This is the default theme included with [lightdm-webkit2-greeter]( If you are using the Webkit2 greeter, you already have this theme.
### Screenshots
### Prerequisites
* lightdm-webkit2-greeter
### Installation
This theme is included with `lightdm-webkit2-greeter` which is installed by default for Antergos users. Non-Antergos users should see [lightdm-webkit2-greeter]( for installation details.
### User Icons Management
To change users icons:
* Create a resource named with the user's login in `/var/lib/AccountsService/icons/`
* Edit `/var/lib/AccountsService/users/<userLogin>` and add a property `Icon` targeting the icon resource you just created.
The greeter exposes a JavaScript API to themes which they must use to interact with the greeter (in order to facilitate the user login process). For more details, check out the [API Documentation](