@ -1,89 +1,257 @@ |
#!/bin/make -f
PREFIX ?= /usr
DO := ./build/utils.sh
SET_CONFIG := $(DO) set-config
PREFIX ?= /usr
define colorecho |
BUILD_DIR := $(abspath build)
@tput setaf 118 || true
REPO_DIR := $(abspath ./)
@echo $1 || true
INSTALL_ROOT := $(abspath build/install_root)
@tput sgr0 || true
INSTALL_PREFIX :=$(abspath $(shell echo ${INSTALL_ROOT}/${PREFIX}))
endef |
DESTDIR_PREFIX :=$(abspath $(shell echo ${DESTDIR}/${PREFIX}))
ifeq (${ENABLE_BASH_COMPLETION}, true) |
ifeq ($(DESTDIR),/) |
ifeq ($(shell pkg-config --exists bash-completion && echo 0), 0)
MAYBE_SUDO_DO := sudo $(DO)
bashcompletiondir := $(shell pkg-config --variable=completionsdir bash-completion)
endif |
endif |
ifeq (${ENABLE_ZSH_COMPLETION}, true) |
ifeq ($(shell which zsh 2>/dev/null 1>&2 && echo 0), 0)
zshcompletiondir := /usr/share/zsh/site-functions/
endif |
# Configuration: Use values from command line if provided, default values otherwise.
ifdef bashcompletiondir |
at_spi_service ?= False
bashcompletiondir_local := ${INSTALL_ROOT}/${bashcompletiondir}
background_images_dir ?= $(abspath $(PREFIX)/share/backgrounds)
$(info Bash completion to install at: ${bashcompletiondir})
config_dir ?= $(abspath /etc/lightdm)
else |
debug_mode := False
$(info No Bash completion)
decorated := False
endif |
greeters_dir ?= $(abspath $(PREFIX)/share/xgreeters)
ifdef zshcompletiondir |
locale_dir ?= $(abspath $(PREFIX)/share/locale)
zshcompletiondir_local := ${INSTALL_ROOT}/${zshcompletiondir}
themes_dir ?= $(abspath $(PREFIX)/share/web-greeter/themes)
$(info ZSH completion to install at: ${zshcompletiondir})
logo_image ?= $(themes_dir)/default/img/antergos-logo-user.png
else |
stays_on_top := True
$(info No ZSH completion)
user_image ?= $(themes_dir)/default/img/antergos.png
battery_enabled := False
backlight_enabled := False
ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),build_dev) |
debug_mode := True
decorated := True
stays_on_top := False
endif |
endif |
all: build |
all: build |
_apply_config: |
# Virtual Environment
@$(SET_CONFIG) at_spi_service $(at_spi_service)
venv/bin/activate: requirements.txt |
@$(SET_CONFIG) background_images_dir $(background_images_dir)
python3 -m venv venv
@$(SET_CONFIG) config_dir $(config_dir)
./venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
@$(SET_CONFIG) debug_mode $(debug_mode)
@$(SET_CONFIG) decorated $(decorated)
@$(SET_CONFIG) greeters_dir $(greeters_dir)
@$(SET_CONFIG) locale_dir $(locale_dir)
@$(SET_CONFIG) themes_dir $(themes_dir)
@$(SET_CONFIG) logo_image $(logo_image)
@$(SET_CONFIG) stays_on_top $(stays_on_top)
@$(SET_CONFIG) user_image $(user_image)
@$(SET_CONFIG) battery_enabled $(battery_enabled)
@$(SET_CONFIG) backlight_enabled $(backlight_enabled)
_build_init: clean |
$(DO) build-init
build: _build_init _apply_config |
$(DO) build $(PREFIX)
$(DO) prepare-install $(PREFIX)
build_freeze: _build_init _apply_config |
$(DO) build_freeze $(PREFIX)
$(DO) prepare-install $(PREFIX)
build_dev: build |
$(call colorecho, Built for dev)
clean: |
# Dist and web-greeter directories
$(DO) clean
build/dist := ${BUILD_DIR}/dist |
build/web-greeter := ${BUILD_DIR}/web-greeter |
$(build/dist): dist/* |
@rm -rf "${BUILD_DIR}/dist"
@rsync -a "${REPO_DIR}/dist" "${BUILD_DIR}"
@cp "${REPO_DIR}/NEWS.md" "${BUILD_DIR}/dist/NEWS.md"
@echo "✔ Dist directory created at ${build/dist}"
$(build/web-greeter): src/* |
@rsync -a "${REPO_DIR}/src/" "${BUILD_DIR}/web-greeter" --exclude "dist" --exclude "__pycache__"
@cp "${REPO_DIR}/README.md" "${BUILD_DIR}/web-greeter/"
@echo "✔ Build directory created at ${build/web-greeter}"
# Resources
bundle.js := ${BUILD_DIR}/web-greeter/resources/js/bundle.js
$(bundle.js): $(build/web-greeter) |
@cd build/web-greeter/resources/js; \
cat ThemeUtils.js bootstrap.js > bundle.js
resources.py := ${BUILD_DIR}/web-greeter/resources.py
$(resources.py): venv/bin/activate $(bundle.js) |
@./venv/bin/pyrcc5 -o ${BUILD_DIR}/web-greeter/resources.py\
@cp ${resources.py} src/
@echo "✔ Resources compiled with pyrcc5"
# Install root, where everything will be copied to
@for d in man/man1 metainfo doc/web-greeter web-greeter \
xgreeters applications; do \
mkdir -p "${INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/$$d"; \
@for d in lightdm xdg/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d; do \
mkdir -p "${INSTALL_ROOT}/etc/$$d"; \
@for d in lib/web-greeter bin; do \
mkdir -p "${INSTALL_PREFIX}/$$d"; \
@echo "✔ Install root created at ${INSTALL_ROOT}"
# ZSH completion install
$(zshcompletiondir_local): $(INSTALL_ROOT) |
@if [ -n "${zshcompletiondir}" ]; then \
mkdir -p "${zshcompletiondir_local}"; \
cp "${BUILD_DIR}/dist/web-greeter-zsh" "${zshcompletiondir_local}/_web-greeter"; \
echo " ZSH completion copied"; \
# Bash completion install
$(bashcompletiondir_local): $(INSTALL_ROOT) |
@if [ -n "${bashcompletiondir}" ]; then \
mkdir -p "${bashcompletiondir_local}"; \
cp "${BUILD_DIR}/dist/web-greeter-bash" "${bashcompletiondir_local}/web-greeter"; \
echo " Bash completion copied"; \
build_completions: $(zshcompletiondir_local) $(bashcompletiondir_local) |
# Theme installation
THEMES_DIR := $(abspath ${DESTDIR_PREFIX}/share/web-greeter/themes)
themes/gruvbox := $(abspath ${THEMES_DIR_LOCAL}/gruvbox) |
themes/dracula := $(abspath ${THEMES_DIR_LOCAL}/dracula) |
themes/simple := $(abspath ${THEMES_DIR_LOCAL}/simple) |
themes/_vendor := $(abspath ${INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/web-greeter/_vendor) |
@mkdir -p "${THEMES_DIR_LOCAL}"
$(themes/gruvbox): $(THEMES_DIR_LOCAL) themes/gruvbox/* |
@cp -r "${REPO_DIR}/themes/gruvbox" "${themes/gruvbox}"
@echo " Gruvbox theme copied"
$(themes/dracula): $(THEMES_DIR_LOCAL) themes/dracula/* |
@cp -r "${REPO_DIR}/themes/dracula" "${themes/dracula}"
@echo " Dracula theme copied"
$(themes/simple): $(THEMES_DIR_LOCAL) themes/simple/* |
@cp -r "${REPO_DIR}/themes/simple" "${themes/simple}"
@echo " Simple theme copied"
$(themes/_vendor): $(INSTALL_ROOT) themes/_vendor/* |
@cp -r "${REPO_DIR}/themes/_vendor" "${themes/_vendor}"
@echo " Theme vendors copied"
build_themes: $(themes/gruvbox) $(themes/dracula) $(themes/simple) $(themes/_vendor) |
# Dist files
dist/web-greeter.1 := $(abspath ${DESTDIR_PREFIX}/share/man/man1/web-greeter.1.gz) |
dist/news := $(abspath ${DESTDIR_PREFIX}/share/doc/web-greeter/NEWS.gz) |
dist/metainfo := $(abspath ${DESTDIR_PREFIX}/share/metainfo/web-greeter.appdata.xml) |
dist/xg-desktop := $(abspath ${DESTDIR_PREFIX}/share/xgreeters/web-greeter.desktop) |
dist/app-desktop := $(abspath ${DESTDIR_PREFIX}/share/applications/web-greeter.desktop) |
dist_local/web-greeter.1 := $(abspath ${INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/man/man1/web-greeter.1.gz) |
dist_local/news := $(abspath ${INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/doc/web-greeter/NEWS.gz) |
dist_local/metainfo := $(abspath ${INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/metainfo/web-greeter.appdata.xml) |
dist_local/xg-desktop := $(abspath ${INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/xgreeters/web-greeter.desktop) |
dist_local/app-desktop := $(abspath ${INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/applications/web-greeter.desktop) |
$(dist_local/web-greeter.1): $(build/dist) $(INSTALL_ROOT) ${BUILD_DIR}/dist/web-greeter.1 |
@gzip -c9 "${BUILD_DIR}/dist/web-greeter.1" > \
$(dist_local/news): $(build/dist) $(INSTALL_ROOT) ${BUILD_DIR}/dist/NEWS.md |
@gzip -c9 "${BUILD_DIR}/dist/NEWS.md" > \
$(dist_local/metainfo): $(build/dist) $(INSTALL_ROOT) ${BUILD_DIR}/dist/web-greeter.appdata.xml |
@cp "${BUILD_DIR}/dist/web-greeter.appdata.xml" \
$(dist_local/xg-desktop): $(build/dist) $(INSTALL_ROOT) ${BUILD_DIR}/dist/web-xgreeter.desktop |
@cp "${BUILD_DIR}/dist/web-xgreeter.desktop" \
$(dist_local/app-desktop): $(build/dist) $(INSTALL_ROOT) ${BUILD_DIR}/dist/web-greeter.desktop |
@cp "${BUILD_DIR}/dist/web-greeter.desktop" \
build_dist_files: $(dist_local/web-greeter.1) $(dist_local/news) $(dist_local/metainfo) $(dist_local/xg-desktop) $(dist_local/app-desktop) |
@echo "✔ Dist files copied"
# Config files
config/web-greeter := $(abspath ${DESTDIR}/etc/lightdm/web-greeter.yml) |
config/lightdm-wrapper := $(abspath ${DESTDIR}/etc/xdg/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/90-greeter.wrapper.conf) |
config/Xgreeter := $(abspath ${DESTDIR}/etc/lightdm/Xgreeter) |
config_local/web-greeter := $(abspath ${INSTALL_ROOT}/etc/lightdm/web-greeter.yml) |
config_local/lightdm-wrapper := $(abspath ${INSTALL_ROOT}/etc/xdg/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/90-greeter.wrapper.conf) |
config_local/Xgreeter := $(abspath ${INSTALL_ROOT}/etc/lightdm/Xgreeter) |
$(config_local/web-greeter): $(INSTALL_ROOT) ${BUILD_DIR}/dist/web-greeter.yml |
@cp "${BUILD_DIR}/dist/web-greeter.yml" "${config_local/web-greeter}"
$(config_local/lightdm-wrapper): $(INSTALL_ROOT) ${BUILD_DIR}/dist/90-greeter-wrapper.conf |
@cp "${BUILD_DIR}/dist/90-greeter-wrapper.conf" "${config_local/lightdm-wrapper}"
$(config_local/Xgreeter): $(INSTALL_ROOT) ${BUILD_DIR}/dist/Xgreeter |
@install -Dm755 "${BUILD_DIR}/dist/Xgreeter" "${config_local/Xgreeter}"
build_config: $(config_local/web-greeter) $(config_local/ligtdm-wrapper) $(config_local/Xgreeter) |
@echo "✔ Config copied"
build_install_root: $(INSTALL_ROOT) build_dist_files build_config build_themes build_completions |
# Binaries
bin/web-greeter := $(abspath ${DESTDIR}/bin/web-greeter) |
bin_local/web-greeter := $(abspath ${INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin/web-greeter) |
bin/screensaver.so := ${BUILD_DIR}/web-greeter/bindings/_screensaver.so |
bin/screensaver.c := ${BUILD_DIR}/web-greeter/bindings/screensaver.c |
$(bin/screensaver.so): $(build/web-greeter) |
@gcc ${bin/screensaver.c} -o ${bin/screensaver.so} -shared -lX11 -lxcb
@cp ${bin/screensaver.so} src/bindings/
@echo "✔ Screensaver.so compiled"
$(bin_local/web-greeter): build_install_root $(resources.py) $(bin/screensaver.so) |
@rm -rf "${INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib/web-greeter/*"
@cp -R "${BUILD_DIR}/web-greeter"/* "${INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib/web-greeter"
@echo "#!/usr/bin/env bash\npython3 ${DESTDIR_PREFIX}/lib/web-greeter \$$@" > \
@chmod +x "${bin_local/web-greeter}"
@echo "✔ web-greeter binary copied"
# Useful rules
.PHONY: build |
build: venv/bin/activate $(bin_local/web-greeter) |
@echo "✔ Build succeded"
.PHONY: install |
install: build |
install: build |
[ -e "${DESTDIR}" ] || mkdir -p "${DESTDIR}"
$(call colorecho, SUCCESS!)
cp -R "${INSTALL_ROOT}"/* "${DESTDIR}"
@echo "✔ Install succeded"
# Uninstall everything except themes and web-greeter.yml
uninstall_preserve: |
@rm -f "${dist/web-greeter.1}"
@rm -f "${dist/app-desktop}"
@rm -f "${dist/xg-desktop}"
@rm -f "${dist/metainfo}"
@rm -f "${dist/news}"
@rm -f "${config/lightdm-wrapper}"
@rm -f "${config/Xgreeter}"
@rm -f "${bin/web-greeter}"
@if [ -n "${bashcompletiondir}" ]; then \
rm -f "${bashcompletiondir}/web-greeter"; \
@if [ -n "${zshcompletiondir}" ]; then \
rm -f "${zshcompletiondir}/_web-greeter"; \
install_freeze: build_freeze |
# Uninstall everything
uninstall_all: uninstall_preserve |
$(call colorecho, SUCCESS!)
@rm -rf "${config/web-greeter}"
@rm -rf "${DESTDIR_PREFIX}/web-greeter/"
uninstall: |
.PHONY: uninstall |
uninstall: uninstall_preserve |
@echo " Themes are not uninstalled. Remove them manually or use \`make uninstall_all\`:\
@echo " web-greeter config was not uninstalled. Remove it manually or use \`make uninstall_all\`:\
run: venv/bin/activate $(resources.py) |
python3 src
.PHONY: all _apply_config _build_init build build_dev clean install |
run_debug: venv/bin/activate $(resources.py) |
python3 src --debug
clean: |
rm -rf venv ${INSTALL_ROOT} ${BUILD_DIR}/dist ${BUILD_DIR}/web-greeter