This is the default theme included with [lightdm-webkit2-greeter]( If you are using the Webkit2 greeter, you already have this theme. The theme can also be used with the legacy Webkit1 greeter.
Antergos users have this theme installed by default. It can be reinstalled using pacman if needed. Arch users can install [lightdm-webkit2-greeter]( from the AUR.
To use this theme with the legacy Webkit1 greeter:
2. Unzip it. This should create a folder named like `Antergos-lightdm-webkit-theme-antergos-28c4b13`.
3. Rename this folder to `antergos` and copy move it to the themes directory (so that the complete path becomes `/usr/share/lightdm-webkit/themes/antergos`)
4. Edit `/etc/lightdm/lightdm-webkit2-greeter.conf` and set the `webkit-theme` property to `antergos`:
Optionally you can install the included font `Lato`.
Now if you restart your computer (or at least if you restart lightdm), the antergos greeter theme should be activated.
### User Icons Management
To change users icons:
* Create a resource named with the user's login in `/var/lib/AccountsService/icons/`
* Edit `/var/lib/AccountsService/users/<userLogin>` and add a property `Icon` targeting the icon resource you just created.