# branding:
#     background_images_dir: Path to directory that contains background images for use by themes.
#     logo_image:            Path to logo image for use by greeter themes.
#     user_image:            Default user image/avatar. This is used by themes when user has no .face image.
# NOTE: Paths must be accessible to the lightdm system user account (so they cannot be anywhere in /home)
    background_images_dir: '@background_images_dir@'
    logo_image: '@logo_image@'
    user_image: '@user_image@'

# greeter:
#     debug_mode:          Enable debug mode for the greeter as well as greeter themes.
#     detect_theme_errors: Provide an option to load a fallback theme when theme errors are detected.
#     screensaver_timeout: Blank the screen after this many seconds of inactivity.
#     secure_mode:         Don't allow themes to make remote http requests.
#     theme:               Greeter theme to use.
#     time_format:         A moment.js format string so the greeter can generate localized time for display.
#     time_language:       Language to use when displaying the time or "auto" to use the system's language.
# NOTE: See moment.js documentation for format string options: http://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format
    debug_mode: '@debug_mode@'
    detect_theme_errors: True
    screensaver_timeout: 300
    secure_mode: True
    theme: default
    time_format: LT
    time_language: auto