255 lines
5.2 KiB
255 lines
5.2 KiB
<?php |
# |
function pctcolour($pct) |
{ |
if ($pct == 100) |
{ |
$fg = 'white'; |
$bg = 'black'; |
} |
if ($pct < 100) |
{ |
$grn = (2.0 - log10($pct)) * 255; |
if ($grn < 0) |
$grn = 0; |
if ($grn > 255) |
$grn = 255; |
if ($grn > 190) |
$fg = 'blue'; |
else |
$fg = 'white'; |
$bg = sprintf("#00%02x00", $grn); |
} |
if ($pct > 100) |
{ |
$red = (log10(pow($pct,4.0)) - 8.0) / 3.0 * 255; |
if ($red < 0) |
$red = 0; |
if ($red > 255) |
$red = 255; |
$fg = 'white'; |
$bg = sprintf("#%02x0000", $red); |
} |
return array($fg, $bg); |
} |
# |
function doblocks($data, $user) |
{ |
$blink = '<a href=https://blockchain.info/block-height/'; |
$pg = ''; |
if ($user === null) |
$ans = getBlocks('Anon'); |
else |
$ans = getBlocks($user); |
if (nuem(getparam('csv', true))) |
$wantcsv = false; |
else |
$wantcsv = true; |
if ($wantcsv === false) |
{ |
if ($ans['STATUS'] == 'ok') |
{ |
$count = $ans['rows']; |
if ($count == 1) |
{ |
$num = ''; |
$s = ''; |
} |
else |
{ |
$num = " $count"; |
$s = 's'; |
} |
$pg = "<h1>Last$num Block$s</h1>"; |
} |
else |
$pg = '<h1>Blocks</h1>'; |
list($fg, $bg) = pctcolour(25.0); |
$pg .= "<span style='background:$bg; color:$fg;'>"; |
$pg .= " Green </span> "; |
$pg .= 'is good luck. Lower Diff% and bright green is best luck.<br>'; |
list($fg, $bg) = pctcolour(100.0); |
$pg .= "<span style='background:$bg; color:$fg;'>"; |
$pg .= " 100% </span> "; |
$pg .= 'is expected average. '; |
list($fg, $bg) = pctcolour(400.0); |
$pg .= "<span style='background:$bg; color:$fg;'>"; |
$pg .= " Red </span> "; |
$pg .= 'is bad luck. Higher Diff% and bright red is worse luck.<br><br>'; |
$pg .= "<table callpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>\n"; |
$pg .= "<tr class=title>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>#</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dl>Height</td>"; |
if ($user !== null) |
$pg .= "<td class=dl>Who</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>Reward</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dc>When</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>Status</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>Diff</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>Diff%</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>CDF</td>"; |
$pg .= "</tr>\n"; |
} |
$blktot = 0; |
$nettot = 0; |
$i = 0; |
$orph = false; |
$csv = "Sequence,Height,Status,Timestamp,DiffAcc,NetDiff,Hash\n"; |
if ($ans['STATUS'] == 'ok') |
{ |
$tot = $ans['tot']; |
$count = $ans['rows']; |
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) |
{ |
if (($i % 2) == 0) |
$row = 'even'; |
else |
$row = 'odd'; |
$hi = $ans['height:'.$i]; |
$hifld = "$blink$hi>$hi</a>"; |
$ex = ''; |
$stat = $ans['status:'.$i]; |
if ($stat == 'Orphan') |
{ |
$ex = 's'; |
$orph = true; |
$seq = ''; |
} |
else |
$seq = $tot--; |
if ($stat == '1-Confirm') |
{ |
if (isset($data['info']['lastheight'])) |
{ |
$conf = 1 + $data['info']['lastheight'] - $hi; |
$stat = '+'.$conf.' Confirms'; |
} |
else |
$stat = 'Conf'; |
} |
$stara = ''; |
$starp = ''; |
if (isset($ans['status:'.($i+1)])) |
if ($ans['status:'.($i+1)] == 'Orphan' |
&& $stat != 'Orphan') |
{ |
$stara = '<span class=st1>*</span>'; |
$starp = '<span class=st0>*</span>'; |
} |
$diffacc = $ans['diffacc:'.$i]; |
$acc = number_format($diffacc, 0); |
$netdiff = $ans['netdiff:'.$i]; |
if ($netdiff > 0) |
{ |
$pct = 100.0 * $diffacc / $netdiff; |
list($fg, $bg) = pctcolour($pct); |
$bpct = "<font color=$fg>$starp".number_format($pct, 2).'%</font>'; |
$bg = " bgcolor=$bg"; |
$blktot += $diffacc; |
if ($stat != 'Orphan') |
$nettot += $netdiff; |
$cdfv = 1 - exp(-1 * $diffacc / $netdiff); |
$cdf = number_format($cdfv, 2); |
} |
else |
{ |
$bg = ''; |
$bpct = '?'; |
$cdf = '?'; |
} |
if ($wantcsv === false) |
{ |
$pg .= "<tr class=$row>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr$ex>$seq</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dl$ex>$hifld</td>"; |
if ($user !== null) |
$pg .= "<td class=dl$ex>".htmlspecialchars($ans['workername:'.$i]).'</td>'; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr$ex>".btcfmt($ans['reward:'.$i]).'</td>'; |
$pg .= "<td class=dl$ex>".gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s+00', $ans['firstcreatedate:'.$i]).'</td>'; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr$ex>".$stat.'</td>'; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>$stara$acc</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr$bg>$bpct</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>$cdf</td>"; |
$pg .= "</tr>\n"; |
} |
else |
{ |
$csv .= "$seq,"; |
$csv .= "$hi,"; |
$csv .= "\"$stat\","; |
$csv .= $ans['firstcreatedate:'.$i].','; |
$csv .= "$diffacc,"; |
$csv .= "$netdiff,"; |
$csv .= $ans['blockhash:'.$i]."\n"; |
} |
} |
} |
if ($wantcsv === true) |
{ |
echo $csv; |
exit(0); |
} |
if ($nettot > 0) |
{ |
if (($i % 2) == 0) |
$row = 'even'; |
else |
$row = 'odd'; |
$pct = 100.0 * $blktot / $nettot; |
list($fg, $bg) = pctcolour($pct); |
$bpct = "<font color=$fg>".number_format($pct, 2).'%</font>'; |
$bg = " bgcolor=$bg"; |
$pg .= "<tr class=$row>"; |
$pg .= '<td colspan=2 class=dr>Total:</td>'; |
$pg .= '<td class=dl colspan='; |
if ($user === null) |
$pg .= '4'; |
else |
$pg .= '5'; |
$pg .= '></td>'; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr$bg>".$bpct.'</td>'; |
$pg .= "<td></td></tr>\n"; |
if ($orph === true) |
{ |
$pg .= '<tr><td colspan='; |
if ($user === null) |
$pg .= '7'; |
else |
$pg .= '8'; |
$pg .= ' class=dc><font size=-1><span class=st1>*</span>'; |
$pg .= '% total is adjusted to include orphans correctly'; |
$pg .= '</font></td></tr>'; |
} |
} |
$pg .= "</table>\n"; |
return $pg; |
} |
# |
function show_blocks($info, $page, $menu, $name, $user) |
{ |
gopage($info, NULL, 'doblocks', $page, $menu, $name, $user); |
} |
# |