As this is based on the [master release](, which does some API changes, actual themes would need to do changes to work correctly.
This will build and install **web-greeter** with [cx_freeze][cx_freeze]. Either `sudo make install_old`, which will use the old zippy way to install **web-greeter**; it's strongly recommended to not use the last one, as it depends on the actual python interpreter and its libraries. Update python or delete a library, and **web-greeter** won't work.
[Antergos][Antergos] documentation is no longer available, although it is accesible through [Web Archive][WebArchive]. Actual documentation is available in [gh-pages][gh-pages].
You can access the man-pages `man web-greeter` for some documentation and explanation. Also, you can explore the provided [themes](./themes) for real use cases.
To control the brightness inside the greeter, I recommend to use [acpilight][acpilight] replacement for `xbacklight`.
udev rules are needed to be applied before using it. Then, lightdm will need to be allowed to change backlight values, to do so add lightdm user to **video** group: `sudo usermod -a -G video lightdm`
You can run the greeter from within your desktop session if you add the following line to the desktop file for your session located in `/usr/share/xsessions/`: `X-LightDM-Allow-Greeter=true`.
Themes can be opened with a debug console if you set `debug_mode` as `true` inside `/etc/lightdm/web-greeter.yml`. Or, you could run the `web-greeter` with the parameter `--debug`. I recommend to use the last one, as it is easier and handy.