = false; char *buf = NULL; while (!buf) { buf = json_ckdb_call(ckp, ckdb_ids[data->idtype], data->val, logged); if (unlikely(!buf)) { LOGWARNING("Failed to talk to ckdb, queueing messages"); sleep(5); } logged = true; } LOGINFO("Got %s ckdb response: %s", ckdb_ids[data->idtype], buf); free(buf); } static const double nonces = 4294967296; /* Called every 20 seconds, we send the updated stats to ckdb of those users * who have gone 10 minutes between updates. This ends up staggering stats to * avoid floods of stat data coming at once. */ static void update_userstats(ckpool_t *ckp) { stratum_instance_t *client, *tmp; json_t *val = NULL; char cdfield[64]; time_t now_t; ts_t ts_now; if (++stats.userstats_cycle > 0x1f) stats.userstats_cycle = 0; ts_realtime(&ts_now); sprintf(cdfield, "%lu,%lu", ts_now.tv_sec, ts_now.tv_nsec); now_t = ts_now.tv_sec; ck_rlock(&instance_lock); HASH_ITER(hh, stratum_instances, client, tmp) { double ghs1, ghs5, ghs60, ghs1440; uint8_t cycle_mask; int elapsed; /* Send one lot of stats once the client is idle if they have submitted * no shares in the last 10 minutes with the idle bool set. */ if (client->idle && client->notified_idle) continue; /* Select clients using a mask to return each user's stats once * every ~10 minutes */ cycle_mask = client->user_id & 0x1f; if (cycle_mask != stats.userstats_cycle) continue; if (val) { json_set_bool(val,"eos", false); ckdbq_add(ID_USERSTATS, val); val = NULL; } elapsed = now_t - client->start_time; ghs1 = client->dsps1 * nonces; ghs5 = client->dsps5 * nonces; ghs60 = client->dsps60 * nonces; ghs1440 = client->dsps1440 * nonces; val = json_pack("{ss,si,si,ss,ss,sf,sf,sf,sf,sb,ss,ss,ss,ss}", "poolinstance", ckp->name, "instanceid", client->id, "elapsed", elapsed, "username", client->user_instance->username, "workername", client->workername, "hashrate", ghs1, "hashrate5m", ghs5, "hashrate1hr", ghs60, "hashrate24hr", ghs1440, "idle", client->idle, "createdate", cdfield, "createby", "code", "createcode", __func__, "createinet", ""); client->notified_idle = client->idle; } /* Mark the last userstats sent on this pass of stats with an end of * stats marker. */ if (val) { json_set_bool(val,"eos", true); ckdbq_add(ID_USERSTATS, val); } ck_runlock(&instance_lock); } static void *statsupdate(void *arg) { ckpool_t *ckp = (ckpool_t *)arg; pthread_detach(pthread_self()); rename_proc("statsupdate"); tv_time(&stats.start_time); cksleep_prepare_r(&stats.last_update); while (42) { char suffix1[16], suffix5[16], suffix15[16], suffix60[16], cdfield[64]; double ghs1, ghs5, ghs15, ghs60, ghs360, ghs1440, tdiff, bias; char suffix360[16], suffix1440[16]; double sps1, sps5, sps15, sps60; stratum_instance_t *client, *tmp; char fname[512] = {}; tv_t now, diff; ts_t ts_now; json_t *val; FILE *fp; char *s; int i; tv_time(&now); timersub(&now, &stats.start_time, &diff); tdiff = diff.tv_sec + (double)diff.tv_usec / 1000000; bias = time_bias(tdiff, 60); ghs1 = stats.dsps1 * nonces / bias; suffix_string(ghs1, suffix1, 16, 0); sps1 = stats.sps1 / bias; bias = time_bias(tdiff, 300); ghs5 = stats.dsps5 * nonces / bias; suffix_string(ghs5, suffix5, 16, 0); sps5 = stats.sps5 / bias; bias = time_bias(tdiff, 900); ghs15 = stats.dsps15 * nonces / bias; suffix_string(ghs15, suffix15, 16, 0); sps15 = stats.sps15 / bias; bias = time_bias(tdiff, 3600); ghs60 = stats.dsps60 * nonces / bias; suffix_string(ghs60, suffix60, 16, 0); sps60 = stats.sps60 / bias; bias = time_bias(tdiff, 21600); ghs360 = stats.dsps360 * nonces / bias; suffix_string(ghs360, suffix360, 16, 0); bias = time_bias(tdiff, 86400); ghs1440 = stats.dsps1440 * nonces / bias; suffix_string(ghs1440, suffix1440, 16, 0); snprintf(fname, 511, "%s/pool.status", ckp->logdir); fp = fopen(fname, "w"); if (unlikely(!fp)) LOGERR("Failed to fopen %s", fname); val = json_pack("{si,si,si}", "runtime", diff.tv_sec, "Users", stats.users, "Workers", stats.workers); s = json_dumps(val, 0); json_decref(val); LOGNOTICE("Pool:%s", s); fprintf(fp, "%s\n", s); dealloc(s); val = json_pack("{ss,ss,ss,ss,ss,ss}", "hashrate1m", suffix1, "hashrate5m", suffix5, "hashrate15m", suffix15, "hashrate1hr", suffix60, "hashrate6hr", suffix360, "hashrate1d", suffix1440); s = json_dumps(val, 0); json_decref(val); LOGNOTICE("Pool:%s", s); fprintf(fp, "%s\n", s); dealloc(s); val = json_pack("{sf,sf,sf,sf}", "SPS1m", sps1, "SPS5m", sps5, "SPS15m", sps15, "SPS1h", sps60); s = json_dumps(val, 0); json_decref(val); LOGNOTICE("Pool:%s", s); fprintf(fp, "%s\n", s); dealloc(s); fclose(fp); ck_rlock(&instance_lock); HASH_ITER(hh, stratum_instances, client, tmp) { bool idle = false; double ghs; if (now.tv_sec - client->last_share.tv_sec > 60) { idle = true; /* No shares for over a minute, decay to 0 */ decay_time(&client->dsps1, 0, tdiff, 60); decay_time(&client->dsps5, 0, tdiff, 300); decay_time(&client->dsps60, 0, tdiff, 3600); decay_time(&client->dsps1440, 0, tdiff, 86400); if (now.tv_sec - client->last_share.tv_sec > 600) client->idle = true; } ghs = client->dsps1 * nonces; suffix_string(ghs, suffix1, 16, 0); ghs = client->dsps5 * nonces; suffix_string(ghs, suffix5, 16, 0); ghs = client->dsps60 * nonces; suffix_string(ghs, suffix60, 16, 0); ghs = client->dsps1440 * nonces; suffix_string(ghs, suffix1440, 16, 0); val = json_pack("{ss,ss,ss,ss}", "hashrate1m", suffix1, "hashrate5m", suffix5, "hashrate1hr", suffix60, "hashrate1d", suffix1440); snprintf(fname, 511, "%s/%s", ckp->logdir, client->workername); fp = fopen(fname, "w"); if (unlikely(!fp)) { LOGERR("Failed to fopen %s", fname); continue; } s = json_dumps(val, 0); fprintf(fp, "%s\n", s); /* Only display the status of connected users to the * console log. */ if (!idle) LOGNOTICE("Worker %s:%s", client->workername, s); dealloc(s); json_decref(val); fclose(fp); } ck_runlock(&instance_lock); ts_realtime(&ts_now); sprintf(cdfield, "%lu,%lu", ts_now.tv_sec, ts_now.tv_nsec); val = json_pack("{ss,si,si,si,sf,sf,sf,sf,ss,ss,ss,ss}", "poolinstance", ckp->name, "elapsed", diff.tv_sec, "users", stats.users, "workers", stats.workers, "hashrate", ghs1, "hashrate5m", ghs5, "hashrate1hr", ghs60, "hashrate24hr", ghs1440, "createdate", cdfield, "createby", "code", "createcode", __func__, "createinet", ""); ckdbq_add(ID_POOLSTATS, val); /* Update stats 3 times per minute for smooth values, displaying * status every minute. */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { cksleep_ms_r(&stats.last_update, 20000); cksleep_prepare_r(&stats.last_update); update_userstats(ckp); mutex_lock(&stats_lock); stats.accounted_shares += stats.unaccounted_shares; stats.accounted_diff_shares += stats.unaccounted_diff_shares; stats.accounted_rejects += stats.unaccounted_rejects; decay_time(&stats.sps1, stats.unaccounted_shares, 15, 60); decay_time(&stats.sps5, stats.unaccounted_shares, 15, 300); decay_time(&stats.sps15, stats.unaccounted_shares, 15, 900); decay_time(&stats.sps60, stats.unaccounted_shares, 15, 3600); decay_time(&stats.dsps1, stats.unaccounted_diff_shares, 15, 60); decay_time(&stats.dsps5, stats.unaccounted_diff_shares, 15, 300); decay_time(&stats.dsps15, stats.unaccounted_diff_shares, 15, 900); decay_time(&stats.dsps60, stats.unaccounted_diff_shares, 15, 3600); decay_time(&stats.dsps360, stats.unaccounted_diff_shares, 15, 21600); decay_time(&stats.dsps1440, stats.unaccounted_diff_shares, 15, 86400); stats.unaccounted_shares = stats.unaccounted_diff_shares = stats.unaccounted_rejects = 0; mutex_unlock(&stats_lock); } } return NULL; } int stratifier(proc_instance_t *pi) { pthread_t pth_blockupdate, pth_statsupdate; ckpool_t *ckp = pi->ckp; char *buf; int ret; /* Store this for use elsewhere */ hex2bin(scriptsig_header_bin, scriptsig_header, 41); address_to_pubkeytxn(pubkeytxnbin, ckp->btcaddress); __bin2hex(pubkeytxn, pubkeytxnbin, 25); /* Set the initial id to time as high bits so as to not send the same * id on restarts */ blockchange_id = workbase_id = ((int64_t)time(NULL)) << 32; /* Wait for the generator to have something for us */ do { if (!ping_main(ckp)) { ret = 1; goto out; } buf = send_recv_proc(ckp->generator, "ping"); } while (!buf); dealloc(buf); cklock_init(&instance_lock); ssends = create_ckmsgq(ckp, "ssender", &ssend_process); srecvs = create_ckmsgq(ckp, "sreceiver", &srecv_process); sshareq = create_ckmsgq(ckp, "sprocessor", &sshare_process); sauthq = create_ckmsgq(ckp, "authoriser", &sauth_process); ckdbq = create_ckmsgq(ckp, "ckdbqueue", &ckdbq_process); cklock_init(&workbase_lock); if (!ckp->proxy) create_pthread(&pth_blockupdate, blockupdate, ckp); mutex_init(&stats_lock); create_pthread(&pth_statsupdate, statsupdate, ckp); cklock_init(&share_lock); ret = stratum_loop(ckp, pi); out: return process_exit(ckp, pi, ret); }