646 lines
20 KiB
646 lines
20 KiB
<?php |
# |
global $site_title; |
global $page_title; |
global $page_scripts; |
# |
$site_title = 'CKPool'; |
$page_title = $site_title; |
$page_scripts = ''; |
# |
global $dont_trm; |
$dont_trm = false; |
# |
// work out the page from ?k=page |
function getPage() |
{ |
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$names = explode('k=', trim($uri)); |
if (count($names) < 2) |
return ''; |
$vals = explode('&', trim($names[1])); |
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return ''; |
return trim($vals[0]); |
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# |
function addScript($script) |
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global $page_scripts; |
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"; |
addScript($g); |
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# |
function makeLink($page, $rest = '') |
{ |
if ($page != '') |
$page = '?k='.$page; |
$href = "<a href='index.php$page'"; |
if ($rest != '') |
$href .= " $rest"; |
$href .= '>'; |
return $href; |
} |
# |
function makeForm($page) |
{ |
$form = '<form action=index.php method=POST>'; |
if (strlen($page) > 0) |
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return $form; |
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# |
function dotrm($html, $dontdoit) |
{ |
if ($dontdoit === true) |
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else |
return preg_replace('/ *\n */', '', $html); |
} |
# |
function trm($html) |
{ |
global $dont_trm; |
return dotrm($html, $dont_trm); |
} |
# |
function trm_force($html) |
{ |
return dotrm($html, false); |
} |
# |
function pghead($script_marker, $name) |
{ |
global $page_title; |
$iCrap = strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],'iP'); |
$head = "<!DOCTYPE html>\n"; |
$head .= "<html><head><title>$page_title$name</title>"; |
$head .= "<meta content='text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' http-equiv='Content-Type'>"; |
$head .= "<meta content='IE=edge' http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible'>"; |
$head .= "<meta content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1' name='viewport'>"; |
$head .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\n"; |
$head .= "function jst(){document.getElementById('jst').style.visibility='hidden';}\n"; |
$head .= "window.onpaint=jst();\n</script>\n"; |
$head .= "<style type='text/css'> |
input {vertical-align: -2px;} |
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div.jst {color:red; font-weight: bold; font-size: 8; text-align: center; vertical-align: top;} |
div.accwarn {color:red; font-weight: bold; font-size: 8; text-align: center; vertical-align: top;} |
div.topd {background-color:#cff; border-color: #cff; border-style: solid; border-width: 9px;} |
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.topwho {color:black; font-weight: bold; margin-right: 8px;} |
.topdat {margin-left: 8px; margin-right: 24px; color:green; font-weight: bold;} |
span.login {float: right; margin-left: 8px; margin-right: 24px;} |
span.hil {color:blue;} |
span.user {color:green;} |
span.addr {color:brown;} |
span.warn {color:orange; font-weight:bold;} |
span.urg {color:red; font-weight:bold;} |
span.err {color:red; font-weight:bold; font-size:120%;} |
span.alert {color:red; font-weight:bold; font-size:250%;} |
input.tiny {width: 0px; height: 0px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; outline: none; border: 0px;} |
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if (!$iCrap) |
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$head .= " |
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$head .= '<meta name="robots" content="noindex">'; |
$head .= $script_marker; // where to put the scripts |
$head .= '</head>'; |
return $head; |
} |
# |
function pgtop($info, $dotop, $user, $douser) |
{ |
global $site_title, $loginfailed; |
$phr = '?THs'; |
$plb = '?'; |
$nlb = '?'; |
$pac = '0'; |
$per = '0'; |
$uhr = '?GHs'; |
$u1hr = ''; |
if ($info !== false) |
{ |
$now = time(); |
if (isset($info['p_hashrate5m'])) |
$phr = $info['p_hashrate5m']; |
// if (isset($info['p_elapsed']) |
// and isset($info['p_hashrate1hr']) |
// and $info['p_elapsed'] > 3600) |
// $phr = $info['p_hashrate1hr']; |
if ($phr == '?') |
$phr = '?THs'; |
else |
$phr = dsprate($phr); |
if (isset($info['lastblock'])) |
{ |
$plb = $info['lastblock']; |
if ($plb != '?') |
{ |
$sec = $now - $plb; |
if ($sec < 60) |
$plb = $sec.'s'; |
else |
{ |
if ($sec < 3600) |
{ |
$min = round($sec / 60); |
$plb = $min.'m'; |
} |
else |
{ |
$min = round($sec / 60); |
$hr = round($min / 60); |
$min -= ($hr * 60); |
$plb = $hr.'h'; |
if ($min > 0) |
$plb .= ' '.$min.'m'; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
if (isset($info['lastblockheight'])) |
$plb .= ' ('.$info['lastblockheight'].')'; |
if (isset($info['lastbc'])) |
{ |
$nlb = $info['lastbc']; |
if ($nlb != '?') |
{ |
$sec = $now - $nlb; |
$min = round($sec / 60); |
$nlb = $min.'m'; |
$s = $sec - $min * 60; |
if ($s > 0) |
$nlb .= " ${s}s"; |
} |
} |
if (isset($info['lastheight'])) |
$nlb .= ' ('.$info['lastheight'].')'; |
if (isset($info['blockacc'])) |
{ |
$acc = $info['blockacc']; |
$pac = number_format($acc, 0); |
if (isset($info['currndiff'])) |
{ |
$cur = $info['currndiff']; |
if ($cur != '?' && $cur > 0.0) |
$pac .= ' ('.number_format(100.0*$acc/$cur, 2).'%)'; |
} |
} |
if (isset($info['blockerr'])) |
{ |
$rej = $info['blockerr']; |
$per = number_format($info['blockerr'], 0); |
if (isset($info['blockacc']) && ($acc+$rej) > 0) |
$per .= ' ('.number_format(100.0*$rej/($acc+$rej), 3).'%)'; |
} |
if (isset($info['u_hashrate5m'])) |
{ |
$uhr = $info['u_hashrate5m']; |
if ($uhr == '?') |
$uhr = '?GHs'; |
else |
$uhr = dsprate($uhr); |
} |
if (isset($info['u_hashrate1hr']) |
and isset($info['u_elapsed']) |
and $info['u_elapsed'] > 3600) |
{ |
$u1hr = $info['u_hashrate1hr']; |
if ($u1hr == '?') |
$u1hr = ''; |
else |
{ |
$u1hr = '/'.dsprate($u1hr); |
// Remove the first XHs if they are the same |
if (substr($u1hr, -3) == substr($uhr, -3)) |
$uhr = substr($uhr, 0, -3); |
} |
} |
} |
$top = "<div class=jst id=jst> Javascript isn't enabled."; |
$top .= " You need to enable javascript to use"; |
$top .= " the $site_title web site.</div>"; |
if ($loginfailed === true) |
$top .= '<div class=accwarn>Login Failed</div>'; |
if (isset($info['u_nopayaddr'])) |
$top .= '<div class=accwarn>Please set a payout address on your account!</div>'; |
if (isset($info['u_noemail'])) |
$top .= '<div class=accwarn>Please set an email address on your account!</div>'; |
$top .= '<div class=topd>'; |
if ($dotop === true) |
{ |
$lh = ''; $ls = ''; $lw = ''; |
if (isset($info['now']) && isset($info['lastsh']) |
&& isset($info['lasthb']) && isset($info['lastwi'])) |
{ |
$lsn = $info['now'] - $info['lastsh']; |
$lhn = $info['now'] - $info['lasthb']; |
$lwn = $info['now'] - $info['lastwi']; |
if ($lsn < 8) |
$lsc = 'green.png'; |
else |
{ |
if ($lsn < 10) |
$lsc = 'orange.png'; |
else |
$lsc = 'red.png'; |
} |
if ($lhn < 5) |
$lhc = 'green.png'; |
else |
{ |
if ($lhn < 10) |
$lhc = 'orange.png'; |
else |
$lhc = 'red.png'; |
} |
if ($lwn < 36) |
$lwc = 'green.png'; |
else |
{ |
if ($lwn < 46) |
$lwc = 'orange.png'; |
else |
$lwc = 'red.png'; |
} |
$img1 = '<img border=0 src=/'; |
$img2 = '>'; |
$ls = $img1.$lsc.$img2; |
$lh = $img1.$lhc.$img2; |
$lw = $img1.$lwc.$img2; |
} |
$top .= '<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 width=100%><tr><td>'; |
$top .= '<table cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 border=0>'; |
$top .= "<tr><td class=topdes>$lh</td></tr>"; |
$top .= "<tr><td class=topdes>$ls</td></tr>"; |
$top .= "<tr><td class=topdes>$lw</td></tr></table>"; |
$top .= '</td><td>'; |
$top .= '<table cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 border=0 width=100%>'; |
$top .= '<tr><td class=topdes>CKPool: </td>'; |
$top .= "<td class=topdat> $phr</td></tr>"; |
$top .= '<tr><td class=topdes>Shares: </td>'; |
$top .= "<td class=topdat> $pac</td></tr>"; |
$top .= '<tr><td class=topdes>Invalid: </td>'; |
$top .= "<td class=topdat> $per</td></tr></table>"; |
$top .= '</td><td>'; |
$top .= '<table cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 border=0 width=100%>'; |
$top .= '<tr><td class=topdes>Last </td>'; |
$top .= '<td class=topdesl>Block</td></tr>'; |
$top .= '<tr><td class=topdes>Pool: </td>'; |
$top .= "<td class=topdat> $plb</td></tr>"; |
$top .= '<tr><td class=topdes>Network: </td>'; |
$top .= "<td class=topdat> $nlb</td></tr></table>"; |
$top .= '</td><td>'; |
$top .= '<table cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 border=0 width=100%>'; |
$top .= '<tr><td class=topdes>Users: </td>'; |
$top .= '<td class=topdat> '.$info['users'].'</td></tr>'; |
$top .= '<tr><td class=topdes>Workers: </td>'; |
$top .= '<td class=topdat> '.$info['workers'].'</td></tr></table>'; |
$top .= '</td><td>'; |
if ($douser === true) |
{ |
$top .= '<span class=login>'; |
list($who, $whoid) = validate(); |
if ($who == false) |
{ |
$top .= makeForm('')." |
<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0><tr><td> |
<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0><tr> |
<td>User:</td><td><input type=text name=User size=10 value=''></td> |
</tr><tr> |
<td>Pass:</td><td><input type=password name=Pass size=10 value=''></td> |
</tr></table></td><td> |
<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0><tr> |
<td> <input type=submit name=Login value=Login></td></tr><tr> |
<td> <input type=submit name=Register value='Register/Reset'></td></tr></table> |
</td></tr></table></form>"; |
} |
else |
{ |
$extra = ''; |
$first = substr($who, 0, 1); |
if (($first == '1' || $first == '3') && strlen($who) > 12) |
{ |
$who = substr($who, 0, 11); |
$extra = '…'; |
} |
$top .= " |
<span class=topwho>".htmlspecialchars($who)."$extra </span><br> |
<span class=topdes>Hash Rate:</span> |
<span class=topdat>$uhr$u1hr</span><br>"; |
$top .= makeForm('')." |
<input type=submit name=Logout value=Logout> |
</form>"; |
} |
$top .= '</span>'; |
} |
$top .= '</td></tr></table>'; |
} |
else |
$top .= ' '; |
$top .= '</div>'; |
return $top; |
} |
# |
function pgmenu($menus) |
{ |
$iCrap = strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],'iP'); |
$ret = "\n<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 width=100% id=n42>"; |
$ret .= '<tr><td width=100%>'; |
$ret .= '<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 width=100%>'; |
$ret .= '<tr>'; |
$side = ''; |
foreach ($menus as $menu => $submenus) |
{ |
if ($menu == 'Admin' && $submenus == null) |
continue; |
if ($menu == 'gap') |
{ |
$side = 'r'; |
continue; |
} |
if ($iCrap) |
{ |
foreach ($submenus as $submenu => $item) |
$ret .= "<td class=nav>".makeLink($item)."$submenu</a></td>"; |
} |
else |
{ |
$ret .= "<td class=navbox$side><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>"; |
$first = true; |
foreach ($submenus as $submenu => $item) |
{ |
if ($first == true) |
{ |
$first = false; |
if ($submenu == $menu) |
{ |
$ret .= "<tr><td class=nav>".makeLink($item)."$menu</a>"; |
$ret .= '<div class=sub><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 width=100%>'; |
continue; |
} |
$ret .= "<tr><td class=nav><a>$menu</a>"; |
$ret .= '<div class=sub><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 width=100%>'; |
} |
$ret .= "<tr><td class=ts>".makeLink($item,'class=as')."$submenu</a></td></tr>"; |
} |
if ($first == false) |
$ret .= '</table></div></td></tr></table>'; |
$ret .= '</td>'; |
} |
} |
$ret .= "</tr></table></td></tr></table>\n"; |
return $ret; |
} |
# |
function pgbody($info, $page, $menu, $dotop, $user, $douser) |
{ |
$body = '<body onload="jst()"'; |
if ($page == 'index') |
$body .= ' background=/BTC20.png'; |
$body .= '><div class=page>'; |
$body .= '<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=100%>'; |
$body .= '<tr><td><center>'; |
$body .= '<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=94%>'; |
$body .= '<tr><td>'; |
$body .= pgtop($info, $dotop, $user, $douser); |
$body .= '</td></tr>'; |
$body .= '<tr><td>'; |
$body .= pgmenu($menu); |
$body .= '</td></tr>'; |
$body .= '<tr><td><div align=center>'; |
return $body; |
} |
# |
function pgfoot($info) |
{ |
$foot = '</div></td></tr>'; |
$foot .= '</table>'; |
$foot .= '</center></td></tr>'; |
$foot .= '</table>'; |
$foot .= '<div class=push></div></div>'; |
$foot .= '<div class=foot><br>'; |
if (is_array($info) && isset($info['sync'])) |
{ |
$sync = $info['sync']; |
if ($sync > 5000) |
$syc = 'hi'; |
else |
$syc = 'lo'; |
$syncd = number_format($sync); |
$foot .= "<span class=ft$syc>sync: $syncd</span> "; |
} |
$foot .= 'Copyright © Kano 2014'; |
$now = date('Y'); |
if ($now != '2014') |
$foot .= "-$now"; |
$foot .= ' <span class=ft>Z/s</span></div>'; |
$foot .= "</body></html>\n"; |
return $foot; |
} |
# |
function gopage($info, $data, $pagefun, $page, $menu, $name, $user, $ispage = true, $dotop = true, $douser = true) |
{ |
global $dbg, $stt; |
global $page_scripts; |
$dbg_marker = '[@dbg@]'; |
$script_marker = '[@scripts@]'; |
if ($dbg === true) |
$pg = $dbg_marker.'<br>'; |
else |
$pg = ''; |
if ($info === NULL) |
$info = homeInfo($user); |
if ($ispage == true) |
{ |
$both = array('info' => $info, 'data' => $data); |
$pg .= $pagefun($both, $user); |
} |
else |
$pg .= $pagefun; |
// if (isset($_SESSION['logkey'])) |
// unset($_SESSION['logkey']); |
$head = pghead($script_marker, $name); |
$body = pgbody($info, $page, $menu, $dotop, $user, $douser); |
$foot = pgfoot($info); |
if ($dbg === true) |
$pg = str_replace($dbg_marker, cvtdbg(), $pg); |
if ($page_scripts != '') |
$page_scripts .= "</script>"; |
$head = str_replace($script_marker, $page_scripts, $head); |
$all = $head; |
$all .= trm_force($body); |
$all .= trm($pg); |
if (isset($_SERVER["REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT"])) |
$elapsed = microtime(true) - $_SERVER["REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT"]; |
else |
$elapsed = microtime(true) - $stt; |
$foot = trm_force(str_replace('Z/', number_format($elapsed, 4), $foot)); |
usleep(100000); |
echo $all.$foot; |
exit(0); |
} |