/* * ThemeUtils.js * * Copyright © 2017 Antergos Developers * * This file is part of Web Greeter. * * Web Greeter is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Web Greeter is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * The following additional terms are in effect as per Section 7 of the license: * * The preservation of all legal notices and author attributions in * the material or in the Appropriate Legal Notices displayed * by works containing it is required. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with web-greeter; If not, see . */ let localized_invalid_date = null, time_language = null, time_format = null, _ThemeUtils = null; /** * Provides various utility methods for use in greeter themes. The greeter will automatically * create an instance of this class when it starts. The instance can be accessed * with the global variable: [`theme_utils`](#dl-window-theme_utils). * * @memberOf LightDM */ class ThemeUtils { constructor( instance ) { if ( null !== _ThemeUtils ) { return _ThemeUtils; } moment.locale( window.navigator.languages ); localized_invalid_date = moment('today', '!@#'); _ThemeUtils = instance; } /** * Binds `this` to class, `context`, for all of the class's methods. * * @arg {object} context An ES6 class instance with at least one method. * * @return {object} `context` with `this` bound to it for all of its methods. */ bind_this( context ) { let excluded_methods = ['constructor']; function not_excluded( _method, _context ) { let is_excluded = excluded_methods.findIndex( excluded_method => _method === excluded_method ) > -1, is_method = 'function' === typeof _context[_method]; return is_method && !is_excluded; } for ( let obj = context; obj; obj = Object.getPrototypeOf( obj ) ) { // Stop once we have traveled all the way up the inheritance chain if ( 'Object' === obj.constructor.name ) { break; } for ( let method of Object.getOwnPropertyNames( obj ) ) { if ( not_excluded( method, context ) ) { context[method] = context[method].bind( context ); } } } return context; } /** * Returns the contents of directory found at `path` provided that the (normalized) `path` * meets at least one of the following conditions: * * Is located within the greeter themes' root directory. * * Has been explicitly allowed in the greeter's config file. * * Is located within the greeter's shared data directory (`/var/lib/lightdm-data`). * * Is located in `/tmp`. * * @param {string} path The abs path to desired directory. * @param {boolean} only_images Include only images in the results. Default `true`. * @param {function(string[])} callback Callback function to be called with the result. */ dirlist( path, only_images = true, callback ) { if ( '' === path || 'string' !== typeof path ) { console.error('[ERROR] theme_utils.dirlist(): path must be a non-empty string!'); return callback([]); } else if ( null !== path.match(/^[^/].+/) ) { console.error('[ERROR] theme_utils.dirlist(): path must be absolute!'); return callback([]); } if ( null !== path.match(/\/\.+(?=\/)/) ) { // No special directory names allowed (eg ../../) path = path.replace(/\/\.+(?=\/)/g, '' ); } try { return _ThemeUtils.dirlist( path, only_images, callback ); } catch( err ) { console.error( `[ERROR] theme_utils.dirlist(): ${err}` ); return callback([]); } } /** * Get the current time in a localized format. Time format and language are auto-detected * by default, but can be set manually in the greeter config file. * * `language` defaults to the system's language, but can be set manually in the config file. * * When `time_format` config file option has a valid value, time will be formatted * according to that value. * * When `time_format` does not have a valid value, the time format will be `LT` * which is `1:00 PM` or `13:00` depending on the system's locale. * * @return {string} The current localized time. */ get_current_localized_time() { if ( null === time_language ) { let config = greeter_config.greeter, manual_language = ( '' !== config.time_language && 'auto' !== config.time_language ), manual_time_format = ( '' !== config.time_format && 'auto' !== config.time_format ); time_language = manual_language ? config.time_language : window.navigator.language; time_format = manual_time_format ? config.time_format : 'LT'; if ( manual_language ) { moment.locale( time_language ); } } let local_time = moment().format( time_format ); if ( local_time === localized_invalid_date ) { local_time = moment().format( 'LT' ); } return local_time; } }