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function doblocks($data, $user)
$blink = '<a href=';
$pg = '<h1>Blocks</h1>';
$ans = getBlocks($user);
$pg .= "<table callpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>\n";
$pg .= "<tr class=title>";
$pg .= "<td class=dl>Height</td>";
$pg .= "<td class=dl>Who</td>";
$pg .= "<td class=dr>Reward</td>";
$pg .= "<td class=dc>When</td>";
$pg .= "<td class=dr>Status</td>";
$pg .= "</tr>\n";
if ($ans['STATUS'] == 'ok')
$count = $ans['rows'];
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
if (($i % 2) == 0)
$row = 'even';
$row = 'odd';
$ex = '';
$stat = $ans['status'.$i];
if ($stat == 'Orphan')
$ex = 's';
if ($stat == '1-Confirm')
$stat = 'Conf';
$hi = $ans['height'.$i];
$hifld = "$blink$hi>$hi</a>";
$pg .= "<tr class=$row>";
$pg .= "<td class=dl$ex>$hifld</td>";
$pg .= "<td class=dl$ex>".$ans['workername'.$i].'</td>';
$pg .= "<td class=dr$ex>".btcfmt($ans['reward'.$i]).'</td>';
$pg .= "<td class=dl$ex>".gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s+00', $ans['firstcreatedate'.$i]).'</td>';
$pg .= "<td class=dr$ex>".$stat.'</td>';
$pg .= "</tr>\n";
$pg .= "</table>\n";
return $pg;
function show_blocks($menu, $name, $user)
gopage(NULL, 'doblocks', $menu, $name, $user);