7 changed files with 151 additions and 4251 deletions
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,735 +0,0 @@
/*! |
* bootstrap-select v1.3.5 |
* http://silviomoreto.github.io/bootstrap-select/
* |
* Copyright 2013 bootstrap-select |
* Licensed under the MIT license |
*/ |
!function($) { |
"use strict"; |
$.expr[":"].icontains = function(obj, index, meta) { |
return $(obj).text().toUpperCase().indexOf(meta[3].toUpperCase()) >= 0; |
}; |
var Selectpicker = function(element, options, e) { |
if (e) { |
e.stopPropagation(); |
e.preventDefault(); |
} |
this.$element = $(element); |
this.$newElement = null; |
this.$button = null; |
this.$menu = null; |
//Merge defaults, options and data-attributes to make our options
this.options = $.extend({}, $.fn.selectpicker.defaults, this.$element.data(), typeof options == 'object' && options); |
//If we have no title yet, check the attribute 'title' (this is missed by jq as its not a data-attribute
if (this.options.title == null) { |
this.options.title = this.$element.attr('title'); |
} |
//Expose public methods
this.val = Selectpicker.prototype.val; |
this.render = Selectpicker.prototype.render; |
this.refresh = Selectpicker.prototype.refresh; |
this.setStyle = Selectpicker.prototype.setStyle; |
this.selectAll = Selectpicker.prototype.selectAll; |
this.deselectAll = Selectpicker.prototype.deselectAll; |
this.init(); |
}; |
Selectpicker.prototype = { |
constructor: Selectpicker, |
init: function() { |
this.$element.hide(); |
this.multiple = this.$element.prop('multiple'); |
var id = this.$element.attr('id'); |
this.$newElement = this.createView(); |
this.$element.after(this.$newElement); |
this.$menu = this.$newElement.find('> .dropdown-menu'); |
this.$button = this.$newElement.find('> button'); |
this.$searchbox = this.$newElement.find('input'); |
if (id !== undefined) { |
var that = this; |
this.$button.attr('data-id', id); |
$('label[for="' + id + '"]').click(function(e) { |
e.preventDefault(); |
that.$button.focus(); |
}); |
} |
this.checkDisabled(); |
this.clickListener(); |
this.liveSearchListener(); |
this.render(); |
this.liHeight(); |
this.setStyle(); |
this.setWidth(); |
if (this.options.container) { |
this.selectPosition(); |
} |
this.$menu.data('this', this); |
this.$newElement.data('this', this); |
}, |
createDropdown: function() { |
//If we are multiple, then add the show-tick class by default
var multiple = this.multiple ? ' show-tick' : ''; |
var header = this.options.header ? '<div class="popover-title"><button type="button" class="close" aria-hidden="true">×</button>' + this.options.header + '</div>' : ''; |
var searchbox = this.options.liveSearch ? '<div class="bootstrap-select-searchbox"><input type="text" class="input-block-level form-control" /></div>' : ''; |
var drop = |
"<div class='btn-group bootstrap-select" + multiple + "'>" + |
"<button type='button' class='btn dropdown-toggle selectpicker' data-toggle='dropdown'>" + |
"<div class='filter-option pull-left'></div> " + |
"<div class='caret'></div>" + |
"</button>" + |
"<div class='dropdown-menu open'>" + |
header + |
searchbox + |
"<ul class='dropdown-menu inner selectpicker' role='menu'>" + |
"</ul>" + |
"</div>" + |
"</div>"; |
return $(drop); |
}, |
createView: function() { |
var $drop = this.createDropdown(); |
var $li = this.createLi(); |
$drop.find('ul').append($li); |
return $drop; |
}, |
reloadLi: function() { |
//Remove all children.
this.destroyLi(); |
//Re build
var $li = this.createLi(); |
this.$menu.find('ul').append( $li ); |
}, |
destroyLi: function() { |
this.$menu.find('li').remove(); |
}, |
createLi: function() { |
var that = this, |
_liA = [], |
_liHtml = ''; |
this.$element.find('option').each(function() { |
var $this = $(this); |
//Get the class and text for the option
var optionClass = $this.attr("class") || ''; |
var inline = $this.attr("style") || ''; |
var text = $this.data('content') ? $this.data('content') : $this.html(); |
var subtext = $this.data('subtext') !== undefined ? '<small class="muted text-muted">' + $this.data('subtext') + '</small>' : ''; |
var icon = $this.data('icon') !== undefined ? '<i class="glyphicon '+$this.data('icon')+'"></i> ' : ''; |
if (icon !== '' && ($this.is(':disabled') || $this.parent().is(':disabled'))) { |
icon = '<span>'+icon+'</span>'; |
} |
if (!$this.data('content')) { |
//Prepend any icon and append any subtext to the main text.
text = icon + '<span class="text">' + text + subtext + '</span>'; |
} |
if (that.options.hideDisabled && ($this.is(':disabled') || $this.parent().is(':disabled'))) { |
_liA.push('<a style="min-height: 0; padding: 0"></a>'); |
} else if ($this.parent().is('optgroup') && $this.data('divider') !== true) { |
if ($this.index() == 0) { |
//Get the opt group label
var label = $this.parent().attr('label'); |
var labelSubtext = $this.parent().data('subtext') !== undefined ? '<small class="muted text-muted">'+$this.parent().data('subtext')+'</small>' : ''; |
var labelIcon = $this.parent().data('icon') ? '<i class="'+$this.parent().data('icon')+'"></i> ' : ''; |
label = labelIcon + '<span class="text">' + label + labelSubtext + '</span>'; |
if ($this[0].index != 0) { |
_liA.push( |
'<div class="div-contain"><div class="divider"></div></div>'+ |
'<dt>'+label+'</dt>'+ |
that.createA(text, "opt " + optionClass, inline ) |
); |
} else { |
_liA.push( |
'<dt>'+label+'</dt>'+ |
that.createA(text, "opt " + optionClass, inline )); |
} |
} else { |
_liA.push(that.createA(text, "opt " + optionClass, inline )); |
} |
} else if ($this.data('divider') === true) { |
_liA.push('<div class="div-contain"><div class="divider"></div></div>'); |
} else if ($(this).data('hidden') === true) { |
_liA.push(''); |
} else { |
_liA.push(that.createA(text, optionClass, inline )); |
} |
}); |
$.each(_liA, function(i, item) { |
_liHtml += "<li rel=" + i + ">" + item + "</li>"; |
}); |
//If we are not multiple, and we dont have a selected item, and we dont have a title, select the first element so something is set in the button
if (!this.multiple && this.$element.find('option:selected').length==0 && !this.options.title) { |
this.$element.find('option').eq(0).prop('selected', true).attr('selected', 'selected'); |
} |
return $(_liHtml); |
}, |
createA: function(text, classes, inline) { |
return '<a tabindex="0" class="'+classes+'" style="'+inline+'">' + |
text + |
'<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok icon-ok check-mark"></i>' + |
'</a>'; |
}, |
render: function() { |
var that = this; |
//Update the LI to match the SELECT
this.$element.find('option').each(function(index) { |
that.setDisabled(index, $(this).is(':disabled') || $(this).parent().is(':disabled') ); |
that.setSelected(index, $(this).is(':selected') ); |
}); |
this.tabIndex(); |
var selectedItems = this.$element.find('option:selected').map(function() { |
var $this = $(this); |
var icon = $this.data('icon') && that.options.showIcon ? '<i class="glyphicon ' + $this.data('icon') + '"></i> ' : ''; |
var subtext; |
if (that.options.showSubtext && $this.attr('data-subtext') && !that.multiple) { |
subtext = ' <small class="muted text-muted">'+$this.data('subtext') +'</small>'; |
} else { |
subtext = ''; |
} |
if ($this.data('content') && that.options.showContent) { |
return $this.data('content'); |
} else if ($this.attr('title') != undefined) { |
return $this.attr('title'); |
} else { |
return icon + $this.html() + subtext; |
} |
}).toArray(); |
//Fixes issue in IE10 occurring when no default option is selected and at least one option is disabled
//Convert all the values into a comma delimited string
var title = !this.multiple ? selectedItems[0] : selectedItems.join(", "); |
//If this is multi select, and the selectText type is count, the show 1 of 2 selected etc..
if (this.multiple && this.options.selectedTextFormat.indexOf('count') > -1) { |
var max = this.options.selectedTextFormat.split(">"); |
var notDisabled = this.options.hideDisabled ? ':not([disabled])' : ''; |
if ( (max.length>1 && selectedItems.length > max[1]) || (max.length==1 && selectedItems.length>=2)) { |
title = this.options.countSelectedText.replace('{0}', selectedItems.length).replace('{1}', this.$element.find('option:not([data-divider="true"]):not([data-hidden="true"])'+notDisabled).length); |
} |
} |
//If we dont have a title, then use the default, or if nothing is set at all, use the not selected text
if (!title) { |
title = this.options.title != undefined ? this.options.title : this.options.noneSelectedText; |
} |
this.$newElement.find('.filter-option').html(title); |
}, |
setStyle: function(style, status) { |
if (this.$element.attr('class')) { |
this.$newElement.addClass(this.$element.attr('class').replace(/selectpicker|mobile-device/gi, '')); |
} |
var buttonClass = style ? style : this.options.style; |
if (status == 'add') { |
this.$button.addClass(buttonClass); |
} else if (status == 'remove') { |
this.$button.removeClass(buttonClass); |
} else { |
this.$button.removeClass(this.options.style); |
this.$button.addClass(buttonClass); |
} |
}, |
liHeight: function() { |
var selectClone = this.$newElement.clone(); |
selectClone.appendTo('body'); |
var $menuClone = selectClone.addClass('open').find('> .dropdown-menu'); |
var liHeight = $menuClone.find('li > a').outerHeight(); |
var headerHeight = this.options.header ? $menuClone.find('.popover-title').outerHeight() : 0; |
var searchHeight = this.options.liveSearch ? $menuClone.find('.bootstrap-select-searchbox').outerHeight() : 0; |
selectClone.remove(); |
this.$newElement.data('liHeight', liHeight).data('headerHeight', headerHeight).data('searchHeight', searchHeight); |
}, |
setSize: function() { |
var that = this, |
menu = this.$menu, |
menuInner = menu.find('.inner'), |
selectHeight = this.$newElement.outerHeight(), |
liHeight = this.$newElement.data('liHeight'), |
headerHeight = this.$newElement.data('headerHeight'), |
searchHeight = this.$newElement.data('searchHeight'), |
divHeight = menu.find('li .divider').outerHeight(true), |
menuPadding = parseInt(menu.css('padding-top')) + |
parseInt(menu.css('padding-bottom')) + |
parseInt(menu.css('border-top-width')) + |
parseInt(menu.css('border-bottom-width')), |
notDisabled = this.options.hideDisabled ? ':not(.disabled)' : '', |
$window = $(window), |
menuExtras = menuPadding + parseInt(menu.css('margin-top')) + parseInt(menu.css('margin-bottom')) + 2, |
menuHeight, |
selectOffsetTop, |
selectOffsetBot, |
posVert = function() { |
selectOffsetTop = that.$newElement.offset().top - $window.scrollTop(); |
selectOffsetBot = $window.height() - selectOffsetTop - selectHeight; |
}; |
posVert(); |
if (this.options.header) menu.css('padding-top', 0); |
if (this.options.size == 'auto') { |
var getSize = function() { |
var minHeight; |
posVert(); |
menuHeight = selectOffsetBot - menuExtras; |
that.$newElement.toggleClass('dropup', (selectOffsetTop > selectOffsetBot) && (menuHeight - menuExtras) < menu.height() && that.options.dropupAuto); |
if (that.$newElement.hasClass('dropup')) { |
menuHeight = selectOffsetTop - menuExtras; |
} |
if ((menu.find('li').length + menu.find('dt').length) > 3) { |
minHeight = liHeight*3 + menuExtras - 2; |
} else { |
minHeight = 0; |
} |
menu.css({'max-height' : menuHeight + 'px', 'overflow' : 'hidden', 'min-height' : minHeight + 'px'}); |
menuInner.css({'max-height' : menuHeight - headerHeight - searchHeight- menuPadding + 'px', 'overflow-y' : 'auto', 'min-height' : minHeight - menuPadding + 'px'}); |
}; |
getSize(); |
$(window).resize(getSize); |
$(window).scroll(getSize); |
} else if (this.options.size && this.options.size != 'auto' && menu.find('li'+notDisabled).length > this.options.size) { |
var optIndex = menu.find("li"+notDisabled+" > *").filter(':not(.div-contain)').slice(0,this.options.size).last().parent().index(); |
var divLength = menu.find("li").slice(0,optIndex + 1).find('.div-contain').length; |
menuHeight = liHeight*this.options.size + divLength*divHeight + menuPadding; |
this.$newElement.toggleClass('dropup', (selectOffsetTop > selectOffsetBot) && menuHeight < menu.height() && this.options.dropupAuto); |
menu.css({'max-height' : menuHeight + headerHeight + searchHeight + 'px', 'overflow' : 'hidden'}); |
menuInner.css({'max-height' : menuHeight - menuPadding + 'px', 'overflow-y' : 'auto'}); |
} |
}, |
setWidth: function() { |
if (this.options.width == 'auto') { |
this.$menu.css('min-width', '0'); |
// Get correct width if element hidden
var selectClone = this.$newElement.clone().appendTo('body'); |
var ulWidth = selectClone.find('> .dropdown-menu').css('width'); |
selectClone.remove(); |
this.$newElement.css('width', ulWidth); |
} else if (this.options.width == 'fit') { |
// Remove inline min-width so width can be changed from 'auto'
this.$menu.css('min-width', ''); |
this.$newElement.css('width', '').addClass('fit-width'); |
} else if (this.options.width) { |
// Remove inline min-width so width can be changed from 'auto'
this.$menu.css('min-width', ''); |
this.$newElement.css('width', this.options.width); |
} else { |
// Remove inline min-width/width so width can be changed
this.$menu.css('min-width', ''); |
this.$newElement.css('width', ''); |
} |
// Remove fit-width class if width is changed programmatically
if (this.$newElement.hasClass('fit-width') && this.options.width !== 'fit') { |
this.$newElement.removeClass('fit-width'); |
} |
}, |
selectPosition: function() { |
var that = this, |
drop = "<div />", |
$drop = $(drop), |
pos, |
actualHeight, |
getPlacement = function($element) { |
$drop.addClass($element.attr('class')).toggleClass('dropup', $element.hasClass('dropup')); |
pos = $element.offset(); |
actualHeight = $element.hasClass('dropup') ? 0 : $element[0].offsetHeight; |
$drop.css({'top' : pos.top + actualHeight, 'left' : pos.left, 'width' : $element[0].offsetWidth, 'position' : 'absolute'}); |
}; |
this.$newElement.on('click', function() { |
getPlacement($(this)); |
$drop.appendTo(that.options.container); |
$drop.toggleClass('open', !$(this).hasClass('open')); |
$drop.append(that.$menu); |
}); |
$(window).resize(function() { |
getPlacement(that.$newElement); |
}); |
$(window).on('scroll', function() { |
getPlacement(that.$newElement); |
}); |
$('html').on('click', function(e) { |
if ($(e.target).closest(that.$newElement).length < 1) { |
$drop.removeClass('open'); |
} |
}); |
}, |
mobile: function() { |
this.$element.addClass('mobile-device').appendTo(this.$newElement); |
if (this.options.container) this.$menu.hide(); |
}, |
refresh: function() { |
this.reloadLi(); |
this.render(); |
this.setWidth(); |
this.setStyle(); |
this.checkDisabled(); |
this.liHeight(); |
}, |
update: function() { |
this.reloadLi(); |
this.setWidth(); |
this.setStyle(); |
this.checkDisabled(); |
this.liHeight(); |
}, |
setSelected: function(index, selected) { |
this.$menu.find('li').eq(index).toggleClass('selected', selected); |
}, |
setDisabled: function(index, disabled) { |
if (disabled) { |
this.$menu.find('li').eq(index).addClass('disabled').find('a').attr('href','#').attr('tabindex',-1); |
} else { |
this.$menu.find('li').eq(index).removeClass('disabled').find('a').removeAttr('href').attr('tabindex',0); |
} |
}, |
isDisabled: function() { |
return this.$element.is(':disabled'); |
}, |
checkDisabled: function() { |
var that = this; |
if (this.isDisabled()) { |
this.$button.addClass('disabled').attr('tabindex', -1); |
} else { |
if (this.$button.hasClass('disabled')) { |
this.$button.removeClass('disabled'); |
} |
if (this.$button.attr('tabindex') == -1) { |
if (!this.$element.data('tabindex')) this.$button.removeAttr('tabindex'); |
} |
} |
this.$button.click(function() { |
return !that.isDisabled(); |
}); |
}, |
tabIndex: function() { |
if (this.$element.is('[tabindex]')) { |
this.$element.data('tabindex', this.$element.attr("tabindex")); |
this.$button.attr('tabindex', this.$element.data('tabindex')); |
} |
}, |
clickListener: function() { |
var that = this; |
$('body').on('touchstart.dropdown', '.dropdown-menu', function(e) { |
e.stopPropagation(); |
}); |
this.$newElement.on('click', function() { |
that.setSize(); |
}); |
this.$menu.on('click', 'li a', function(e) { |
var clickedIndex = $(this).parent().index(), |
prevValue = that.$element.val(); |
//Dont close on multi choice menu
if (that.multiple) { |
e.stopPropagation(); |
} |
e.preventDefault(); |
//Dont run if we have been disabled
if (!that.isDisabled() && !$(this).parent().hasClass('disabled')) { |
var $options = that.$element.find('option'); |
var $option = $options.eq(clickedIndex); |
//Deselect all others if not multi select box
if (!that.multiple) { |
$options.prop('selected', false); |
$option.prop('selected', true); |
} |
//Else toggle the one we have chosen if we are multi select.
else { |
var state = $option.prop('selected'); |
$option.prop('selected', !state); |
} |
that.$button.focus(); |
// Trigger select 'change'
if (prevValue != that.$element.val()) { |
that.$element.change(); |
} |
} |
}); |
this.$menu.on('click', 'li.disabled a, li dt, li .div-contain, h3.popover-title', function(e) { |
if (e.target == this) { |
e.preventDefault(); |
e.stopPropagation(); |
that.$button.focus(); |
} |
}); |
this.$searchbox.on('click', function(e) { |
e.stopPropagation(); |
}); |
this.$element.change(function() { |
that.render(); |
}); |
}, |
liveSearchListener: function() { |
var that = this; |
this.$newElement.on('click.dropdown.data-api', function(){ |
if(that.options.liveSearch) { |
setTimeout(function() { |
that.$searchbox.focus(); |
}, 10); |
} |
}); |
this.$searchbox.on('keyup', function(e) { |
if(e.keyCode == 40) { |
// Down-arrow should go to the first visible item.
that.$menu.find('li:not(.divider):visible a').first().focus(); |
} |
else if(e.keyCode == 38) { |
// Up-arrow should go to the last visible item.
that.$menu.find('li:not(.divider):visible a').last().focus(); |
} |
else if (that.$searchbox.val()) { |
that.$menu.find('li').show().not(':icontains(' + that.$searchbox.val() + ')').hide(); |
} else { |
that.$menu.find('li').show(); |
} |
}).on('keydown', function(e) { |
if(e.keyCode == 13) { |
// Prevent return from submitting any form here (needs to be in keydown instead of keyup).
// Closes the dropdown and focuses it.
that.$button.click().focus(); |
e.preventDefault(); |
return false; |
} |
}); |
}, |
val: function(value) { |
if (value != undefined) { |
this.$element.val( value ); |
this.$element.change(); |
return this.$element; |
} else { |
return this.$element.val(); |
} |
}, |
selectAll: function() { |
this.$element.find('option').prop('selected', true).attr('selected', 'selected'); |
this.render(); |
}, |
deselectAll: function() { |
this.$element.find('option').prop('selected', false).removeAttr('selected'); |
this.render(); |
}, |
keydown: function(e) { |
var that = $(this).parent().data('this'); |
// If the dropdown is closed, open it and move focus to the search box, if there is one.
if(that.$searchbox && that.$searchbox.is(':not(:visible)') && e.keyCode >= 48 && e.keyCode <= 90) { |
$(':focus').click(); |
that.$searchbox.focus(); |
} |
}, |
keyup: function(e) { |
var $this, |
$items, |
$parent, |
that; |
$this = $(this); |
$parent = $this.parent(); |
that = $parent.data('this'); |
if (that.options.container) $parent = that.$menu; |
$items = $('[role=menu] li:not(.divider):visible a', $parent); |
if (!$items.length) return; |
if (/(38|40)/.test(e.keyCode) && that.$searchbox) { |
// Since we bind on keyup, the focus will have already changed here. Keep track of the last focused item and the current,
// and if they match (and are at the top or bottom of the list), move the focus to the searchbox.
var index = $items.index($(':focus')); |
var last = $this.data('lastIndex'); |
$this.data('lastIndex', index); |
if(index == last) { |
if(index == 0 || index == $items.length - 1) that.$searchbox.focus(); |
} |
} |
else { |
var keyCodeMap = { |
48:"0", 49:"1", 50:"2", 51:"3", 52:"4", 53:"5", 54:"6", 55:"7", 56:"8", 57:"9", 59:";", |
65:"a", 66:"b", 67:"c", 68:"d", 69:"e", 70:"f", 71:"g", 72:"h", 73:"i", 74:"j", 75:"k", 76:"l", |
77:"m", 78:"n", 79:"o", 80:"p", 81:"q", 82:"r", 83:"s", 84:"t", 85:"u", 86:"v", 87:"w", 88:"x", 89:"y", 90:"z", |
96:"0", 97:"1", 98:"2", 99:"3", 100:"4", 101:"5", 102:"6", 103:"7", 104:"8", 105:"9" |
}; |
var keyIndex = []; |
$items.each(function() { |
if ($(this).parent().is(':not(.disabled)')) { |
if ($.trim($(this).text().toLowerCase()).substring(0,1) == keyCodeMap[e.keyCode]) { |
keyIndex.push($(this).parent().index()); |
} |
} |
}); |
var count = $(document).data('keycount'); |
count++; |
$(document).data('keycount',count); |
var prevKey = $.trim($(':focus').text().toLowerCase()).substring(0,1); |
if (prevKey != keyCodeMap[e.keyCode]) { |
count = 1; |
$(document).data('keycount',count); |
} else if (count >= keyIndex.length) { |
$(document).data('keycount',0); |
} |
$items.eq(keyIndex[count - 1]).focus(); |
} |
// Select focused option if "Enter", "Spacebar", "Tab" are pressed inside the menu.
if (/(13|32|9)/.test(e.keyCode) && $this.is('[role=menu]')) { |
e.preventDefault(); |
$(':focus').click(); |
$(document).data('keycount',0); |
} |
}, |
hide: function() { |
this.$newElement.hide(); |
}, |
show: function() { |
this.$newElement.show(); |
}, |
destroy: function() { |
this.$newElement.remove(); |
this.$element.remove(); |
} |
}; |
$.fn.selectpicker = function(option, event) { |
//get the args of the outer function..
var args = arguments; |
var value; |
var chain = this.each(function() { |
if ($(this).is('select')) { |
var $this = $(this), |
data = $this.data('selectpicker'), |
options = typeof option == 'object' && option; |
if (!data) { |
$this.data('selectpicker', (data = new Selectpicker(this, options, event))); |
} else if (options) { |
for(var i in options) { |
data.options[i] = options[i]; |
} |
} |
if (typeof option == 'string') { |
//Copy the value of option, as once we shift the arguments
//it also shifts the value of option.
var property = option; |
if (data[property] instanceof Function) { |
[].shift.apply(args); |
value = data[property].apply(data, args); |
} else { |
value = data.options[property]; |
} |
} |
} |
}); |
if (value != undefined) { |
return value; |
} else { |
return chain; |
} |
}; |
$.fn.selectpicker.defaults = { |
style: 'btn-default', |
size: 'auto', |
title: null, |
selectedTextFormat : 'values', |
noneSelectedText : 'Nothing selected', |
countSelectedText: '{0} of {1} selected', |
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